By Dr. Sal Martingano, FICPA
This blog is not an Anti-Vaccine commentary. I wish to encourage readers to carefully read the documentation, do their due diligence, and NOT blindly accept what we are being told.
Would you be surprised or concerned to learn that the 1918 “Spanish Flu” had nothing to do with Spain and might not have been a flu at all? Well, hang on tight, you are in for a rough ride!
What History Tells Us About The 1918 “Spanish Flu”

History tells us that the 1918 Spanish Flu killed between 50 – 100 million people. At the time, medical and pharmaceutical sources described it as THE MOST horrific disease process since the Black Plague of 1347, which killed an estimated 25-30 million people.
Vaccination: “The Elephant in the Room”

In the book, Vaccination Condemned, by Eleanor McBean, PhD, N.D., the author describes, in detail, personal and family experiences during the 1918 “Spanish Flu” pandemic.
McBean’s coverage of the 1918 “Spanish Flu”, as a reporter and an unvaccinated survivor, requires that the historical basis of the event needs to be revisited, not as a “conspiracy theory” but with evidence that will “set your hair on fire”.
A few years ago, I came across another book by Eleanor McBean: “Vaccination…The Silent Killer”. McBean provides evidence that not only were the historical events of the 1918 “Spanish Flu” compromised, but also those of the Polio and Swine Flu epidemics.
Let’s Talk “Spanish Flu” Facts:
The Spanish Scapegoat

Spain was neutral during WW1 and did NOT censor its press, unlike the combatting countries. As a result, Spain was the first to report the 1918 Flu epidemic and the world “scapegoated” Spain as the source. Thus, the “Spanish Flu” is born.
The First Case: Military Vaccination Experiments in Fort Riley, Kansas

In preparation for WW1, a massive military vaccination experiment involving numerous prior developed vaccines took place in Fort Riley, Kansas- where the first “Spanish Flu” case was reported.
WW1 Draft = Human Test Subjects

The fledgling pharmaceutical industry, sponsored by the ‘Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research’, had something they never had before – a large supply of human test subjects. Supplied by the U.S. military’s first draft, the test pool of subjects ballooned to over 6 million men.
CLICK HERE for more details.
Bacterial Meningitis Vaccine: The Killing Field

Autopsies after the war proved that the 1918 flu was NOT a “FLU” at all. It was caused by random dosages of an experimental ‘bacterial meningitis vaccine’, which to this day, mimics flu-like symptoms. The massive, multiple assaults with additional vaccines on the unprepared immune systems of soldiers and civilians created a “killing field”. Those that were not vaccinated were not affected.
So… How did Civilians Die?

- WW1 ended sooner than expected, leaving HUGE quantities of unused experimental vaccines.
- Fearing that soldiers coming home would spread diseases to their families, The U.S. government pushed the largest vaccine ‘fear’ campaign in history. They used the human population as a research and development lab to field test experimental vaccines.
- Tens of millions of civilians died in the same manner as did the soldiers.
- Instead of stopping the vaccines, doctors intensified them, calling it the great “Spanish Flu of 1918”. As a result, ONLY THE VACCINATED DIED.
“Seven men dropped dead in a doctor’s office after being vaccinated. Letters were sent to their families that they had been killed in action.”
Eleanor McBean
Minnesota Wellness Directory
WW1 U.S. soldiers were given 14 – 25 untested, experimental vaccines within days of each other, which triggered intensified cases of ALL the diseases at once. The doctors called it a new disease and proceeded to suppress the symptoms with additional drugs or vaccines.
Deception and Secrecy Have a Long History

In the examples given in my previous blog “COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy”, history is replete with intentional lies told to the public to either “save face” or to deceive for nefarious purposes. The 1918 “Spanish Flu” was no exception.
Back to COVID-19: The Ferguson Models are False and Misleading

British scientist and Professor Neil Ferguson of The Imperial College, London (the same Imperial College of London funded by the Bill Gates Foundation) was responsible for developing the mathematical pandemic computer models for the COVID-19 pandemic.
The world followed Ferguson’s advice, yet all his models have been proven to be grossly over stated and misleading.
For example, Ferguson modeled that Sweden would experience 100,000 deaths by June, 2020. To date, Sweden peaked at 2,854 deaths total.
*These mathematical computer models are the basis for vaccine production…..hmmmm!
The Media Silences Non-Conformist Viewpoints

The media, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and other “privately” owned communications outlets have become the self-proclaimed “guardians” (censors) of information.
On April 26, 2020, Twitter suspended the account of a publicly traded biotech company for sharing information about a non-medicinal UV light therapy for COVID-19. YouTube also removed a video demonstrating how the technology works.
“(YouTube) will ban videos that contradict W.H.O. guidance on the pandemic or share fake or unproven Coronavirus remedies.”
Susan Wojcicki
CEO – YouTube
NewsGuard recently classified as fake news for reporting that the COVID virus potentially leaked from the biosafety level 4 laboratory in Wuhan City, China.
The Pharmaceutical Industry Owns and Controls the Medical Profession

“Fact Checking” is often provided by paid writers from the pharmaceutical companies and not from verified, independent sources.
“The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.”
Arnold Relman
Former Editor of the New England Journal of Medicine
Infectious Disease Levels were Dropping BEFORE Vaccines Entered the Picture

Vaccine promoters claim that vaccines wiped out most infectious diseases. History tells us a different story. The beginning of the 20th century introduced improved sanitation (sewers), water treatment plants, and vastly improved nutrition.
The sample graphs above show that infectious diseases like Measles, Whooping Cough, Diphtheria, Typhoid Fever and Polio, were all at their lowest levels and dropping, BEFORE the vaccines were introduced.
The 1918 “Spanish Flu” held sinister secrets for 100 years. Based on my previous blog: “COVID 19: Another Chapter in the History of Deception and Secrecy”, will we learn that the world-changing protocols from COVID-19 may also contain hidden secrets?
May 31, 2020
It doesn’t matter how much you attempt to dress it up as otherwise, it is an anti-vaccination blog. All of the supposed evidence you present is from antivax sources. It’s a shame you didn’t – in your own words – carefully read the documentation, do your due diligence, and not blindly accept what you are being told.
Sal Martingano
June 1, 2020
Paul… Let’s be honest, anything that questions the status quo or mainstream acceptance on vaccinations is considered anti-vaccination. I have dozens of INDEPENDENT sources that have nothing to do with the anti-vax movement but only a limited space to for content. If you have information that proves I’m being mislead (other than traditional internet hearsay), PLEASE send it to me. I’ve said many times, my intent is to educate not alienate, so you can help me out with ACCURATE information. I appreciate your response
Steve Linder
June 8, 2020
The pharma industry makes billions on vaccines and don’t have to meet the same stars as typical drugs must meet. The movement to require vaccines by everyone, even those with medical issues that make taking those vaccines very harmful, is totally driven by greed and money. Only 3% have ever claimed religious or medical exemptions, in the interest of freedom, leave them alone.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020
Steve, There were once 4 vaccine exemptions available to the public…today there is only one left, the Religious Exemption. There is the medical exemption that is always available but NEVER USED because the medical system will not all risking is “cash cow” income from Big Pharma. Slowly we have given up our “freedom” to choose vaccines or not without even a fight. My usual retort to MDs or people hell bent on everyone being vaccinated is: “Excuse me…are you fully vaccinated? Answer: ABSOLUTELY! Great…then if you are fully protected as you say you are, what danger can I pose to you or your family if I choose not to be vaccinated?”
Kat Negrete
July 11, 2020
In California, both the religious exemption and medical exemption Have been taken away. We have nothing left here. It’s so sad.
Sal Martingano
July 12, 2020 at 12:05 pm
Kate…. It matters not that our Bill of Rights and Constitutional amendments gives us the right to freedom of choice. The only condition that those rights can be altered is during MARTIAL LAW, which can overrides the first 5 Amendments of the Constitution and personal “freedoms” under very specific circumstances. Martial law also implies MANDATES that can require vaccines. I’ve found the one safeguard that uphold religious exemptions is “Congregation of Universal Wisdom” (CONTACT THEM). Has nothing to do with what religion you are, it is about UNIVERSAL RELIGIOUS FREEDOM. IT has been tested in all 50 states….however California has become a “rogue country” lately so who knows. My advice is to NEVER GIVE UP your freedom….once gone it rarely returns.
June 16, 2020
In regards to your section on the flu of 1918 being caused by meningitis vaccine; your linked article does not support this claim whatsoever. The article discusses that cause of death may have been bacterial pneumonia. It is still common practice to this day to treat viral pneumonias with antibiotics as the risk for secondary bacterial pneumonias is high. Can you please show me exactly where in the linked article you found your information that deaths were caused by a meningitis vaccine? Or was that an assumption?
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020
Susie, I agree with your analysis but keep in mind what occurred back then was unprecedented. We can only report what happened by written documentation like this article…….… where it states that Bacteria was the real killer in the 1918 pandemic. However, my comments are based on “Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic”. There was a reference to Dr Fauci in the article he said; “We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic,” BTW: Dr. Fauci’s actual statement in context was SCRUBBED from the web….hmmmm!
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020
Susie, I agree with your analysis but keep in mind what occurred back then was unprecedented. We can only report what happened by written documentation like this article…….… where it states that Bacteria was the real killer in the 1918 pandemic. However, my comments are based on “Medical and scientific experts now agree that bacteria, not influenza viruses, were the greatest cause of death during the 1918 flu pandemic”. There was a reference to Dr Fauci in the article he said; “We agree completely that bacterial pneumonia played a major role in the mortality of the 1918 pandemic,” BTW: Dr. Fauci’s actual statement in context was SCRUBBED from the web….hmmmm!
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020
K, Thank you….Critical thinking is becoming obsolete under pressure from those willing to sell their souls for a few pieces of silver
Sal Martingano
June 1, 2020
Paul…I received this from another reader.. “My Grandfather was a World War 1 veteran who refused vaccination. He confirmed this story to me”. Granted, this is not first hand information but it does bring a little PERSONAL insight to the blog content.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:19 am
Christalynn, Thanks for the kind words. I have written numerous blog that are posted on my FB authors page and my website Some are more interesting than others depending on your interest level but all should be shared
s nagar
June 8, 2020
Personal insight is not science it’s anecdote which is used to promote many ridiculous claim’s. The scientific method has given the world the amazing technology we have today. Vaccines are tested for years to ensure they are safe. Sites like this promote dangerous advice with no actual evidence just confirmation bias and unverified sources. This kind of nonsense is responsible for the deaths of many children and the re-emergence of diseases that should have been eradicated. You make me sick
June 24, 2020
Thank you for your common sense. This article has so many anti-vax tropes that the introduction as ‘not antivax’ is bullcrap.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020
S. Nagar, I appreciate your concern and conviction. Scientific method method means (among many other things) testing the ‘vaccine’ (in this case) against a (TRUE) placebo, during 3 separate and reproducible trials…first with animals then with human subjects. If you care to look deeper than what is assumed by statements made by the pharmaceutical company that is looking for the patent, they NEVER…NEVER use a TRUE placebo (sugar water or some inert substance). They compare their “TESTING” vaccine against a similar vaccine that has proven to be ineffective or not related to the disease process at all, as the PLACEBO. REMARKABLY the testing vaccine proves at least as effective or statistically more effective that the older vaccine. However, very often the testing vaccine is found to be no more effective that a non vaccine at all like sugar water. This of course would not look good and is never reported. Does this sound like SCIENTIFIC METHOD TO YOU? I can go on but I don’t want to bore you with facts. FYI….I’m not anti-vaccine. In my previous and upcoming blogs, that deal with vaccines, you will find charts demonstrating that the ALL vaccines were introduced on the decline of the disease curve….usually at the lower 1/4 of the curve. Therefore statistics “post vaccine” show a steady decline in the disease BUT what you don’t see is that the same linear curve downward existed before the vaccine. If I make you sick, I’m terribly sorry….contrary information that you might not know about sometimes does that to people.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020
S. Nagar, I appreciate your concern and conviction. Scientific method method means (among many other things) testing the ‘vaccine’ (in this case) against a (TRUE) placebo, during 3 separate and reproducible trials…first with animals then with human subjects. If you care to look deeper than what is assumed by statements made by the pharmaceutical company that is looking for the patent, they NEVER…NEVER use a TRUE placebo (sugar water or some inert substance). They compare their “TESTING” vaccine against a similar vaccine that has proven to be ineffective or not related to the disease process at all, as the PLACEBO. REMARKABLY the testing vaccine proves at least as effective or statistically more effective that the older vaccine. However, very often the testing vaccine is found to be no more effective that a non vaccine at all like sugar water. This of course would not look good and is never reported. Does this sound like SCIENTIFIC METHOD TO YOU? I can go on but I don’t want to bore you with facts. FYI….I’m not anti-vaccine. In my previous and upcoming blogs, that deal with vaccines, you will find charts demonstrating that the ALL vaccines were introduced on the decline of the disease curve….usually at the lower 1/4 of the curve. Therefore statistics “post vaccine” show a steady decline in the disease BUT what you don’t see is that the same linear curve downward existed before the vaccine. If I make you sick, I’m terribly sorry….contrary information that you might not know about sometimes does that to people.
June 25, 2020
no, YOU make you sick
Derek A Cope
June 27, 2020
S Nagar, if you were one of the parents of all the dead children in South Africa after taking Bill Gates’s vaccine, would you feel the same way?
Sal Martingano
June 30, 2020
S.Nagar, As a population we rarely hear or know anything about vaccines except what they are for and whatever the vaccine makers allow to be printed. Have you ever researched what was actually in a vaccine, other than the “virus” particle intended to confirm immunity? Here are some ingredients you should be aware of: Ammonium Sulfate (suspected stomach, liver and respiratory system poisen), Beta- Propiolactone (known cancer causing agent of the liver and skin), Genetically modified Yeast, animal, bacterial and viral DNA (can cause genetic mutations), Latex Rubber (I have no idea why!!), Monosodium Glutamate ( allergic neurotoxin), Aluminum (implicated in Alzheimers, Dementia, seizures and allergic reactions), Formaldehyde (embalming fluid), Polysorbate 80 (smermacide), Mercury (found in ALL flu vaccines, one of the most poisonous substances on the planet), Phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) and 7 other agents that have absolutely nothing to do with the intent of the vaccine but are used to keep the vaccines from going rancid during storage. These are the ingredients that can cause deadly reactions in some. Sorry for the lengthy comment but most people will NEVER understand what’s in a vaccine
July 6, 2020
Big Phama have been taken to court and its found they have not been testing vaccines safety for 30 years
Sal Martingano
July 6, 2020
I’ve listed what’s in a typical vaccine, that has absolutely nothing to do with the purpose of the vaccine itself. These ingredients are considered preservatives, like Ethol Mercury, Aluminum, formaldehyde…..or Adjuvants like Phenol/phenoxyethanol (ingredient in antifreeze), glutaraldehyde (causes birth defects) as well as things like Polysorbate 80 (spermicide) and Butyphosphate (poisonous to nerve cells). So my question to those that willing to accept vaccines at face value…………..this is why vaccines are not tested for safety….THEY CAN’T BE !! because vaccines contain toxic substances that react differently in different people. When BIG PHARMA is taken to court, they simply pay the fines and move on…their income from billions of vaccines is staggering. There is not another substance on the market for human consumption that answers to NO ONE.
June 7, 2020
Paul, logically thinking if you were 100% sure that vaccines killed people would you not become an anti-vax yourself?
I am nor anti or pro vaccines but if it was true I sure would be one. Just saying.
It’s the way you look at it I guess.
June 7, 2020
We’re reading this article because of due diligence; he’s done his research which honestly isn’t easy to do when the WHO had to rewrite the text books to fit their future narrative. Take the info or leave it, I just know that the worst flu my family ever had was from the only flu vaccination we ever had. 2 days before Thanksgiving; fortunately the symptoms hit the morning of Thanksgiving so we didn’t pass it on. Telling people to “do their research” is part of the con. The fact that you’re commenting only to debunk with the only generic argument for vaccines (check your sources/research again…) without any contribution supports that. Have you noticed the autism epidemic? Notice that HIV doesn’t cause AIDS? Notice that I’ve seen about 2 dozen “cures found” for aids since AIDS was introduced but was never implemented? It boils down to common sense; the medical “professionals” aren’t thinking for themselves and what they’re learning from the textbooks don’t even make sense and neither does your argument.
June 24, 2020
Saying HIV doesn’t cause AIDS was the biggest political blunder of Thabo Mbekis presidency at a time where his inaction on immediately providing anti-retrovirals and education is estimated to have caused South Africa alone 100s of thousands of extra AIDS deaths
Kris Bickham
June 10, 2020
I appalled at the lack of scientific literacy exhibited in this article. Particularly the reference to Polio. Your goal is not to provide accurate information, it is to gain support from the anti-vaxer community/scientifically unrigorous in support of a perspective that is becoming increasingly profitable.
June 23, 2020
Funny that you talk about “profitable”. How much money do vaccine companies make from vaccines? Not that much, a few billion each year. But how much money do they make from a sick population, drug dependent for life? Trillions. A bit hypocritical don’t you think?
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020
Kris, I know you are responding to Paul but since it was my blog and the information I provided, I would to ask you to provide the information you have that is counter to what I provided. I am more than willing to alter my perspective on the research I have (BTW…not relying on internet searches) if you would be kind enough to produce it. I fully understand and respect your position on vaccines but saying my information is inaccurate and proving it it quite another story. It’s difficult to put 30+ years of experience into a blog using only one or two forms of documentation. You might want to dig a little deeper into the Polio story and find the work of Hillary Koprosky with his Polio vaccine. Thank you and I await your .
June 15, 2020
Do your own research
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020
RT: Exactly…All this information is available if you know where to look. I do not want anyone to accept what I wrote at face value, that’s why I provide DOCUMENTATION not just opinion.
Josef Taghizafeh
June 15, 2020
You prefer naturalt heard immunity? We see the result of natural heard immunity strategi in Sweden know. Higest death i COVID-19 per capita is in Sweden who has heard immunity strategi.
June 24, 2020
Sweden has the 6th highest actually, and included deaths outside hospitals unlike many, and did admit making mistakes in their care homes and didn’t destroy their economy, civil liberties and children’s education! Please make sure you don’t spread disinformation.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 4:15 pm
Josef, Yes it’s true that herd immunity usually takes longer but it is lasting and has a minimal second wave as compared to lockdown, which tends to quarantine the virus but does little to provided needed antibodies. Just remember we have been through MANY of these viral episodes over the past decades with deaths being an unfortunate consequence for some BUT deaths will occur, depending on the virus, with or without lockdown. You can’t hide from a virus, you can only adapt.
June 18, 2020
Paul, you could do worse than to review Tyrone Bollinger’s ‘The Truth About Vaccination’.
June 19, 2020
This term implies vaccines are primary instead of secondary.
In fact, the term anti-Nature should be applied to those that support vaccines, just as anti-Life should be the epitaph of those that support abortion (death) of children.
To pretend that vaccines are somehow natural or of the source of Nature is ludicrous.
Do not let these morons call you by a name like this, anti-vaccine, because to be anti-vaccine is to be pro-science, while to be pro-vaccine is to be completely in a faith-based cult of personality.
There is no science supporting the claim that vaccines cause immunity. None whatsoever.
And Sal, your premise here is verified by my own research, here:
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020
Clint, AMEN…….. there is as much counter vaccine documentation as pro vaccine documentation. What must be understood is that counter information is paid for by “trolls” whose job it is to muddy the truth so that the average person unwilling to do the research, will just give up and accept what they read. My position has always been “THERE MUST BE FREEDOM OF CHOICE”. Any attempt to remove that freedom is to admit an AGENDA.
denise ward
June 21, 2020
In response to “Paul”
Paul just about all the medical literature supports vaccines. And you’re griping because this author doesn’t?
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020
Denise, Don’t misunderstand my words. I don’t disapprove of vaccines; the choice is yours as well as it is mine. I fully realize the medical literature’s support for vaccines but understand that ALL medical schools MUST teach vaccines as the treatment for contagious diseases BECAUSE they are fully sponsored and funded by the pharmaceutical industry. Follow the money trail and you will find that medical schools are PROHIBITED to teach anything about natural ways of obtaining immunity. It doesn’t mean that “Natural Immunity” obtained from exposure doesn’t exist, it’s just not part of medical school protocol.
June 23, 2020
It’s a shame how those who are so pro vaccine pop in with their silly comments and have very little to add other than their “Opinion”. I respect FACTS. Everything else is such a waste of everyone’s time. Thank’s for sharing Sal Martingano.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 7:42 pm
Martha, Facts that are contrary to common beliefs are hard to accept. I take no offense to silly comments because “they” also realize that if directly asked where their documentation comes from….i get no response. However, if they can produce valid information…I’m listening.
June 24, 2020 at 7:24 pm
Try to read
MONUMENTAL MYTHS of the MODERN MEDICAL MAFIA and MAINSTREAM MEDIA and the Multitude of Lying Liars that Manufactured Them
by Ty Bollinger
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 3:14 am
Paul, Not sure what blog you were reading but my blog doesn’t contain ANY ANTI_VAX documentation. Consistent with what you stated, I purposefully provided documentation that was generic and historically accurate. Of course, if your mind is made up that ALL documentation other than your beliefs or what you can provide (of which you have provided nothing) is ANTI VAX, then we have nothing to discuss. I suggest you review your own words and exercise them. Nothing personal Paul, but your statements about my documentation lead me to believe that you really never read them yourself. I await your documentation in good faith
Gregg + Karona
June 25, 2020
Thank you so much for the information you provided for all of us ro read. My wife and I so very much appreciate the amount of work you put into this. We did NOT FIND this information anti vax in the least! We found it based on FACTS, unlike what Paul was accusing you of. God bless you…. PLEASE DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE TO SILENCE YOUR VOICE in ANY way .
Thank you, Gregg + Karona from Vancouver BC Canada
Sal Martingano
July 7, 2020
Thank you. I take no offense from comments like Pauls. My response is always the same. PLEASE send me what you have so I can review and make the appropriate changes. Some people just like hearing themselves talk while some really want answers. We’ll see if Paul responds
Sal Martingano
July 10, 2020 at 8:29 pm
Greg + Karona… I spend a lot of time putting information like this together because most people read the first few sentences and rarely get to the details, which is where the documentation is. My purpose is to educate not alienate. Paul has the right to believe what he wishes and his comments are taken with respect. However I will not answer when it is obvious that my documentation is portrayed incorrectly. My sources are not typical internet finds but are from reliable sources most do not have because they don’t know were to look. I have some interesting blogs in the pipeline…so stay tuned!!
June 25, 2020
Paul, MOST of us appreciate this information. I have been in medicine for 50+ years and this post on vaccines ARE facts. This individual is NOT ANTI anything!. Do yourself a favour and so your own research. You might grow just a wee bit wiser.
Sal Martingano
July 10, 2020
Karon…well stated
July 7, 2020
Do you have anything to counter the evidence Paul or are you just another sheep that pigeon holes debates so you can ignore truth? People like you really make me sick when you counter with rubbish like that. Bring some evidence if your own.
May 31, 2020
So much bullshit, fearmongering & antivax fanfic contained all in one inane antivax post
Sal Martingano
June 1, 2020 at 5:19 pm
Anion…. Always interested in alternative information. The sources I included are not based only on web postings but on actual historical events. However, if you have valuable information that differs from the facts I’ve posted, I am sincerely interested in review it. My intent is to educate not alienate. You might want to tone down your disapproval rhetoric a little….I understand your position but FACTS speak louder than words
Sebastian Babos
June 7, 2020 at 1:38 pm
well said ! Bravo !
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:50 am
Sebastian, Thank you. If you like what your read, you may want to share it with your friends
June 16, 2020 at 10:48 am
Don’t indulge the Trolls Anion, offered nothing but Vitriol. Captured medicine is well proven. JamesCorbett of Corbett report has great detailed research on Rockefeller & Carnegie seizing control of academia & medicine & the creation of the phrase ‘Quackery’.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 9:54 pm
FDH, If you ever get the chance to read the book by G. Edward Griffin, “The Creature from Jekyll Island”, you will learn the real story of the seven most influential men and families (Rockefeller’s included) that met in secret on Jekyll Island to plan out the next 100 years of their influence in controlling the world. TRUE STORY
June 25, 2020 at 1:12 pm
Sal Martingano
July 10, 2020 at 8:46 pm
Tony… Yep…Hydroxi is safe, effective and inexpensive, the antisitis of the basis of BIG PHARMA. It’s about money and control couched in fear tactics not science.
June 16, 2020 at 6:57 pm
Thank you so much for these amaizing Info. I have known about the dangers of vaccines for a very long time as I have always been Interested in health., but I did not know about the spanish flu.
Rockefeller family has always been a big power that has manipulated the world for a long time and I believe they are still doing it and are involved in CV19. They are evils. I hope people start to wake up.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 9:43 pm
Donata, Thanks for the kind words. Yes the Rockefeller family started out in the oil business (Standard Oil) but their wealth brought them influence in many areas of our economy, especially the Pharmaceutical Industry, which they funded almost entirely in the beginning. The modern day Rockefeller family is the Gates Foundation. Money talks and silences the vast majority.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:17 pm
Donata, Thanks for the kind words. Yes the Rockefeller family started out in the oil business (Standard Oil) but their wealth brought them influence in many areas of our economy, especially the Pharmaceutical Industry, which they funded almost entirely in the beginning. The modern day Rockefeller family is the Gates Foundation. Money talks and silences the vast majority.
Sal Martingano
June 1, 2020 at 6:29 pm
Anion… I received this comment from another reader. “My Grandfather was a World War 1 veteran who refused vaccination. He confirmed this story to me”. Granted this is not first hand information but it does tarnish the fearmongering idea.
June 15, 2020 at 2:46 pm
Thanks for this Sal Martingano! The truth offends people but we need to get it out there. I too had blind faith in vaccines until I almost lost my child to them. People who have blind faith in Big Pharma are too scared to even entertain the notion that we are being lied to. Big Pharma wants more sick people. There is no money is curing. Make everyone sick enough to need pharmaceuticals but not sick enough to die. A dead person is a patient no more. Vaccines are a great aid in creating disease.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:24 pm
Elena: Well Stated!
Samar Misra
June 7, 2020 at 10:02 pm
So much BS you all who sense Antivaxxers suddenly jump to conclusions and dismiss as sad. There is clear reason how more and more people are skeptical of vaccines with their horrific side effects which is hardly ever mentioned. Vaccines clearly are loaded with toxic chemicals and always a profit motive by big pharma with their agenda and Bill Gates types. There are many who skip vaccines and are just fine and get crucial nutrients and vitamins naturally and eat well with healthy lifestyle. As common sense the vaccine is no magical cure and with growing suspicion and avoidance of vaccines there is sound reason of flaw of vaccines
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:30 am
Samar, Unfortunately the vaccine voices pushed by Gates and friends are difficult to avoid. All those who want the freedom to choose must FIGHT for it to remain in our constitution. The pro vaccine elites are working on “wording” that essentially would over rides constitutional choice…that is…if “THEY” feel NOT being vaccinated will cause IRREPARABLE HARM to the many during a pandemic, they have the right to force vaccinate. This is not to be taken lightly…all they need to do is convince congress it is in the best interest of the country and it can be done. Now you know why the ANTI VAX crowd is forever present….TO PROTECT YOUR RIGHT OF FREEDOM OF CHOICE, while not hindering the rights of those who wish to vaccinate.
June 8, 2020 at 2:25 pm
such vacant ad hominem
why even bother, A?
you’re just too nice, Sal
so much money involved
so little conscience
so evil
Tony M
June 15, 2020 at 7:27 pm
Are you bill gates PR person?
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 2:57 am
Anton, You are certainly entitled to and I respect your opinions but instead of the useless rhetoric using “canned” words, maybe you can spend a little time educating me and other reading this post, as to what documentation you have, other than your opinion, as to why we are incorrect. Like I stated numerous times…I’M NOT AN ANTI VAXXER, I am a researcher, author and educator that writes to educate not alienate. Please take me up on my invitation so we can have an intelligent conversation.
July 11, 2020 at 11:51 pm
Its more than an antivaxxer article, actually most of it explains the corruption of our government and the medical profession, all true (tuskegee experiments for ex). And every article should be against vaccines, they create diseases and kill people. Theres no need for any of them, humans are born with an immune system, which is far greater than any vaccine.
Sal Martingano
July 12, 2020 at 12:16 pm
Chay…Keep in mind that having the right to CHOOSE means that you have the right to vaccinate if you so choose. THose rights are vehemently upheld by BIG PHARMA, tradition medicine and all that profit from vaccines. There are tons of documentation for and against vaccines…SO…the same right to choose vaccines MUST BE equally upheld for those who decline vaccines……..something that seems to allude the powers to be. You are correct that this blog has nothing to do with Antivaxx but is an educational WAKE-UP call to never give up the FREEDOM to choose.
Anton Jelisejevs
May 31, 2020 at 7:41 am
Thank for a great info about this book and research. We should really get back to studying published works of people who lived through actual events instead of getting info from half-ripped internet posts by uncompetent authorities or sometimes even AI-generated.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 2:45 am
Anton, Thanks for the kind words. The internet is a blessing and a curse when it comes to accurate information and research. Also keep in mind that platforms like google and twitter CAN implement their guidelines as to what they will allow on THEIR platform. The result is utter bias. Well researched books, as you mentioned, are the only real safeguards we have. Not sure if you are reading one of my books or not but as long as you are reading…excellent. My books and numerous blogs can be found at
jacqui butterworth
May 31, 2020 at 2:02 pm
Really dreadful what scientists and governments do to their citizens . BILL GATES SHOULD BE CHARGED WITH THEIR DEATHS.
C vrecko
May 31, 2020 at 8:38 pm
Thank you for confirming what many have suspected. Sad that there are so many sheeple. When you refuse vacinations be prepared to have your name ripped to shreds. My husband and I refused flu shots this year and because of our stand we have not been able to see and hold our newborn great grandchild born in January. Every stand comes at a cost!
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 2:38 am
Christie, It’s very upsetting to hear stories like yours. Not sure how the flu shot affected holding your grandchild, except if it was the stand of the parents or the hospital staff. If other than those mentioned, the only legal way to avoid vaccines, flu or otherwise, is by the religious exemption. If you would like to inquire for future reference, look up the Congregation of Universal Wisdom
Also, keep in mind that PRIVATE institutions have the right to require what they please, except if it violates State or Federal Law.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 3:02 am
Christie, It’s very upsetting to hear stories like yours. Not sure how the flu shot affected holding your grandchild, except if it was the stand of the parents or the hospital staff. If other than those mentioned, the only legal way to avoid vaccines, flu or otherwise, is by the religious exemption. If you would like to inquire for future reference, look up the Congregation of Universal Wisdom Also, keep in mind that PRIVATE institutions have the right to require what they please, except if it violates State or Federal Law.
elizabeth Piper
May 31, 2020 at 11:41 pm
simple bull crap
Sal Martingano
June 1, 2020 at 5:04 pm
Elizabeth… Can you please send me information that you have that proves that I have been mislead? I’ve provided years of personal research experience and historical documentation to back up every word. I certainly respect your opinion but my intent is to educate but to do so I need accurate information. Thanks in advance for your help
Becky McDonald
June 15, 2020 at 8:57 pm
I will never take a vaccine from Bill Gates. His record sucks, he is all about depopulation. I really hope Europe hangs him from the highest tree, after what he had done to children and made women in Africa infertile. Here can Terry it on his own family
james cairns
June 2, 2020 at 10:32 am
This information is indeed very disturbing to say the least. I have always said that if someone discovered a cure for say cancer, the big pharma companies would sit on it and it would never see the light of day! Because they’d be out of business. The whole aim of big pharma is to merely “control” disease NOT eradicate it, where’s the money in that!! Ditto the Covid 19. The big pharma are overjoyed, here’s another opportunity to make big bucks out of government. Lets try every “vaccine” or drug we can, from anti-malarial to ebola, how about thalidomide, we’ve got tons of stuff sitting in a warehouse, we’ll just change the name and re-brand it. Claim we’ve discovered a miracle cure! Don’t laugh this is a real possibility, after all cash is far, far more important than peoples lives!
Sal Martingano
June 2, 2020 at 7:33 pm
James… Unfortunately, you are correct. In my years of research, it’s always the same…A BETTER OR NEW TREATMENT MODEL…. The cure is always the carrot that is never achieved.
Samar Misra
June 7, 2020 at 10:07 pm
James sure is. How sad and unfortunate ‘pharmaceuticals’ are deeply deceptive and 2-faced in huge life matters to always profit at expense of people and have drugs or vaccinations with serious side effects and chemicals. Granted, some drugs may be helpful, but typically not always pretty.
I am so fortunate to not work for a pharmaceutical and I always see them as making world a worse place in a way.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:02 am
Samar, Keep in mind that, for some, drugs can be life saving, for others they can be life ending. My focus in this blog was specifically on mass vaccinations and how similar todays Covid-19 vaccine quest is to the 1918 vaccines. “Gotta have them to save us”…to the exclusion of products that can do the same thing without dangerous effects or costing buckets of money. MONEY TALKS!
June 18, 2020 at 2:23 pm
To add to James’s comment , but in a different slant (“…. I have always said that if someone discovered a cure for say cancer, the big pharma companies would sit on it…”) the automobile industry did the sane thing with the Tucker car, and there are stories of engines with high mpg capabilities, whose inventors were “bought” out by either oil or car companies.
I think this “pandemic”, sadly has affected many who otherwise would not have been. harmed – losses of jobs, businesses, futures, mental health and who knows what else we will discover in the years to come.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 8:50 pm
Phillip, Your words speak for many who wish to remain silent but not attentive. BTW..such was the case of the Wankel Engine, that was a 3 lobed engine that produced incredible mileage and no wear. it was dubbed a “perpetual motion” machine. Chevrolet bought the patent to put into their new 1974 “Chevy Vega”. A prototype was built then immediately BURIED, never to be seen again.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:15 pm
Phillip, Your words speak for many who wish to remain silent but not attentive. BTW..such was the case of the Wankel Engine, that was a 3 lobed engine that produced incredible mileage and no wear. it was dubbed a “perpetual motion” machine. Chevrolet bought the patent to put into their new 1974 “Chevy Vega”. A prototype was built then immediately BURIED, never to be seen again.
graham Hill
June 7, 2020 at 5:05 pm
You may be interested in Lynne Thyer, now rotting in a prison in France, and David Noakes, now again rotting in a prison in England, awaiting deportation to France. The crimes committed, curing cancer, obviously the medical protectionists didn’t call it that but what would you expect.
G.K. Adamson
June 8, 2020 at 4:15 am
James – There will never ever be a cure for any type of cancer because, as you say, where will they get the money? Not only that, but what would they do with all those lab technicians, researchers, buildings etc. etc.? The same goes for any other disease. There is a resurgence of a number of previously eradicated diseases making a come back. Was this with the help of big pharma being greedy? I have not given any of these so-called organizations any money for their “RESEARCH” for many years! I will not aid and abet fraud!
Manuel Trindade
June 8, 2020 at 10:33 am
Dear James Cairns, you touch a really key point, yet after you seem quite confused. Hydroxycloroquine, a known antimalarial medicament is no longer patentable, is cheap, effective and with little side effects. That is why the big pharma paid big bucks for The Lancet and the New England Journal to publish fake science, rubbish papers decrying hydroxycloroquine. Fortunately the scientific community promptly reacted and they had to retract they phony papers, yet meanwhile thousands of people died due to not having access to a cure that big pharma doesn’t want to hear about…
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 9:16 pm
Manuel, I know you were writing to James but I had to say…Right you are sir!!
Michael .
June 16, 2020 at 5:08 pm
James , funny you should mention Cancer , check out the David Noakes and Lyn Thyre case .
June 4, 2020 at 11:40 pm
great read,confirms alot for me. Thanks
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 2:09 am
David, You’re welcome
Harley Jones
June 5, 2020 at 2:54 pm
So how do you explain all the deaths in the rest of the world where there were no vaccinations.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 2:06 am
Harley, Ahhh but there were vaccination in most of the countries involved in WW1. Keep in mind that I provided lots of documentation within the blog itself that goes into great detail about other countries and their experiences with the vaccines. Most importantly is the fact that the Rockefeller foundation funded the production of millions of doses of the vaccines without ever knowing exactly what the FLU VIRUS was or even if it actually existed. That was no accident. This information was WAY to involved to put in a blog, hence the documentations.
terry cook
June 7, 2020 at 12:25 pm
A month ago I was asked at KAOS Crew Radio With Larry Levine, “Terry Cook what do you think of the virus?” My , “I think there are several times more good coming from that than which are bad.” For the examples, Fracking companies are declaring bankruptcy, thousands of times more people now wash their hands for at least 20 seconds, all stores are wiping down shopping carts, huge numbers are wiping down everything they touch with sanitizing wipes, lots of folks are learning so much which they give little or no thought of doing like never use hand driers, record numbers of dogs & cats are being adopted from the rescue & humane society shelters with NO signs of people giving up their pets due to losing jobs, it has served in accomplishing what seemed impossible before, such as waking people up ending the massive amount of citizens living in a complacent mind set, far less fossil fuel being used bringing cleaner air, the relief stimulus package to give most common folk a $1,200 check, while most of us know this package is corporate & big bank bailouts, planned and set in place a year before the virus came to town, and bringing a great incentive to prepare for the excl-elation of the war to survive coming from the rulers of the world, 99% less Chem-trails, big numbers of commercial jet air craft are not polluting the air we breathe. Now for the bad for us, we are facing the next steps of the cronies setting in place what was planned many decades before like testing, mandatory vaccine with chips installed, the Rockefeller empire of wealth & greed American Medical Associations bilking of our tax payer’s money to them by way of a $13,000 check to all admitted in hospitals with $39,000.00 if a ventilator is used. With 1.2 million given to 43,000 millionaires the increase of 2.3 trillion to 6.2 trillion coming in the near future. Citizens Committee For A Restructured Government “thetopcatplan.comRichard Romine Foundation Economy: GoAVA.US editor PiN-Progressive independent News Ohio
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:59 am
Terry, You covered the salient points very well. You might be interested in taking a look at some of my previous blogs and certainly those that are coming up and sharing those you feel are pertinent. All this and more has been covered. It’s good to see others speaking the same language. Sooner or later, the uninformed will have to reconcile their thinking when they see the lies and half truths being spouted by the SO CALLED EXPERTS. Keep up the good work
brian kanagaratnam
June 7, 2020 at 3:48 pm
i’ll trust my GOD given immune system vs the up coming flue vaccine. healthy living is the way forward… far too many medical professionals are holding up the red flag on this. i suggest you view documentaries by robert kennedy , a US attorney for in depth information on this subject. dozens more to be had…
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:46 am
Brian, Your instincts are correct. I’ve seen every video and written word by Robert Kennedy. You might want to do the same for Dr. Buttar, “Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research” who has literally blown the top off the Covid -19 issue.
July 7, 2020 at 5:54 am
I agree totally with you Brian.
The medical establishment does not educate on how to strengthen our immune systems. They give us drugs.
The Natural pathic physicians do educate us about the most important thing to keep our immune systems strong is the proper balance of bacterial flora in our gut and help us to attain that. MD,s do not.
Robert Kennedy recently won a Supreme Court ruling defeating the W.H.O. trying to make vaccinations mandatory for everyone. He won because in the last 30 years or so they could not prove any of the vaccines developed are safe!
June 7, 2020 at 5:01 pm
Interesting article. My concern is that if non vaccinated people were not affected (as you say in the article), is there evidence that 50 to 100 Million people were actually vaccinated with this vaccine?
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:40 am
Sansome, The answer is YES. you must get into the documentation I provided to find out the details. Way too much to cover in a blog. That is what make this whole story so unbelievable……….20 million died (estimates go to 100 million) but no one knows for sure. What we do know is that healthy people died after being vaccinated BEFORE being exposed to any returning WW1 soldiers. YES… there was mass pandamonium to get to a facility to be vaccinated. Keep in mind, No one actually had any idea what this “flu” was before making the vaccines (think about it). Further, this was planned event by the Rockefeller Foundation LONG in advance of any concern, in order to have that many vaccines made in advance. You can forget about any prior testing…..
Mandy Paul
June 7, 2020 at 6:36 pm
Hello my name is Mandy
I’ve just read your article, on the Spanish flu.
You’re not going to believe me, but I’m telling you anyway!
I was discussing the Spanish flu today with one of my co workers today, who is a post graduate student.
She was telling me about the Spanish flu, deaths etc… I questioned her and said do you believe it?
Her thoughts were well it is written…
Then she said it must of been…
I said how many can die so quickly in such a short space of time…!
Her then thoughts was sanitisation… but then again.., in a hospital….
I’m with you on this.. the
“vaccine is the Virus”
Killing unnecessary for political gain & money…
It’s shocking to say the least on humanity.
We need to expose the truth.
Warm regards
Mandy Paul.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:23 am
Mandy, Great story and so glad you shared it with me. Well…take advantage of the opportunity to discuss the Spanish Flu further with your friend, only this time with some documented information. You might want to share the blog with others as well. Im certain that only a precious few know the real story.
Bernadette Bridget Ward
June 7, 2020 at 8:14 pm
A very well produced article and confirms many other things I have read on the subject on the Rockerfellers Pharmaceuticals from 1913 and connections throught ww2. Im not sure why articles like this, that are well researched and presented, trigger many people. It is not about anti vax its about anti ignorance. If you’d seen your partner drop cold on the floor and lips turn blue in front of you’re eyes you’d question it. Many people working within the industry are not anti vax, but they do question Big Pharma and money over health and truth. Think some people are too scared to question and would rather just laugh at others.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:16 am
Bernadette, I think you stated the issue very well. Fear is a great motivator, especially when that fear is motivated by entities smaller than life itself but can have devastating consequences. As the country fights for the right vaccine, the human body is busy at work categorizing the virus and developing the proper antibody BEFORE the virus can attach itself to the cells in your body………..providing the body is given the chance. In my opinion, hiding from the virus is contrary to how the body works to protect you and develop a full-proof immune system. What most people DON’T understand that if the body doesn’t have the correct antibody at its disposal, the body MUST be infected by the virus. That is what makes people cringe….FACT: getting “sick” is the only way to get “healthy”. we’ve been doing it for centuries, why the draconian measures for this virus?
Ann Petersen
June 7, 2020 at 8:43 pm
Sal, I made a commitment long ago to be willing to look at uncomfortable Truth. I get the same emotional, reflexive put-downs from some of my friends. They treat vaccines like a religion and are not willing to look at data or any other verifiable sources. There is a really naive trust of mainstream media and governmental bodies. I appreciate the work you have done here. There are rational people out there!
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 1:05 am
Ann, there is an true saying about situations like this…”Some will, Some won’t, So what, move on”. Always try your best to present the best “documented” information you can…opinions are a dime a dozen. If it’s not worth losing a friend or relative over…just let it go, there are plenty of people who will listen. I write these blogs not to make friends but to present information based on years of study, to educate not alienate.
Leigh Rowell
June 7, 2020 at 8:55 pm
I am not planning to take any vaccine for Covid-19 when they are available
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:59 am
Leigh, Your guess is as good as mine. Dr. Fauci indicated late November. I doubt it because there is NO WAY legitimate, thorough testing of the vaccine can be done by then without SHORTCUTS and ASSUMPTIONS.
June 7, 2020 at 9:11 pm
I’m confused by this blog.
Firstly you say this isn’t an anti-vacc blog, but then you have next to nothing listed as pro vaccine, which moots your proclaimed statement and makes for a very bias read.
Secondly, if all of the “vaccines” given out weren’t fully developed then they were tests, not actual vaccinations.
It is sad that they used soldiers and general public as test subjects, but at that point in history they also did not have the scientific advancements to study prior to human test subjects as they do now.
Claiming that a vaccine killed them is thusly incorrect, and just adding to the misinformation that you’ve attempted to warn others about.
Thirdly, if you have the knowledge that vaccines are meant to prevent and reduce the risk for those most likely to suffer from the effects of the illness the vaccine is meant to stop, then you would also have the same understanding that just because there are less contagious people showing signs before a vaccine is put into use does not mean it was created for irradiation.
Most health officers that are needed for exhuming bodies need an anthrax vaccination, not because anthrax is running rampant, but because there is a high risk that a person who has been dead for several decade could have it and that particular virus can survive for hundreds of years and still be active.
Perhaps a read through by an editor, is needed to help you.
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:55 am
Pat, Let me try to understand your questions and answer briefly………. First: this blog is not meant to be anti or pro vaccine, the purpose was to educate not alienate…..Second: not sure what you mean but most of these vaccines were experimental (not fully developed) at the time,i.e., being used in desperation to help stop a perceived pandemic. Third: Sorry to say that the practice of using soldiers as test subjects IS and HAS BEEN going on forever. Every military person gets a battery of vaccines and not told what they are or what they are for…soldiers have no freedom to choose, they are OWNED by the government. Fourth: No one ever proved that there was a Spanish Flu virus in the first place. It was feared that WW1 soldiers fighting in trenches and despicable, filthy conditions would surely come home with some sort of disease process. That’s why the vaccines were supposed to be given to the homecoming soldiers and not the civilians, BUT the war ended to quickly and it was decided to protect the civilians instead. The result was that the entire population was blindsided but toxic substances with no natural defenses…hence the HUGE amount of deaths via pneumonia (the result of INFLAMMATION caused by toxins in the body. I have no knowledge of your antrax statement. Keep in mind there are MANY sourced documentations I provided, which go into the detail I cannot do in a blog. You raise legitimate questions, the answers to which are complex and require in depth knowledge of the era.
June 7, 2020 at 11:05 pm
Thank you for the extensive research you’ve done. It aligns with the many hours I’ve spent listening to doctors, researchers, filmmakers and parent testimonies. It frightens me to see how successful mainstream media has been at suppressing and hiding this information. It frightens me to see people’s steadfast resistance to even considering the thought that any of this could be true.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 11:54 pm
Sharon, It frightens me as well knowing that smart, well educated people for the most part, can be swayed so easily. Then again you must consider that mainstream media…all except Fox, are given their “talking points” by their corporate owners, who together are responsible for controlling the masses to their point of view and advertisers needs. The average person will see and hear the same rhetoric no matter what news channel they watch. If you are too busy to dig on our own, you fall victim to suppressed information. That’s why I write these blogs. Feel free to share with friends and family.
June 8, 2020 at 12:04 am
How come the photo of children depicted getting vaccinated appear dressed as if in the 50’s?
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 11:38 pm
Ursula, Good observation….There were few “stock” photos of mass vaccinations back in 1918. The photo of children getting vaccinated, I believe was a “stock” photo during the mass Polio vaccine programs that took place in every elementary school. The photo was get the idea across of the “mass vaccine” program
Eskimo Man
June 8, 2020 at 12:19 am
I have similar information, but a little different. Can you tell me what you think is wrong with my info?
More soldiers died from disease than bullets during WWI.
The Spanish Flu was neither Spanish nor Flu. According to a 2008 study by the U.S. National Institute of Health, the “predominant” killer in 1918-19 was bacterial pneumonia, and the first cases were not in Spain.
Initial outbreaks can be traced to U.S. military bases. A bacterial vaccine experiment on soldiers at Fort Riley, Kansas is one of the military epicentres of the epidemic.
The serums, anti-toxins and vaccines used on soldiers were made in horses at the Rockefeller Institute in New York (and in NJ). The same horses were used “in the preparation of diphtheria, tetanus antitoxin and antimeningococcus serum.” Same horses, multiple pathogens.
When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent similar batches of the antimeningococcus serum used at Fort Riley to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries.
Vaccine experiments like the WWI experiments on soldiers in WW1 are not a thing of the past.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 10:31 pm
Eskimo Man: The information is factual and soldiers of today are still subjected to the MASS vaccine testing experiments by Big Pharma. When in the military, you have no real freedom of choice.
June 8, 2020 at 2:42 am
Thankyou. The more I read the more suspicious I am of everything we are told. Big pharma only has eyes on the money, it has nothing to do with the health of the people.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 10:14 pm
Jo, It definitely a rude awakening but that is what documented information is about….changing ideas and well entrenched thought. Pass the information on to friends and family
Andy Schulgasser
June 8, 2020 at 6:06 am
Spectacular info! Thank you so much for all of this. The frightening thing happening in today’s world is this is literally a war on all citizens, and those supporting the vaccine movement in today’s world, Are supporting tyranny killing us.
If people believe that much and vaccination, even though I know it will lead to their death, I think it should be their choice. In today’s insanity Nazi regime/Bill Gates, the new Hitler, They want to force their vaccinations, micro chips on everyone, Contact tracing, in the hopes of both killing people and controlling the balance who survive and keeping them in poverty.
If those who truly believed in vaccinations would use their brain, they would realize that of vaccinations actually worked, they would not have to force them and others who do not want them.
We are living in a terrifying time. Bill Gates literally states, even in his Ted talk that his desire is to depopulate the world. I have been blown away that it seems the majority of the world can hear what he and the medical establishment are saying, but it does not register in their brain. It’s as if they’ve had their brains removed already, before being vaccinated and microchiped.
I’ve been attempting to talk sense into a friend, but likely our friendship will end because of this. I’ve been telling her about the hundreds of doctors and scientists who are being censored on Facebook and YouTube because they are speaking up about what’s really going on. I’ve told her so many times that standard media is owned by big Pharma and their ads.
It blows my mind that people only want one source of information, instead of hearing all the sources and then coming to their own conclusion. Instead they choose to be brainwashed.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 10:09 pm
Andy, It take a great deal of control and expertise to offer counter intelligence or information that BUCKS the establishment. It’s way to comforting to go with the flow, even though you know deep inside that it is probably not right. You emasculate a population by intimidation, fear and mob rule. The silent majority usually bids their time and responds during key moments. It is my fear, as is yours, that while we wait for our time to come, organized entities like ANTIFA and BLM have been well funded and organized strike at any given moment…as we are seeing now. This is not new, ALL TYRANTS throughout history have practiced this game plan with great success. There is an old adage Andy,… you don’t talk religion or politics with those that you love or admire. On the other hand, if you ignore the onslaught of dissidents you have lost your country!
June 8, 2020 at 7:13 am
With trillions of dollars of revenue at stake, only a fool or conspirator extolls a world where no bias and only altruism exists. Such a world has never existed nor will it when we so readily embrace slavery, war and killing in so many other areas. For once let us not be suicidal and examine human nature accurately.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 9:53 pm
RJ, Thank you for those well stated words. Unfortunately, it appears that there are forces within our society (Rockefeller and Gates Foundations among others) that have found wealth in human suffering. Bill Gates clearly stated on live TV that his intent is to reduce the world population (useless eaters…my words) by 15% by vaccines. In the true story of the 1918 Spanish Flu, you will find that it was the Rockefeller sponsored vaccines that were used and eliminated over 20,000,000 people, of course all in the name of helping to protect the world’s populations from what WW1 soldiers (MIGHT) be bring back to their loved ones….
Eli Cohen
June 8, 2020 at 7:59 am
My uncle Dr. Dan Cohen of the Ben Gurion University was a Cancer investigator and researcher for all his life.
As a kid I remember he let me look thru his huge microscope and count cancel cells…!
At the year of 1985 he got a real breakthrough! He found a cure for woman cancer!
The very next thing he got, was a letter saying more or less this text:
We are sorry but we can no longer support your research and lab, there for your are fired and your lab will be closed.
He sent his secretary to make him coffer, and shot him self in the head… 🙁
On his tombstone they wrote: “A tireless scientist and researcher.”
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 9:41 pm
Eli, WOW…incredible story but oh so true !!!! I too had a person doctor friend who discovered a substance in vaccines that actually stopped the body from producing a natural substance that blocks the formation of certain cancers. He was about to publish his findings but instead was found floating face down in a local river from an apparent self inflicted gunshot wound. Organized medicine is not about healthcare but the proliferation of sickness and disease care…sponsored entirely by BIG PHARMA. To date there have been 94 doctors who met untimely deaths because they dared to buck the system. You will not see this on CNN, so “Wake up America”
June 8, 2020 at 12:57 pm
It’s interesting that people who have commented negatively about the information here have offered nothing solid to substantiate their claim, particularly with comments like ‘bull crap’. I have read a lot of alternative views outside of mainstream media and it all makes a lot of sense . I like to question and think outside of what we are fed and this article confirms much of what I have already heard, but it’s amazing how people just don’t want to see. Thanks for your article, very informative to those of us who are not sheep.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 9:12 pm
Christine: I actually appreciate the negative comments because those that are truly interested, DIRECTLY offer proof for their contrary opinion. Those that oppose but have no desire to learn anything, simply hide behind make believe names and FB posts. What you stated is the norm. Do not respond with disparaging words or remarks, just wish them well and ask them to provide documentation for their statements. You usually hear ” ” in return. If you like what you read, please pass it on to others. Thank you
Jeff forssell
June 9, 2020 at 4:51 am
I’m wondering about sources for making the “only the vaccinated died” statement. Could you give sources for that?
I had heard a similar thing saying Greece didn’t vaccinate and they weren’t hit by Spanish Flu, but have seen different detailed historical accounts with Spanish Flu epidemi with spanish flu there.
One thing I have checked and feel quite sure about is that many (though I don’t know %) of the “deaths by Spanish Flu” were probably caused by the all too high doses of the relatively new medicine Aspirin that were recommended and used at the time. (I also don’t know how common Aspirin was in the many different countries)
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 8:23 pm
Jeff, As to the sources I used for this article, please refer back to the article itself which contains numerous sources (in red) within the text. Just hover over the red text and you will be prompted to open the links. Good question about Aspirin..From what I can remember, Aspirin was patented by “Bayer” around 1900 and could have been used during the 1918 Spanish Flu but I really have no documentation to back it up
Sal Martingano
June 25, 2020 at 12:10 am
Jeff, As to the sources I used for this article, please refer back to the article itself which contains numerous sources (in red) within the text. Just hover over the red text and you will be prompted to open the links. Good question about Aspirin.. From what I can remember, Aspirin was patented by “Bayer” around 1900 and could have been used during the 1918 Spanish Flu but I really have no documentation to back it up
June 9, 2020 at 5:10 am
Thank you, Dr. Martingano, for this excellent article. I am going to share it with everyone I know. For those who are skeptical, you only need to check out VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) which has paid out $4.2 billion (in USA only) in vaccine damages & that is only for 1% of reported adverse vaccine effects. I have extensively researched vaccines and only recently started to question something that my parents never could quite explain about the sudden deaths of their family members between 1919 – 1925 who were previously very healthy. Everything now points me in the direction of vaccines as the only common factor. My father lost two brothers & his father’s first wife (who was 35 yrs old). My mother lost a brother (8 yrs old), sister (12 yrs old) & her father (34 yrs old a very healthy man)! She had been the youngest child and had been too young to be vaccinated until the 1930s when she got the smallpox vaccine. All the adults I mention here died of ‘pneumonia’. The previously healthy children just ‘dropped dead’. On both sides of my family, they came from high socio-economic societies, so we cannot blame the cold, hygiene, diet, waterborne infections, etc. My father got pneumonia in 1934 and nearly died; his lungs remained badly scared for the rest of his life (he had never been sick in his life until that point). He said it was the time he’d been given the smallpox vaccine (he couldn’t remember if there was any other vaccine given). It all makes a lot of sense now! In fact, he started to get the flu vaccine every year (4 yrs before his death) & almost immediately after the shot, he came down with (the 1st year & day after the vax he developed severe urticaria (he said he felt like his skin was on fire & was ripping at it like a madman. It was so frightening to watch). 2nd year, he developed shingles on his face & looked like a leper (also very frightening look). 3rd year, his legs went back, but the vascular surgeon could find any vascular blockages. 4th year he became anorexic and his weight plummeted to 42 kgs (about 92 lbs & he was a tall man). Unfortunately, his GP admitted him to hospital which turned into a nightmare & he passed away due to (what I call) ‘euthanasia’.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 8:07 pm
Aline, WOW…incredible story and unfortunately true. I try not to “convince” the skeptics..only provide the information so they can make up their own minds. I do a great deal of public speaking and your story tells it all. Thank you for sharing your story and your willingness to share this blog with others. I hope others read it as well.
June 9, 2020 at 10:55 am
Excellent presentation, thank you. Your diplomatic & humble reaction to the aggressive pro-vaxx trolls is commendable. Also interesting & telling that they don’t answer your request to affirm their protestations with facts, like I said above, clearly trolls.
Karen V
June 10, 2020 at 11:50 pm
Thank you for this article. It sadly doesn’t surprise me. There seem to be no limit to the greed inspired inhumanity of pHarma and governments.
It’s interesting that your detractors decline to come back with facts to back up their sheeple rhetoric!
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 6:09 pm
Thanks Karen, There will always be detractors, its part of the uniqueness of our country. You can always separate the truth seekers from the agitators; either they are close minded by nature or intent on disrupting society. Either way, there is a lot of flamboyant talk, accusations and name calling but in the end they are an empty vessel. I always respond courteously but they always know where I stand!!
David Simpson
June 11, 2020 at 4:54 pm
Dr Judy Mikovits is where the accurate picture is delineated…she is anti vaccine…and I agree.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 5:57 pm
David, Here is where Dr. Fauci showed his true colors. He had to set up Mitovits and silence her with a gag order in order to keep his alliance with the Gates foundation and the WHO a secret. Fauci said she stole sensitive, confidential documents and was fired. TOTAL FABRICATION… Fauci has advised 6 presidents and has been in bed with BIG PHARMA for 30+ years. No one questions him because HE IS THE EXPERT…and you don’t question experts! Well, if you notice he’s disappeared from the media because the scam is known. Mitkovitz has it right and was eliminated because of it. BTW: in a future blog I expose Fauci (EXPERT OR CO-CONSPIRATOR) with sound documentation…it will be published soon.
June 13, 2020 at 12:42 am
The Crooked Government wants to Usurp God’s hand in our Lives. He’s our Creator not them. Nice Article
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 5:48 pm
Thanks Alex, Only Totalitarian, Communist, Socialist, Marxist governments rise above the hand of God (or so they think). Ours was set up to live WITHIN the laws of nature, and GOD and states as much in our constitution. I write not to piss the “crooked” off but to enlighten those that can still think clearly.
June 13, 2020 at 4:29 pm
Thank you for all your hard work Sal !! In my 60’s and I always think it interesting to read posts. Whenever people push back, it is usually clear they don’t want to consider an alternate truth. The nation and world is being shown more of “the truth” in the current ridiculous planDEMic, along with main stream newscasters not such obvious liars. It still amazes me how some young people can hear something and take away that it means something completely different than what was said. Isn’t that called common sense?
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 5:16 pm
Maximum, I’m older than you but I can remember the 1960’s rebellions generation. I missed out on Woodstock but I was fortunate to hang with a crowd that did not follow the masses but thought for themselves and paid the price if we made the wrong decisions. BTW: my book “Boys of Brooklyn…A Time When Life NEver Sucked” ( tells the whole story and alot more. Too bad that the wisdom contained within those pages will never get to the ears of those who desperately need a “check-up from the Neck-Up”. Stay strong!!
Conny Lundberg
June 14, 2020 at 6:40 pm
Thank you, Sal, for this information!!! Many of us who have done our research re governments and secret societies et cetera, know the truth when we see it. Others still have some studies to do.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 4:53 pm
Conny, The idea is to do your best to expose others, not yet ready for the truth, to the facts without pressure. Even though you will get resistance, they are curious and will listen in their own time and space. Truth not exposed is giving in to the darkness.
June 14, 2020 at 9:12 pm
Read the vaccine inserts!
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 4:47 pm
Rose, The inserts have to disclose everything that the FDA and CDC require to meet MINIMAL safety regulations. The inserts do not have to disclose the ADJUVANTS (additives), preservatives like Formaldehyde, Aluminum, Ethylene Glycol, (anti freeze derivative)…etc. I suggest getting a high powered magnifying glass and read it on an empty stomach!!!
June 15, 2020 at 9:08 am
Thank you for your willingness to share. Even at the risk of censure. I was fired from my job as an rn for refusing the swine flu vax. Which later turned out to be a huge hype. I personally do not believe in the vax program as it stands w its numerous additives. Indeed if one looks at the results looks like it is designed to make people sick and weak. A coincidence or??????? ……..
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 4:26 pm
Suni, Sorry you lost your job. You are really stuck because you are directly responsible to medical guidelines, wants and wishes and the overwhelming power of the pharmaceutical industry that keeps ALL the medical schools and hospitals in business. Kinda like what’s happening with Google and Twitter….they can censor their content because IT’S THEIR PLATFORM. I do a 90 min seminar (also on DVD), called “The Vaccine Forum” which tells all. As to your final comment….A healthy world is the death wish for BIG PHARMA, We don’t have a healthcare system, we have a sickness and disease care system. Stay Strong!
Judy Lindall
June 15, 2020 at 3:01 pm
Thank you for speaking truth. We need to seek what is best for us and not fall into the trap that’s out there. People, it’s time to wake up and take control of your life.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:23 pm
Judy, That is the true message. We are being lead around like sheep because social and political correctness. However, this is not a passing fad, we are looking at our future square in the eye. Whether vaccines, protesting or the myriad of life changing events we are witnessing today, NONE can exist without compliance. It’s not violence that will win the day…its non-compliance
Taetske Guillaume
June 15, 2020 at 4:15 pm
Good afternoon Dr. Martingano,
Thank you for this excellent article. I think it fits my brand new website the silenced voices perfectly.
Taetske Guillaume
June 15, 2020 at 6:46 pm
Interesting blog, so your claiming that civilians in the U.S were given the many surplus vaccines that were no longer required for the soldiers, as the war had come to an end sooner than later, and so resulting In tens of millions of civilian deaths in the U.S, by a vaccine operation headed by the Rockefeller’s which is fine. But then how then do you explain the millions of civilians supposed Spanish Flu deaths In the many other Country’s at the time? Cheers.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:21 pm
Gareth, GOOD question !! You must keep in mind that the Rockefeller “influence” was world wide and not just in the U.S. I don’t have firm documentation on exactly how the vaccines were handled in other countries but I do know that when the war ended, the same “fear” of soldiers from other countries coming home and infecting the population was in fact the case. I do know that the same vaccines were given in other countries but to what extent or to what result, I do not know.
June 15, 2020 at 6:48 pm
Interesting blog, so your claiming that civilians in the U.S were given the many surplus vaccines that were no longer required for the soldiers, as the war had come to an end sooner than later, and so resulting In tens of millions of civilian deaths in the U.S, by a vaccine operation headed by the Rockefeller’s which is fine. But then how then do you explain the millions of civilians supposed Spanish Flu deaths In the many other Country’s at the time? Cheers.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 10:39 pm
Gareth, GOOD question !! You must keep in mind that the Rockefeller “influence” was world wide and not just in the U.S. I don’t have firm documentation on exactly how the vaccines were handled in other countries but I do know that when the war ended, the same “fear” of soldiers from other countries coming home and infecting the population was in fact the case. I do know that the same vaccines were given in other countries but to what extent or to what result, I do not know.
June 16, 2020 at 12:12 am
Nice content!
Are you familiar with dr Stefan Lanka?
He talks about the germ theory hoax.
What do you think is happening now with “covid19”?
Do you believe it exists?
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 10:28 pm
Alex, No I am not familiar with Dr. Lanka but there are numerous doctors that are now coming out and speaking the truth like never before. One such doctor is Dr. Buttar AWESOME!! My prior blogs covered the COVID-19 pretty well, from its suspected origins in Wuhan, China to the cash cow it’s presenting to be if Gates and Fauci succeed in convincing Covid can be stopped without a vaccine.
June 16, 2020 at 1:26 am
Thank you for the great information. I had never view the 1918 flu in this way. On a side note, anyone who has a problem with this information, should really look at one absolutely huge red flag with vaccines. That red flag is, if you are injured from a vaccine, you cannot sue the pharmaceutical company. It’s the only industry exempt from being sued, but let’s not question that. It’s so weird how people won’t question things. Vaccines should be questioned and if they hold up to the questioning, it only strengthens the truth they are selling, but they avoid questioning. Why is it that people who have never been vaccinated are not compared to people who are? That is true scientific comparison, but the pharmaceutical companies never do that. They compare vaccines to other vaccines or dosage amounts of a vaccine. Ask questions, seek motives.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 10:15 pm
Ray, Well stated !! The reason pharmaceutical companies can’t be sued, nor can the medical doctors that give the vaccines, is because they FORCED the government to provide protection against lawsuits or they will not provide vaccines. Did you know that doctors receive sizable stipends from the pharmaceutical companies and insurance companies like Blue Cross/Blue Shield? For every fully vaccinated child they receive $400 but lose that reward if 65% of their practice is not fully vaccinated. NOT A BAD GIG !!
June 16, 2020 at 8:03 am
Hello people,
my last vaccination was in Eckerds Drugstore in Miami Beach around 1994. Since my mom was a nurse, she, of course, vaccinated me against everything that was on the market in the 60’s. In my teen years, I had so many allergies, that it was a horrible childhood. Then we moved to Canada and ALL Allergies were gone!
A day or so after The 1995 vaccination I felt really sick for several days! I KNEW something was wrong, but with almost no internet, I could not do the research on vaccines or vaccination, like it is possible today. So thank you for your very interesting post, and as a result of many years of my own research in the past, I had my own daughter NOT vaccinated. As a former foto journalist, I know that 95% of the stuff on mainstream media is false! The TRUTH is not being published anymore. We live in a beautiful, but a sadly corrupt world where money can buy anything and anybody!
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 10:01 pm
Thomas, Well stated !! For those who think otherwise, vaccines are your choice as they is mine. My information comes from a place of deep research not internet posts. If at the very least, my blog grabbed the attention of many…it was my intent!
June 19, 2020 at 10:26 pm
I found your blog by accident and I have been speechless. I ve never came up with this cause of “spanish” flu. I really admire your courage to put the knowledge forward. I am gonna order your book. Thank you!
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 8:24 pm
Christos, Thank you for the kind words. My purpose is to educate not alienate. I have sources that will not be found on the internet. Keep in mind that GOOGLE has become the “Censor in Chief” for information. The way to control the masses is to surpress information that is counter to the DEEP STATE. Yes it takes a little courage to speak counter to mainstream thinking but this country was founded on just such courage. Just remember my words are backed up by documentation for people to review. I am open to anyone with valid documentation counter to what i have written
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:13 pm
Christos, Thank you for the kind words. My purpose is to educate not alienate. I have sources that will not be found on the internet. Keep in mind that GOOGLE has become the “Censor in Chief” for information. The way to control the masses is to surpress information that is counter to the DEEP STATE. Yes it takes a little courage to speak counter to mainstream thinking but this country was founded on just such courage. Just remember my words are backed up by documentation for people to review. I am open to anyone with valid documentation counter to what i have written
June 21, 2020 at 1:04 am
I don’t understand how people can’t see the big picture seriously – don’t they know of people like friends or relatives who knew people in World War 1 that refused the vaccine and survived anyway?
I really appreciate coming across your blog Sal – very interesting to read.
My mum was born on the first day of the second world war in Holland – some of the things that we are reading about it now – it’s baffling – don’t want to know a thing about the Dutch royal family anymore – they were all involved in it – try to tell people – they think your crazy…
Thank God for my mum always writing letters to school when it was vaccine time, refusing me to have mine – I’m so glad now, even though all my friends thought I was crazy – the only one not having it. My mother made sure she did her best that we all had a healthy immune system – I caught chickenpox and measles from my brothers and sisters but really isn’t that like ‘Herd immunity’ – but I don’t agree with all the other vaccinations such as rubella and HPV etc.etc …. But really you’re right to choose should not be taken away…. and some of us have walked away from good paying jobs because we’re refused the flu vaccination.
Now my sisters have to put up with their kids being the only ones at school not having it… yeah if you refuse you’re the butt of a joke, but unfortunately they’ve all been taken in. Please keep up the good work.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 8:15 pm
Sandra, In my 90 minute DVD “Vaccine Forum” presentation, I go into a great detail about how vaccines got started, what has been added to the vaccines that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the vaccine’s purpose and how their effectiveness has been misrepresented. In short, EVERY vaccine has been introduced AFTER the course of the disease was on a natural decline. The charts we see is the decline after the vaccine was introduced but when viewing the chart in its totality, you can plainly see that the decline is the same before and after the vaccine. Long and ugly story but stay tuned to future blogs I will be writing on vaccines.
Sal Martingano
June 24, 2020 at 3:12 pm
Sandra, In my 90 minute DVD “Vaccine Forum” presentation, I go into a great detail about how vaccines got started, what has been added to the vaccines that have absolutely NOTHING to do with the vaccine’s purpose and how their effectiveness has been misrepresented. In short, EVERY vaccine has been introduced AFTER the course of the disease was on a natural decline. The charts we see is the decline after the vaccine was introduced but when viewing the chart in its totality, you can plainly see that the decline is the same before and after the vaccine. Long and ugly story but stay tuned to future blogs I will be writing on vaccines.
June 23, 2020 at 3:58 pm
Real interesting and eye opening. I have spend most of lockdown learning about vaccines and the corruption around data and studies. So this information comes as no surprise to me. I find it very interesting that those saying this blog is BS aren’t actually offering any information to back their assertions. I would imagine they are paid trolls or just not very bright. Thank you. I will be sharing.
Sal Martingano
June 23, 2020 at 7:35 pm
Jill, Keep doing your research because information like this is NEVER posted anywhere on the internet. This information is scrubbed. Of course those that call it BS they fail to open the documentation I provide or don’t believe what they are reading
July 7, 2020 at 8:23 am
Your own sources do not back up your claims…Dont tell me to read something and expect me not too…You messed up…your own sources do not support you dude… You are making shit up to get the stupid people to follow you and buy your book..
Sal Martingano
July 7, 2020 at 11:34 am
Micherisy, Each blog is backed with references that are checked and rechecked for accuracy and unbiased documentation by myself and the publisher. I always ask people who read the blogs to PLEASE let me know where errors exist so I can make appropriate corrections. There’s a BIG difference between errors in documentation and readers who do not believe or approve of what the documentation reveals. So, be constructive….take a few minutes and comment on where my sources do not back up my claims. BTW…If I made an error, I will freely admit it yet I never get a response to my request for assistance, I wonder why ??
Susan P
June 24, 2020 at 7:11 pm
Thank you for giving us the truth in an organized way. Do you have references to only the vaccinated died, in case someone asks for it?
David A Howard
June 25, 2020 at 5:53 am
Covid 19 Facts: The virus can travel 6′ it can not travel 6’1 or greater, it can live on all surfaces except anything that comes in the mail from Amazon, it does not live in Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s or any grocery store, it is only deadly in bars, restaurants, small businesses, hair salons and especially churches, and It can not live on your food as long as you get it to go.
Sal Martingano
July 7, 2020 at 12:00 am
Yep…that’s one smart virus. BTW..The WHO just admitted that COVID-19 does travel in the air (aerosol) and can infect people in enclosed places. This means that Lockdown also means TRAPPED VIRUSES which can infect all in the entrapment. THeir solution……..don’t discourage lockdown….just make people wear masks ALL THE TIME IN THEIR HOMES and minimize A/C circulation. You simple can’t hide the hidden agenda of these EXPERTS.
June 25, 2020 at 10:42 am
I don’t believe this is about money at all. I believe it is about depopulation and control over those who survive. These corporations and child-sacrificing satanists don’t need money, with all the “philanthropists” who fund their work… who are usually one in the same. This is evil culling good.
Sal Martingano
July 10, 2020 at 8:55 pm
Ang79…Corporations control world politics by using their money to influence. If you remember the the 2016 election cycle, everyone on that primary debate stage had ties to CORPORATE backing. When the questioning got tough the candidates had no choice but to spout the “party line”. Trump (in this case) was outspoken because he had no baggage to carry. However, you are absolutely right about depopulation. I recently provided documentation about vaccine ingredients that included SPERMICIDES as part of the formulation….and you can be sure it wasn’t in the formulation to kill off male or female viruses!!!! Bill Gates in his TED TALK speech stated that vaccines are being produced and distributed in 3rd world countries to reduce their population by 15%. Pretty Sick and this is not an ANTI-VAXX stance on my part.
June 26, 2020 at 2:49 am
Look on the CDC website. They are telling pregnant women to get flu vaccines! and if the mother is tested positive when the baby is born to wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from the baby WTF? Are there really people out there who will listen to this bullshit?
Sal Martingano
June 30, 2020 at 6:12 pm
Nalani, Sorry to say but there are… Keep in mind that prior CDC statements opposed any flu vaccines for children and during pregnancy. They changed their mind because because the critical number of flu vaccines necessary for the profit margins of pharmaceutical investors was steadily dropping. People were also realizing that it made no appreciable difference with or without the flu shot….with many getting the flu directly from the shot. The pharmaceutical answer was to HYPE each upcoming flu season AS THE WORST IN HISTORY, MAKING IT ESSENTIAL FOR CHILDREN AND PREGNANT WOMEN TO GET THEIR SHOTS. To keep people from getting the flu from the shot, the vaccine makers began using DEAD or ATTENUATED (chemically inactive) viruses in the vaccines. This way you can’t get the flu from the shot BUT DEAD VIRUSES CAN NOT INDUCE ANTIBODIES. Keep in mind, if there was no money in the flu vaccines there wouldn’t be any…they are a BUSINESS !
July 6, 2020 at 11:04 pm
I predict this link to is never posted to your site, is pushed to the bottom or otherwise obscured.
Infectious Disease science pre-WWI was as crude as your scholarship.
This is a typical anti-vax site.
Sal Martingano
July 6, 2020 at 11:46 pm
Lincoln, Thank you for your comment. I too, use Wikipedia for information but keep in mind Wikipedia is a collection of articles written by anyone having information of value BUT IS NOT TO BE USED AS DEFINITIVE SOURCE. Did you know that Wikipedia states: “The reliability of Wikipedia concerns the validity, verifiability, and accuracy of Wikipedia and its user-generated editing model, particularly its English-language edition.Wikipedia is written by volunteer editors who generate content with editorial oversight provided by other volunteer editors in the form of self-enforced and community-generated policies and guidelines.” Therefore, I rarely use Wikipedia AS THE SOURCE. I have dozens of peer reviewed sources on Virology that I use and BTW…NONE are from the Anti-Vaxx website. I do appreciate your comments and know that my “scholarship” spans 38 years in immunology and neurology
July 7, 2020 at 8:16 pm
Ok. Chiropractors know vast amounts of information that I, as a biochemist, do not understand. I, as a biochemist, know a vast amount of things that a chiropractor does not. Included in the things I understand in detail, is immunology. The “Spanish Flu” was indeed a flu. It was H1N1 to be exact. Just like the 2009 scare. Hemaggluttin 1 Neuraminidase 1, to be exact. Why is that relevant you may ask? The vaccine for H1N1 is not complex, all it does is inhibit the “Sa” region on the Hemaggluttin of the Spanish Flu virus. The same vaccine is used for 2009 H1N1. Vaccines are not scary. Vaccines do not contain anything that can hurt us in any more concentration then is naturally found in the foods we eat. There is no anti-vaccine myth that I personally can’t debunk. Not a single one.
Sal Martingano
July 10, 2020
Sean… You make a good point and I do respect the biochemist knowledge. I am not an ANTI VAXXer but my area of expertise, besides chiropractic itself, is immunology. Please..this is not a slam on what you said about debunking but I would love to present you with facts that I do have that would be pretty hard to debunk since the information came from respected medical and pharmaceutical sources. In fact I do a 90 min live presentation called “The Vaccine Forum” that I have on DVD, where all this information is presented. I’m looking at this as an intellectual exchange of facts and ideas. As I stated many times, I’m always open to criticism if sufficient proof is presented.