It’s like Jewish women want to see white women have babies with black men because they resent ‘Aryan’ beauty. Jewish women see white beauty as a False Idol to desecrate and destroy, and what better way than by turning white wombs into baby factories for kids with frizzy hair, fat lips, and broad noses?
Andrea Ostrov Letania
Malle, in contrast, was born into wealth & privilege and attended excellent schools, and he was praised for his smarts. So, it must have really stung when a fugitive Jew kid holed up in his school turned out to be smarter and more cultured. He was creme de la creme whose ‘genius’ was recognized by fellow students, but a single Jew comes along and out-performs him. (It’d be like a white kid who’s the best athlete in school being knocked off his perch by the arrival of a Negro kid. He could become friends with the Negro kid as a fellow athlete, but he will likely resent having to play second fiddle to the Negro who wins top trophies and humps the best-looking white girls. He might develop genuine friendship with the Negro, who could be a nice guy, but a part of him will always wish the Negro would go away.) Of course, Jews are extremely competitive too, and they will go to any length to knock out the competition — even starve 100,000s of women and children in Iraq for the sake of Israel — , and Jews don’t care about the damage they cause because they lack conscience toward goyim. In contrast, Christianity planted the seeds of self-doubt and self-recrimination in the hearts of white Europeans, and in the postwar era, this would lead to the cult of western guilt for the suffering of Jews. (Incidentally, Christianity doesn’t necessarily instill guilt, atonement, and self-abnegation in all peoples. If anything, it can make a people feel righteous and justified in their violence. More crucial than any ideology is who-gets-to-steer-the-ideology because any credo can be redirected to be for or against anything. Take communism. It could be steered to serve Russia against China or to serve China against Russia. It could be steered by Stalin against Trotsky or by Trotsky against Stalin. The result can be credo to birth or credo to grave. It is human wit & agency that controls the crosshair of any ideological firearm. Most Negroes in America are Christian, but did Christianity make Negroes humble, self-critical, introspective, and contemplative of their sinful natures? Once upon a time, yes, when whites controlled the Narrative and instilled blacks with ‘savage shame’ that motivated them to better themselves and be a credit to their race. But since the ‘Narrative Shift’ that made MLK and Civil Rights the paragons of virtue while burdening European-Americans with ‘white guilt’, Christianity has made Negroes feel uppity, self-righteous, and nasty. Today, Negro Christians just want to howl and shake their booties, act like they’re utterly blameless and holier-than-thou, sermonize as a race of saints who can never do no wrong. Cultural factors notwithstanding, Western self-doubt and guilt may have something to do with the genetics roots of European personality. After all, there are few blacks who are like Ken Burns or Bill Moyers. Americans of Northern European stock tend to be sober, serious, well-meaning, earnest, straight, and conscientious. In contrast, blacks are psychopathic, self-centered, self-promoting, and slick. For blacks, Christianity means other races should feel sorry for blacks, apologize to blacks, get down on their knees and pray to blacks, or worship blacks. It doesn’t mean that blacks themselves should examine their own failings and atone for anything. Part of the reason is surely that blacks did suffer racial oppression and discrimination in America, but that alone fails to address the deeper problem. After all, Poles never did anything to blacks, but even Polish-Americans can be made to feel ‘white guilt’ whereas even blacks who attack & harm innocent people never seem to give a damn, even as they profess to be good Christians. Of course, through most of European history, most whites felt justified than burdened by Christianity — at least when dealing with Jews, heathens, or non-whites — , but there has been in the European tradition of Christianity an element of self-loathing and self-purging. But Christian Guilt didn’t prostrate itself before Jews, so why did Christians go from harshly judging Jews to humbly groveling before Jews? The answer lies less in the nature of Christianity per se than in who gained control of the terms of Christian Guilt. When Christian Europe was ruled by Christian elites, most Christians were instructed to kneel before God and Jesus and atone before them. There was nothing about feeling sorry for Jews regardless of what was done to them since Christians were informed that Jews were the killers of Christ and sinful dealers of usury. Thus, the element of guilt in Christianity was directed toward God and Jesus. But after WWII, the tone of European Christianity followed in the footsteps of secular ideologies that favored Jews as objects of guilt. With Jews and leftists in control of the media, academia, and culture — and given the unspeakable nature of the Shoah — , this shift in Christian guilt would have a profound impact on Christianity itself. [In some ways, Christians sought to outdo even secular Philosemitism in atonement to prove their moral worth. The moral inferior feels compelled to prove its worth to moral superior. Inferior always seeks approval of the superior. As the superior sets the template of what is true-and-proper, the inferior plays by those rules even as they undermine the inferior’s agency & autonomy even more. The inferior, so eager for approval from the superior, is even willing to lose power for prestige. As power of religion began to fade rapidly after WWII and as Jews & secular left gained tremendous pride in the defeat of Nazism and Fascism, the Church felt the only way to keep or reclaim its good name was by winning the approval of secular powers that occupied the superior position of moral authority. This made the once pro-white Churches increasingly servile to Jews and sensitive to non-white issues. As the secular notion of ‘racism’ became the worst of all possible sins, the Church bent over backwards to dispel any lingering notions of ‘racism’ in the Church. And of late, the increasingly irrelevant churches play by the rules of homomaniacal moral ‘superiors’. How did homos become the moral mavens of the West? Jews control the Narrative & Values and vaunted homos to high holiness, and once again, the churches with moral inferiority complex seek to prove their worth by playing by the rules set by the moral ‘superiors’ of Jews and Homos, along with Negroes. Today, the American church is mostly about worshiping Holy Holocaust, Magic Negroes, and Glory Gays.] Though European Christians and American white Christians had, long before WWII, felt some degree of guilt for the wrongs done to other nations, peoples, and races, their noble attempts to redress the problems made them feel even prouder as Christians. Also, even though white Christians could be appalled by things like the slave trade and the sale of opium to the Chinese, they nevertheless believed that the white world was infinitely superior culturally, spiritually, intellectually, and morally than the non-white world. In other words, slavery and slave trade must be ended, but that didn’t mean black Africans were inherently good people. And the need to end the Opium Trade didn’t meant Chinese were saints. If anything, they were heathens needing to be saved and baptized through the words of the Lord Jesus Christ. But, with the rise of modern anthropology that romanticized indigenous native peoples of the world as Edenic & peaceful and with notion that non-white cultures were just as special and wonderful in their own way as the Western World, it became unfashionable for white people to feel that they were superior to non-whites in any way, not even culturally. Thus, if in the past, white guilt for wrongs done to non-whites had been counterbalanced by white pride of bringing progress and civilization to savage, barbarian, or feudalistic peoples around the world, in the new progressive era after WWII there was only the guilt and no pride. [Whites could feel pride only by denouncing anything white in the shrillest manner.] In an earlier era, whites could feel sorry about slavery but also take pride in having ended slavery. But in the new era, they could only feel sorry for slavery and feel no pride whatsoever. And since Jews came to dominate the media and academia in America — and since American universities and media empires influenced their counterparts all over the world — , they got to reconfigure the guilt dynamics of Christianity. Thus, if whites in the past experienced Christian guilt mainly by atoning for the killing of Jesus — Jews may have done it, but gentiles, especially the Romans, took part in it — and confessing daily transgressions [like the studio boss in HAIL CAESAR who confesses his failure to quit smoking while overlooking his more egregious ‘sins’ as businessman and fixer], the new Christian guilt was about total prostration before Jews and blacks and finally homos too. Thus, if in the past, a Christian homo would apologize to God for harboring filthy homo impulses, today we have homos as heavenly angels while those who’d opposed ‘gay marriage’ in the past are groveling before god for having once harbored evil ‘homophobia’ in their hearts. So, there is Christianity as core creed and christianities as fashionable games of power. The element of guilt is a crucial component in Christianity, but different christianities will lead their adherents to feel guilty for different things, and of course, most people are sheeple who must be told what to feel and think. Thus, their sense of guilt is directed by the forces that control the institutions. Mainline Protestant churches in America have been infiltrated by the PC agents, and their current message is that God and Jesus love Jews, Negroes, illegal aliens, and homos more than white Americans; therefore, if you want to be a good white American with the right kind of guilt, you must do everything to undermine the power and interests of your own people for the aggrandizement of the aforementioned ‘victim groups’ favored by God and Jesus. Thus, a Negro rapist and thug need feel no guilt. A homo who sticks his penis into the fecal holes of other men need feel no guilt. Jews feel no guilt in rejecting Jesus as the Son of God, in having ethnically cleansed the Palestinians, in having played a prominent role in communism, in having instigated all these Wars for Israel, in controlling gambling to rob people blind, and etc. And illegal aliens need feel no guilt for having violated the laws of other nations for material self-interest. [If indeed illegal aliens are such spiritually pure souls, why did they move to a richer nation for material improvement? Surely, they can pray to God just as easily back home. And they could be using their skills and talent to help the poorer folks back home than work for richer gringos in America.] All such peoples are deemed as innocent as lambs, and evil lurks only in the hearts of white gentiles, therefore the burden of guilt falls entirely on the straight white community. Such is the thinking of Garpian Mainline churches, the evolution of which to the current status is regarded by some as logical and inevitable, but continuing existence and health of Orthodox churches belie such claim. [Garpian mainline churches are utterly disgraceful, even more so than Gumpian Evangelical churches. If one has truly lost faith, one should just let it go. But Garpian Mainline observers want the comfort of form without content. Their church is like a seashell without the life inside. So, the hollow shell is stuffed with fakery like homomania.] If powers-that-be in another part of the world define the terms of Christian Guilt in their own way, their practice of Christianity will be fundamentally different. In Russia, the Pussy Riot’s desecration of the Holy Church was deemed shameful and guilty. In the inverted world of Jewish-controlled America, the likes of the Pussy Riot feel pride and glory than shame and guilt that is reserved for Christians who won’t bend over to homomania. In Russia, shame and guilt fall on the ‘gay pride’ community despite its protestations as moral arbiters according to the gospel of Jew-run globalism wherein homos are second only to Jews in holiness. In Russia, to be Christian means to be proud of one’s tradition and to love of one’s nation and culture; it means shame and guilt accrue upon those for whom ‘love’ is a matter of homo fecal penetration. But in America, Christianity has been redefined to mean absolute non-judgmental Tolerance for all kinds of Jewish obnoxiousness and subversion, black thuggery and criminality, feminist bitchiness and narcissism, homosexual degeneracy and debauchery, and illegal alien befoulment of the laws and codes of the nation. This Jewed-christianity preaches tolerance for degeneracy and intolerance for opposition to degeneracy. Why did American Christianity turn this way? Because American Christians come under the power of Jews and homos via the media, academia, business pressures, and government controls, they also turn into decadent nincompoops and go about adapting their faith to nincompoopery. Thus, American Christianity is now little more than a tool of political correctness and pop culture, and increasingly, the ‘faithful’ are led to believe that the main mission of Christianity is to conform to the Zeitgeist, which is currently controlled by Jews and homos whose misuse of Christianity is utterly foul and cynical. For one thing, Jews are not Christian, so why should they exert influence on Christianity? Jews would be offended if Christians told them what the True Meaning of Judaism or Jewishness is all about, so why should any Christian defer to Jews [and Homos] as to the true meaning of Christianity? Also, even though God and Jesus, according to the New Testament, are forgiving of sinners, it is incumbent on their willingness to repent for something like homosexual acts. Though Jesus softened the message with hope of forgiveness and redemption, He didn’t reverse or remove the spiritual heart of the Torah. Thus, while Jesus was not for stoning sinners [especially over minutiae of laws beyond the comprehension of many people], He still called for repentance as the path to redemption. Thus, while Christianity is open to homos as is to whores, both homos and whores would must make an effort to cleanse themselves of sin in the eyes of the Lord. Indeed, how can any lofty spiritual system possibly approve of a man sticking his penis into bungs of other men? Now that Jews and homos degraded Christianity to the level of ‘gay pride’ parades, much of American Christianity lost its luster for lust. And of course, most homos who claim to be Christians are just infiltrators and conspirators who move up the ranks, mug for sympathy, and steer the church toward celebrating homosexuality as the new holy. As for Jews, despite their devious attempt to burden Christianity with Holocaust guilt, there is no need whatsoever for white Christians to feel guilt for Nazi crimes. National Socialism was a neo-pagan movement, and it grew to prominence in reaction to communism, a Godless ideology cooked up by Jews who spread the virus throughout Russia, undermined the Russian war efforts in WWI, gained power through a putsch, and then instituted ruthless totalitarianism to destroy Russian Christianity, killing millions of Slavic Christians in the process. If some Christian groups made alliances with Fascists and National Socialists, it was in reaction to Jewish communist mass violence against Slavic Christians. Also, Jewish communists and anarchists who volunteered for the Spanish Civil War were only too happy to massacre tens of thousands of Catholic priests and nuns, and there were plenty of Jewish atheist communists in the US who conspired to funnel top secrets to the USSR. So, if Jews hadn’t destroyed Christianity in Russia and hadn’t attempted the same in Spain, the bond between the Catholic Church and neo-pagan fascist movements wouldn’t have formed. It was Jewish radicals who, through vile and vicious acts as communists and anarchists, pushed certain elements of European Christianity into the arms of fascist movements. For this reason, the history of the 20th century cannot be properly understood or appreciated without the role of Jewish communists in destroying and threatening the Christian order. Even though neo-paganism of Italian Fascism and National Socialism didn’t jibe with Christianity, European Christians gravitated toward radical right movements because communists had amply demonstrated what they had in store for Christianity. Anyway, while the element of guilt is essential theme in Christianity, the object of one’s guilt is determined by whomever that controls the power and narrative. If indeed universal guilt is what Christianity is about, how come feelings of guilt are absent among blacks despite their myriad acts of mayhem and violence? How come there is little guilt among illegal Mexican-in-America for having messed up their own country, breaking into another country, dealing in drugs, and leeching off the American system? How come there is no guilt among homo Christians for the spread of AIDS epidemic? And if Jews claim to respect and know the true meaning of Christianity, how come they don’t repent for their crimes of communism and Nakba of Palestinians? Jews don’t partake of redemption-via-universal-guilt but only manipulate guilt among others to bring them to heel. Therefore, if you’re a Christian, it is imperative that you control the terms of your own Christianity than be dictated by people such as Jews, homos, blacks, illegal aliens, and white traitor Liberals who never operate in good faith.)
Ideology is secondary to the Power that gets to steer the ideology. It’s like a gun has meaning only in relation to the gunman who sets the target. Thus, Christianity can be used to justify or vilify any side depending on who has power over the Church. Communism can be used to favor any personality or any nation against any other. Yugoslavian communism was anti-Soviet, and Soviet communism was anti-Titoist. ‘Democracy’ can be used to justify any side that wields the power. US invoked ‘democracy’ to invade and destroy Iraq. However, other democracies opposed US actions, but US had the power to override their opposition. Every ideology has its distinct set of values and priorities, but in the end, the Power gets to decide how those values and priorities are used, distorted, suppressed, or betrayed. Maoist ideology didn’t prevent Mao from thawing relations with the US, a nation that had once been vilified as the biggest enemy of China. And of course, Jews play fast and loose with any ideology to their self-aggrandizement. So, Jews say American Democracy is anti-tribalist; therefore, whites mustn’t think of white interests, but then… whites must go out of their way to favor Jewish tribal interests.
Consider that what happened to the Jewish leftist community in the late 40s and early 50s (HUAC-McCarthy Era) was much milder than what had been done to the Japanese-American community during WWII. Also, even though many Jews were involved in espionage for the Soviet Union, the Jewish community as a whole was not targeted, and only a small number of Jews did time in prison. Yet, Jews hyped this into one of the great crimes of the century. Indeed, according to NPR and PBS, the so-called ‘McCarthy Era’ might as well have been the darkest period of the 20th century after the Holocaust. And Elia Kazan, for having spilled the beans on his former communist colleagues, was ceaselessly hounded by the Liberal community — though the likes of Jane Fonda and Roman Polanski were lionized and defended by the Hollywood insiders. (But now that Jews hate Russia and fear good relations between white Russians and patriotic white Americans, they are going all out to denounce Russia as the worst nation, Putin as ‘new hitler’, and Donald Trump as Putin’s puppet. At least HUAC and McCarthy had valid reasons to go after communists and fellow-travelers who’d penetrated American government and institutions. In contrast, current Jewish Hysteria about Russia is pure fantasy cooked up by Jew-run media. Rabid and virulent Jewish Supremacists will go to any length to smear and slander anyone or any nation to get their own way. Good relations between Russian gentiles and American gentiles could mean both peoples waking up to the alien character of Jewish Power. So, Jews hoodwink dumb Americans into believing that improved relation with Russia is ‘treason’ whereas slavishness to Israel & Jewish globalists is what America is really about. According to this logic, American gentiles’ attempt to get the Jew off their back — like Russia did to some extent under Putin — is betrayal whereas their ‘submissivism’ to Jews is as American as Apple Pie [that was fuc*ed by the Jew kid in AMERICAN PIE]. In the Current Year, the quintessence of Americanism is servility to Jews. There’s a kind of covenant between Jews as god and white gentiles as the Chosen Fools. At least with the Jewish Covenant, God promised the People of Israel great power and wealth if they were to remain true to God. In contrast, the covenant between Jews and whites is that whites, as Chosen Fools, will be defamed and destroyed upon doing the bidding of the Jews to the letter. Jews feel nothing but contempt for such dumb people. To be sure, the white elites aren’t so dumb since they are handsomely rewarded for their treacherous service to Jews. The real dummies are white middle class and working class who wave the American Flag and pledge to kill Muslims to serve their Zionist masters.) It’s likely that Jews focused so much attention on the ‘martyrdom’ of the Hollywood Ten to divert people’s attention from the fact of extensive Jewish involvement in Soviet espionage and subversion of culture. By directing our attention at ‘sainthood’ of the Hollywood Ten — also, E.L. Doctorow wrote a novel on children of the Rosenbergs, and Tony Kushner anointed Ethel Rosenberg as a saintly figure — , we lose sight of the truly important fact that Julius Rosenberg, Morton Sobell, and other Jews did spy for the Soviets and unconscionably gave away America’s most carefully guarded secret — the blueprint for the atomic bomb — to the bloody regime of Stalin that had been responsible for the deaths of millions of Christian Slavs, totalitarian occupation of Eastern Europe, and arming of Chinese communists poised to conquer all of China. It’s rather odd. During the height of the Cold War when communism was spreading tyranny around the world, a significant number of American Jews used their access in government, business, and culture to aid a powerful enemy that had its claws deep into Eastern Europe from which so many Americans had emigrated in the late 19th century and early 20th century, but almost no one remembers or cares, whereas just about every cinephile dummy repeats the mantra about the poor saintly members of the Hollywood Ten who were ‘victimized’ by HUAC and McCarthy. While it’s true that HUAC and McCarthy did overreach and resorted to a cheap and even dangerous form of demagoguery — though far milder than the paranoia during WWII that led to ludicrous panics about German submarines surrounding American shorelines & Japanese bombers attacking Iowa and the collective imprisonment of over 100,000 Japanese-Americans, most of whom were a lot more loyal to America than leftist Jews ever were — , the fact is the US government had indeed become infiltrated by communists, fellow-travelers, and double-dealing radical Zionists (who played US and USSR both to bring about the creation of Israel on what was then Palestine; indeed, it’s instructive that Jews who denied the right of Palestine to exist bitch ceaselessly about Palestinians’ refusal to recognize Israel’s right to exist; imagine Germans occupying Poland, reducing Poles to second-class citizens, declaring Poland as New Germany, and then bitching that Poles won’t recognize the right of New Germany to exist). And even though these Jews didn’t care one iota about Poles, Hungarians, Czechoslovakians, and others who’d fallen under the Iron Curtain, they pressured the US government to do everything possible to support the creation of Israel so that Jews could ethnically cleanse Palestinians and grab most of the territory for themselves. Jews bitched that Arabs attacked first when Palestine was divided in half, but surely Jews knew that Arabs had no choice but to fight back since the so-called Partition meant the end of Palestine. (How would Israeli Jews react if some foreign power let in 5 million Chinese into Israel and then declared Partition whereupon half the land would go to Chinese? Jews would surely rise up and fight.) Jews provoked the Arabs, Arabs rose up to unify Palestine, and Jews struck back (with the support of US and USSR) and drove Arabs out of nearly all of Palestine.

The manufactured brouhaha about the Hollywood Ten, a bunch of communists committed to anti-American subversion. Though defenders always framed the controversy as a civil liberties issue, they were completely mum about the violation of civil liberties of German-Americans and Japanese-in-America during WWII. And these leftists and liberals, many of whom were Jewish, used all their power to blacklist people and destroy careers based on politics, ideology, and tribal interests throughout Hollywood history. Just think. How long would anyone have lasted in Hollywood if he or she wanted to make a movie about Nakba? And just look at how Jews in media, academia, and deep state collude to cook up the most rabid hysteria about Russia and Trump to perpetuate Jewish supremacism.

That is how Jews play the game. Deviously. Anyway, my hunch is that whenever Jews bitch and bleat about the holy schmoly Hollywood Ten, it is to divert our attention from the fact of Jewish espionage, Jewish subversion, and Jewish dirty deeds in the various organizations and institutions of America. So, even though the Jewish community produced an excess of radicals who compromised America’s well-being and security — as well as those of Eastern Europeans — , Jewish historiography and Narrative Monopoly would have us believe that Jews, even as commie lowlifes, were saintly victims of evil ‘paranoid’ McCarthy and HUAC crackpots. The Jewish media also sought to discredit members of HUAC for their political corruption, but if we want to play that game, there’s surely no lack of Liberal and Jewish figures tainted by political and financial scandals, indeed far more egregious than anything committed by those in HUAC.
There is a discernible pattern to the Narrative of Jewish victimology. No matter what happened, Jews spin it so that their ilk are the hapless and innocent victims, the poor little lambs set upon by wolves. Jews had been deeply involved in Soviet communism and its mass killings, yet most of Jewish historiography overlooks all that and focuses mainly on Jewish victimization at the hands of Stalin who turned against Jews when Israel ‘betrayed’ him. So, in both the USSR and the US, Jews were never perpetrators or villains; they were ONLY victims. So, never mind what Jewish spies and radicals did in the US; just remember that some Jewish Hollywood Ten guys were saints because they took the fifth and did a few years in prison. So, never mind that Jews played a key role in the communist putsch in Russia and ran the Gulag system. Just remember that Stalin killed some Jewish leaders and later turned against Zionist-Jews. Never mind that Jewish Oligarchs during the 1990s looted and bled Russia dry and ran off with the loot to UK and fancy cities in Europe and Israel. Just remember that Putin is an evil guy and ‘anti-Semite’ because he went after some Jewish oligarchs and because he won’t cave into the demands of the international homo cabal which is really a proxy for the international Zionist Jewish supremacist agenda.
France’s miserable performance in the second war with the Germans in the 20th century cast doubt on its ‘victory’ in the first war, in which France just barely eked out a win with massive participation of the British and, in the final years, the Americans, and of course, half of German military had to fight the Russians. Indeed, it’s interesting that the French-German battles in WWI were mostly fought on French soil, and despite Germany’s defeat, her territory was barely touched by the victorious allies. Anyway, when France squared off against Germany virtually alone in 1940, the result was as devastating as Joe Louis’ 1st round knockout of Max Schmeling in their second bout. It was all the more humiliating because, despite France’s declaration of war, it had taken no offensive action and merely dug in as if its only hope was to fight defensively. French had made a grandiose gesture in declaring war to liberate Poland but, when push came to shove, just hunkered down to weather the German offensive. Later, such caution or ‘cowardice’ proved useful in portraying France as the victim of Germany as the aggressor-nation. France could play victim because it had taken no offensive actions against Germany despite having declared war. Had France declared war AND attacked Germany first, German actions against France would have seemed more justified. But because France declared war but did nothing but dig in, the popular narrative has been “Germany invaded Poland and then, for no reason, invaded France”, when, more likely, Hitler wouldn’t have moved westward if France and UK hadn’t declared war on Germany. Although Hitler had vengeful feelings toward the French over the ‘injustice’ of the Versailles Treaty and prepared Germany for a possible war with France, a Franco-German war was not a priority in his grand strategy, which was to win over UK as a global ally and to find some way to prevail over the USSR. Thus, the outcome of the war in 1940 made clear the comical discrepancy between French pride and French prowess. France was like Jim Jeffries against Jack-Johnson-as-Germany. Despite all the hype as the Great Hope of Freedom, it was KO-ed by the ‘crazy nigger’ of Europe: Hitler’s war machine. It was like Ride of the Valkyries, with Germanic warrioresses tearing Joan of Arc to shreds. Perhaps, an honest assessment of defeat would have led to meaningful self-reckoning. But the Vichy Regime maintained the facade of independence while the exiled Resistance postured emptily (like a prince-turned-hobo whose only reminder of former glory is the suit over his shoulders), utterly dependent on the power of UK, US, and USSR. The Vichy regime cut a deal with the Germans whereby both sides feigned amity and mutual respect; Germans would pretend to respect the French as long as French dutifully served as lapdogs (just like fallen Anglo-Americans cut a deal with the new Jewish elite whereby the former could go on pretending to be co-elites as long as they bend over to every one of Jewish demand, such as ‘open borders’ & amnesty for illegals, Wall Street bailout, attack on Mother Russia, bombing the Muslim world, praise of inter-racism, promotion of homo propaganda, and etc). So, even though France was crushed and reduced to playing whore and running dog, the official facade allowed Germany and France to maintain the pretense that France hadn’t so much been defeated & invaded as liberated from Jewish socialists. (To be sure, the collaborationist narrative wasn’t entirely bunk. Prior to the war, many Frenchmen on the Right and Center felt their nation had been stolen from them by ultra-cosmopolitan internationalists and Jews. They were filled with so much anger that they genuinely preferred the Germans as less harmful to France. Despite the shame of French defeat and German Occupation, the alternative — evisceration, emasculation, and immiseration of France at the hands of proto-globalist Jewish bankers and soulless decadents — seemed far worse. In this light, the Collaboration was far more complex than the official postwar narrative would have us believe. Likewise, some Manchurians sided with Japanese Colonists because they feared Chinese nationalist hostility as the greater threat to Manchurian integrity. And Sukarno also collaborated with the Japanese because his priority was liberating Indonesia from the Dutch. And American Revolutionaries collaborated with French Imperialism to defeat British Imperialism. By some twisted miracle, American Revolution managed to kill two birds with one stone. British were defeated in America, and then, the financial duress from the war finished off the French monarchy as well. An independent American Republic was possible only through the clash of empires.) Furthermore, the defeat of France was sweetened by the Nazi narrative that the French military had been weakened and demoralized by Africanization and Jewish cosmo-socialist influence. Thus, Marshal Petain, the grand hero of the motherland in WWI, found the arrangement palatable as the head of the Vichy government. Besides, the German terms weren’t as harsh as what France and UK had forced upon Germany in the aftermath of WWI. While France and UK utterly demolished the German economy, Hitler had no such agenda for France as his real contempt was reserved for Slavic populations. Though Hitler thought the French weren’t ‘racially’ as good as the Germanic ‘Aryan’ stock, he had profound respect for them as a people and civilization. Even the Jewish Policy was largely left to the French themselves, and it was the French who rounded up most of the Jews, sometimes using a ‘racial’ criterion of Jewishness that exceeded Nazi guidelines. French antipathy toward Jews wasn’t a phenomenon only on the Right. While some Frenchmen eagerly welcomed the Germans as counterweight and destroyer of Jewish power in France — similarly, some white Americans probably wouldn’t mind if Russia invaded America and liberated white America from hideous Jewish elites and their homo allies who’ve gained tyrannical grip over the nation — , many Frenchmen across the political spectrum were deeply ashamed of French defeat and subconsciously sought scapegoats to fix the blame on. Just as the German military on the eve of the defeat in WWI cooked up the myth of having been ‘stabbed in the back’, lots of Frenchmen were eager to blame someone for France’s ignoble defeat, and Jews made a handy excuse. Therefore, even though the most enthusiastic participants who rounded up Jews for the Germans were Frenchmen on the Right, many non-rightist Frenchmen felt little sympathy for the Jews because maybe, just maybe, the shocking French defeat was the result of undue influence of Jews upon French culture and politics. A key moral question is, how much did the French who rounded up Jews know about the Nazi deathcamps? (It’s like the British who turned over Ukrainian prisoners back to the Soviets knew the men would face certain death but did so anyway to maintain good relations with the USSR.) How many Frenchmen knew there was a good chance that the Jews would face death? If they didn’t know, their rounding up of Jews wouldn’t have been any worse than American people’s support, tacit or active, of the governments ‘internment’ of the Japanese-American population during WWII. Suppose Germans didn’t kill the Jews but the American government killed the Japanese-Americans. Then, in retrospect, the Americans might seem worse than the French. (Indeed, some historians argue that the Truman’s government willfully derailed peace talks with Japan to test the nuclear bombs on that country.) While some Frenchmen surely knew about the death camps, many could not have known, and their participation in the roundup was hardly different from American support of rounding up Japanese-Americans. (To be sure, there were plenty of Frenchmen who heard rumors of the horrors but refused to believe them for whatever reasons ranging from sincere skepticism to willful denial.) Also, French behavior was hardly extraordinary given the heated passions during the war and under Occupation. How many Jews in Israel opposed the building of massive walls to keep Palestinians in ghettos? How many protested against Israel’s use of extreme force on Gaza, killing thousands of women and children in retaliation for one or two dead Israelis from Palestinian mini-rockets? When a prominent Nazi was assassinated, Germans had a policy of rounding people up randomly for execution, and Zionists do much the same in Israel. If Palestinian rockets kill a few Jews, Jews retaliate by killing thousands of Palestinians. When two Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hezbollah forces in 2006, Israel bombed the entire nation to smithereens, and Americans fully backed Israeli aggression. Neocon stooge Bush II always made brazen excuses for Israel. And think back to the days of communism when many Jews in Russia enthusiastically participated in the imprisonment and/or killing of millions of Ukrainians. Perhaps, we could argue that many Jewish communists didn’t know the full extent of the horrors awaiting the Slavs in the Gulag forced-labor camps, some of which were virtually death camps due to horrible conditions. Maybe some Jews knew and acted out of revenge against the ‘antisemitic’ Christian Slavs. Maybe some Jews really didn’t know the full extent of the horrors or believed that means justified the glorious ends of communism.
At any rate, same kind of moral logic applies to the French. Under great duress, people turn on their neighbors and lash out in frustration/desperation, especially if their neighbors are seen as ‘alien’. Consider the horrible sectarian violence in Iraq or India following severe political crisis. It’s like desperate rats struggling for survival will turn on each other. If people of same blood can turn brother-against-brother in times of crisis, it’s usually far worse among peoples of different blood. After WWII, plenty of people of Eastern Europe (driven to desperation and dementia by war and want) were more than willing to set upon German families — even those with roots in the land going back centuries — for pogroms, expulsion, or even extermination. And there are plenty of Jews in Israel who, if given a chance, would love to uproot all Muslims and Arabs in Israel and drive them to Jordan. French social psychology was no different in WWII. What made it especially tragic is that many of the Jews were destined for slaughter. That said, many Ukrainians rounded up and shipped to the Gulag also died in miserable conditions, but I don’t see Jews expressing contrition for their involvement in communism.

Shoah Desecrationists who deny the tragic are cranks or lunatics, but we should not blame all Europeans who took part in the roundup of Jews for Holocaust Guilt because many really didn’t know the full extent of Nazi horrors. Also, we must try to understand general ‘antisemitism’ within the context of Jewish attitudes, agendas, and abuses. Recent survey of what Jews have done to US and EU — and the Middle East racked by Wars for Israel concocted by Zionist Neocons — should heighten our awareness of the foulness of Jewish power and influence. Though the current rottenness of Jews doesn’t mean Jews were likewise in the past (just like German and Japanese foulness during WWII doesn’t mean they were similarly foul before or after the event), there is a discernible historical pattern of disproportionate Jewish influence (for good or ill), and since the end of WWII this influence has not only destroyed the Palestinian people but emasculated Western Europe men, homo-fied the United States — where masses of straight people now worship 1.5% of the population whose idea of ‘sex’ is fecal penetration — , and undermined the national sovereignty, cultural pride, and moral values of all gentile nations. Jewish power became especially noxious following the end of the Cold War because it came to control the US, the lone superpower. Jews couldn’t resist the temptation of using American power to further the aims of Jewish megalomania all over the world. If Jewish influence had positive and genuinely progressive value in the past because Jews, as upstarts, critics, and dissenters, provoked the status quo and challenged the powers-that-be with fresh insights and impassioned demands for new freedoms, Jewish globalist elites with their immense power now try to IMPOSE their will and agenda from above on all of humanity. It’s not about will and grace but will-to-power to disgrace anyone who’s deemed at odds with the Jewish agenda.
And despite all the rhetoric about French pride and glory, too many Frenchmen just caved to German demands. Like most people under foreign occupation, most French people collaborated or kept their heads down. The shame wasn’t so much that the French were worse than other peoples but no better. After all, the French had been telling the world and themselves that they are special and different, overflowing in ideals and integrity in short supply among the non-French. Indeed, even French Jews were spoiled by French self-inflation.
{at that time} Jews are being persecuted in France, yet the rich French Jew is fixated on his own privileges that place him above other Jews, the ordinary ones. Most likely, if German policy had only targeted foreign Jews in France, many French Jews would have collaborated because many Western European Jews felt disdain for relatively newly arrived ‘dirty’ Eastern European Jews, just like affluent or over-educated Liberal whites in places like NY feel disdain and disgust toward ‘backward’ and ‘less evolved’ whites of the South and rural regions of the Midwest, who are sometimes referred to as ‘white trash’. Such attitudes also exist among former West-Germany Germans toward former East-Germany Germans. And Hong Kong-ese and Taiwanese look down on ‘backward’ Mainland Chinese, and plenty of upper caste Asian Indians who speak English look down on the poorer elements in India. (To be sure, it’s more understandable among Hindu dotkins because India is a diverse nation with ancient roots of caste-apartheid. Rich Indians disdaining poor Indians is a case of one racial group looking down on another. The case of Mexican racial politics is more perverse. Like India, Mexico was created by a lighter-skinned race conquering and ruling over a darker-skinned people. But if Indians reinforced an explicitly racial system of hierarchy, the Latin elites of the Americas were of Christo-egalitarian tradition and later influenced by Liberalism and Marxism. So, even though ‘Latin America’ had developed as a racially hierarchical social order like traditional India, the official dogma was that peoples in nations like Mexico and Venezuela are equal as ‘brown people’. In truth, the white elites of ‘Latin American’ nations despise the indigenous folks but dare not air their views. For one thing, they are outnumbered by the mestizos and Meso-Americans who hold the moral ace since White Guilt is part of global PC. Secondly, even though Latin whites are essentially white and European, they are somewhat darker than Northern Europeans, a fact that has inflamed their sense of resentment and inferiority complex in Europe and the Americas. [Many Greeks and Southern Italians are genetically closer to Turks and Arabs than to Northern Europeans.] So, even as Latin Whites despise Indios and Mesos, they pretend to be one with the ‘browns’ and redirect their contempt [for non-whites] toward ‘gringo’ whites, the whiter whites. This way, Latin Whites figure on killing two birds with one stone. By making ‘gringos’ out to be the enemy, Latin Whites encourage their impoverished brown masses to migrate to America in the spirit of ‘reconquista’ to alleviate socio-economic problems at home. Also, by delighting in the demise of Blanco Gringo America, the less-white Latin whites find satisfaction in the destruction of the object of their envy. It’s like Jewish women want to see white women have babies with black men because they resent ‘Aryan’ beauty. Jewish women see white beauty as a False Idol to desecrate and destroy, and what better way than by turning white wombs into baby factories for kids with frizzy hair, fat lips, and broad noses? Though Hindu elites and Latin elites have different histories, the Latin Perversity has now spread to many Hindus, especially in the West. Even though lighter-skinned Hindu elites have long despised darker-skinned Dravidian Indians — and still do in daily life — , they find themselves to be dark-skinned vis-a-vis the whites. They’ve been treating dark-skinned Dravidians as ‘niggers’, but the white Anglos saw all Hindus, even the Brahmin elites, as ‘niggers’. So, the Hindu ‘honkies’ suddenly found themselves to be ‘niggers’ in the eyes of whites. They still despised the Dravidian ‘niggers’ but resented being despised as ‘niggers’ by the British. Today, they want to keep down the darker-skinned Dravidians as ‘niggers’ but don’t want to be treated as ‘niggers’ by whites. On the one hand, they want to move to white nations and rub shoulders with white people. They don’t want to mingle with dark-skinned Indians who still poop outdoors and live in trash dumps like in SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. But because of the history of Anglos having called all Hindus ‘wogs’, the Hindu elites make noise about their alliance with Diversity against whites. But they’d rather be with white than with ‘wogs’.)
There’s no guarantee that a people will be sympathetic toward their own kind. Many German-Americans were disgusted with Nazi Germany and more than willing to fight their ethnic brethren across the Atlantic. (Disdain for one’s own kind could arise from conscience, a rejection of the blinding tribalism of ‘my country right or wrong’. It could also arise from assimilation with another dominant population, e.g. Italian-Americans primarily identifying themselves as ‘Americans’ than as ‘Italians’. It could also result from a sense of inferiority, whereby seeking approval of and acceptance by the superior Other is regarded as a sign of status improvement.) Thus, the snobbery of the Western European Jews toward Eastern European Jews was hardly exceptional as an example of intra-tribal hostility, except for the fact that WWII became a matter of life and death for ALL Jews, and so, the snubbing of ‘less evolved’ Eastern European Jews by Western European Jews proved to be a futile act of betrayal. No matter how much Western European Jews sought to assert their distinction from the ‘dirty Jews’ from the East, they were all Jews in the eyes of Nazis for whom every Jew was the Eternal Jew beneath the facade of various levels of assimilation.
To an extent, the attitude of some Western European Jews toward Eastern European Jews — who were seen as hairy, smelly, vulgar, uncouth, obnoxious, and backward — reflected their desire of assimilation. (After all, if Jews must assimilate, why not into a superior culture like France than some ‘drab’ culture in Eastern Europe? After all, weren’t Western European Jews superior to Eastern European Jews precisely because Western European culture and society were more advanced their Eastern European counterparts? While Jews have always fretted about loss of identity, if lose it they must, why not trade Jewishness for a glorious culture/identity like that of the French, British, or German? Why give up Jewishness to become one with a bear-wrestling Russian or a ‘Dumb Polack’ who has to summon the entire village to change a light-bulb? Indeed, it’s instructive that Jewish assimilation in Russia happened only under communism, an equalizing ideology of enforced mediocrity as a moral mandate. In contrast, assimilation for Jews in Western Europe meant reaching the upper echelons of society and partaking of the best that the most advanced civilization had to offer. All over the world, people are generally less resistant to assimilating with what is deemed superior. Many are indeed more eager to assimilate with the ‘superior’ people & culture than protect and preserve their own. So, Chinese in Southeast Asia don’t want to give up their Chinese-ness to become a lowly ‘Indonesian’, ‘Malaysian’, or ‘Cambodian’, but Chinese in the West will gladly give up their Chinese-ness to become ‘British’, ‘American’, ‘Canadian’, or ‘Jewish’. Chinese women don’t want to have ‘inferior’ children for Laotian or Nepalese men, but they will gladly have kids for Jewish men and raise them as Jews because Jewishness comes with great prestige. Blacks are something of an outlier. As Africans, they’ve achieved little in terms of science, technology, and economics. They are among the biggest losers in the world. But as ‘groids’ in the West, they’ve become dominant in sports, pop music, gangsta style, and sex culture. The idolatry of black ‘cool’ had even the daughter of John Boehner marrying a dread-locked ‘groid’. And white women worship Oprah as electronic-earth-mother, and even the British royal family wants to marry with Negroes and Negresses. Brits feel chilly & cold with their uptight buttoned-up Anglo-ness and find warmth in the vibrancy of Afro-fizzy-ness, like Wasp George Lucas did with his sappy head lodged between the chocolate-flavored boobs of his Negress-wife .) Napoleon said, “Everything for Jews as Frenchmen, nothing for Jews as Jews.” In other words, if Jews want equality under the law, their main loyalty had to be for the Republic (though it began to look more like an empire). Thus, French Jews whose main loyalty was to France than to foreign Jewry didn’t regard themselves as ‘bad Jews’ but as ‘good Frenchmen’. If a good Frenchman must choose France over all else, he must do what is good for France even at the expense of foreign Jews. (Granted, this led to layers of snobbery among certain assimilated French Jews. Jewishness itself is inherently arrogant and chauvinistic, founded on conviction of special Covenant between God and Jews. So, when Jew adopted Frenchness, they could become doubly arrogant as fancy French culture provided yet another layer of arrogance. Because of the French Revolution that waged war on all spiritual underpinnings, the French demand on Jews seemed ‘fairer’ than ones made on Jews in neighboring states. The Revolution, in attacking all religions, didn’t discriminate between Christians and Jews, the model for what would happen later in the Soviet/Russian Revolution. Outside France, in contrast, Christians were clearly favored over Jews. In France, Jews didn’t have to become ‘goyim’ by conversion to Christianity to assimilate. Rather, they just had to become ‘Frenchmen’ without any particular religious affiliation. The great irony of French Civilization derives from its universalization of arrogance. Its openness was both chauvinistic and brotherly. It was offered as a gift to all mankind on the premise that French culture is better than all others. It was imperialism and liberation at the same time. Those who came under French influence took on Princely attitudes in the name of the People. In contrast, the traditional Chinese were no less arrogant and chauvinistic, but they just wanted to keep their superior culture to themselves. Barbarians were not good enough to partake of it, and even if they did, the Chinese were indifferent. In contrast, the France developed a notion that French grandeur can fulfill its destiny only with the spread of French Culture all over the world.) And if the French Law said foreign Jews must go, then it was incumbent upon good French Jew to work with French gentiles to comply with the law. (Such principle of higher loyalty became meaningless during WWII when it became futile for Jews to demonstrate their goodness. No matter how much French Jews cooperated with the Vichy regime as proof of their patriotism, they were seen as Jews who didn’t belong in Europe.) Of course, in France as in Germany, the harshness of the laws wasn’t manifest all at once. The Nazis cleverly understood that if they tried to ram it all down at once, it could lead to outrage and resistance. Therefore, they moved in stages, thus making people feel that the worst was over and that things would slowly return to normal if they obeyed the system. Lenin and Mao pulled the same trick in their respective nations, pushing for communization in gradual stages, thus making most people feel that the worst excesses of radicalism were behind them. Likewise, the German-ruled France initially targeted foreign Jews, and French Jews thought things would improve once the foreign elements were removed. But then, it gradually dawned on French Jews that they were next. They realized that there is no end to pathological radicalism. Once the ball gets rolling, it accelerates and demolishes everything in its path until it runs out of energy or is met with countervailing force.
Similarly, white Americans think if they just go along with the Jewish globalist agenda, cooler heads will prevail and things will settle down & return to normal. Such misleading impression is sustained with the gradualist see-saw policy of white displacement that is calibrated to gain full momentum only when white resistance is hopeless EVEN IF whites were to finally wake up and unite in action. It’s like a passenger can be fooled that the car is going northward than westward by swerving the car back-and-forth from northwest and northeast. But if the car alternately goes two miles westward and one mile eastward, the final result of all that mileage will be someplace far out west. If Jews had implemented a full-blown radical policy in the past, whites would have risen up and confronted the Jews. So, devious Jews use the ebb-and-flow method. They pushed hard but then relaxed, as if to create the impression that the worst was over. But they were just prepping for the next push that is even harder. In this way, the US went from a sane normal nation to one where idiots worship Homomania as the new christianity. As a result, the US went from a solid white majority nation to one where whites live under Jewish tyranny in Diversity-Dystopia. America went from having a president like Ronald Reagan to a scummy son of a mudshark who did the bidding of the Jewish and homo elites. Just as Jewish hopes for Nazi mercy were foolhardy, white American prayers of mutual respect & understanding with Jews are pure fantasy. It is the radical and contemptuous nature of the Jew, cultural and genetic, to push the knife deeper, twist it, and add salt to injury. Just ask the Palestinians if Jewish aggression can ever be appeased or satiated? It’s like believing Harvey Weinstein will stop abusing women of his own accord. The fate of Palestinians is the template for the future of the white race in the Jewish Globalist-Supremacist order.
In a way, they were correct because past American society did favor ‘white males’ like Tom Brokaw over others. But then, white people like Brokaw founded, settled, and built this country, so why shouldn’t they have favored their own kind over Jews and ‘groids’? Jews certainly favor their own kind in Israel, and blacks in South Africa rig the system to favor less qualified blacks over whites and Asians.)
Especially in the 1960s, there was much romanticism about India as a timeless oasis of spirituality(as opposed to the fast-paced materialism of the West), peace & harmony(especially between man and nature), selflessness & abandonment of ego, and etc. If some movements in the 60s looked to Mao’s China for revolution, others looked to India for revelation. But the real India didn’t resemble the pipe-dreams of Hippies, proto-New-Agers, and utopians. The real India was dirty, grimy, sickly, corrupt, demented, cynical, brutal, petty, greedy, nasty, wicked, hideous, vile, stinky, laughable, ridiculous, ludicrous, cruel, uncaring, repressive, oppressive, pitiless, and gave you the runs if you drank the water. A dotkin’s world could be as filthy as a fruitkin’s bung.

In the West, ‘dirty money’ means greed and corruption are bad. In India, it means the money is literally soiled and stinky and filthy, like it was pulled out of a sewer or used as toilet tissue by the kid in SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE. Though Ganges is supposed to be the Sacred River of India, it is really a giant toilet bowl. And yet, there’s no denying that India has been one of the absolutely great civilizations, and one of the great sources of imagination and spirituality, perhaps the most profound in the world. Also, India has exerted tremendous influence in arts, dance, and music on its neighbors. Though China and Japan has commanded more attention in the West in the 20th century, India has historically influenced China and Japan more than vice versa. Buddhism’s impact on Northeast Asia cannot be overestimated, whereas India remained impervious to East Asian philosophies and ideologies. Possibly Lao Tzu, as an individual or collection of individuals, might have cribbed ideas from Indian Thought as well. So, India is a great civilization that produced some of the most interesting arts, cultures, philosophies, and religions. But like so many dirty, corrupt, and poor Third World nations, it’s also been a stinkpot throughout the 20th century, made worse by the fact that the Indian Saris aren’t ideal in heat or pleasant to the eyes. Hot regions are sweaty, and so it’s best to wear something simple in design and pattern. Saris have to be held as well as worn, and their bright colors only accentuate the sweat. Arab women have the better hot weather outfit, as long as the color isn’t black as black absorbs excess heat. Indians sure can be stupid sometimes, coming up with dumb ideas like smudging dots on their foreheads and piercing their noses, an especially hideous sight to behold. Earrings look good, nose-rings look retarded, but the fact that this aesthetic crime has spread among white folks — some of whom even pierce their tongues(but then, this is a society that now thinks homo fecal penetration is real sex) — makes you wonder about mass culture in the 21st century. When I was young, nose-piercing was something that the Other, the weird Hindus featured in National Geographic magazines, did. The idea of any white woman piercing her nose would have been ridiculed as ugly, and rightfully so. Even Negroes would have scoffed at the idea of piercing their noses. But when standards and meanings collapse under the weight of degenerate Pop Culture and demented Political Correctness, anything is possible. Just as junk is promoted as ‘art’, ugliness is marketed as beauty.
Despite or precisely because of their sheer nonsensicality, music videos could shamelessly ‘experiment’ by ‘mumbo-jumbing’ everything under the sun and from where the sun don’t shine. MTV warholized every child’s bedroom. Oliver Stone’s terrible NATURAL BORN KILLERS bemoaned of how the pomo contortions of media warps and distorts reality itself because the TV has become THE reality in the lives of most Americans. It’s all the worse in the Age of MTV because even the representational markers between documentary/news and fiction/fantasy has dissolved. Stone didn’t so much adapt as remonstrate with Quentin Tarantino’s script. While the news media always had a problem with the truth, there nevertheless used to be recognizable markers as to what constituted news/documentary as opposed to movies/entertainment. … Today, most news programs are closer to salacious tabloid or deep state propaganda than sober news. … the paradox of how docu-elements could actually heighten the unreality because the keen ‘investigative’ eye is made to bear witness to the disorientation of truth. If you want to make people believe in UFO or Big Foot, offer the ‘documentary’ evidence, however doctored it may be. Or why not subvert the very faith of seeing-is-believing, until the objective gaze no longer believes in anything anymore, … It’s the conceit of seeing-is-believing that ultimately fools people into seeing what isn’t. … An objective figure in fiction is a contradiction: An honest factual eye fixed on what is make-believe and fantasy. … We barely sense the mind or the controlling agenda behind the presentation. Therefore, even though PBS is mostly controlled by Zionists and Jewish globalists, we may be lulled into believing we are seeing disinterested reporting and analysis of issues and stories. Also, diverse talking heads give the false impression of balance because, in actuality, the ‘contrasting voices’ are restricted to a spectrum preordained by the powers-that-be. So, even as corporate/consensus documentaries can be informative and engaging, we don’t get a sense of who is really pulling the strings and for whose agenda. … The standard documentarian generally withholds his perspective(or appears to), partly a legacy of the school of journalism that emphasized impartiality and ‘fairness’, a key concept of Anglo ethics. Also, there’s been a long debate as to what constitutes documentary as opposed to propaganda or advertising(especially since so many documentaries are produced by institutions funded by big donors; generally speaking, donor money will not compromise the material IF the subject matter is unrelated to the business or political interests of the donors; for example, if donation from a Wall Street oligarch funds a work about ancient history or astronomy, the documentarian has a freer hand; even in the Soviet Union, the documentarian was most free when working on subjects with little or no ideological relevance). There’s also been heated controversies about print journalism vs Television and about where reporting ends and where editorializing begins. But then, a truly crafty reporter can subtly add/subtract details and play with diction to slip bias into what appears like objective reporting. There is also the element of Term Warfare, the germ-warfare of words. With PC terminology informing journalese, even reporting becomes rigged when terms like ‘antisemitism’, ‘racist’, ‘homophobic’, ‘xenophobic’, ‘undocumented immigrants’, ‘unauthorized immigrants’, and ‘white supremacists’ are used. For example, suppose some white Americans call for White National Liberation from Jewish Supremacist domination of America. They won’t get a fair shake from the Jew-run media that label them as ‘whites supremacists’ but never ponder the possibility of Jewish Supremacism. … The Rule of Labels defines and pre-judges the facts. So, if ‘white supremacism’ is a term acknowledged by journalese but ‘white national liberation’ isn’t, then even white national liberationists who simply want OUT of the Jewish supremacist empire are branded as ‘white supremacists’ or ‘racists’. But since ‘Jewish supremacism’ doesn’t exist in journalese, even obvious manifestations of Jewish Supremacism don’t go reported as such. Consider how the Old Frontier press used to call American Indians ‘savages’. That term labeled Indians as primitive thugs, so they were always the bad guys no matter what they did, even when defending their turf from European invaders. This is why Jews are so adamant about keeping terms like Nakba out of the public discourse. Because of the absence of such terms, most Americans are unaware that the creation of Israel entailed massive ethnic expulsion of Palestinians from their homeland. The game of the name is the name of the game. Journalese narrative is fixated on the issue of “Will Palestinians acknowledge Israel’s right to exist” while muting the fact that Nakba denied the right of Palestine to exist.
Also, even when libertarian-types call for total color-blindness and absolute adherence to the principles of meritocracy that objectively selects the winners over losers, they could be motivated by a racial agenda because, deep down inside, they believe whites will be favored by objective meritocratic standards over most other races on the basis of having higher IQ. I would think blacks would be totally for colorblind meritocracy in sports because they are naturally advantaged and will beat the competition. … ecause interviews mainly comprise both works, the viewer or reader may be lulled into believing that the ‘authors’ merely served the roles of impersonal moderator, but , if anything, the framing of the issues and the nature of the questions tilted the works one way or the other. In some ways, such works are more dishonest despite their conceit of objectivity because the ‘authors’ (not so)subtly provoke others to express views that unwittingly confirm the author’s thesis. And most politically-themed documentaries on PBS and TV news have such inbuilt biases that favor anti-white-ism, Magic Negro cult, pro-Zionism, homomania & homo neo-aristocratism, interracism, and anti-Christianism(unless a particular brand of Christianity happens to sermonize that Jesus died so that homos could ‘marry’). The whole Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman news coverage made it plain as day that only fools would trust the fairness and ‘objectivity’ of Jewish-controlled MSM. Not that MSM would be any more truthful if Conservatives — like those on Fox News and right-wing Talk Radio — ran them, but whether the media are controlled by Liberalism Inc. or Conservatism Inc., what goes by the name of ‘news’ is essentially Jewish Globalist propaganda because both establishment Liberals and establishment Conservatives in the West are shills of Jews. On the other hand, the radical types — the anarchists, Marxists, Christian Zealots, far-right elements, and etc. — , despite their lack of corporate connections, aren’t necessarily more honest or principled. And even so-called ‘underdogs’ and ‘independents’ seek funding from big donors who find radicals useful as street protesters or thugs. It’s fallacious to believe that, just because corporate power is corrupt and conspiratorial, those crying out from the wilderness are any more scrupulous, decent, or sane. Even though people working for the corporate media may be propagating the mad agenda of the oligarchs(mainly Jewish in our world), they must control their own personal urges and impulses to be team-players; they can’t just go off on their own tangents. They must remain ‘sane’ and ‘stable’ even as or especially because they serve demented Jewish Supremacist bosses who need obedient scribes and commentators. In contrast, even as radicals and dissidents without corporate affiliation are freer to speak their minds, there’s the real danger of their personal eccentricities running wild, sometimes going off the rails into conspiracy theory territory, or ‘theorritory’. So, MSM generally happen to be about ‘sane’ team-players serving a mad globalist agenda, whereas alternative media tend to be composed of free spirited individuals not infrequently spouting mad views. Sometimes, the dissidents can be even more demented than the mainstream, and if they win the so-called Culture War, their dementedness becomes the New Normal. Imagine if France had been taken over by the likes of Jean-Luc Godard and Louis Althusser in 1968. Imagine if Ron Paul supporters took over the US government. While radicals may be more sincere and ‘pure-hearted’, that hardly guarantees sanity, integrity, balance, and better grip on reality. The failure of the Arab Spring led to people fearing the new bosses and longing for the old bosses. One reason for the failure of both the Tea Party and Occupy Wall Street was the simplistic view that the Power, capitalist or statist, is all bad whereas The People are so pure and noble. But the People of the Tea Party despised the People who voted for Obama, and the People of Occupy Wall Street, supposedly the 99% standing up to the 1%, alienated plenty of ordinary Americans. One look at some of their ‘leaders’ makes you lose confidence in their agendas. Also, it turned out that the leaders of both movements were easily manipulated and appropriated by higher powers. The Tea Party, which began as a condemnation of both Washington and Wall Street, was taken over by Wall Street fanboys and Zionist tools. Occupy Wall Street fixated on the abstract 1% without naming the fact that this 1% happens to be ethnically dominated by Jews who not only control Wall Street but Big Media, Big Government, Big Law, and Big Academia. Wall Street Jewish banksters got away with so much precisely because they have fellow supremacist tribesmen in so many other positions of power. I mean, how many Eskimos, Hispanics, Negroes, Asians, Arab-Americans, Polish-Americans, Greek-Americans, Turkish-Americans, and etc are prominent in the 1%, especially in the 0.01%? And it’s foolish to regard powerful Jews as mere individuals who happen to be successful. It’d be like regarding the political, military, and economic elites of National Socialist Germany as mere individuals who happened to be wealthy or well-positioned. In fact, all those elites in National Socialist Germany were working together for a common national, racial, and ultimately imperialist interest. It’s the same with Jews who may have succeeded as individuals but work as a Tribal Team.

Another problem with Occupy Wall Street was the Accusation that the abstract 1% was to blame for everything while the 99% are perfect angels? But seriously… What about the vast underclass of insane ‘groids’, ‘white trash’, and tubby Gomezers? What about the vast bureaucracy of government workers who sit on their asses and shuffle paper all day, often pretending to fix problems created by the government itself? When so much of the American ‘middle class’ is reliant on government jobs and spending, for how long will such an arrangement sustainable, especially in the age of globalism and high-tech revolutions that undermine middle class security in the West? (But then, precisely because capitalism no longer ensures middle class security, perhaps more people look to government jobs to cling to their middle class status.) There are no simple solutions to these problems, but in the end, Tea Party degenerated into cheering for Wall Street whore-mongers and Neocon warmongers, and Occupy Wall Street turned into Street Theater for pampered brats(aka Teacher’s Pets playing at radicalism); it was more status-symbol ‘leftism’ of privileged virtue-signaling than classic leftism of real need among the middle/working classes. But then, this is to be expected from the so-called progressive community whose idea of virtue is cheering for ‘gay pride’ parades like the mindless minions under communism cheered hysterically for Stalin or Mao. Mobs can be unruly and dangerous but also brainless and obedient, unable to think for themselves. As mobs are addicted to the euphoria of popular culture, the elites that control idolatry via mass media and entertainment can use the mobs like dogs, leaving the bark but not the bite. Homo-culture is elitist-flitist, fancy-pantsy, bitchy-snitchy, snobby-wobby, and sneering-sniveling by nature; therefore, when mob mentality has been injected with the homomaniacal germ, it no longer emotes and expresses in terms of ‘we the angry people’ vs the ‘rich and powerful elites’. Since the PC-fied mob has been made ‘gay-friendly’ and since ‘gayness’ is associated with fanciness, privilege, haughtiness, preening neo-aristocratism, and whoopsy-do vanity, the mob representing the 99%, even as they rail against Wall Street, fail to realize that the problem goes much deeper than profiteering on Wall Street. (Incidentally, 99 is also a symbol of two homos buggering one another.) Wall Street power is connected to US statist power which is connected to the corporate Jewish media that favor homo power that is so prevalent in Hollywood that is owned by Jews. There is a whole network of powers and privileges hogged mainly by Jews and homos — some call it the Deep State — , but the brainwashed mobs are too intoxicated with Jew-worship and homo-worship to realize that the deeper problem goes far beyond financial malfeasance and is embedded in the vast interconnected network of sectors dominated by Jews and homos. After all, it was their connections in media and government that enabled Jews in Wall Street to get away with their high crimes. Without those connections, they would have been brought down, their wealth confiscated, and their reputations ruined with prison sentences. In America, an Alt Right patriot can’t even work at waiting tables, but super-rich Jews can steal billions and be rewarded with billions more. But of course, since the ‘progressive’ community now worships Homomania(along with the MLK cult), Wall Street only need to hoist the gay ‘rainbow’ flag and, wallah, it can brand itself as a force for ‘progressive equality’.
Despite the obvious differences between fiction and non-fiction narratives — print or film — , fiction can convey much that is true, and non-fiction can cover up much that is true as well as invent things that aren’t true. Most news, even in the so-called free world, don’t rise above Deep State propaganda. Consider the media’s drive-up to the Iraq War, persuading 80% of Americans that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11 and had WMD. Consider the skewed media coverage of ‘gay issues’, using bogus terms like ‘homophobia’ to imply that those moral voices opposing the radical ‘gay’ agenda are clinically ill or pathological. Consider the utterly ludicrous US coverage of the Israel-Palestinian conflict, especially in contrast to the equally biased way it had covered the subject of Apartheid in white-ruled South Africa. (And consider the near-total silence in the Jew-run media about the butchery of white farmers in South Africa.) It’s difficult to tell where government propaganda ends and news reporting begins because big media, all owned by globalist oligarchs like Jeff Bezos, operate in collusion with the Deep State. John F. Kennedy, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and especially Barack Obama were shmoozed by the media complex, and George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush got huge breaks from the media in their wars in the Middle East. Today, with Jews and homos so prominent in academia, media, law, government, and entertainment — and with most TV news being just another form of entertainment — , there is an ethno-ideological consensus of Jewish-enforced Political Correctness. Fox News and Talk Radio are two Conservative holdouts but nevertheless beholden to neocon Zionist Jews for money and to mindless Evangelical Christians for audience. In the past, Liberal Wasps had the balance of cultural pride and critical reform-mindedness. They had historical pride in their role in America but also pushed for reforms. And because they took Wasp power for granted as a permanent fixture of America, they became more idealistic in using journalism to expose problems of social injustice. In this sense, they were more virtuous than conservative Wasps who cared mainly about power and privilege. But liberal Wasps were also vainly naive, self-righteous sentimental suckers manipulated by Jews deviously pulling their heartstrings.
That said, even though Jews are not to be trusted, prior to their ascendancy to elite status they used media clout to shake up a system that needed to be shaken up, thus challenging the sacred cows of the Establishment, albeit not necessarily with the truth but counter-sacred-cows. Today, Jews have near-absolute power in elite institutions, and most Wasps, Liberal or Conservative, are merely chickenshit lackeys of Jews who, by the way, unlike liberal Wasps of the past, feel zero sense of magnanimity and feel only arrogance, contempt, and paranoia. Why is Jewish elite behavior so different from Wasp elite behavior? If Wasps in the past had elite power but also mass support, both the mind and body of political power — there were lots of Anglo-Germanic whites and waspized white ethnics — , Jewish elites have great mind power but weak demographics; therefore, Jewish elites are bound to constantly fret about the 98% of Americans who are goyim. (Another reason why Jews are less compromising in their power is their prophetic egos. Whereas Anglo cultural personality has been about reason, moderation, and balance, the Jewish cultural personality has been about Big Ideas, the Vision, the Answer. So, when Jews hold power, they think they know everything and have the power of God behind them.) Since whites comprise most of gentile power, Jews have been increasing non-white numbers and fanning their resentment at ‘white privilege’ so that the gentile majority will remain divided in relation to Jewish power. The Jew-run media operate on the basis of Jewish-Power-First mindset. As things currently stand, Jews are so powerful that even whites who are being targeted by Jews must praise Jews. We have Jews using Diversity against white people, yet we have white people opposing Diversity in the name of defending Jews from it. Jews see Diversity as generally good for Jewish Power because non-whites can be used against whites. On that basis, whites should resist Jewish power that is out to undermine white power. But because Jews are near-worshiped as a holy people, the Jew Taboo prohibits whites from calling out and working against Jews. So, even the victims of Jews must frame their argument on grounds that it’s good for Jews or GFJ. So, if a Jew uses a hammer to bash your head, you must argue against the hammer on grounds that it might sprain the wonderful Jew’s wrist. If a Jew makes a pitbull bite off your leg, you mustn’t blame the Jew; the most you can do is warn of the possible harm the pitbull might do to the Jew.