Christianity History

Was Jesus a Jew?

Written by Andy

They were not called “J*ws”. The Hebrews had split into three sects: The Pharisees, the Sadducees, and the Essenes. The Pharisees were the temple people whilst the temple was the controlling authority over the people. Jesus constantly rebuked the Pharisees as in: “You are a den of vipers.” The Sadducees were elitists that eventually disappeared. The Essenes were small community people that ran hostels and hospitals. They were gathering manuscripts from all religions to create a better religion, which is the origin of the ‘dead sea scrolls’. Jesus aligned with the Essenes although it is not explicitly written in the bible. His teaching and actions matched their philosophy. The ‘J*w*sh Virtual Library’ states that the Pharisees were the forefathers of modern J*daism. This excludes the Essenes.

Semites are ‘people of the Middle East’, which include Palestinian Muslims and Palestinian Christians. The term ‘Anti-S*mite’ was a trick term to put a guilt complex on Western Christians for criticism of J*w*sh wrongdoings. To add to the inappropriateness, most J*vvs living in the West have roots as Khazars and often do not get on with Semitic J*vvs. If one accepts that ‘the mother must be Jewish’ approach, the Kh*zars do not fit the accepted formula. However, they follow Moses with his: “These lands that I give you, you shall kill the inhabitants therein.” and “You may not lend money and expect more in return from thine brethren. They mayest lend money and expect more in return from a foreigner.” This is considered a weapon of war and is still used today to impoverish people and nations. The new temple will be reincarnated as ‘The United Nations’ with its medical tyranny department called World ‘Health’ Organisation. And Moses said: “You will rule over many nations, but no nations shall rule over you.” By the third j@b, your cells will be so damaged that you will rely on top-ups from the corporate tyrannists for continued life. Read up on ‘the poisoning of the wells’. Read ‘The Nameless War’. Listen to the Benjamin Freedman speech.

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