A Violent Insane Asylum
by Mark R. Elsis

Photograph by Hank Walker
“Today, every inhabitant of this planet must contemplate the day when this planet may no longer be habitable. Every man, woman, and child lives under a nuclear sword of Damocles, hanging by the slenderest of threads, capable of being cut at any moment by accident or miscalculation or madness.”
President John Fitzgerald Kennedy
The uneasy feeling had been manifesting in my young brain since November 22, 1963.
The first horror of my young life occurred on Friday, November 22, 1963, when my Irish Catholic president was assassinated. On that day this Irish Catholic boy was 47 days shy of his sixth birthday. I was put ahead a year in school because of my exceptional math ability, so I was already in first grade.
Right before we were to be let out for the school day, the principal came on the public address system and announced the death of President Kennedy. Looking back, it seems like it was just yesterday that I was a boy walking out of Ascension Grammar School in Elmhurst, Queens, New York City, to the haunting scene of over a hundred mothers there to get their children, all of them openly weeping. This moment in time along with being at the Dakota on December 8, 1980, right after John Lennon’s assassination, were the two saddest moments I’ve ever witnessed.
The first thing I remember in this life occurred on Friday, January 20, 1961, when I was three years and twelve days old. It was the Inauguration of the 35th President of the United States, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. With his youth (he was the first president of the twentieth century, born in the twentieth century) top hat and the famous expert from his Inaugural address that was much repeated on television and radio “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country.” My maternal grandfather who owned our home in Elmhurst was born in Ireland and was so proud that day (Elmhurst was the most ethnically diverse neighborhood on Earth when I grew up there, our home was in the predominately European section). The good energy of Kennedy being the first Catholic president (and still the only one) I picked up on, and I also realized this was something big going on by the large crowds around the podium, hence the first lasting memory. I was twelve days older than John John was in the iconic photograph below (I was told we looked similar dozens of times in my twenties and thirties, I was almost 35 months older).

Also with Jacqueline, Caroline, Bobby, Teddy and many others in the Kennedy family.
“People often tell me I could be a great man. I’d rather be a good man.”
The assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Friday, November 22, 1963, was the defining moment of the twentieth century. Not only was our brave and peace-seeking president horrifically murdered in broad daylight, in a barbaric coup d’etat; it was also the day that our republic based on democratic principles was permanently annihilated.
When I’m asked, who ordered or was behind the assassination of President Kennedy? My one sentence answer was and still is: It was those who controlled almost all media back in 1963 (Newspapers, Films, Radio, and especially Television), that relentlessly put forth the narrative of Lee Harvey Oswald, as the lone gunman, assassinated by Jack Ruby (birth name Jacob Leon Rubenstein which was never mentioned), and later the heavily pushed the single-bullet theory, put forth by Arlen Specter with a little help from Gerald Ford, who very conveniently moved the back wound on Kennedy up to his neck.
The initial draft of the [Warren Commission] report stated: “A bullet had entered his [President Kennedy] back at a point slightly above the shoulder to the right of the spine.” See the photograph showing the exact position of the bullet hole in the back of President Kennedy’s shirt.
Gerald Ford: “A bullet had entered the back of his neck slightly to the right of the spine.” This falsification was absolutely paramount in trying to sell the single-bullet theory, and therefore only one assassin.
The single-bullet theory was a cover-up trying to prove only three bullets were fired at President Kennedy on November 22, 1963. It is perhaps the most preposterous story one could conjure up. It’s mocked as the magic bullet theory by informed researchers with triple-digit IQs.
For this treasonous handiwork, one of the twenty-seven Warren Commission counsel and staff members Arlene Specter, well he became the “respected” five-term United States Senator from Pennsylvania, and as one of the seven Warren Commission members Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. (Leslie King), well he became the only unelected President of the United States.
This was the payback given for committing the ultimate treason of covering-up the assassination of President Kennedy, and at the same time putting an end to our republic based on democratic principles.
This cover story gets much more outlandish, because the corrupt single-bullet theory also uses an indestructible magic bullet as the single-bullet.
The single magic bullet, known as “Warren Commission Exhibit 399“, also known as “CE 399”, caused the back and throat wounds to the President Kennedy and the five wounds to Governor Connally. This adds up to a total of seven entry and exit wounds.
According to the single-bullet theory, a three-centimeter-long copper-jacketed lead-core 6.5×52mm Mannlicher–Carcano rifle bullet fired from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository passed through President Kennedy’s neck exited the throat, then proceeded to hit Governor Connally (who was sitting in front of President Kennedy), passing through his back, hitting a rib, exiting his chest, hitting his right wrist, and finally hitting his left thigh.
That means this single-bullet traversed 15 layers of clothing, 7 layers of skin, and approximately 15 inches of tissue, struck a necktie knot, removed 4 inches of rib, and shattered a radius bone.
The magic bullet was then found on a gurney in the corridor at the Parkland Memorial Hospital, in Dallas, after the assassination. Did Jack Ruby put it there? The Warren Commission found that this gurney was the one that had borne Governor Connally.
After inflicting all of this damage to President Kennedy and Governor Connally, the magic bullet was found in nearly pristine condition. Its copper jacket was completely intact, the nose appeared normal and the tail was compressed laterally on one side. Also, quite incredibly the magic bullet contained no traces of blood or tissue when examined under a microscope.

The throat wound on President Kennedy was not an exit wound, it was an entry wound, as the doctors and nurses in Parkland Hospital Trauma Room One first stated.
The throat wound was fired from the South Knoll through the front windshield into the throat of President Kennedy.
JFK Assassination – The Windshield Throat Shot
Photographic and Video Analysis of the Shot Trajectory by Alek Hidell
“Under the single-bullet theory, approximately a second to a second and a half, has elapsed, and Governor Connally under the definition of the single bullet theory, has been hit through the chest, through the wrist, the bone has been shattered, the radial nerve that permits the thumb to hold things in apposition has been almost completely severed. The bullet’s gone into the left thigh, and there he sits, continuing to hold the hat and to look forward. A remarkable accomplishment, one of the most incomplete, superficial, inadequate, inept, forensic pathologically incompetent medical legal autopsies I’ve ever seen.”
Dr. Cyril Wecht, for two decades the elected coroner of Allegheny County, Pennsylvania (including Pittsburgh), is a nationally acclaimed forensic pathologist, and holds both a medical degree from the University of Pittsburgh (1956),
and a law degree from the University of Maryland (1962).
If you would like to know who the real perpetrators behind the assassination of President Kennedy were, it was Israel. Their motive, they wanted nuclear weapons. Juxtapose this with the fact that non-proliferation of nuclear weapons was the most vital issue of the Kennedy presidency. There was simply no way he was going to let Israel or any other country acquire nuclear weapons.
What I’ve found truly amazing is that over the last 55 years we’ve all heard every possible crazy conspiracy theory on the assassination, except for those who had the means, motive and opportunity to execute and cover-up the assassination, Israel.
Jewish writers comprised a vastly overrepresented amount of the first wave of writers looking into the assassination of President Kennedy. They all had done good to sometimes great research, but never anything tied to Israel. Almost as though they were a form of controlled opposition (being published by mostly Jewish owned book publishers). It’s the same with the film JFK by Oliver Stone, it was financed by the Israeli arms merchant and Hollywood producer, Arnon Milchan.
In all of these works, there isn’t anything mentioned, even remotely about the number one motive for the assassination of President Kennedy; that Israel desperately wanted to acquire nuclear weapons.
“It is interesting, but not surprising, to note that
in all the words written and uttered about the Kennedy assassination,
Israel’s intelligence agency, the Mossad, has never been mentioned.”
Paul Findley, Former United States Congressman, March 1992
All my life I’ve wanted to uncover an indisputable smoking gun on who was behind the assassination of President Kennedy. Then one night while falling off to sleep and entering hypnagogia (hypnagogia has given me many intrinsically perceptive ideas over my lifetime) I had this most insightful thought, which became a smoking gun. Why don’t I research and find out how many of those behind-the-scenes of the Warren Commission, the general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members were Jewish?
Well, I did just that. I went one by one through all 27, and I found out of the 27 Warren Commission counsel and staff members, 18 were Jewish. This equals 66.6%.
Then I did a little research and math and found the chance of being a Jewish male in the United States in 1963 was 1 in 66.6. The Jews were just about 3% of the US population in 1963, so Jewish males were 1.5%, and 100 divided by 1.5 equals 66.6.
I do find it quite interesting that both of the above numbers equaled 66.6. I guess in the weirdest way sometimes you can find the devil in the details.
I gave these numbers to a math professor and he told me the mathematical chance for 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of the 27 on the Warren Commission is, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200.
The name for that number is a quadrillion, so the probability was 1 in 392 quadrillion.
Here is yet another very strange Jewish coincidence that almost no one knows about. There were five Jewish members on the Warren Commission that somehow miraculously all came to the conclusion of the single-bullet theory simultaneously.
“Warren Commission staff lawyer Norman Redlich was asked by author Vincent Bugliosi in 2005 whether Specter was the sole author of the single-bullet theory and he said, ‘No, we all came to this conclusion simultaneously.’ When asked who he meant by ‘we’, he said, ‘Arlen, myself, Howard Willens, David Belin, and Mel Eisenberg.’ Specter did not respond to Bugliosi’s request for a clarification on the issue.”
Bugliosi, p. 301 – 306.
The chance of being a Jewish male in the United States in 1963 was 1 in 66.6. For somehow five men, all Jewish, to come up with the single-bullet theory, what is the likelihood of that? Well it is 1 in 1,310,301,221. Yes, a one in 1.31 billion chance.
And then this 1 in 1,310,301,221 possibility — they “simultaneously” come to the same conclusion for the assassination, the single-bullet theory.
What is the chance now? One in infinity.
So, how did this Jewish impossibility of 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200 chance happen? I’d say to make sure the Warren Commission blamed Oswald as a lone crazy assassin, and to make sure that nothing was ever uncovered that had any connection with Israel.
Here is yet another Jewish coincidence that I came up with (once again Jewish males In the United States were 1 in 66.6 back in 1963). Abraham Zapruder who positioned himself on top of a 4-foot concrete abutment in the kill zone with a top of the line Bell & Howell 8mm color film camera and documented the assassination of President Kennedy, Jacob Leon Rubenstein who somehow got past the Police guards to get into the basement and assassinated Lee Harvey Oswald (the first live murder on television), and Arlene Specter who put forth the absurd single bullet theory, were all Jewish. The chance for this is only 1 in 295,408.
Document the event, kill the patsy assassin and sell the cover-up, all Jewish.

And who set up the Warren Commission?
Shortly (possibly within minutes and definitely within an hour) after Oswald‘s assassination (Oswald was shot at 12:21 pm est, and died at 2:07 pm est by Rubenstein on Sunday, November 24, 1963), there is a very telling phone call made by Yale Law School Dean (1955 – 1966) Eugene Rostow, later U.S. undersecretary of State for President Lyndon Baines Johnson, and Bill Moyers a special assistant to President Johnson, and then White House Press Secretary in the Johnson administration.
In this call, Eugene Rostow suggests a President Commission to Bill Moyers. Rostow tells Moyers he has talked to Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach three times that day and suggests “a commission of seven or nine people, maybe Nixon.”
Donald Gibson, the author of The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up, stated that Eugene Rostow played an important role in the creation of the Warren Commission, and that “this Commission would have been more accurately named the Rostow Commission or the McCloy-Dulles Commission.”
Rostow does not explain how he has determined the nature of world or American opinion within minutes, or at most within an hour of the assassination of Lee Harvey Oswald.
Why is this Jewish man pushing so fast and hard with the cover-up of a commission?
Apparently, Rostow was making his suggestion in the context of discussions with at least one other person. He said to Moyers: “Now, I’ve got a party here. I’ve [or We’ve] been pursuing the policy, you know, that people need to come together at this time.”
Eugene Victor Debs Rostow does not identify the individual or individuals with whom he has been talking.
I will tell you at least one of the people to whom he was talking with, it was his younger brother, Walt Whitman Rostow, who served as the United States National Security Advisor to President Lyndon B. Johnson from 1966 to 1969. The other was most likely a long distance phone conversation with the perpetrators in Tel Aviv, or perhaps they were present at the “Now, I’ve got a party here” double entendre mockery Eugene Rostow said at the exact same time as the late President John F. Kennedy was lying in state in the Rotunda of the U.S. Capitol Building. Rostow knew he was most likely being recorded, making what he said, a hubristic and devilish in your face evil.
Moyers briefly interrupted this line of discussion by stating his concern that recent events were undermining the credibility of U.S. institutions. He then returned to Rostow’s suggestion, saying: “All right. Now, your suggestion is that he [President Johnson] appoint a Special Commission of distinguished Americans, primarily in the field of law, I presume to look into the whole question of the assassination.”
Rostow says “That’s right and a report on it” and then the conversation ended with Moyers assuring Rostow that he will discuss this with President Johnson.” I find it exceedingly interesting how Rostow acted so very quickly on what was a momentous decision and he did so even though he had no obligation or responsibility to do so.
The assassination of President Kennedy not only removed the head of state but also incapacitated the head of the Justice Department, Attorney General Robert Kennedy. Nicholas Katzenbach, the Assistant Attorney General was to play an extremely vital role in the early development of official responses to the assassination.
Katzenbach wrote his infamous memo by hand on the evening of Sunday, November 24, a few hours after Lee Harvey Oswald had been shot dead by Jack Ruby. A typed version was prepared the following morning, November 25, 1963, the day of the Kennedy funeral. Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach sent the memo, titled “Memorandum for Mr. Moyers” (known as the Katzenbach Memo) to Bill Moyers of the new Johnson White House. Remember, Eugene Rostow, called Katzenbach three times on Sunday afternoon November 24, 1963, and pushed [outlining this memo equals a cover-up] for a Presidential Commission (to be the Warren Commission).
The second paragraph of the Katzenbach memo stated: “The public must be satisfied that Oswald was the assassin; that he did not have confederates who are still at large; and that evidence was such that he would have been convicted at trial.”
Given that the authorities could not possibly by November 25 know these things to be true, and Katzenbach later admitted he knew very little at this stage, the memo is clearly advocating a political course irrespective of the truth of the assassination.
Katzenbach’s memo advocated a public FBI report to satisfy this “objective,” though he noted the possible need for “the appointment of a Presidential Commission of unimpeachable personnel to review and examine the evidence and announce its conclusions.” He ended by advocating a quick public announcement to “head off speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.”
The Katzenbach memo, with the help and guidance of the three phone calls by Eugene Rostow, provides the blueprint for the cover-up which followed.
J. Edgar Hoover was already onboard with this memo (I wonder if Rostow called Hoover too?). On November 24, 1963 at 4:00 pm est – The account of a phone call between FBI Director Hoover and White House Aide Walter Jenkins. Hoover began by reporting that “There is nothing further on the Oswald case excerpt that he is dead.”
At the end of the call, Hoover noted the need to have “something issued so we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin,” and that (Assistant Attorney General) “Katzenbach thinks that the President might appoint a Presidential Commission of three outstanding citizens to make a determination.”
The time on the memo is 4:00 pm est, November 24, and Hoover has already spoken with Katzenbach and received from him information concerning the idea of a commission. Apparently, Hoover spoke with Katzenbach prior to 4:00 pm est. We now have a considerably shorter time frame.
Oswald died at 2:07 pm est, at 4:00 pm est Katzenbach had already spoken with Hoover about a commission, and Katzenbach was acting as a result of his three conversations with Rostow. So Rostow most likely reached out with his first call to Katzenbach within minutes of Oswald‘s death announcement. Another thing, why three phone calls? Sure does seem like some heavy-duty pressure was being applied.
There are many other indications in the events between November 25 to 29, 1963, that Rostow and his useful idiot Katzenbach were acting on behalf of an unseen evil entity.
The idea of a commission was suggested to at least two people close to LBJ, Bill Moyers and Walter Jenkins, on the afternoon of the 24th. The suggestion was relayed to LBJ by someone before 10:30 am the next day, November 25. This is clear from the transcript of Johnson’s phone conversation with J. Edgar Hoover at 10:30 am.
Knowing this, why was Eugene Rostow, a Jewish man, and one who was already known to be extremely loyal to Israel, be pushing so quick and hard for a Presidential Commission? Was it so that it would, “head off speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.” It seems quite clear, it was to cover-up the true facts of the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, which is exactly what the Warren Commission accomplished.
Then the deck was stacked with 18 Jewish American males being general counsel, assistant counsel, and staff members out of 27 on the Warren Commission, you remember the overwhelming mathematical odds of that happening right, 1 in 391,576,005,273,123,200. These 18 Jewish lawyers were assigned these positions to make sure there wasn’t any deviation from the plan, and nothing was ever uncovered that had any connection with Israel. Or more cryptically, “head off speculation or Congressional hearings of the wrong sort.”
On November 25, 2002, 39 years to the day of the Katzenbach Memo, the traitorous Eugene Rostow died of heart failure and went directly to Dante’s ninth circle of hell.
“For we are opposed, around the world, by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — in infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly-knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific, and political operations. Its preparations are concealed not published.
The President and the Press:
Its mistakes are buried, not headlined, its dissenters are silenced, not praised.
No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association.
President John F. Kennedy, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, April 27, 1961.
If you’d like to learn more, a lifetime of research went into my 400 plus page timeline:
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Timeline
The Most Comprehensive Timeline On John Fitzgerald Kennedy
by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Speeches, News Conferences and More (135 Videos)
YouTube.com Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Assassination Films (276 Videos)
YouTube.com Playlist by Mark R. Elsis
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Films (16 Videos)
YouTube.com Playlist by Mark R. Elsis