2023-12-29 Matt E
To every Christian that supports Israeli atrocities being committed against the Palestinian people because of your unwavering unconditional support for the Israeli Nazis to have the right to have and expand their own homeland by extending their “lebensraum” by any means they see fit including brutal ethic cleansing campaigns against the indigenous people of Palestine, I urge you to take a good hard look at yourself and consider who you are and what you stand for.
Beware, you may have become a victim of a very sophisticated, heavily funded and effective Psyop to support something that no Christian in their right mind should ever support. But such is the insanity that is running rampant in the world right now. Everything is being turned upside down and backwards.
If you listen to the mainstream narrative, quite the opposite of what they say is true. All state sponsored media support Israeli atrocities unconditionally citing Hamas as the cause. But this trouble did not begin on Oct.7, 2023. It started long before that when Israeli Zionists were unilaterally given Palestinian land by the UN and started evicting Palestinians from their ancestral homeland slaughtering them en masse and demolishing their homes to make room for newly arriving settlers on Palestinian land in the Nakba of 1948. More such atrocities were to follow.
It is only now after the pro-Israeli propaganda is failing to hide their blatant genocide of the Palestinian people, using Hamas as an excuse, is it no longer possible to ignore these atrocities. People are waking up and bringing world wide pressure with massive pro Palestinian Protests around the world including many devout and justice minded Jews who are vehemently apposed to the Zionist Nationalistic (Nazi) state of Modern Israel and their Nationalistic expansionist aspirations and brutal methods.
Now even the mainstream media is forced to reluctantly mention these things but still with a very heavy pro Israeli slant. They won’t tell you that Hamas was created by the Israelis as a puppet government to divide Palestinian resistance to their illegal occupation of Palestinian lands and systematic oppression of the Palestinian people by the Nazi Zionist Israeli racist nationalists.
They also won’t tell you that IDF troops where involved in shooting and bombing their own people during the Oct. 7 attacks. Israeli settlers have come forward and testified to these actions of Israeli troops deliberately shooting , shelling and killing them from Israeli helicopters and tanks knowing they were fellow Israelis.
But do not make the mistake to think that I support one side or the other. I belong to Jesus and I stand for truth and justice for all people not just one racial group lording it over another racial group for political gain and taking over someone else’s country by stealth and force to expand their “lebensraum”. If I supported that, it would make me a Nazi as well or at least a Nazi sympathizer.
You need to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself some hard questions about who you belong to and what you should or should not support. As I said before, I belong to Jesus and I support the expansion of His Kingdom and His love for all people regardless of race or religion. I do not support crimes against humanity of any kind for any reason.
It is indeed a Psyop. Be careful you don’t get caught up in it. The Devil is gunning for your soul. So I ask you, who do you belong to and who do you support? Choose wisely.