A Conversation about Muslims in UK.
Muslim woman explains situation in UK:

In UK, Muslims are in power. British culture no longer exists. British politicians have betrayed their people.”
They understand it too. British politicians have sold out UK to Islamists. The British must wake up now.
Well they are certianly in power. The Muslims now control the ten larget cities in the UK. I can’t believe the Brits, a once proud and strong people, have become the slaves of Islam.
My daughter has decided not to have children. She is educated enough to know that this Islamic invasion cannot be prevented. I fear for her future in the next 30 years, never mind my grandchildren in the following 30 years. This might sound defeatist. It is. Our government, Starmer has given our country away. The innocent children born into Islamic UK will become 2nd class slaves as soon as they reach puberty. The boys… soldiers of Jihad. The 9 year old girls…. brides of Islam or sex slavery. That is the future. We have allowed this. UK government has allowed this to happen to us.We are importing Jihad soldiers in their thousands and millions. We give them everything they could ever want in 4 and 5 star hotels. Living in luxury, unlike 80% of the UK British population who can’t afford to eat and heat their homes, (running up debts to survive). We can’t even get a dentist, and have to watch their elderly parents die in an NHS hospital corridor because they got so cold, blood thickening, so they die. Meanwhile the 5 star illegals have 24 hour NHS care. And the disturbing thing is they have never paid a single penny into the NHS. But your Mother and Father have worked all their lives, paying income tax and NHS tax for over 40 years. How disgraceful is this situation.
Rise up in Christ and take your place. You can only fight fanaticism with religious zeal. Have children that carry your values rather than dying out.
Peter Hicks
Stay out of the NHS if you are over 60. One hospital killed off appx 400 over 60s. There was a big stink about it but it went very quiet after the dust settled. That was just one hospital .
Get a GP appointment you are not going to see the GP you signed to who gets paid for having you on his books. They Employ Nr wannabe doctors on the cheap to handle the over 60s.
My wife had chest pain and was due a heart check. This was 5pm. She was seen by a female Junior wannabe who checked her heart with an ECG, did other checks and waved her on with some antacid. She went to bed that night and had a massive heart attack and died.
Walking blindfolded into hell.
So incredibly sad to watch the town and country I grew up it become an Islamic state.

Indus Valley King
London has been on my travel list for 10 years. Finally, I removed London from the list this year.
A Singh
It’s too late now. Pakistani origin immigration officers harass Indians holding a proper visa at port of entry. It happened with me in 2006.
I think Britain needs King Henry VIII to declare: This is a protestant country!
No Muslim has any plans to integrate to British culture.
I dated a Muslim girl who was at university and had to keep it quiet and was scared to death if her family found out, She said this was the same with all Muslim families. Never a future but we had some fun. I married my wife 20 years ago who is Asian but not Muslim. There was originally a push back from the elder members of the family but the younger ones at the time were more liberal and ok with it. I am well accepted now and have a good relationship with them My family were fine from the start and she was just another girlfriend same as any other. I think the Hindus and Sikhs are 30/40 years behind the west in integration but getting there. However they are well ahead of the Muslims. Some of the younger generation quite often have secret relationships with Muslim girls but still have to keep it quiet for the girls sake. Not really changed 20 years on. Asian men don’t have to hide it so much from their family so a lot of sexism going on there. But unless the girl wants to convert to Islam most times they will go and settle down with a Muslim, same as the Muslim girls do. Will Muslims fully integrate with non Muslims over time?. I personally think not. The religion is what keeps them apart and that will not change. There is a fear factor for the women and they will toe the line as much as possible. I do see Asians who are not Muslim or not religious quite easily mixing in just as blacks and whites have after a kind of us and them start on both sides. There was never an outside influence over it. Even Christianity has no borders on race. So you can have your own interpretation of integration and stick with it and that is fine. I remember watching a documentary on the KKK in America and there used to be many areas in the US called Sundown towns. These even had signs up stating it and black people were allowed to come into town to work or other activities but were expected to leave before sundown. I suppose you could argue the KKK were integrating back in those days.
I live in Birmingham, the reason many have not integrated us many down to their strong cultural beliefs and Islam. Pakistan along with Bangladesh is very very conservative and religion is the most important part of their life. So, integrating fully to a western liberal society will never happen.
In which case, if they have very very strong cultural beliefs and Islam is the most important part of their lives, why do come to a predominately Christian country in Western Europe, built of thousands of years of Christian tradition when it seems to be the antithesis of everything they want? Why do they not want to live in their Islamic countries? I know the answers of course: they are corrupt, badly run countries with poor healthcare, poor education, very low average incomes and are extremely polluted. The price, in my view if they want to benefit from our fabulous country is they should integrate properly. Not feel the need to walk around in black and white robes, with face and head coverings for example, which are totally alien to our way of life. Not to insist on Mosques all over the place, not to bring to our streets the troubles of the Middle East and the practices of their failing home countries.
From integration they mean abandon your culture and adopt British culture.
No we mean accept our differences and don’t try to change us, because we are in Britain. I worked in the education sector, in a not prolifically Muslim area, despite that we had to serve Halal meat to non Muslim children (until the patents found out), to suit the few Muslim children, stop having a Christmas Fayre (it’s called an Autumn Fayre now) . No crosses, they are offensive, it was suggested that ‘Christmas’ was replaced by Winter Festival and last year’s doozy was, hold your Christmas Party somewhere where alcohol is not served so those whose religion prohibits alcohol can join in. Or they can gave a cola, like the people driving. That’s what we mean by integration, but it seems the only ones integrating are the indigenous population.

Totally agree Alison. I have had the same experience at my children’s school. They started only serving halal meat in spite of less than 10% of the children at the school being Muslim because the Muslim parents made a fuss. Further, when a bratty Muslim child in my daughters class smashed her water bottle on purpose (and was sent to the head teacher for doing so) her mother refused to pay me back so I could buy another one citing “as a Muslim, we can’t reimburse you”. I of course told her not to bring religion into this but she continued to try to play the “Muslim card”. After I made a scene in front of other parents she eventually backed down, but it should take that just to do the right thing. And a final point. There is Muslim children on one of my daughters class who cover their ears and eyes when the R.E teacher talks about Christianity. My daughter asked them why and they said their parents have told them to do so. This is simply disgraceful. So for those Muslims who try to paint this as a non issue, I say, it is a very real issue and is the reason why so many British people are now speaking up more forcefully against it. Muslims need to integrate, not carry on in the sort of ways I outline here.
Non of what you said is true. Fuck Birmingham I’m from Bradistan. And never have I ever heard of crosses being removed and taking the word Christmas away. Utter bollocks. Show me one legitimate source of any kind of facility removing religious symbols to appease a certain group?

That’s just one incident. If you want more proof, look it up yourself.
Yes that is exactly what we mean. If you want to keep your culture don’t run away to a different culture. Seems pretty straight forward doesn’t it? Personally I think we need to start forcing it. Anglicised names, outlawing Islam, demolition of mosques, and all the bells and whistles.
You want to enforce a policy on names? English names for all? Like Boris de pfevel Johnson and Nigel Farage?
And I will not have another word about your fake belief that anglicizing is a bad thing until you return your name to “דָּוִד fhirbhisigh” deal? Or are you simply a hypocrite and an offence-monger? So, are you David or דָּוִד?
What about synagogue, Hindu temple , Sikh temple, Buddhist pagoda? You are still fighting for catholic, protestant faith among yourselves, in the USA, there are hundreds of Christian denominations hate each other or fighting to justify your on, now talking about Islam. I know there are extremists among Muslims, but more in the Hindu religion. The ruling Indian government, who supported this govt hate Muslim, Christian And other minorities and indigenous people too. Why you don’t talk about them in Britain, there the are more than the other foreigners? Even the former om and home secretary were the extreme Hindutva supporters.
Unless you adopt a majority of a culture and abandon some of your own you aren’t integrating. How else are you integrated into a culture rather than sat on the periphery? That’s not saying someone isn’t providing a benefit to society but they can’t be integrated into the culture without adopting part of it.
Who is they? Doesn’t sound like you are fully integrated if you see a “They” and “Us”?
What is British culture? Your religion came from the Middle East. Drink beer at pub, get drunk, then fight each other and late night when the pubs are closed, go Muslim curry houses and drink again with the food and wines, then go home. Go to watch football match fight with other Brits and Europeans. This is British culture. That I saw in the 70s and 80s in Britain.
Well you start with this.

You then ask how many of their cousins they have fucked. After that, you can ask their opinion of British people and the British Empire. Next, attempt to talk to a female relative of theirs. If you survive that, offer them a bacon sandwich and a pint. Then, you can refer to a policeman as a ‘black bastard’ and see how they react. You can ask them to pet your dog. There’s plenty more.
I guess you don’t have any vegetarian friends, right? Nor any non-drinkers? Or, come to think of it, any friends?
Grooming young girls, is it a White British thing that those Asian gangs are trying to emulate?
Yes. It doesn’t happen much in Pakistan, I’ll wager.
Are you saying British people are incapable of rape?

I’m one hundred percent integrated in to British culture and society. What is British culture by the way? I am going to pub every evening, eating pork and my girl friend wearing body revealing dress and wears bikini on the beech.
One more thing, I was needed an emergency GP appointment and need to be seen urgently on Xmas day. When I went to the surgery I have seen a Muslim doctor Ali sat there. Beside, in another room there was another Muslim female doctor Hussain, wearing head scarf but serving patients. I was shocked why on earth they are not integrated in to British society should stay home and enjoy nice meal on Xmas with their friends and family.
This is one of example, there are number of examples on both sides good and bad, it is very easy to raise eye brows.
Can the English integrate among themselves? It’s a class system in the UK where the working class hardly ever come in contact with the middle or the upper classes with each treating the other with complete disdain. They reside in different places away from the English rif rafs. When the English go abroad they all tend to congregate in one place and get drunk and are happy. The Anglo-Saxon I heritently do not have the skill to integrate for fear the veneer will fall and expose the fake empire nonsense. The problem lies with the Anglo-Saxon mindset and their inherent fear of being exposed. Besides they have no much to talk about except football!
So have British English neighbours ever willing to open their doors to immigrant neighbours readily?? Asian neighbours,from my experience where I live integrate by way of neighbourliness by food, helping out older English folks etc. Integtation is not just about wearing like for like clothing,giving up your culture to look globalised.
Yes that is exactly what it is. Integration by definition is giving up your own culture to assimilate into the one you have moved into. If you don’t want to appear “worldly” don’t move to a foreign country.
Integration is not a quick thing.
I am Australian, and it is uncomfortable watching old newsreel footage, of at least up to the 1950s (& probably even the 1960s), where the preferred voice-over was a very British RP accent that also used language to convey Australians (myopically limited to white people obviously, given the era) as being British.
If we conservatively set a marker at 1958, 170 years after the first wave of British colonisation started, the then still active promotion a “British” identity in the media is a rather strong indication of the slow pace of assimilation.
To presume it only takes a generation or three to assimilate is laughably naive. Some people “go native” quicker than others, but I think the majority take many generations.
Of course, the Australian identity (at least for the British derived cohort) had already somewhat moved on from a British identity, especially after WWII. The media, as an arm of those in power has something of a conservative streak to it, so it was still plugging away at the conservative approved “we are British” programming (and by “programming” I do include a meaning of “propaganda” and “brainwashing”). The reality on the ground won out, as it tends to do (it is more “real” to your everyday life than the spiel on the newsreels, etc).
Remember that the Normans were never overthrown, they did get assimilated (yet still arguably remain in power).I believe the same is true for the Mongol conquerors of Persi (sans the remain power bit). Both assimilations took many centuries. You cannot expect anything faster. But today’s tech speeds things up? Yeah sure, it also allows stronger connections to ones roots, so any speed-up is counteracted by potential slow-downs.
This is a long game and it must be played that way.

Seems like today’s tech is amplifying racism. I found out fairly recently that I’m descended from from Anglo Normans on one side. Can trace the line right back. I’m not especially into that stuff, but a relative did the legwork. The Anglo Normans of southern Scotland to be precise, brought north by King David of Scotland. Not that I’m in that position of power you mention.
The issue is not a comparison with Australians but with other immigrants to the UK. Do those from Pakistan and Bangladesh behave differently from other immigrants such those from India, which to some degree are similar. One would expect Europeans to integrate easily. Chinese are another close comparison group although their numbers are much smaller. However, they do have their own strong culture. I would claim Muslems have integrated much less. The fact they set up their own schools. There are 30 state-funded Muslim schools and 180 private Muslim schools. No Hindi schools. Religious schools are part of the issue in Northern Ireland.
There’s Catholic schools all over the UK despite the CofE. And Hindu schools, come to think of it. And Sikh schools. And Jewish schools.
I am not aware of any State sponsored Hindu schools or even private schools. About 1/3 of Jewish children attend a faith school at some point in their education, which implies the vast majority attend a non Jewish faith school at some point. School is where you make life long friends. I would say a much larger population of Muslims never attend a non-Muslim. However, I think something similar may happen in the Jewish community with the rise of Ultra-Orthodox Jews. I would then also add my objection to those schools. The point I am making is faith schools exist due to historic relations between Roman Catholics and other Christians became irrelevant in the UK (apart for NI) because only a tiny majority of the UK were other than secular Christians. So something that was undesirable in my view could be tolerated. Few were getting brain washed at school. The US got it right separating the religion and State education.
Yes, but what you are aware of is down to the nature of your (mis)information sources. Firstly most children regardless of faith attend a school that does not align with any faith, or to put it more clearly, most children from an Islamic background do not attend an Islamic school. Secondly it takes a moment of searching to find the Avanti Schools Trust, the Nishkam School Trust, as well as some strongly (near Creationist) Christian schools.
If most want to, I say want to integrate into the country? Why do they have a Muslim council and want Shira law introduced into the country and don’t really like like British law? Also do the things that is not compatible with the Christian country they have settled in?
Literally not a single Muslim person I have ever met has ever wanted Shariah law. It’s possible that, as a sub cultural group, that may be something of interest to some, purely hy virtue of the fact that I can’t entirely prove otherwise (not having spoken to each individual Muslim person in the country), but otherwise your statement is intellectually void of any merit or any actual evidence in reality.
Then explain this:
Well the same article says that the opinion poll (from 2016!) found that 90% of Muslims in the UK wanted to integrate “fully” or “on most things”.
And what “aspects” of Sharia law do UK muslims support? The article (and you) don’t elaborate that in a desperate attempt to protray them as “other”. Maybe it’s just not giving or receiving interest? Hardly the stuff of revolution is it?
And a similar poll amongst Christians in the UK would probably give the same kind of support for aspects of Christianity in English and Scottish law – opposing closure of Church of England or Catholic schools; regretting Sunday opening hours, that sort of thing.
Do you know what sharia law is, it contains thing like having to donate to charities. Do you think donating to poor is a good or bad thing? That why 40% of Muslims support some aspects of law because like most religous laws, there a few good bits in there everyone support, along with the bad. Many Muslims are starting to Islam like we treat Christanity, like a pick and mix sweet shop.
Donating to poor can be done by anybody, and doesn’t require Dark-Ages customs to do so. How about this one – see below: about 1/3 of British Muslims believe death for apostasy should be allowed. That’s a little more serious than petty charity giveaways. As for “pick and mix sweet shop”, I bet you don’t find 1/3 of British Christians believing witches should be burned alive, or whatever sick equivalent there is for Muslim apostates.
How about this one? Half of British Muslims believe homosexuality should be illegal. So, who’s coming to arrest Stephen Fry?
How many more do you want? These alone should be enough.
Hear, hear. I don’t know where this myth of Muslims wanting Sharia Law has come about from. In terms of arbitration in an English court, there should be some recognition that things are sometimes seen/done differently in different cultures and a judge needs to have a bit more knowledge so he can pass a fair judgement. That’s not asking for a blanket Sharia law to be implemented, it just means that the Judge/court needs to learn a bit more about his case!
You have built an argument on two things that are not true. The majority of Muslims don’t want shariah law (except perhaps as an arbitration device). And legally speaking we are not a Christian country. We are a post enlightenment one.
Well why do we have Christian laws? Also in Germany we have seen Muslims demonstrating for Sharia law? Also according to reports most Muslims want Sharia law introduced into Britain not Christian laws?
Because have over 2,000 years of history, an thousand years of nearly continuous governance by a centralise government. That mean over a 1000 years of years of laws.
If most don’t want Shari law, why do they allow others to call for it and their own caliphate within the country they are in? Why doesn’t the mosque mullahs condemn these groups for wanting it?
How do you define integration? Do you think Brits living in places like South Africa, Zimbabwe etc. have integrated in the local culture after being there for many generations?
The Brits were so integrated into the societies of their adopted or conquered lands in Africa and Asia it was the locals who ended up being like them.

Very many Pakistanis have integrated deeply. That’s why we don’t notice them.
Oh really? What percentage?
The simple answer is that they don’t want to, even though Sharia law isn’t legal here they still practice it behind closed doors.
They don’t want to intergrate into our society, they don’t want adopt our culture or traditions, they would rather fly a Palestinian flag than the Union Jack or St George’s flag. The women still walk round in their hijabs that look like walking post boxes and the men do so in what resembles old bedsheets.
They are ignorant as the converse in their native language, they think they own this country and in many cities this is true for example London used to have the nickname “the smoke” now it is Londonstan. People are waking up to the fact that they may be anatomically the same as us but that is where it ends, their values, traditions and way of life is like comparing chalk and cheese.
In my opinion unless they adopt the saying “when in Rome do as the Romans do” they should f**k off back to their 3rd world country.
It’s not true that ‘most Muslims’ don’t integrate in the U.K., but if we don’t acknowledge that there are some pockets where communities don’t integrate, nothing can be done to address the problems that causes. Women especially can be trapped in poverty by a lack of education or English language skills, can have restricted access to healthcare for themselves and their children, and might not be aware of opportunities outside their neighbourhood.
During Covid, much of that area didn’t follow the normal lock down rules. My friend who works in the hospital there says there’s many second generation women who don’t speak good English (we asked how, as surely they went to school, and she said that they’d mix almost exclusively within their own community at school and then they’d leave at 16 and not need to speak much English again).
But why just pick on Muslims?, Jews haven’t integrated fully either and they been here even longer, same with other religions.
I don’t think it’s picking on Muslims as much as certain groups of Muslims are pushing people to the point of outright anger. They are now blaming all muslims. It’s the fact that they are making demands in a country that isn’t theirs and demanding change. You don’t see any other minority groups doing this. They are purposely disrespecting and being disruptive to the British way of life with their marches and preaching their religion on the streets and were seen doing it at Christmas villages and so on. They have their own places of worship they shouldn’t be bringing it to the streets or public places and heckling people.
The Old Moseley Arms, yes, a wonderful pub with great beer, food and a lively community feel. The owner, Sukh, is a Sikh. He’s a nice person and has created something special. I don’t know if the chefs are Bangladeshi, Pakistani or whatever, but the food is fantastic.
Integration means – living in Rome like romans do not trying to change Rome — so mostly that’s the norm anyone coming to a new country is always welcome if he comes legally and adds to country economics but mingles in local population and respects local tradition but otherwise he she is an aberration.

You don’t understand. When a Europid says “integration’, he really means ‘taking me as the superior being, accompanied by the blanket acceptance of my superior values, culture and religion; or lack thereof; as pure perfection and the abandonment of all else”. A Europid is hurt when he is not worshipped.
Oh and it doesn’t matter whether the heathen is in the Europid’s country or the Europid is in the heathen’s country. The inferior heathen is expected to integrate with the Europid’s culture in all cases; even in his own land.
Just getting a job and living in a country doesn’t mean you have integrated into, it just means you are not one of the lazy bastards out their who are living on wellfare.
One comment said do you want people to forget their culture and adopt British culture?
Nope nobody should forget their culture but when you come to a country you should learn to live by the customs and culture of the country you have adopted and not try to change it or make demands from it.
In Islamic countries, there are no Christian churches and they don’t allow Christianity so when they come to a Christian country they should not be preach Islam it is only right.
But when you lump everyone in the same box and say none integrate then that is racist since some do try to fit in and keep their ideology to themselves where as others abuse the hospitality of the country that has taken them in which makes it hard for those who do want to make a go of it and a better life for themselves
As for changing names to only British names, that’s CRAZY.
Britain should have stricter laws concerning how people are allowed to behave in the country who are not British.
I have observed that because it is a very traditional culture, with arranged marriages (often family) the culture becomes embedded. Also, let’s be honest, I have heard things like “lazy white women”, or “harlot” etc., which to me, shows that people are looked down on. This isn’t just Pakistani people though. I’ve heard Jews do it too. Culture, enforced and married into, is hard to integrate.
It takes generations. There are Jews just as separated from rest society as some Muslims and they been here for centuries longer.
Very true. In fact, the “harlot” comment was made by a Jew.
Yes, define exactly what is ‘integrated’?
Whatever it is, I’d guess that some Pakistanis are very well integrated and some are much less so. It’s a matter of perception. I note here in Glasgow. Most young Pakistani girls increasingly do not wear a head covering and many obviously have a very keen interest in Western fashion trends! Whether this means they are well integrated into Scottish society depends on how you see things.

There aren’t many pubs in those areas of Birmingham but why do the massage parlours still stay? They must have customers.
Integration/non integration, acceptance/non acceptance are all tied to two things: education and the fear factor. The more educated you are the more likely you are to assimilate. The more ignorant feel the fear of doing so. This of course applies to both immigrants and the native population and can be seen in most countries though the effect is more enhanced the more backward looking a country is. That’s called Xenophobia.
As a fellow Brumaire, thank you for shining a light on our multiculturalism.
Birmingham is full of bourkas, beards and baby buggies!
Your answer defies observable facts. Wonder how you have missed the ongoing Islamisation of the UK done mainly with the efforts of the Pakistani community.
For once, someone responded truthfully (in favour of Pakistanis), RESPECT to you brother💚. I’m sure you’ll get a lot of hate from racist, islamophobe bigots and Indians now.
None of these points have anything to do with integration? Dyu not think there are plumbers car salesmen and restaurants selling curry back in Pakistan? Integration would be adopting the values ideals and standards of the country that welcome you to come and stay ? Some absolutely do, unfortunately many more do not. Also for context and For anyone not from Birmingham reading this, Balsall Heath is considered a really bad area to live or even visit.
I read the original question. Looked out of the window at next door but 1. He looks fairly integrated. I mean he’s not a racist football fan or anything but let’s face it integration can go too far.
Only one question will be sufficient to know whether they are integrated or not:
Would they like to impose Sharia Law on all British citizens?
Most of them would have answered in affirmation.

All Asians were integrating very well before Labour opened doors in 2000 to newcomers who basically brought their communities back into their traditional ways. Too late now, the liberals hated Christian religion with its conservative views but those immigrants they backed are worse than puritans of 18th century.
I’m a first generation immigrant from Sri Lanka in the Engineering profession who moved to UK 3 years ago. Sri Lanka is a place where we know our neighbors by name, played with kids our age growing up and shared meals during festivals of different faiths.
I tried continue the values I grew up with to the countryside of UK I moved to but the locals in the countryside are either:
- Not bothered
- Rude (well to be fair just this one grumpy old man.)
- Do not share the same interest in getting to know a new face as I would.
- Don’t make friends outside their small circle till death parts them.
Now after 3 years, who are my closest friends here you may ask? Mostly other Asians (be it south, south east or east) who come from similar cultures and who actually make an effort to know your neighbor and new faces. So is the problem with me not integrating or the locals not bothered to get to know me but will instead complain about immigrants not integrating?
90% of the Indian curry houses or restaurants are owned by Bangladeshi (people of Sylhet district).
Just read in Guardian that in the 90 and 00’s there were 30+ restaurants, now only 4, because their children do not want to work in restaurants and nowadays many are buying take way food or ready-made Indian curry dishes. Most of them are Kashmiri Muslims. Most Pakistanis are Kashmiri origin like most Bangladeshi are Sylheti. I’m originally from Bangladesh and I know those Sylheti differs from other districts. Who came there were uneducated laborers, very religious, because of poor and uneducated, plus that area traditionally religious historically and I saw them in Britain in late 70s and 80s are not possible to integrate. Even in Bangladesh people laugh at them how they talk in Bengali and behavior. But educated ones and second, third generation mostly assimilated with the British society.
Well you basically proved the other sides point. They ghettoized themselves in one area. No one else really does that. Hindus, Sikhs, Jews, Protestants, Catholics, Buddhists, atheists etc. all live side by side in British society.
They dont take over areas and essentially make the highstreet unrecognisable. They also dont force thier kids to marry cousins nor do they shun the locals because of religious differences.
I grew up next to kids of all religions and races in london during the 1970s and 1980s .. there were differences but after a generation everyone was fully integrated.
Everyone except for the islamic residents.
There were just not many of them around, because they were all further north and stayed within their own communities.
You also dont see jews hindus sikhs etc marching around calling for the genocide of other residents.
That seems to be confined to the Islamic residents and is another way they alienate themselves.
You may not like these facts but it doesnt make them any less true.

Integration? Just look at the British example during the Empire.
John Tongue-in-cheek
I concur that just running businesses and having a job is not intergrating. No, I don’t think integration has happened. Areas dominated by minority races, Muslims in this instance, are like countries within a country. There is one only one barrier to all of this, RELIGION.
Your a total idiot if you think that’s integration these people do not want to integrate because they are nothing like us and do not share our values their religion is not compatible with the west years ago l worked has a private hire driver (mini cab)and was at one point the only white driver at the firm l worked at I’d been there longer than any other driver the original owner had sold it to a Pakistani and within 6 months the firm had changed beyond recognition it was the day when the Islamist terrorist scum attacked the twin towers in new York there was about 7 or 8 of us in the office watching it on the TV l was going mad shouting at the TV calling the murdering filth all sorts of names not a single one of the Pakistani’s condemned what was going on that tells you something and over the years that l was there l found out just how crooked they all were earning many many thousands of pounds every year by working 7 days a week and then boasting that they only paid a couple of hundred pounds income tax dealing in dodgy cars ripping off customers over fares l had many arguments with them over that one they fiddled insurance claims the list goes on and on I’d be here all night if I listed them all.
I’ve lived in Leicester for several years, so I’m in a position to comment. I’ve noticed that of course the ethnic groups all live together first and foremost and some don’t even speak English because they stick to their community. My ex boyfriend’s mother isn’t Muslim but fits this, I rarely heard her speak English and she’s ignorant of anything British, despite claiming benefits and living here for decades.
When it comes to Muslims; anything they do in terms of work etc is for the benefit of others in their community, not the UK as a whole. I don’t see them at any British cultural or sporting events despite how many there are, they are going to the cinema to watch imported Asian cinema instead.
There are national stats confirming that a significant number of Muslims don’t actually work, especially the women, meaning they are essentially parasites. I see the women walking around in their full hijabs, it’s like something out of the 11th century and looks ridiculous in modern Britain.
Of course there are a few exceptions and I’ve met some friendly people, but a quick drive around Leicester will confirm they aren’t interested in being British, with billboards in foreign languages and ethnic businesses everywhere.
Lastly, I saw footage of a woman being heckled in Birmingham, I believe she was an MP and was being harassed by Muslim men who don’t like to see women in a position of authority. So they move here knowing we have equal rights and oppose it, it beyond takes the piss.
Why should a woman work mine didn’t from my arrival in 1943 until her death.
Wearing burka was a British tradition? I didn’t know that , I mean I’ve seen many Pakistani women wear burkas to cover their faces in the UK. Additionally I’ve seen Pakistani men not even look my mother in the eye, when we tried to be friends with them. When my mother asked why this happened, the Pakistani men said that in our culture they aren’t allowed to look women in the eye. There are honour killings done by Pakistanis in the UK, If this is your idea of integrating into society , then I guess you should go back to school. Typical liberal trying to be a good guy, who will make sure his daughter gets married to a Pakistani man just for the sake of diversity and call Americans and other Eastern Europeans morally inferior for not wanting or discriminating against people who want sharia law in the country.

Then why are they Muslims ? The Koran instructs them to not take an infidel as a friend. Kill the Jews and people of the book (Christians) wherever you find them. Is it because they are not allowed to leave Islam on pain of death?
You’re being radicalised by facebook.
Its not a joke. Its reality. A lot of the shops, barbers and restaurants are there to launder the proceeds of drug trafficking.
I lived around Moseley and Balsall Heath for two decades on and off. I know many Pakistanis and Afghans. I was on good terms with the majority of them. I know exactly what goes on, take off your rose tinted glasses.
I drove down Moseley Rd a couple of months ago and its become a complete dive. Back in the nineties, I used to drink in The Fighting Cocks, The Trafalgar, and Moseley Dance Centre. You are wasting your time here, I am not some American you can con that diversity is just wonderful. I have travelled throughout SE Asia. A slum in Manila has less rats per person than Balsall Heath.
There are plenty of folks, including British white folks, who haven’t integrated into society. But for many foreign migrants they do like to maintain their cultural habits and customs. The British have taken many things with them such as railways, laws, IPA, fish and chips and so on, so who can blame the Pakistani folks for bringing curry, FGM, first cousin marriage, Islam, honour killings, and throwing acid over young women who want choice and would like to marry someone of their choice.
And, remember, it is these sorts of things that makes Britain the wonderfully happy multi-cultural country that it is today.

Rahul Mahapatra
What I found out is most of them can’t even speak English properly the British won’t mingle with them obviously.
Plus they have a huge population with same kind of issue. They come to UK for earning money which they are doing with their own people. The area they stay, the Whites mostly leave because it became shady area to them. So the British are creating hot-spot for them in their own country. The same happened in India a long time back.

I was abroad for just shy of 20 years. I returned in 2018 for 2 weeks and was shocked at the changes. Reading on a sunny June day looked like being outside the United Nations building in New York at lunchtime. A singing Slovak Gypsy alongside another two dozen ethnicities of every hue.
The English were a minority in the high street and often sitting on a sleeping bag begging. Presumably homeless. As a child, if we saw a tramp we would remark on it. Now we pass the homeless and don’t notice them at all.
The traffic was another eye opener. Massively increased, particularly trucks which seem to move almost 24/7.
Alongside the explosion in takeaways – food from around the world, often cheap and mostly pretty good. It’s perhaps bad taste to notice it but the England of 2018 was vastly different in ethnic makeup than the England I was born into.
Multiculturalism has bought benefits and many decent people are amongst the recent arrivals. For all that there is such a thing as too much of a good thing and for sure we have already long passed that point. Many inner cities are ghettos and the resemblance to the third-world from is striking.
Birmingham looked like India without the cows wandering the streets. Shops bursting onto pavements and lots of turbans and Saris. Not threatening, not bad, just quite different than it was in the nineties.
Two years later in July 2022 I’m back in the UK. This time I am truck driving. The state of the roads, general cleanliness, and air of decrepidness are all worse. As an example, poorer areas often have large dumps of old furniture including mattresses and the like. They are left there for months if not years. This rubbish acts as a magnet for more rubbish making some streets difficult to deliver to.
Several towns and cities literally have buildings that have collapsed in the streets – some are still coned off with traffic diverted some for years after they fell down.
Nothing lasts forever and as buildings age this happens, The years it takes to clear the debris and lack of repair is new. One at least fell down 3+ years ago and I know of others I first saw a year or 2+ years ago which are similarly abandoned behind temporary fences.
The condition of the roads is similarly terrible. Gulleys aren’t emptied – saving pennies but incurring large repair costs later as water ingress damages the road surface. Potholes grow gigantic and council insurer’s pay out more in claims than the repair costs. Their insurance companies then no doubt put up premiums accordingly.
Most High streets have been decimated by a combination of high rents, business rates, and tax. I know of at least one high street business that paid more business tax than rent. Expensive parking and the fact that over half of the UKs shopping spend is now online makes business difficult.
Bezos’ Amazon pays a fraction of its profits in tax compared to the high street retailers. His tax exempt electric van fleet is scandalous.
Perhaps the creeping decay is less noticeable if one has not been away. Pretty much most places north of Watford are not what they were. Much of the North resembles the third world in both demography and the general condition.
There’s a camera every mile. Motoring infractions are ruthlessly and profitably pursued. Yet the crimes which really do contribute to a loss of quality in life are largely ignored. Often in favour of pursuing ‘hurty-words’ posted on social media.

I don’t drive and have always thought that road tax was to keep the roads in a good condition. However, I’ve heard that electric vehicles are very heavy, so cause more damaged. As they don’t have to pay it, I realised that is not what road tax is actually for.
I live in the north east and the changes in our town happen so quickly that you cannot not notice. We have many buildings like your photos. We are almost a ghost town, yet our council insists on saying the town is a ‘vibrant and energetic town with growing prospects’. Most of the people at the top don’t even live here in the mess they facilitate.
Over the last couple of years we have seen many immigrants arrive, on quite a large scale. They have been sent by London councils, to a very impoverished town, some without our council knowing about it. As the government pays the rents, the landlords can charge higher than the norm for here, but still lower than London, making things difficult for everyone else needing to rent. It’s all just a huge mess.

It goes towards general taxation. There’s about 7 billion from that and 26 billion from fuel duty. Every tyre or repair pays VAT as well. The UK spends about 12.7 billion on building and maintaining roads.
Cleaning out road drains was a regular thing when I was a boy in the 50s and 60s. The lorry came round at least twice a year. Where I now live the drains have not been cleaned for years. They are completely blocked with silt and, as a result, the road regularly floods.
Not long until Andy introduces ULEZ and congestion charging, and makes all drivers feel like criminals. Just like his chum in London has.

Andy Burnam rejected ULEZ scheme for Manchester some years ago.
Welcome to the neo-liberal wet dream, this is exactly the sort of urban environment that neo-liberalism creates: narrow the fiscal base to the poor; hollow out the middle class so that two income families still have financial stress; ‘deregulate’ and remove ‘red tape’ so that there are no constraints on big business (that’s called lawlessness when it applies to citizens), shift money and production as a source of income off-shore.
If things go wrong, socialise the losses and privatise all the profits. Own the media so you can convince the population that this is good for them.
Buy the two major political parties and have them collude to rig the system to exclude real alternatives.
And then blame immigrants.

Most of Britain looks worse now than it did during the 60s and 70s. There has been years of dereliction.
Yep, it has really gone to the dogs now, this country. Honestly, you would think you were living in the Third World now in the UK, with the state of everything. Everything is a huge mess now. Not just the problems that unchecked immigration has caused, but public transport is a joke and hugely expensive, you are very lucky if you can get a doctor’s appointment or hospital treatment in many places, and there are no services now worth the name – it’s become really hard to get or do anything now, just the basics of life. Not to mention the massive shortage of housing in this country; it’s become insanely hard just to find somewhere to live! I would definitely emigrate if I could.
Yes, import the third world and become the third world.

You all had it coming after what your ancestors did to several countries. What goes around, comes around.
Don’t worry; if the U.K. is a third-world country, then there are no first or second-world countries. As someone who has travelled the world extensively over 20 years, these comments are so far beyond ridiculous that they must have been written by trolls or people with distorted views of the world. I will caveat that this isn’t to say there aren’t problems; there are and always will be, and there will also be a lot of people with their rose-tinted spectacles talking about the past and how great the nation used to be; everyone does this on every level since the dawn of time.
If all of these things were true, why wouldn’t you migrate? What exactly is stopping you?
People have been saying the U.K. is finished for the past 500 years, yet it is the sixth-largest economy in the world, which is incredible given its relatively small population (22nd largest in the world).
- Number one rated university in the world and many others in the top 100 universities of the world
- World-leading health care research with an industry worth over £90bn
- Including development of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine distributed 2 billion doses to over 170 countries
- Highest number of quantum start-ups in Europe
The UK maintains its status as a great power through permanent membership of key international organizations and forums:
Permanent member of the UN Security Council
Founding member of NATO
Member of G7 and G20
Member of AUKUS
Member of OECD and WTO
Honestly, it’s so easy to keep going on, because no nation in the history of the world has punched harder above its weight than GB.
Our ancestors improved the shithole you come from pal. You’d be 40 years behind without the help of the British Empire.

Houses and rental prices have gone up massively due to the recent influx putting pressure on housing, too many people chasing too few houses, Labour introducing taxes and regulations on rental properties means more landlords leaving the rental market, no properties to turn into HMOs (as much as I hate them) for the extra people. Immigration is not always beneficial when you have too many unskilled incomers.
People need to do those jobs. The capitalist ethos means that profit comes before the well being of workers and voters seem fine with that and prefer to blame immigrants for everything while the wealthy rake in more and more. In the care industry net profit margins are at >20% mostly on the backs of desperate immigrants being exploited.

UK is definitely in decline, possibly terminal decline. My daughter lived abroad for a long time but decided to come back to UK. After about a year she moved abroad again saying UK was overcrowded, over taxed, the roads were terrible and everything was really expensive, in fact UK was a total mess and nothing like it used to be. Living here we tend not to notice the ongoing decline that much as we live with it daily but it’s happening all the same.
I think even living here the decline is noticeable and you can see things going worse in question of months. You go to work one year abroad and when you come back you see is getting worse.
How are we overtaxed? We’re the sixth largest economy in the world, and working people are using food banks. We need to pay more tax. And wealthy people need to pay a lot more tax.
The problem is people want the NHS to continue but want low taxes with it, unfortunately that’s not going to be possible. They’ll soon renege on this once they end up having Americas system and they’re paying £300 a month – but it’ll be too late by then.
The roads are in pretty poor shape though they have been working on them pretty heavily from summer onwards. The rest is pretty exaggerated as least where I live (south Wiltshire.) It is always a shock whenever you are away for a while to see negative changes. I was born in Canada and last time I was there I saw vagrants clustered around flaming bins and parts of the city where I grew up were totally obliterated by large, ugly buildings.
I could not agree more with you. Once we used to go on holiday and were please to return to our own roads. Now it the opposite, our roads are dark and dank and full of potholes. Oxford street used to be full of life, now it looks exactly like Karbul. Our high streets used to be full of different shops, now they are almost all gone and replace with takeaways, bars, coffee shops etc. As for the likes of Amazon, it makes me mad, they hardly contriute any taxes, yet the small shops are taxed to the hilt.
I was born in UK. I emigrated in 1975. I visited in 2013 and was appalled to see the filth and rubbish. And more sad was how the British people have become subdued and allowed the nanny state to control dialogue and ideals.
I had the same impression having been away since 2007. The nation feels like it’s in decline. No doubt someone will post a picture of a village or castle and say everything is fine.
People believe what they want and hide from objectivity. Having spent a month in Tameside, Manchester (where I grew up through the 197os and 80s. I shocked at what I saw. I left the UK in 1989 (moved to the USA but moved to Vancouver, BC in 1993) and have only been back infrequently. I believe this has given me perspective. It’s 100 percent in major decline. Never seen so many derilct buildings, boarded up shops, litter and neglect. Granted wealthier areas are likely fine but middle Britain is grim, utterly grim. Even the pubs that are still open are now crap….over priced eateries for the most part. Sad really, but I’m glad I left.
Our biggest problem is our Benefit system, it encourages migrants to keep risking death to get here. And it encourages ldle people already here to sit on their backsides doing sweet F.A. No wonder the UK is in decline. An island this small can only hold so many. And support so many before it’s economy collapses completely. The more that come here for a better life cause the indigenous population to suffer a worse life.
The majority of people on Universal Credit are working. And migrants can’t get benefits without a national insurance number. Ddon’t let truth stand in the way of a good story
Unfortunately I see this myself. I spend much time overseas in New Zealand, Australia and China. I’ve seen China grow, and although not Utopia, is way grander than the UK. Australia is multi-cultural – but the incomers seem to adopt the Aussie way of life rather than bringing their own culture. I’m lucky and perhaps immune to too much foreign culture where I live in Scotland. At my age if 76, and able to live in these other countries, I can shrug and fly away when I want. Pity though.
Came looking to see if anyone acknowledged these ridiculous comments. I agree the UK is in decline but the undertones of racism in this post and the amount others just agree with it are absurd.
The UK is in decline because governments have taken away money from local councils for years. Cost cutting on bin collection and reduced street cleaning for example is why there is fly tipping and more rubbish on the streets. It’s expensive to build and so much red tape to go through buildings remain derelict. The way people shop has changed therefore high streets need to adapt with more service led and experiential offerings, there are positive examples of this across the UK To blame everything on immigration is narrow-minded and missing what 10 years of austerity in Britain actually caused.

Salwan Momika, an Iraqi man who sparked outrage by staging Quran-burning protests in Sweden in 2023, has been shot dead, according to Swedish authorities.
A spokesperson for Sweden’s prosecutor’s office confirmed to CNN that Momika was shot dead in capital city Stockholm on Wednesday. Stockholm police told CNN that five people had been arrested on Wednesday night on suspicion of murder.
A comment from history:
Muslim historian Firishta [full name Muhammad Qasim Hindu Shah, born in 1560 and died in 1620], the author of the Tarikh-i Firishta and the Gulshan-i Ibrahim, was the first to give an idea to the medieval bloodbath that was India during Muslim rule, when he declared that over 400 million Hindus got slaughtered during Muslim invasion and occupation of India. Survivors got enslaved and castrated. India’s population is said to have been around 600 million at the time of Muslim invasion. By the mid 1500’s the Hindu population was 200 million.
By the time the British arrived to the shores of India and after centuries of Islamic law ruling India, the Hindu population was not behaving like their normal self; they were behaving like Muslims. There are many witness reports from the British archives of horrendous Hindu incidents that were shocking in cruelty to the British – and they therefore sometimes referred to the people as “savages”. Yes, anyone who gets contaminated by the association with Islamic ‘culture’ truly gets tainted and savaged. That is exactly why it is so detrimental and dangerous. — By Sami Aldeeb https://www.sami-aldeeb.com/3141-2/