
Buy with charity in mind

Written by Anonymous

When I’m in Bali, I see this ALL the time and it breaks my heart and confuses my soul..

Unconsciously UNKIND – it’s a thing..

I saw a beautiful old man on the street selling his home grown eggs..

I over heard a well dressed woman with an accent that wasn’t local ask to buy some eggs.

She asked him, ‘How much are you selling the eggs for?

The old man seller replied, ‘5000rp an egg, Madam.’ (That’s like 5c Australian)

She said to him, ‘I will take 6 eggs for 25000rp or I will leave.’ (She wanted an egg for free)

The old man seller smiled and replied, ‘Come take them at the price you want. May be, this is a good beginning because I have not been able to sell even a single egg today I am happy to sell you my eggs.’

She took the eggs and walked away with feeling she has won.

She got into her fancy car and went to a posh American owned restaurant with her friend.

There, she and her friend, ordered whatever they liked.

They ate a little and left a lot of what they ordered.

Then she went to pay the bill. The bill costed her 150000rp She gave 200000rp and asked the owner of the restaurant to keep the change.

This incident might have seemed quite normal to the restaurant owner but, very painful to the poor old man egg seller.

The point is,

Why do we always show we have the power when we buy from the needy ones?

And why do we get generous to those who do not even need our generosity?

Why are we ok to look at some people as less than us?

I once read somewhere:

‘My father used to buy simple goods from poor people at high prices, even though he did not need them. Sometimes he even used to pay extra for them. I got concerned by this act and asked him why does he do so? Then my father replied, “It is a charity wrapped with dignity, my child”

I know most of you won’t share this message but if you feel that people need to see this, then do spread this message.

We have a choice.. What are your choices?

Are you conscious in your decisions..?

Do you feed the big chains or do you look to support locals?

Interesting right

Ange 💋

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