[Editor’s note: Sikhism believes in defence of all people including themselves. This...
What you do, which is called ‘orthopraxy’, should reflect what you believe, called...
How the Council of Nicaea Rewrote Christian Belief Forever
How a 4th-century council reshaped Christianity forever, defining key doctrines, settling fierce...
Six Misunderstandings That Changed Christianity Forever
Christianity is the world’s biggest religion, but it did not get there without a mix of faith...
Marijuana and Teen Brains
Marijuana can have long-lasting harmful effects on a teen’s health and well-being. The teen brain...
Why is English the official language of the European Union when Great Britain isn’t even a...
Jesus was not tolerant.
Many people at present seem to deluded that Jesus was a tolerant man. He certainly was not tolerant...
Muslims in UK.
A Conversation about Muslims in UK. Muslim woman explains situation in UK: In UK, Muslims are in...
The New American Era.
Every 80 years, America has a Caesarian figure that arises and ushers America into a new era. Trump...
Why is the United States successful compared to other countries?
By Patrick Celaya. Five reasons: Geography I recommend reading “The Accidental Superpower” by Peter...