“I do not consent to being told that I am not taking a virus seriously simply because I question and challenge arbitrary laws that revoke my basic human rights.
I do not consent to the tracking and tracing of any citizens. And if we can easily track law abiding citizens, then why haven’t we made pedophiles and dangerous criminals a priority for this technology?
I do not consent to limiting free speech under the guise of protecting people from the spread of misinformation. No government has a monopoly on information.
I do not consent to the extreme censorship that is taking place on social media platforms toward doctors, scientists, 👩🔬 political scientists and activists who uphold data about a possible differing outcome than the MSM would have us believe. This is modernized book burning, and concerns me far more than the virus. What if your current beliefs are being chosen for you?
I do not consent to closing down our wild spaces when the big box corporations and franchises, the liquor store, and the dollar store are deemed essential. There is absolutely nothing more essential on this Earth than Earth itself.
I do not consent to the closing of small businesses while multi-million dollar companies remain open. This will (and has) undoubtedly contributed to rising rates of suicide, depression, drug & alcohol dependency, and domestic violence.
I do not consent to being prevented from freely travelling 🧭 while the politicians who impose these laws break them to visit their cottages or fly across borders.
I do not consent to my tax dollars being used for bailouts on major corporations while heart-centered small business owners and their employees fall into poverty. 💔
I do not consent to being told that all these decisions are for my safety when people peacefully sitting on park benches are fined $1300 for “not social distancing”, and convicted criminals are simultaneously released from prison for their own “protection.” 🤮
I do not consent to violating the Commonwealth Rights and Freedoms which states that my body is sovereign, and that no medical procedure can be mandated.
I do not consent to mandatory v@ccination, or forcible injection of any kind. Period! 💉
I do not consent to the label ‘anti-v@xxer’ simply because I have concerns about MANDATORY, enforced v@ccines or medical procedures – especially high risk ones with limited testing that are deemed highly profitable to the most questionable of interests.
I do not consent to being labelled a conspiracy theorist 🗣 simply because I question certain government, corporate and industrial motives.
I do not consent to the amount of division and hatred that so many have fallen into between your fellow man, simply for upholding opposing beliefs, or for speaking openly about what THEY believe. A gentle reminder that: You don’t have to be unkind to someone just because you disagree with them, or because you lead a different lifestyle than them. United we stand, divided we fall. 💞
I do not consent to the idea that pharmaceutical companies are the ONLY way to prevent or heal from illness, and the outright dismissal of this side of the conversation is highly questionable from my perspective. 🌞🌊🍊
I do not consent to the media only covering the death count 🥀 when the survival rate is immensely higher ⬆️! Fear cripples immunity. Why aren’t we talking about both?
I do not consent to forced testing, or laws changing based upon statistics gathered from PCR testing. This testing is largely inaccurate, producing so many false positives that a suspicious president tested a fruit. It tested positive for the virus. 🤦♀️
I do not consent to the cen$orship 🔇 of healthcare practitioners for educating on how to promote healthy immunity through lifestyle modification and the utilization of nutrients, herbs and botanicals 🌱 which have served us for thousands of years.
I do not consent to mad scientists and corporations who ignore the divine intelligence of our physiology and our Earth. 🌍
I do not consent to the lack of discussion on how the exploitation and destruction of our planet by the very powers in charge of handling our current “crisis,” has increased illness globally – everything from heart disease to depression, autoimmunity, cancer and autism, for decades.🤯
I do not consent.
Do you?
Here’s what I DO consent to:
Being able to be a free and critical thinker, who wants to share my views with others to prevent further suffering in the world without being silenced”