The whole world must verify and research a very strong hypothesis that confirms that the Muhammadan message lived for only 22 years, from 610 AD to 632 AD. The killing of the Muhammadan message began immediately after his death and before his burial in Saqifah Bani Sa’idah at the hands of the first three caliphs.

The killing of the Muhammadan message was not a mistake, but rather an organized, broad, and profound act led by the three caliphs, which paved the way for the Quraysh-Jewish Umayyads and continued with the Abbasids.
The teachings of the pure heavenly Muhammadan message were manipulated and corrupted, and were replaced by an ignorant, pagan colonial scheme that was deceitfully and misleadingly called Islam.

In fact, the word Islam in the Arabic language means the concept of the one universal religion that precedes the existence of the universe, creatures, and all societies. This means that true Islam/religion has no beginning or end, was not born, and will not die, thus surpassing all peoples, planets, and galaxies.
True Islam/Religion is like time and the universe in value and the multiplicity of means of knowing it. True Islam/Religion is only one. True Islam/Religion can be reached through an unlimited number of heavenly messages sent by Allah Almighty, one for every nation in their language and through a Messenger from among them.
Any nation that was Muslim before it became corrupt and deviated, and any heavenly message that was sent down to any nation that did not become corrupt is a message that leads and guides to true Islam/religion.
What the first three caliphs began to do immediately after the death of the Prophet Muhammad and called it Islam and replaced the Muhammadan message, that which they called the prevailing Islam in the world today is the opposite and hostile to God Almighty and the true Islam/the religion and the Muhammadan message and all the heavenly messages is against the Arabs and all nations and humanity and truth and knowledge and peace and freedom.
The conversion of the three caliphs to Islam became the basis of the authority of the Umayyads of the Levant, who were Hebrew Jews from the Jewish Quraysh of the Levant, and it escalated violently and bloodily in the Abbasids and Ottomans and what was between them of Mongols, Fatimids, Mamluks and other branches of the Hyksos, Turkic Mongols, Persians and mercenaries from Central Asia from the regions of the Stan.
The Islam of the three caliphs, the Umayyads, the Abbasids, the Ottomans, and others, with all the sects and paths of Shiites, Sunnis, and Sufis, up until today, are copies, practices, and concepts that are worse than the conditions that prevailed before the revelation of the Muhammadan message, which were supposed to be treated and the homeland of the true Arabs, south of the dividing line between the middle of Kuwait and the port of Aqaba, was supposed to be liberated from them.
The first to establish the emirate for the Quraysh was Abu Bakr al-Siddiq immediately after the death of the Messenger. This was the first fatal stab to the Arab Muhammadan message and the rise of false Islam and the war of the Arabs and the return to ignorance and paganism and the seizure of power, leadership and wealth by the Quraysh Umayyad Jews and Hebrews without any right, in violation of the teachings of the Muhammadan message and religion.
The first three caliphs were from Quraysh and represented the interests of Quraysh. The Muhammadan message was not their concern, but rather their means of restoring and expanding the influence of Quraysh, the Levant, and the rest of the Hebrew Jews, and serving their Turkic-Mongol Persian leaders in occupied Iran.
Peace, faith, justice, security and development in the world depend entirely on discovering and correcting what the Turkic-Mongol Persians, the Satins and their followers, the first three caliphs, the Quraysh of the Levant, the Hebrew Jews, and the entities, concepts and practices that are called Islamic and are unjustly associated with religion, the Muhammadan message, the Messenger Muhammad and the Arabs, have done and created.
It is necessary to discover and correct what the Turkic Mongols, Persians and Romans did and created and called them Judaism in 600 BC in Babylon and Christianity in 313 AD in Rome. The world is threatened and destroyed by Islam, Christianity and Judaism, all of which were created by Persian nomads.
Author: Engineer Tariq Muhammad Antar
About Tarig Anter: I am interested in Middle East & Punt Lands History & politics. A history scholar with deep insights & discoveries for historical revisionism. Egyptian & Sudanese; ancient Kerma-modern Nubia local nation/tribe; resident of Egypt. Political non-ethnic nationalist; Anti-globalism; Anti-liberal democracy. Retired civil engineer; Business interests include: creating & trading turn-key businesses; optimum-cost housing; development of appropriate technologies; computer; and small finance.;;