
Enslaving White Women

Source:Enslaving White Women: The Phenomenon of the Alien ‘Loverboy’ in Holland – The Occidental Observer

Enslaving White Women: The Phenomenon of the Alien ‘Loverboy’ in Holland – The Occidental Observer

Enslaving White Women: The Phenomenon of the Alien ‘Loverboy’ in Holland

November 27, 2011/87 Comments/in Costs of MulticulturalismFeatured ArticlesWhite Victimization/by Peter Stuyvesant

One of the darkest chapters of multiculturalism in Holland is the enslavement of White women by immigrant men, mainly Muslims (see also “Pakistani family networks prey on White girls in the UK“). The current antiracist discourse makes White parents and their daughters blind to the dangers of foreign men. Since the 1990s the luring of Dutch women into prostitution by young foreign males has been documented and is worthwhile for a wider audience than the Dutch-speaking countries.

Immigration, women and group behavior

In the prevailing Islamic culture among the majority of Dutch immigrants (Turks, Moroccans), a woman should be a virgin until marriage and it is customary to marry with the consent of the parents and within the same ethnic group. Islamic immigrants have a very high rate of marriage within the same ethnic group despite the fact that the third generation has grown up in Holland. In 2001 between 90% (Turks) and 95% (Moroccans) marry within the own ethnic group. In 2007 (gelijke herkomst = common descent) and 2010 (allochtoon = foreign) the figures are not much different. When we look at those figures it should also be taken into account that word ‘autochthonous’ only says something about crib and not about creed. 

Mass immigration means not only the settling of new individuals and foreign families, but ultimately leads to alien communities with their own lifestyle and values. In many cases those values don’t match and cause misunderstanding and even hostility. One very sensitive issue is the position of women. Dutch women with their individual freedom of sexual intercourse and partner choice are seen as morally low from an Islamic point of view, because they are more likely to hang out and have relationships with different men. Dutch women are seen as easy prey and lust objects due to their more unrevealing and sexually taunting ways of dressing.

It is very interesting to see that on the one hand Islamic men tend to go to places where Dutch women are most revealing and vulnerable (discos and swimming pools) and harass them (usually in groups), while they create a safe environment for their own women by demanding separate swimming hours for Islamic women in public pools. This kind of evolutionary group behavior to shield off their own women from Dutch man by veiling them and demanding separate leisure facilities, while at the same time extensively preying on Dutch women for the sake of sexual intercourse, has not been noted in mainstream scientific publications.

Loverboys and ethnic minorities

What’s also noticeable is that Islamic men tend to seek sexual intercourse with Dutch women, but at the same time they don’t seek a more durable relationship or children with these women. In Islamic culture marriage is deeply enmeshed in kinship relationships and not uncommonly is consanguineous (i.e., marriage with close relatives, typically first cousins). This pattern typifies the kinship-based eusociality characteristic of the Middle East (including traditional Jewish groups) and is the diametric opposite of Western marriage practices centered around individualist choice of marriage partner unenmeshed in extended kinship relationships (see “Altruism’s bloody roots“).  Around 25% of Morrocans and Turks marry a close relative.

The sexual exploitation of Dutch women brings me to the phenomenon of the “loverboy”. In Dutch culture the English term ‘loverboy’ means the wooing of a woman by a man with the intention to force the woman into prostitution. In many cases the man uses a mix of mental pressure (he loves her, but needs money) and violence to make her prostitute herself.

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