With the Australian federal election due in a few weeks, LNP and ALP/Greens are going to be ramping up the campaign on the evil of ‘climate change’ trying to outdo each other in policies that are going to be economically devastating for Australia but profitable for investors in ‘renewables’ benefiting from subsidies paid by taxpayers. Every time there is a storm, a cyclone/hurricane, flood, heat wave, freeze, drought, fire, earth quake, volcanic eruption, tsunami – there is a cry this is ‘unprecedented’ and due to ‘climate change’. This claim ignores two significant relevant factors: (i) an examination of global history of climate reveals that ‘climate change’ is a natural feature of climate, not a recent or ‘unprecedented’ phenomenon and (ii) geoengineering or ‘weather manipulation’ to create specific weather events in specific locations is a scientific fact and a reality. For more info, check out https://geoengineeringwatch.org
Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore:
“The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to warm.”
“I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication.”