

Andrea Ostrov Letania

Chris Farmer

Thomas Sowell

Tarig Anter

Biblical Gender Roles

Alan Ned Sabrosky

Prof. James Petras


Lasha Darkmoon

Dr Lasha Darkmoon (b.1978) is an anglo-American ex-academic with higher degrees in Classics whose political articles have been translated into several languages. Most of these can be found at The Occidental Observer and The TruthSeeker, but others on a variety of different topics—such as philosophy, religion, art and poetry—will be found here. This website,, which is named after Lasha Darkmoon but is owned and edited entirely by her cousin John Scott Montecristo, is now within the top 1 percent of websites in the world according to the Alexa ranking system.

Because of her radical political ideas in regard to 9-11 and the role played by organized Jewry in international affairs—ideas that would alienate her friends and family and make them ostracize her—Lasha Darkmoon is forced to conceal her true identity at the present time under a pen name.

The need for the strictest anonymity makes it impossible for Lasha Darkmoon to reveal her home address or telephone number to anyone; nor to accept the numerous invitations she has received to appear on people’s radio programs, to give talks and interviews, or to enter into audiovisual communication with anyone. She remains a strictly reclusive and private person whose only contact with strangers, for the foreseeable future, must be through the written word.

Indian mysticism remains Lasha Darkmoon’s chief influence. Though echoes of her favorite poets—Blake, Keats, Baudelaire, Yeats, and TS Eliot—may sometimes be heard in her verse, Darkmoon’s work is marked above all by a lush exoticism and otherworldliness.

Christians for Truth

Michelle Elizabeth

Jonas E. Alexis

Lori Alexander

Bruno Goncalves Rosi

Clifton A. Emahiser

Jon Rappoport

United Church of God

William James Martin

Andrea Crisis

William Fischer

Megan Bailey


Mike Walsh

Jim Goad

TR News

Juan Cole

uan Cole is the Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan and the proprietor of the Informed Comment e-zine. He has written extensively on modern Islamic movements in Egypt, the Persian Gulf and South Asia and has given numerous media interviews on the war on terrorism and the Iraq War. He lived in various parts of the Muslim world for nearly 10 years and continues to travel widely there. He speaks Arabic, Farsi and Urdu.

His most recent book is "The New Arabs: How the Millennial Generation is Changing the Middle East" (2014) and his books “Engaging the Muslim World” and “Napoleon’s Egypt: Invading the Middle East” were published in 2009 and 2007.

Cole was the recipient of the Hudson Research Professorship in 2003, the Award for Research in Turkey in 1999, and the Fulbright-Hays Islamic Civilization Postdoctoral Award in 1985-86. In November 2004, he was elected president of the Middle East Studies Association of North America and in 2006 was the recipient of Hunter College’s James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism. At the University of Michigan, Cole served as director for the Center for South Asian studies from 2009-2012, and served as director for the Center for Middle Eastern and North African studies from 2012-2013.

Cole holds a B.A. in history and literature of religions from Northwestern University and a master’s degree in Arabic studies/history from American University in Cairo. In 1984 he completed his Ph.D. in Islamic studies at the University of California, Los Angeles.

Henry Makow


Victor Wolzek

Raymond Ibrahim

Jordan B Peterson

Realist Report

Guy Milliere

Andrew Torba

Dr. Joseph Mercola

John Whitehead

Dennis Prager

Julio M. Shiling

Dr. Mohammad Omar Farooq

Chuck Baldwin

Pastor Sheldon Emry

Nora Barrows-Friedman

Gerald Burton Winrod

The Pen

Zog Blog

The Keyboard Warrior

Holy War

Global Research

Andy Warner

Tom DeWeese

Archpriest Sergei Rybakov


Alastair McIntosh

The Australian Social Crediter



James Corbett

Jurgen Graf

Peter Hammond

Nick Meyer

Gordon Clark



External Source

Nicholas Lyssson

Bert Gary

Willie Martin


Holocaust Deprogramming Course

Signs of the Last Days

Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Sun Tzu

Mark Weber

Stop the Noahide Laws

Marone Family Wellness

Martyn Iles

Stephen Lendman

Martin Luther King

Joe Cortina


Wes Penre

Dr. Sal Martingano

“Dr. Martingano tells an awesome story that integrates life as it was, life as it is, and life how it should be – with amazing, real life experiences to back it up. Wow, I can’t say enough!”

Mark Roehrig

Mike Konrad

Ben Davis

Jewell Drury Advocate For Justice

J. Warner Wallace

Anti-Christ Conspiracy

Brandon Christensen

Greta Aurora

James Fell

John Cornelius

Rakesh Krishnan Simha

Tyler Durden

Larken Rose

Alison Weir

Adeyinka Makinde


Mark Anderson

Paul Craig Roberts

Bill Blais

Ankit Pandey

Mangapul Darmidi

Peter Koenig

David Michael Francis Brown

Candice Owens

Professor Tony Martin

Rudolf Hansel

Robert Longley

Joshua Hehe

Michael Snyder

Dee McLachlan


John Elder

Tim Mann

Eustace Mullins

Mark Sexton

Michael Foster

Sean Collins

Sever Plocker

Giulio Meotti

Daniel Michaels

Bart Ehrman

Hannah Strommen

Archpriest Dimitri Smirnov

Matt Taibbi

Brother Nathanael

Mark R. Elsis

Miriam Grossman

Benjamin H. Freedman

William J. Federer

Jonathan Tuttle

Tony Thomas

Robert Stacy McCain

Virginia Prodan

Arthur Lillie

Pearl Davis

Robert Malone

Mathieu Bock-Cote

Paul Elam

Peter Myers

Margaret Thatcher

Lorraine Day M.D.

Steven Stosny

Fr James Mawdsley

Steve QJ