“World history: There are two world histories. One is the official and full of lies, destined to be taught in schools – the other is the secret history, which harbours the true causes and occurrences.”
Honore de Balzac
Winston Churchill; the man voted in a newspaper poll as the ‘greatest ever Englishman,’ was actually an evil, self-serving, narcissistic, opportunistic, hypocritical, treacherous, traitorous, perverted paedophile and a murdering psychopath.
Preposterous you say? Read on and see if you still believe this statement to be untrue at the end of this article…
The truth about Winston Churchill is that he was a menace to liberty, and a disaster for Britain, for Europe, for the United States of America, and for Western civilisation itself.
Churchill’s original Sandhurst military file, describes him as a ‘drunken, aggressive homosexual’ and that only his mother having a ‘liaison’ with the Prince of Wales, prevented him from being prosecuted for sodomy.
The following is from the highly-acclaimed British Intelligence operative-turned whistle-blower, Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes, better known to truth-seekers everywhere as ‘T. Stokes’:
“Winston Churchill, who led Britain into both World Wars with his famous ‘V’ salute, is still revered by many people and was, in a recent, rigged newspaper poll voted the greatest ever Englishman.
Churchill has been exposed as a long term Zionist/Elite puppet, and served their interest before that of Britain, and whom has been shown to be from documental research and Humint, (human intelligence) to have been a Druid priest, a one-time fringe spiritualist and member of the Golden Dawn, and most damning of all, a 33rd degree mason. Masonry is universally accepted as a racist, anti-Christian and a secret elitist anti-democratic organisation.
This establishes his interest in the occult from day one, and he himself has said on record that he escaped capture in the Boer war, by his psychic ability to choose to knock on the one door that would give him shelter. His statement here is questionable from archive material research but let’s leave this for now.
His ‘V’ salute is a recognised greeting of the horned god,the symbol of the Devil worshipping Illuminati, as demonstrated by ‘Skull and Bones’ initiates.
The version of the ‘V’ salute as shown in the Star Trek TV show by Spock, is a greeting by Rabbi’s in the Hebrew tradition, the hand split down the centre represents the 2 fingers on each side of the ‘V’ in deVil, as the initials DE and IL represent the fingers. The initial ‘V’ is the 22nd letter in the alphabet, a sacred number in Hebrew numerology, and corresponds in the tarot pack to the major arcana.
Churchill changed sides in his political career four times, and his skills were on offer on several more occasions for the right price, this meant he was known in the House of Commons as ‘The Shithouse’ from his initials WC. He accepted £150,000 to bring Britain into World War II for the Rothschild bankers against Germany, and to latterly drag in the USA.
Archbishop Lang the Church of England expert on occult subjects, prior to WWII was privy to Churchill’s putting together the ‘Black Team’ those wartime astrologers, dowsers and ritual magicians, under the stewardship of Louis de Whol, Dennis Wheatley, Dion Fortune, Dr Alexander Cannon and Ian Fleming both claimed that Churchill had wartime dealings with Aleister Crowley; advertised as the world’s ‘wickedest man,’ and the famous East-End spirit medium Joe Benjamin, who was often advertised in the sixties as, Winston’s favourite medium.
Sefton Delmer the black propaganda and psy-ops leader confirmed that 33rd degree masons Churchill and Aleister Crowley were involved in wartime sacrifices at the Devils Chimney on England’s south coast. Churchill wanted occult advice on all wartime events, even insisting on mass fake astrological pamphlet drops, and other hate propaganda leaflets being dropped from British aircraft over Germany.
The master-spy, Rothschild operative and traitor, Sir Anthony Blunt has said on record that Hitler was negotiating for peace right through the war, and sent his deputy Rudolph Hess to Britain to pursue an honourable peace which Churchill continually refused. Rothschild’s advice to Churchill was for ‘total destruction’ as evidenced by his needless firebombing of German dormitory cities. This can be seen as the typical ‘Satanic Sacrifice’ as recorded in the Old Testament as a ‘burnt offering’ and in the biblical burning of witches. Sir Anthony Blunt put on record his distaste at Churchill’s support of the Soviet rape squads sent in to defile the women and children in the last days of the Third Reich, disrupting the racial purity of the eugenics tables, and the sacrificial fire bombing was only equalled by Churchill’s refusal to Leo Amery who begged help for India in the 1943 famine disasters, while Churchill sent food and arms to Russia. This surely is Satanism at its worst.”
Patrick Kinna (Churchill’s secretary) confirmed that the British were reading the German Enigma codes and so knew which ships would be sunk and so sent out decoy ships to keep the U-Boats away from those ships they wanted kept safe. It was also known that the town of Coventry would be bombed heavily, for example, but Churchill did not order an evacuation and instead left the people to their fate rather than make it obvious to the Germans that their codes had been cracked.
Britain’s intelligence services had achieved saturation coverage of the Third Reich up to and throughout WWII and discovered that the Germans were a threat to Russia, not Britain, so Churchill formed the S.O.E. (Special Operations Executive.) These were recruited from ‘leftie’ rabble-rousers and communist sympathisers, and were told by Churchill to; “set Europe ablaze.” The purpose was to sacrifice Europe for Churchill’s ambitions, and to ensure that Germany would clamp-down heavily on them… which was exactly what happened.
It was suggested to me some years ago that Churchill was blackmailed over a homosexual affair with his secretary into a pro-Zionist stance, in a similar fashion to what happened with ex-Prime Minister Edward Heath with his infamous ‘sailor boy’ activities, and the Tony Blair / Lord Levy ‘Miranda’ revelations. Churchill’s biographer, Sir Martin Gilbert discussed with several people including Churchill’s doctor Lord Moran, Churchill’s many, many visits to the teenage, ‘gay’ brothels of Morocco.
The Soviet spy Eugene Ivanov was just one of those who documented Churchill’s alcoholism and mental instability, all now safely under lock and key in GRU (Russian Secret Service) archives. Churchill accepted secret bribes in WWI under the name of Colonel Arden, and one of his bank accounts in WWII was alleged to be in the name of ‘A Connolly.’
Britain in the early 1930s adopted a stance that assisted Germany in its anti-Russia activities, yet Churchill, in pure ‘Tony Blair’ fashion, turned the tables and decided (no doubt under Zio-globalist instructions) that Germany was the enemy and subsequently took the country to war, despite Hitler’s many, in vain yet well-documented public pleas for peace.
Hitler was a rabid Anglophile, and did not want war with Britain (or France) at all. If the government had listened to its own intelligence services they would have let Russia and Germany fight it out, and would then have easily dealt with the weakened winner, and the Cold war would never have happened, but that was not in the longer-term plan for Europe. Churchill had Vernon Kell, reputedly the world’s most ‘respected’ intelligence chief, retired and subsequently murdered, and senior naval intelligence operative, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile incarcerated for the duration without trial for their great ‘crimes,’ namely their overt opposition to Churchill’s unilateral, insidious personal ambitions.
Winston Churchill indeed, sold himself to the Zionists against the best interests of his own nation, in the manner of a modern Judas and the great traitor that he surely was.
Admiral Sir Barry Edward Domvile was a KBE (Knight Commander, Order of the British Empire), CB (Companion, Order of the Bath), CMG (Commander, Order of St Michael and St George) assistant secretary of the Imperial Defence Committee, Director of Naval Intelligence (1927-30) and President of the Royal Naval College (1932-34). Conventional ‘history,’ an adjunct of the corrupt liberal (Zio-Marxist) orthodoxy, records that Domvile was a distinguished Royal Navy officer who blighted his illustrious career by developing “extreme right-wing political views” and becoming a “leading British fascist.”
In fact, Domvile visited Nazi Germany by invitation, to attend the Nuremberg Rally of September 1936 as a guest of the German Ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop. As a result, his fondness for Germany, its achievements and its people led him to establish a pro-German organisation, the Anglo-German Link, whose membership peaked around 4,300. It was an ‘independent non-party organisation to promote Anglo-German friendship’ whose intended purpose was: “To foster the mutual knowledge and understanding between the British and German peoples, and to counteract the flood of lies with which our people were being regaled in their daily papers.”
The war hysteria ratcheted-up by the propaganda media-puppets ensured that despotic legislation was passed without any undue delay or debate in the British Parliament giving the government the right to imprison without trial anyone believed likely to “endanger the safety of the realm.” Consequently, a Defence Regulation Order, the infamous Regulation 18b, was passed by Parliament, and this was an incredibly convenient tool for those wishing to silence the dissenting voices to the unfolding nightmare, the totally avoidable carnage, that is now known as the Second World War and heavily promoted afterwards as being ‘The Good War.’ Consequently, Regulation 18b was ruthlessly enforced and hundreds of gallant servicemen (and some of their wives) who had fought with great distinction in WWI and received many decorations but who, only because they opposed the war with Germany, not because of any crime they had committed, were imprisoned without charge or trial throughout most of WWII. Some were well known, such as Oswald Mosley, and some were very distinguished, such as Admiral Sir Barry Domvile.
Indeed, nearly two thousand less well-known men and women were imprisoned without trial by the government of Winston Churchill, merely for opposing his ambitions. Although Domvile, when visiting Nazi Germany with Link members, had always been very careful to keep clear of excessive contact with ‘official Nazidom,’ his leadership of the Link was sufficient to secure his imprisonment without trial under the infamous Regulation 18b. And, for the next three years, home for this decent, honourable, innocent man was to be a prison cell, with a plank-bed two inches from the floor, a table, chair and washstand. Domvile’s autobiography, ‘From Admiral to Cabin Boy,’ was written during this imprisonment and published in 1947.
So why did those alleged guardians of liberty and freedom, aka Churchill’s government, those very mouthpieces who exhorted the British people to make the ultimate sacrifice for ‘democracy,’ seek to imprison Domvile and his ilk? Was this most unfair punishment meted out to him by those who despised his admiration for Germany and Germans or was it more sinister? Could it have been that Domvile’s enemies sought revenge for his embarrassing yet accurate views and intimate knowledge of the inner workings of government and the treasonous activities of the few that wished to bring the British Empire to its knees? I certainly believe so. Churchill and the rabidly pro-war Zionists and their apologists, could not under any circumstances, allow the actual truth to become known.
Before the First World War, Domvile, by virtue of his rank and position, began to gain intimate knowledge of the dark, murky ways of high government and the secret treachery of the British ‘liberal’ establishment. Further, after WWI, Domvile attended numerous peace conferences, knew both Lloyd George and Churchill very well, and was as well-informed on geopolitics and of the workings of the human heart and mind as one would expect of a future Director of Naval Intelligence. His general impression from these experiences was one of alarm. Alarm that venal politicians and bureaucrats such as Churchill, possessed an unerring habit of prosecuting policies that repeatedly saw the betrayal of all true British interests.
Moreover, he had soon realised that successive British governments (indeed, governments of all nations) made seemingly absurd, nay, near-suicidal decisions, which made no sense whatever in purely rational terms, but when viewed from the point of view of the elite Zio-globalist puppeteers who rule over us, are perfectly logical and certainly serve to continue their dastardly agenda.
In short, he knew that the terrible betrayal of Britain and her people by the ruling British ‘liberal’ establishment was so appalling, and wholly avoidable, that it could not have been perpetrated by accident. There was no doubt whatsoever in his mind that another, hidden force with its own agenda was at work whose objectives were at odds with proper, rational government. Domvile wrote of this epiphany in his autobiography, ‘From Admiral to Cabin Boy’…
“From that time onwards I had a strong suspicion that there was some mysterious power at work behind the scenes controlling the actions of the figures visibly taking part in the Government of the country. I had not the least idea whence this power emanated, nor could I gauge the strength of its influence. I was in far too humble a position to make such lofty discoveries. Still the feeling persisted. We always vaguely referred to this hidden control amongst ourselves as the Treasury … This mysterious power … I christened ‘Judmas,’ because, as I discovered at a much later date, its source is the Judeo-Masonic combination, which has wielded such a baneful influence in world history for many centuries.
Ponder on this… on April 20th Hitler’s birthday, because his war with the usurers, asset strippers and bankers, brought Russia to threaten both Germany and England, Churchill took us into WWII, Poland was just the excuse, the same as in all the wars now. We fight them for the bankers.” Admiral Sir Barry Edward Domvile KBE
Domvile’s conclusions are in no sense the product of ‘hate’ or so-called ‘Anti-Semitism’ but rather of common-sense and observation from an honourable, intelligent and pragmatic man who witnessed the apparent absurdities and injustices of high politics but could not quite account for them. He observed with contempt the complacent, self-seeking, corrupt and seemingly foolish British establishment that repeatedly betrayed the British people on all levels of existence and in all spheres of endeavour. He understood that ‘the puppets dance, whilst hidden puppeteers pull the strings from behind the scenes,’ but he did not fully understand what these hidden forces truly were. He was prescient enough however, to recognise that these entities desired what we now refer to as ‘Globalisation’ or the New World Order.
Recently declassified documents now prove beyond doubt that Winston Churchill was part of this ‘Judeo-Masonic’ plot to demonise and replace anti-war Neville Chamberlain as PM and drag Britain into war. Selected documents from the National archives such as the 1939 MI5 file on MP Sir Archibald Maule-Ramsey and the 224 members of one important anti-war group, make this abundantly clear, whilst the Nordic League, the Right club and the Anglo German fellowship, also held similar numbers of important people vehemently opposed to more Jewish bankers wars.
Recently de-classified documents now in the National archives such as the 1939 MI5 file on MP Sir Archibald Maule-Ramsey and the 224 members of his important anti-war group, prove beyond doubt that Winston Churchill was part of the Zio-globalist bankers’ plot to replace Neville Chamberlain and drag Britain headlong into war.
Fortunately for the country, the British people for once saw sense and voted him from office in an absolute ‘landslide’ at the very first opportunity, immediately after the war was over.
Sir Archibald Maule-Ramsay (1894-1955) was the chief critic in the House of Commons of having Jews in the government, due to their openly working against the best interests of Britain and in 1938 he began a campaign to have the (Jewish) Minister of War, Leslie Hore-Belisha (1893-1957) removed. In a speech on 27th April 1938 he warned that Hore-Belisha would lead us to war with “our blood brothers of the Nordic race to make way for a Bolshevised Europe,” as openly campaigned for, by Sir Herbert Morison and the usual Jewish suspects and pressure groups.
Sir Archibald also petitioned in the House of Commons to have Churchill deselected as MP for Epping for his constant warmongering activities. He also sought direct guarantees of peace from Hitler and Mussolini, but these documents were stolen and passed through yet another traitor, John Cairncross, to the Russians for the princely sum of £60.
MI8 was the wireless interception section of British intelligence and this article contains some portions of its secret transcripts. It is said that it was Sir Joseph Ball who was instrumental in exposing the Judeo-Masonic grip on Churchill and informed British Intel chief Vernon Kell, who agreed that war against Hitler’s Germany, would not be beneficial in any way, to the British nation.
Vernon Kell and Neville Chamberlain were among many opponents ‘disposed of’ by Churchill, albeit by proxy, whilst Sir Barry Domvile was one of a large group sent to prison without charge for the duration of the war. A senior member of MI5 during the war named Sorrell, kept records of the documentation of Churchill’s murders and treachery, and was one of several intel officers secretly informing the magazine Truth. An agent-runner for the traitor, Lord Victor Rothschild’s pro-Jewish banker group named Flora Solomons confessed in an interview that war with Germany was vital to restore the bankers’ control and prevent German ‘debt-free’ currency from spreading throughout the western world. Had Germany won the war imposed on them against their will, this is precisely what would have happened and the Rothschilds and their many partners-in-crime would have been finished – forever. The stakes were extremely high indeed for the Zio- bankers.
So, Churchill, according to new research, now stands accused of several murders amongst which were those of his mother Jennie, Lady Randolph Churchill between the dates of 11-29th June 1921; the spymaster and the first head of the modern British Secret Service George M. Smith-Cumming at his house 1, Melbury Road, Kensington on the 14th June 1923 and the British intelligence operative, T.E. Lawrence better known as ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ between 13th and 19th May 1935.
There was of course, no question of Churchill killing with his own hands. He was far too careful, cowardly and squeamish for such acts. He was merely the order-giver, but as such is equally guilty as those who carried-out his orders. These were not political murders by the State, but the acts of an individual hell-bent on revenge on his mother, she having cheated him out of his inheritance and then subsequently two more, in order to ‘cover his tracks.’ He achieved this simply by killing the two men who knew what he had done, back in 1921.
Lord Randolph Churchill had been a neglectful father because of his stressful political career and his Victorian attitudes towards child-rearing. It has even been claimed that he positively disliked his children, who were 20 and 14 when he died, aged 45, in 1895, supposedly from syphilis.
There was however, considerable correspondence between Lord Randolph and both his sons, but he was a man that like many others of his generation, did not display his feelings outwardly.
Winston with mother Jennie and brother Jack
In fact, if any one of the parents should be severely criticised it would be his mother, Jennie (née Jerome,) an exuberant, vivacious Jewish-American socialite who, as evidence has now revealed, effectively robbed her sons of some £16,800 of income that was rightfully theirs – the equivalent of about £1,500,000 today. Lord Randolph had made his will in 1883, leaving his estate in a trust fund for the benefit of his wife during her lifetime and for his two sons and their children after her death. But he also inserted a clause that stated that if Jennie were to marry again, “his sons or their children should have access to the trust fund in order to help his or her advancement in the world”.
It was this clause that once Winston had discovered it, would cost Jennie her life. She undoubtedly deliberately deceived her sons about the true nature of Lord Randolph’s will to fund her extravagant and frantic social life, as well as through a series of ruinously expensive loans. For many years Winston and his brother Jack were led to believe that their father had left no provision for them in his will, except that they would inherit a small trust fund after the death of their mother. Jack longed for a career in the Army but was forced to become a partner in a City firm for financial reasons, and even had to delay his marriage to Lady Gwendeline Bertie because he lacked the money to marry her.
It was only in February 1914 that the truth was discovered. Wrestling with his mother’s chaotic finances as she divorced her second husband, George Cornwallis-West, a man the same age as Winston, Jack took the opportunity to read his father’s will in detail and immediately relayed the contents to his brother. They were astonished to find that he and Winston could have claimed up to £600 a year each (around £50,000 today) from the trust fund since Jennie’s second marriage in 1900. Jennie had in fact systematically expropriated her children’s inheritance for 14 years. This was a course of action that would cost her life at the hands of her eldest and by then famous son, Winston.
On the advice of Winston, a letter was delivered to Jennie written by Jack but in reality dictated by Winston. It was a letter of rebuke. Jack let her know how pained he was at her dishonesty: “We had always thought that Papa was very wrong in not making any provision for us during your life,” he wrote.
“It makes a considerable difference finding that Papa’s will was not made – as we were always led to suppose – carelessly and without any consideration for us.
It is quite clear that he never thought that while you were single you would be unable to pay us an allowance, and the clause in the will covered the situation – which did actually arise – of your remarriage.”
Churchill was very astute in ensuring that he would leave no traces in a plot that would take him seven long years to bring to fruition. But when the chance came along, the evil plot was executed to perfection.
Winston also absolutely loathed the way his spendaholic mother always made herself available sexually to Edward, Prince of Wales (the future King Edward VII.) For many years Lord Randolph had laid the blame for the collapse of his marriage and his political aspirations at the door of The Prince of Wales. It was without doubt that Jennie was indeed one his ‘favourites’ during the 1890s.
Shortly after Lord Randolph’s death in 1895 until early 1898, the Prince regularly visited Jennie at her home, 35a Great Cumberland Place, London, where she lived mostly alone. Winston was with his regiment in India; Jack was either at Harrow or living with a family in France to learn the language. The 21 stone (300lb) Prince, would send her love-letters announcing that he would call at 5 o’clock “for tea.” He often made particular reference to a geisha dress he wished her to wear for him, which apparently was a kimono that slipped off easily. Rumours of this liaison of course reached Churchill, to his utter disgust and contempt.
But eventually, as is always the case, Jennie finally found herself ousted as the Prince’s mistress by the beautiful Alice Keppel, and so she sought solace by seducing George Cornwallis-West, widely believed at the time to be the Prince’s illegitimate son. When Alice gave birth to a child by Edward, Jennie married George, a handsome man born in the same year as her elder son. It was to prove a happy match until he fell in love with the actress whom Mrs. Patrick Campbell had ironically introduced as the leading lady in a play written by Jennie.
As already stated, Churchill loathed the ‘arrangements’ as he called them and often lamented the situation to the aforementioned Mansfield George Smith-Cumming, a then retired naval captain who would become Churchill’s second murder victim.
In 1914, Winston and Jack had discovered the true extent of the treachery of their mother and the already simmering hatred for his mother grew even stronger. Winston was always, by his own admissions, a rebel and a born maverick. He was not the brightest of students and he was certainly capable of ‘dastardly behaviour’ both at school and whilst in the Army.
In 1900, he was elected Conservative MP for Oldham but in 1904, he left the Conservative Party and joined the Liberal Party, which, he believed, better represented his economic views on free trade. From 1906 to 1908, he was Liberal MP for Northwest Manchester and from 1908 to 1922, he was MP for Dundee in Scotland.
Between 1908 and 1910, Churchill held a cabinet post when Herbert Asquith, leader of the Liberal Party, appointed him President of the Board of Trade. His major achievement in this post was to establish labour exchanges, places where the unemployed could register as seeking work and be offered appropriate new positions.
In 1910, he was promoted to Home Secretary. As Home Secretary, he used troops to maintain law and order during a miner’s strike in South Wales and also used a detachment of Scots Guards to assist police during a house siege in Sidney Street in East London in January 1911, which Churchill personally observed – at a safe distance of course. Whilst such actions may have marked him down as a man who would do his utmost to maintain law and order, there were also those who criticised his use of the military for issues usually dealt with by the police.
From October 1911 to May 1915, Churchill was First Lord of the Admiralty. In this post, he did a great deal to ensure that the navy was in a fit state to fight the coming world war, that had been in the planning for several years. He placed a strong emphasis on the modernisation of the aging fleet and was an early supporter of using planes in combat. He was not afraid of risking the lives of tens of thousands of servicemen – as the Gallipoli campaign would prove, and nor would he be afraid of taking individual lives either – as we shall see.
Churchill paid the price for the bloody failure of his disastrous Dardanelles campaign in 1915. It was he who had proposed the ill-fated expedition to the War Council and, as a result was correctly held responsible for its failure and the horrendous loss of life. He was dismissed from his post at the Admiralty and made Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster instead. Having been Home Secretary and First Lord at the Admiralty, this was seen by many, including he himself, to be a demotion and he therefore left the post in disgust, after just six months in order to re-join the army. Here, he commanded a battalion of the Royal Scots Fusiliers on the Western Front until May 1916.
However, Churchill soon returned to government as taking lives, proved no great trouble to him but of course his own life being at risk was quite another matter. In 1917 he was appointed Minister for Munitions – a post he held until 1918 and the following year was appointed Minister for War and Air. In 1921, he was then appointed Colonial Secretary – a post he held until he lost his seat for Dundee in the 1922 election.
Throughout this period he was constantly consumed with anger over what he saw as the shameful conduct of his mother and her third marriage and countless affairs. Jennie’s scandalous lifestyle fed many rumours and myths and these were an ongoing, nagging reminder to Winston of her unacceptable behaviour.
Another allegation that caused him intense embarrassment was circulating between 1916 and 1921, and that was regarding Winston being conceived ‘out of wedlock.’ The gossip (which was absolutely correct) in the House of Commons was that Winston was born just seven months after the marriage. Today this would barely raise an eyebrow, but in those days it was regarded as a terrible stigma in ‘polite society,’ almost as bad as actually being born outside marriage. Of course this enraged Churchill even further and only intensified the simmering hatred for his mother. How could she behave in such an appalling manner and put him in this insidious position?
Given that two-month premature babies were highly unlikely to survive in 1874, his mother must have been pregnant at the time of her wedding and when rumours began reaching Winston that his brother Jack was not fathered by Lord Randolph, it would seal Jennie’s fate. Jack’s health had been precarious and a close family friend, John Strange Jocelyn, 5th Earl of Roden, was called upon to stand as godfather. For this act of kindness, he was routinely cited as Jack’s father.
In fact he is only one of several men other than Lord Randolph, rumoured to be the father, including the 7th Viscount Falmouth and Count Charles Kinsky. This was probably the reason that Winston would ultimately ‘airbrush’ his brother from his life and probably the ‘final straw’ that led to him committing matricide.
Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming was born on 1st April 1859, the youngest son of 13 children to an officer of the Royal Engineers. Strangely for a naval officer, he suffered from extreme sea-sickness and therefore longed for a ‘desk job’ on terra firma. He was prone to hyperbole and exaggeration of his own importance, similarly to Churchill. For example, when he and his son were involved in a car accident in 1914 in which his son was killed, George spread rumours that he had amputated his own leg with a penknife in order to survive the accident. It was of course pure fantasy, but it was this braggadocio that again, similarly to Churchill, would lead to early career advancement and his appointment as the first Chief of what was to become MI6.
He was well-known to Churchill as their careers ran parallel and Winston often complained to him of his poor finances. He also became acquainted with Jennie Churchill who had confided to him about her precarious finances before Jack and Winston discovered they had been cheated out of their inheritance.
Churchill also complained to Cumming of how his own political aspirations had been thwarted owing to lack of money and how disgracefully his mother was behaving in London society. This revelation would turn out to be the death sentence for Cumming only two years after Jennie was murdered, and by the same hand.
There is no evidence that Jennie ever shared intimate moments with Cumming as there is no evidence she shared intimate moments with a host of other claimed, would-be suitors. What is clear however, is that the relationship between her and Cumming as well as Cumming’s friendship with Churchill would become problematic.
At the outbreak of the First World War, Cumming worked closely with Vernon Kell as well as the Special Branch and was directly responsible for the arrest of a number of German Agents in the United Kingdom. One such was the Irishman, Sir Roger Casement who together with eleven others was executed for treason. Casement was a British Consul and famous for his exposure of human rights abuses in the Congo and South America. He was without doubt a staunch Irish Republican and tried to elicit the assistance of Germany into helping free Ireland from British subjugation.
Papers accumulated by Henry Churchill that have recently come to light, reveal that Jennie left as part of her papers “Lady Randolph’s admittance card to the trial of Sir Roger Casement.” Cumming had given her access to one of the most notorious trials in British history and because of the sensitivity of the evidence only those who had a ‘special pass’ could attend.
Winston Churchill’s grandfather, John Winston Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough, was at one time the Viceroy of Ireland for four years and Winston’s mother was often in Ireland during Lord Randolph’s many absences abroad. Jennie was a political troublemaker, very much a ‘loose cannon,’ in the manner of Princess Diana, decades later, and in addition, also had Irish Republican sympathies.
By 1916 both Winston and Jennie had confided to Cumming their positions. Winston confirmed his anger at the considerable pain and displeasure caused to him by his mother’s stealing of his inheritance and the fact that she was involved in so many scandals. But once the realisation that Cumming now had some kind of ‘hold’ on him, dawned on Winston in 1923, it heralded murder number two.
Thomas Edward Lawrence better known as T.E. Lawrence or ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ was a close friend of Churchill. Lawrence told Churchill during their various meetings what had happened to him during torture whilst he was in captivity at the hands of the Turks, and in return, Churchill confided to Lawrence the secret hatred of his mother, and everything she stood for, and was overheard in a hotel bar clearly saying “At times I wish she was dead, I wish it so.”
Lawrence, the illegitimate son of Sir Thomas Chapman, an Anglo-Irish baronet, was born in Tremadoc, Wales on 16th August 1888. Educated at Oxford High School, he developed a strong interest in archaeology and military history and won a history scholarship to Oxford University.
T.E. Lawrence (of Arabia)
It was the close friendship with Churchill, however, that would ultimately cost him his life. At the Paris Peace Conference, Churchill had confided to him how he despised his mother, loathed her morality and explained how she had robbed he and his brother of their birthright.
In return Lawrence found in Churchill a man who was able to listen and sympathise with his personal secrets. He told Churchill of the fateful days under the Turks and the obscenities he had to endure in captivity. Churchill still felt at ease at this time, for although he despised his mother and told Lawrence he would not ‘shed a tear’ if she died, she was still alive at this juncture.
One of the most controversial trials of 1910, was that of Dr. Hawley Crippen, in which Churchill took great personal interest and whereupon he made a close friend of a young, controversial, but upcoming pathologist, Dr. Bernard Spilsbury, an important witness for the prosecution.
Crippen was suspected of murdering his wife and subsequently fled to Canada with his mistress Ethel Le Neve, which seemed to confirm his guilt and so an arrest warrant was duly issued. They were arrested as the ship docked in Canada and eventually returned to England to face separate trials. Crippen was found guilty of murder and sentenced to death and Ethel was found not guilty of being an accessory after the fact. After Crippen’s appeal was rejected, a petition for clemency was also rejected by Winston Churchill, who was then Home Secretary in the Liberal Government of H. H. Asquith and as a result was regularly kept up-to-date on the case.
Interestingly, Churchill was educated by his close friend, Spilsbury on forensic science and modes of murder. It was not ‘usual’ for a Home Secretary to befriend a key prosecution witness, but in 1910 the position of Home Secretary possessed considerable powers and yet had little accountability.
At Crippen’s trial, the judge, Lord Alverston directed the jury, that if they believed the remains were those of a man, then he must walk free. But unfortunately for Crippen, the jury believed Spilsbury’s assertion that the remains were those of Cora Crippen against much evidence to the contrary. It was a surprise to many when Churchill refused any act of clemency and it was said at the time that this was entirely owing to the undue influence placed on him by Spilsbury, who had much to lose, from a professional credibility point of view if Crippen cheated the gallows. Spilsbury would continue to be involved in controversial claims in murder trials throughout his career and there were many who even at the time, believed him to be the self-serving fraud he most surely was.
Hawley Harvey Crippen was subsequently executed on 23rd November 1910.
Since 1910 Churchill had seriously studied – with the open assistance of Spilsbury – the art of murder, and more significantly, how to evade detection. In short, how to commit the perfect crime.
When Winston and his brother discovered the fraud that Jennie had perpetrated upon them, he put all he had learned from Spilsbury to good use. But, for the moment, he had to bide his time and await the ideal opportunity.
However, in the meantime, he blamed his many tactical mistakes that cost more than one hundred thousand lives during WWI, solely on his lack of clarity and concentration due to the detrimental effect upon his well-being, of his mother’s actions. As Britain’s youngest-ever First Sea Lord in WWI he unwisely advocated an amphibious landing in Turkey to relieve pressure on the Western Front. A total of 500,000 British, Australian, New Zealand, French and Indian troops ultimately took part in the doomed battle of Gallipoli. Between the successful amphibious landing in February 1915 and their evacuation in December they suffered 50% casualties-with nothing to show for the immense human cost. Even today, Gallipoli still remains a byword for military incompetence.
Much to the dismay and disapproval of Winston, Jennie was married for the third time, to Montague Phippen Porch, on 1st June 1918. Winston was livid with anger at this further humiliation at a time when he needed to advance his career. Ever since the Crippen trial, Churchill had maintained a friendship with the chief prosecution witness, forensic pathologist Bernard Spilsbury.
Churchill now simply had to wait and bide his time for an opportunity, but after three long years, his patience paid dividends when in May 1921, Jennie went to spend the weekend with a friend, Lady Frances Horner at Mells Manor, Somerset. Hearing the dinner gong and fearing she may be late for her meal, she rushed down the stairs, tripped, fell and broke her ankle. A local doctor set it in plaster and Jennie returned home to London in an ambulance.
She had a live-in nurse to care for her, but she soon contracted gangrene and a London surgeon had to amputate her leg as a result. She was very brave and told him to “be sure and cut high enough.” Convalescing at home, she suffered a sudden haemorrhage on the morning of 29th June 1921 and slipped into unconsciousness from which she never awoke. Winston, Jack and other family members and friends remained by her bedside as she slipped away.
Well, at least that is the story told to the world by Churchill. The truth however is much different. According to research and documents it can finally be revealed that some ten years previously, Jennie had indeed sprained her left ankle whilst ‘frolicking’ with her second husband at Salisbury Hall, their residence. On this occasion, she did indeed fall and this unfortunate accident allowed Winston the opportunity he had been awaiting to rid himself of what he openly referred to as his ‘embarrassment.’
Forever an opportunist, Churchill was dining with Spilsbury on 28th May 1921, when he mentioned that his mother had fallen and broken her ankle. Spilsbury, casually remarked that he hoped that it would not turn to gangrene, as that would be dangerous and even possibly fatal. This was indeed a strange thing to say. Over 250,000 people sprain or break their ankle in the UK each year, yet not a single case of gangrene has ever been recorded as a direct result of it. The probabilities of gangrene caused by a sprained ankle are more than remote, they are non-existent. So exactly how then, did Jennie die?
The stark truth is that she was murdered.
Jennie, by pure accident, had indeed fallen, but this was entirely due to being unused to wearing the newly-fashionable Italian high-heeled shoes at that time. Churchill was not responsible for that of course, but he simply used the accident to plan and perpetrate her murder.
On 10th June 1921, a surgeon from Paddington Hospital in London did indeed amputate Jennie’s leg. It is important at this point to understand that Spilsbury had studied, and was indeed based, at the very same hospital where Jennie was operated upon. The decision to operate was preceded by a meeting between Churchill, Spilsbury and the head of the security services, the aforementioned Sir George Smith-Cumming and at that meeting, Churchill made clear to both his friends, his desires and wishes. By 1921, Spilsbury had become famous, but Churchill reminded him of the Crippen case and that he (Churchill) was well aware that the testimony Spilsbury had given at Crippen’s trial, to the effect that he was sure the remains found at the house were of a female, was erroneous. Churchill had saved the reputation of Spilsbury, costing Crippen his life and now the time had come for the favour to be returned.
At the meeting with his brother Jack whilst discussing the decision to amputate his mother’s leg, Jack had said in a worried tone “Gangrene – but I thought it was a simple break?” Winston replied “These things do happen.” Jack retorted, “But it was a simple break!” However, Winston being the elder of the two had spoken and the decision was made. “It is to be amputated and the sooner the better.” This was his final word on the matter and thus Jennie’s ultimate fate, the death sentence, was determined.
Spilsbury had made sure his colleague, who performed the surgery, indeed cut well above the knee. This certainly ensured that healing would take much longer, thereby exponentially increasing the risk of haemorrhage. And furthermore it was Spilsbury who insisted that Jennie be discharged from hospital as soon as possible. She was indeed discharged to her home at 8 Westbourne Street, Paddington, within a miraculous three days and it was also Spilsbury who hand-picked her nurse, about whom a friend of Jennie’s subsequently commented that “she spent more time trying on Jennie’s clothes and Chanel perfume than nursing.”
Spilsbury also recommended the ‘new therapy’ of allowing oxygen into the wound. This he stated, would alleviate any gangrene that was left post-amputation, and thus he instructed his hand-picked nurse to keep Jennie’s bandages as loose as possible and not to change them for as long as possible. She was also prescribed sedatives that kept her subdued so that she was largely unaware of what was happening to her. The combination of oxygen, which would feed gangrene, and maintaining loose bandages that were not changed often, would accelerate death – a fact of which Spilsbury was well aware. When death finally arrived, it most probably a relief to Jennie, who must have been in considerable pain. The nurse, who had been present since 13th June 1921, miraculously disappeared without trace, immediately after the event. Throughout this entire period, Winston never once visited his mother, but he did give strict instructions that Montague Porch, his mother’s by then third husband, who was in Nigeria, should not be contacted.
On Friday, 1st July 1921, a Coroner’s Inquest was held at Paddington, with a death certificate signed the following day – a somewhat irregular procedure. Amongst papers recently discovered is the original death certificate in which the cause of death is cited as: “Secondary haemorrhage femoral artery following amputation of leg consequent on blood poisoning after fracture of bones above left ankle consequent on a fall on the staircase accidental causes.” The death certificate mentions nothing at all about gangrene, but Churchill knew this of course and allowed the myth of gangrene to be advanced in order to ensure that he and Spilsbury’s criminal actions would not be detected.
In 1923, as a reward for this complicity in his mother’s murder, Churchill persuaded Prime Minister Andrew Bonar Law to award Dr. Spilsbury a knighthood – one earned in blood and blackmail. Having rid himself of what Churchill privately called his ‘embarrassment,’ and evaded justice, his next mission was to silence those who were privy to the incriminating information. Another two years passed before Churchill killed again and, once more, this was carried out with his accomplice, Spilsbury.
Even in death, Jennie created more embarrassment for Churchill. Black-edged tabloid newspapers announced her death with the title ‘Lady Randy,’ probably due to the fact that she had had more than 200 lovers, the majority of whom were considerable younger than herself. However, Winston’s murder of his mother did not totally rid him of his ‘embarrassment,’ it merely enabled the tabloid press to attack him further through his mother’s morality – or lack of it, more accurately. Jennie was dead and would never be forgotten and Churchill had committed what he thought was the perfect crime and. but for the very clear wording of the death certificate, he would probably never have been exposed.
Churchill paid the price of his mother’s immorality by losing his seat in Parliament and being cast out of politics for several years. Whilst his mother was alive she was able to defend what little reputation she had left with an overt threat of libel action but dead, she was fair game for the ever-invasive tabloid newspapers. Churchill had simply not considered the full consequences of his mother’s untimely death, he had merely wanted rid of the problem at any cost.
But his immediate priority after the event was to dispose of those with whom he had been compelled to share his innermost secrets.
Captain Sir George Mansfield Smith-Cumming was not so easy a target as Jennie. At her funeral however, he had let it be known to Winston that Jennie had confided in him her precarious financial situation. This was a shock to Winston. He was completely unaware of how close a ‘friend’ Jennie had been to Smith-Cumming, but was now made absolutely livid by this innocently-made remark.
There are several conflicting accounts of how Smith-Cumming met his untimely demise. One account has it that he collapsed suddenly at his office, and in another contradictory version that he died “suddenly at his home, 1 Melbury Road, Kensington, London, on 14th June 1923, shortly before he was due to retire.” Examining the records on the first chief of MI6 is no easy task but what was abundantly clear was that many records were either misleading, if not confusing or simply false. The Official Registrar listed him as having died in Kensington and not his MI6 office. But, just how did Cumming die?
He had greatly exaggerated the threat of German spies in England before the war, and it was he directly that caused the arrest, trial and execution of many people, innocent or guilty, both prior to and during the First World War, including Sir Roger Casement. At this time, Britain had no civilian organisation to deal with the espionage threat, whatever its magnitude. A properly funded and run civilian organisation was desperately needed because at the time, the War Office had only one overtaxed civilian intelligence officer who ran agents in Europe. Although the War Office and the Admiralty both had small intelligence staffs that relied on diplomats and attachés, they were models of open-source intelligence acquisition and had no appetite for change.
Cumming however, knew that his road to power was in keeping the nation’s secrets but ironically, his knowing one secret too many would ultimately cost him his life, at the age of 64.
Accepting this reality and recognising the increasing public ‘spy fever,’ the Committee of Imperial Defence established a subcommittee to create an organisation that could handle such delicate matters and ensure government officials did not have to dirty their hands by dealing with spies. Hence, in 1909, the independent Secret Service Bureau (SSB) was established with two branches, briefly housed together. The Domestic Branch, initially subordinated to the War Office, and later to the Home Office, eventually became MI5 and was publicly acknowledged although not publicised. The Foreign Branch was placed under the Admiralty but, for cover purposes, was designated MI1c, later MI6, and headed by Smith-Cumming. There is no doubt that Smith-Cumming misappropriated money from the department amid constant running battles with the government over the allocation of running expenses.
Churchill especially during his term as First Sea Lord of the Admiralty, knew that Smith-Cumming was probably ‘stealing’ but chose to ignore it as he had become one of the ‘inner circle.’ By 1923 however, Smith-Cumming was ready to retire.
Notwithstanding a relatively modest salary, he owned no less than four planes, eight yachts, and certainly led the lifestyle of a very wealthy man. He was appointed CB in 1914 and KCMG in 1919, all sponsored by Winston Churchill, but then by 1919 Churchill had a strong desire for his mother’s demise and had become more than friendly with Smith-Cumming to the extent that Smith-Cumming was indeed the keeper of the Churchill secret. To Churchill’s credit, he did not over-react to the information that Smith-Cumming relayed about Jennie, but he was hurt and afraid. Smith-Cumming had become powerful and Churchill understood well that his dirty secret was safe only at the discretion of the head of MI6. The fact that Churchill knew Smith-Cumming to be a thief, was by no means of comparable magnitude to Smith-Cumming’s knowledge that Churchill was a blackmailer and murderer.
Churchill simply now had to bide his time. He was no stranger to violence and use of force as a government minister. For example he was instrumental in having military forces (the infamous, deplorably violent and sadistic ‘Black and Tans’) intervene in the Anglo-Irish conflict. He was a staunch advocate of foreign intervention, declaring that Bolshevism must be “strangled in its cradle” and fully advocated the use of tear gas on Kurdish tribesmen in Iraq and even considered the use of poison gas in subduing the Kurdish rebellion, but it was not used, as conventional bombing was considered effective.
But, in 1923 Churchill was as always, in need of money and acted as a paid consultant for Burmah Oil (now BP) and lobbied the British government to allow Burmah Oil to have exclusive rights to Persian (Iranian today) oil resources, which were successfully granted. For this concession and his lobbying, Churchill was paid £5,000 by Burmah Oil, equal today to over £500,000. So in 1923, when Smith-Cumming needed money, who better to approach than his chum Churchill, whom he knew had been handsomely paid-off by Burmah Oil? Although Smith-Cumming had married a wealthy woman with a substantial marriage settlement, he nevertheless spent much faster than he earned. He could no longer misappropriate too much from the department because by this point, the government had cut-back on intelligence expenditure, closing the spy stations in Madrid, Lisbon, Zurich, and Luxembourg. He was particularly fond of Switzerland where, it was subsequently discovered that he held a number of secret accounts.
Churchill met Smith-Cumming on a number of occasions, each time with a request for money and Smith-Cumming made it very clear to Churchill that if he was not ‘assisted,’ then the information he held would be made public. This was the final straw for Churchill and decided immediately that his ‘friend’ and head of the Secret Service simply had to be silenced – for good. Bernard Spilsbury, on the other hand, was going from strength to strength, ably assisted by Winston Churchill. By early 1923 he was knighted and having ensured the conviction and execution of Dr Hawley Crippen in 1910, he turned his attention to a subject that would fascinate him to his death. That particular subject matter was to be very helpful to Churchill in the committal of his second murder.
The trial of Major Herbert Rouse Armstrong for the murder of his wife began at Hereford, before Mr. Justice Darling, on 3rd April 1922. Public and media interest was enormous. A year earlier there had been a trial at nearby Hay-on-Wye (Armstrong’s home town) of another solicitor, Harold Greenwood for the murder of his wife by poison, disguised as an illness – but Greenwood had been acquitted.
Herbert Rouse Armstrong
The fact that the men who brought the charges to the police included Armstrong’s fiercest business rival and adversary and also his father-in-law, seemed suspicious to some people. It was believed by some that Armstrong was ‘framed,’ but despite the widespread belief that he would be acquitted, the prosecution case was nevertheless strong, albeit circumstantial only. Katherine Armstrong’s exhumed body was riddled with arsenic and at the time of her death the ingested quantity must have been far higher, and Armstrong had made huge purchases of arsenic. In order to prove their case, the prosecution had to make the jury believe that Mrs. Armstrong could not have committed suicide by getting out of her sick-bed, going downstairs and helping herself to arsenic without anyone seeing or hearing her and that massive doses of arsenic had been administered to her, specifically by Armstrong. Unfortunately for Major Armstrong. all the witnesses confirmed that towards the end she was almost paralysed. Spilsbury insisted that the fatal dose must have been taken within twenty-four hours of death, and the family GP Dr. Hincks affirmed that for Mrs. Armstrong to have taken it herself was “absolutely impossible.”
The evidence against Armstrong, though considerable, was nonetheless purely circumstantial. No one had actually seen the Major administering poison and at the time of his arrest he had made no attempt to draw upon his dead wife’s fortune. In Armstrong’s defence, his wife had occasionally spoken of suicide, some medicines contained quantities of arsenic, and there were several other people who had access to her at her Mayfield home, during the period in question and in Armstrong’s absences. Indeed, the prosecution failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that it was Armstrong and Armstrong alone who could have administered poison. He certainly made no confession, and adamantly maintained his total innocence until the bitter end.
On 13th April 1922, at Hereford Shire Hall, Armstrong was found guilty of the murder of his wife and Mr. Justice Darling stated that he concurred totally with the jury’s view and that it was absurd and unsupported by any evidence that Mrs. Armstrong had committed suicide. He then sentenced Major Armstrong to death, whilst commending the evidence of Spilsbury and he was hanged at Gloucester Prison on 31st May 1922. The News of the World reported that, when asked by the prison governor on the morning of the execution if he had anything to say, the Major’s last words to him were “I am innocent of the crime for which I have been condemned to die.” Furthermore, whilst stood on the execution trapdoor waiting for the executioner to pull the lever that would send him into oblivion, Armstrong was heard by those present, to say, “I’m coming Kate” which although is by no means proof of his innocence, does suggest a rather closer relationship with his dead wife than the prosecution had tried to imply throughout the trial. Of possible significance here is the fact that Spilsbury had also confided to Churchill that the evidence he had given in the witness box may have been “misinterpreted.” It was, after all, only an opinion on a factual event, not a scientific fact.
He met Churchill on numerous occasions in 1922 and 1923 but, more importantly, Spilsbury was by now an expert on poisons and Churchill needed his expertise. Spilsbury corresponded with many doctors worldwide, including Dr. Arthur Lawen of Leipzig who was researching the use of a poison called Curare, for anaesthesia. Having been made aware of the circumstances by Churchill, it was Spilsbury who suggested that a small dose of curare in its purest form would certainly solve Churchill’s problem and so on Thursday, 14th June 1923, Churchill asked to see Smith-Cumming, but not in the MI6 offices. He told Smith-Cumming he had money for him, the very same money that Smith-Cumming had requested and that would defray his creditors.
Although Smith-Cumming was indeed a workaholic, often arriving at his office early in the morning and leaving late at night seven days per week, on this particular Thursday he had decided to leave early as he had an ‘important person’ to see. Before Smith-Cumming left the spy headquarters to go home to Kensington, he received a message that a man would deliver an envelope to his house in Kensington. It mattered not to Smith-Cumming who delivered the money, just so long as he received it. Smith-Cumming did indeed receive a caller to his house that day, and suddenly collapsed dead. A simple pinprick had done the trick as curare leads to asphyxiation owing to the inability of the victim’s respiratory muscles to contract.
Death was instantaneous and almost undetectable. Spilsbury had supplied the curare, and an ‘Irish male,’ purportedly a member of the IRA, recruited by Churchill supplied the lethal dose, having been paid £1000 to disappear to America. So, Churchill had committed his second murder – and again undetected but it was 12 more years before Churchill rid himself of yet another in whom he had confided and this time it was T. E. Lawrence, aka ‘Lawrence of Arabia’ who would pay the ultimate price for being a Churchill confidante.
Similar to Cumming and Churchill, T. E. Lawrence was also a dreamer and a maverick. After the First World War, Churchill was Colonial Secretary and tasked with deploying a fair and just settlement in ever-turbulent Middle East affairs. He was determined to assemble the best and brightest of Britain’s Middle East experts and so, despite Lawrence’s ‘maverick’ reputation, Churchill could not overlook his vast knowledge of the Arabs and their needs.
Churchill persuaded Lawrence back into public service in 1921 through friendship and confidences shared, and by offering him a special post in the Colonial office. Lawrence had enormous respect for Churchill and genuinely believed they could repair the injury done to the Arabs at the Paris Peace Conference, stabilise the region and withdraw the British armed forces.
But Lawrence also knew the secret loathing that Churchill had for his mother and the doubts he had raised regarding his brother, Jack’s paternity. The question of paternity was no stranger to him personally. Thomas Edward Lawrence – known as Ned – was the second of five illegitimate boys. Lawrence’s father, Sir Thomas Chapman, had left his first marriage when he fell in love with the family governess, Sarah Junner. The couple then assumed the name of Lawrence and remained unmarried, yet living together as man and wife.
In Cairo at the Semiramis Hotel, both Lawrence and Churchill had confided in each other their fears, hopes, ambitions and deep-rooted hatred for what both deemed to be the injustices of life, so Lawrence was well aware that Churchill hated his mother and wanted her dead. Churchill in turn, was aware of Lawrence’s secrets and specifically what happened to him at the hands of the Turks when he was captured and tortured. When Lawrence was adding to his already published autobiography, ‘Seven Pillars of Wisdom,’ the revised manuscript contained accurate notes and accounts kept by Lawrence and written simultaneously in 1919 at the Paris Peace Conference and the 1921 Cairo Conference. It contained a whole new chapter on Winston Churchill.
That manuscript, in an abridged version and minus the important chapter was published in 1997 when copyright expired. Lawrence had not wished to write anything further after 1926 and had made it quite clear that he would not be publishing his new manuscript. Yet, within weeks of his murder the abridged version was published, contrary to the instructions of Lawrence, minus the chapter on Churchill and their ‘confidential conversation.’ The ‘offending’ and ‘revealing’ chapter manuscript is currently kept under lock and key at MI6 Headquarters and no known copies are ‘believed’ to have been made. That belief is however, erroneous because a discreet copy was made in 1988. (Information courtesy of T. Stokes)
Lawrence had always stated that he would not add to his book Seven Pillars of Wisdom but desperately wished to write down in some form the precise details of all that had occurred at the Paris Peace Conference, including Churchill’s secret. Throughout the years he attempted to put pen to paper but felt unable to do so. In one letter recovered from the Security Services archive addressed to author Robert Graves dated August 1927, Lawrence told his friend clearly, “I want to write.” One month later in a letter to A.S. Ede also recovered, Lawrence wrote “I cannot write fluent.”[sic] Churchill meanwhile, was receiving regular, disconcerting news of Lawrence’s activities and could not understand why Lawrence would want to disclose confidential information about him.
On two occasions in 1933, one in 1934 and another in early 1935 Churchill met Lawrence, both in the Isle of Man and at his cottage in Wareham, Dorset. There, Lawrence reiterated his feelings to Churchill about his time in Turkish custody. He asked Churchill whether the time was ripe to disclose his innermost secrets, in print and Churchill was alarmed at the thought because he suspected Lawrence would also disclose Churchill’s own innermost secrets in the process!
The matter was exacerbated in Churchill’s own mind because amongst Lawrence’s papers, quite strangely, was research he was carrying out into sprains, bone-breaks and development of gangrene. It became clear to Churchill that Lawrence, by probing and researching what he hoped was long-forgotten, had now gone much too far and had in effect signed and sealed his own death warrant. This would of course cost Lawrence his life but on this occasion, without the assistance of Churchill’s lap-dog, the compliant Dr. Spilsbury. For many years Churchill had maintained a close professional, but secretive relationship with the Irish Republican Army, an organisation which had long been totally infiltrated and controlled by British security services – and indeed still is to this day. Churchill was not at all coy of using them for his own purposes. He had used one of its members in the murder of Smith-Cumming and was more than ready to use the same method once again.
Lawrence’s torture at the hands of the Turks had apparently made it impossible for him to enjoy any kind of ‘physical’ relationship (although this has now been widely claimed to have been ‘invented’ by Lawrence, so who knows what the real truth of the matter is) and so his passions were transferred to his motorcycles, his cottage and his typewriter. However, Churchill knew that Lawrence was a keen motorcycle enthusiast and that he loved his motorcycles above all else. In fact he owned no less than eight Brough Superior motorcycles, made in Nottingham between 1902 and 1926. George Brough, who knew Lawrence personally, produced more than 3,000 models and each one came with a certificate guaranteeing it had been tested at over 100mph at the Brooklands racetrack. Among the most expensive bikes ever sold at auction, one Brough Superior broke the auction record in 2014, selling for the huge sum of £315,000.
And so, on Monday 13th May 1935 Lawrence’s much-prized motorcycle, a Brough Superior, SS100 was surreptitiously tampered-with by loosening its brakes. Lawrence went for a ‘spin’ on it almost every day, and the route was always the same, through the village of Wareham. Approximately one mile beyond the village, a boy who had been recruited by the ‘Irish Man’ whom Churchill had paid £1000 for his services, stepped in front of Lawrence, pushing a bicycle.
Oddly, the boy, named Albert Hargreaves, remained in hospital in ‘protective custody’ for days, prior to being discharged and then suddenly, mysteriously he left for the United States – presumably to prevent his interrogation by the media. Although the resultant crash did not kill Lawrence outright as Churchill had hoped, he was unconscious but was being cared-for at the Wool Military Camp Hospital in Dorset.
The hospital staff decided to seek further, specialist advice, and Mr. H. W. B. Cairns, the London Hospital brain specialist, was summoned. Such was the grave concern for Lawrence that Cairns drove from his home at Arundel, 100 miles away, and arrived at 12.20 in the morning. Forty minutes later, Sir Farquhar Buzzard, the King’s physician, joined the other doctors at the bedside having also travelled by car from Oxford.
On Saturday 18th May 1935 at 6.45pm, the specialist, Cairns, who had been attending Lawrence throughout the week, issued a bulletin that stated that he had taken “a sudden change and the position is now, very grave.” Congestion of the lungs had set-in and it seemed that Churchill’s plan was going well. The next day, Sunday, Lawrence died. He was 46 years of age.
There was gossip that Lawrence had been murdered by foreign agents and another story emerged that the secret service faked his death so as to allow him to undertake, incognito, important work in the Middle East. Such were the rumours mostly propagated by Churchill to detract from the real facts, that the Lawrence’s brother made a statement to the press categorically denying them all.
The murder of Lawrence proved to be not as straightforward for Churchill as the murder of his mother and Smith-Cumming, as Lawrence, unlike the other two, was a national hero, much-loved by both the nation and the King and not surprisingly, as such received a great deal of press coverage and media speculation. And even when it seemed to be a case of ‘matter closed’ for Churchill, he had to be sure that Lawrence was indeed dead and that he had not been double-crossed by his ‘friends’ from Ireland and the British Secret Service.
One way to ensure that death actually had occurred and was not some kind of hoax, was to order a post-mortem. This was carried out by Mr. H.W.B. Cairns, the London specialist, and after the following statement was issued – “The post-mortem examination conducted by Mr. Cairns showed such severe lacerations and damage to the brain that in the event of his recovery he would have only regained partial use of his speech and eyesight. In view of the immense activity and energy of Mr. Lawrence it is felt that this may be some consolation to those who had entertained anxious hopes of his recovery.”
In fact, the brain was so severely damaged because a second ‘boy’ hiding in the bushes had repeatedly smashed the head of Lawrence on the ground. The motorcycle accident had injured him but the injury was not fatal, unlike the action described above which had eventually proved to be non-survivable. Churchill’s £1000 had been wisely and effectively spent.
Press reports at the time had claimed that Lawrence had swerved to avoid two cycling schoolboys and that sadly he could not avoid hitting them, one of whom was seriously injured. It was then that the plot seriously thickened. But it wasn’t until years later that evidence relating to the crash that had hitherto been suppressed, began to surface. Vital clues were revealed, regarding a mysterious ‘black car’ that had been deliberately ignored at Lawrence’s ‘official’ inquest, at the insistence of MI5 the British internal secret service.
Rodney Legg, a Dorset historian in his book detailing the war hero’s death, claimed that the mysterious black car was in fact driven by MI5 ‘hit-men’ who had deliberately knocked Lawrence off his bike. Legg claimed he had unearthed startling new evidence that Lawrence was a victim of what was euphemistically called ‘The old firm,’ ie. the Establishment, under the control of Churchill at the time – and that there were important reasons for this.
Actually this was by no means new evidence and suspicions of this nature had been circulating since the hero’s death. The background to events would provide far more than circumstantial evidence that he was murdered by the state apparatus, directed of course, by Churchill.
After the ‘accident’ the two schoolboys were kept under hospital surveillance for some time. One of them had been knocked unconscious and later claimed to remember nothing. The other claimed to have heard the motorbike approaching behind them but had not looked around, which seems rather odd. Even more suspiciously, the parents of both boys were denied access to their children for several days.
However, of decisive importance in solving the mystery of Lawrence’s sudden death is that the manufacturer of the Brough motorcycle, upon examination of the wrecked machine, discovered flecks of black paint that could have only come from a car. This in effect, confirmed that a black car had been involved in the crash.
And even more tellingly, the motorcycle maker himself, George Brough, according to claims he made years later, had been ordered by MI5 to keep his mouth firmly shut about this fact. Brough’s widow also later confirmed in a letter that her husband had been pressurised not to mention the fragments of black paint, and he was further ordered not to attend the inquest.
Equally controversially, the investigation into Lawrence’s death was not conducted by the local police, the normal procedure, but by MI5 officials who surrounded Bovington military camp where the inquest was held. One can only wonder why such extreme measures were taken for what was claimed to be a simple accident. What was there to hide, I wonder? Nevertheless, one serving soldier stationed at Bovington did claim to have seen a black car at the scene of the accident. This soldier, a Private named Catchpole, was allegedly so unnerved by the thought of his cross examination at the inquest – or subsequent events – that he ‘shot himself.’ How very convenient.
At the forefront of the funeral procession were Winston Churchill and his wife. Churchill indeed headed the list of notable ‘mourners.’ He said of Lawrence, “I fear, whatever our need, we shall never see his like again.” At this point, no doubt Churchill believed that his dirty little secret would be safe forever.
But, what Churchill was unable to find – notwithstanding that Clouds Hill in Wareham, the cottage so loved by Lawrence, was searched thoroughly – was the manuscript that Lawrence had written, including the chapter about the Paris Peace Conference. Lawrence wrote his book three times because he had on two previous occasions lost the manuscripts, once whilst changing trains at Reading railway station. Lawrence however had accurately recalled and recounted the confessions of Winston Churchill in Cairo in 1921 but Churchill, irrespective of offering money throughout the years to come, on the pretext of acquiring works of his friend, never found the manuscript. It certainly exists though, and contains the proof that points the finger of guilt for the murders.
Winston Churchill had carried out his first murder, solely for the injustice he felt his mother had inflicted upon him by stealing money from his father’s will. The second murder was because he was blackmailed by his confidante and felt betrayed. The murder of Lawrence however, was due to the fear of being exposed for exactly what he already was; a murderer.
Churchill was in fact, far from being the ‘heroic leader’ he is portrayed to be by the compliant, sycophantic media He was a craven coward and a liar, responsible for the unnecessary deaths of over 250,000 soldiers, probably more, and in addition the deaths of literally millions of innocent German women and children under the barbaric, sustained civilian bombing campaign, during WW2, which he personally instigated and approved.
The fact that he murdered three people in revenge and in order to protect himself is of no real surprise. In 1916, Churchill used his many contacts in high places to wheedle his way out of the trenches, during his brief time on active service with the Royal Scottish Fusiliers, to a safe civilian billet in London whilst other, lesser ranks were being brought before firing squads for enacting their own personal interpretation of this ambition. Once back in Britain, he remained true to his caddish self. Concerned about the threat of the Zeppelin bombing attacks on London, he bought a country house at Lullenden in the Surrey countryside, where the German raids were unlikely to be able get at him.
It was around this time that he uttered these unforgettable words to the House of Commons, “My only purpose is to help defeat the Hun, and I will subordinate my own feelings so that I may render some assistance.” This was from the hypocrite who had just fled the trenches and his abode in central London to save his own neck. Shortly afterwards, he boasted laughingly to friends that he often used precious petrol — issued to him for ministerial purposes only — for social trips. He soon moved political heaven and earth, successfully, to prevent his parkland at Lullenden from being ploughed up to produce food, even as the U-boat threat came close to strangling Britain and ordinary citizens were being forced to turn their own land over to communal food production.
As Lloyd George, the Prime Minister at the time — no slouch himself in the ego-department — acidly commented to Churchill, “You will one day discover that the state of mind revealed in (your) letter is the reason why you do not win trust even where you command admiration. In every line of it, national interests are completely overshadowed by your personal concern.” He was right.
In common with many great contemporary intellectuals such as Robert Graves the equally revered author, Lawrence was determined that Britain should never again engage in a fratricidal war with the German side of our Aryan family of nations. He was also a close friend and admirer of Sir Oswald Mosley and active in the British Union of Fascists, a perceived threat to both the British establishment and to the Jewish/Globalist quest for world supremacy.
T.E Lawrence was also a very close friend of Henry Williamson, the renowned Nobel Prize winner, author of Tarka the Otter and numerous articles in which he recounted his experiences in Flanders during World War One. Like so many others of his generation and experiences, Williamson had emerged as an unrepentant admirer of the German servicemen and their country.
It is highly significant that at the time of the crash Lawrence was on his way to visit Williamson at his home in North Devon. They had arranged a meeting to discuss details of a proposed meeting with Adolf Hitler. The German Chancellor was similarly apprehensive about the British war lobby’s sabre-rattling.
Oswald Mosley (1896-1980)
Equally significantly, T.E Lawrence, still a national hero, was about to declare himself publicly as a Mosley supporter and join the ranks of the BUF, along with many other ex-servicemen. The adherence of such a famed national hero to the one party that stood against war would undoubtedly have been a huge boost to the fortunes of the vilified Mosley movement and therefore a huge blow to Churchill and his Judeo-Masonic paymasters. This was the very last thing that the war lobby would have wished.
Incidentally, long before the 1962 Oscar winning movie, Lawrence of Arabia it was the American journalist, broadcaster and showman, Lowell Thomas, who made T.E. Lawrence a worldwide legend in 1919. He personally presented his radio show, With Allenby in Palestine and Lawrence in Arabia to millions of people in New York and London, and propelled himself into a journalistic career of fame and fortune.
Of course, one thing that David Lean’s epic Lawrence of Arabia ‘forgot’ to mention… was that Lawrence was also a British MI6 agent.
His friend and MI6 colleague was Harry St. John Philby, also known as Sheikh Abdullah, father of Kim Philby, the renowned MI6 double agent who also worked for Stalin. Kim Philby was a life-long communist and friend of the author, Graham Greene and it was he who extended the invitation to Greene to become an agent himself.
Lawrence worked closely with Harry St. John Philby to expel the Turks and pave the way for the creation of the state of Israel in the Middle-east, plus of course, the abundance of all the oil in that region, was no small consideration in itself.
Arthur Ransome, an author best known for his Swallows and Amazons stories, was an expert on Russian affairs, having cultivated friendships with both Lenin and Trotsky. He was a high ranking MI6 operative with the codename S76. This man, according to Winston Churchill’s nanny, Elizabeth Anne Everest, knew first-hand from Russia that Churchill was working for Rothschild interests, not Britain’s. Many British researchers have long-suspected this to be the case, and Walter Thompson, Churchill’s bodyguard, said Churchill believed himself to be more at risk of assassination for betraying his own people in Britain, than from the enemies he made abroad, How unsurprising
There is no doubt whatsoever that Churchill received Jewish-banker money paid into a secret account in the name of Colonel Arden. Maxim Litvinov was from a wealthy Jewish banking family, and, according to Constantin Volkov, it was he who paid money to Churchill and it was Volkov’s knowledge of this and his documents exposing this, which caused Kim Philby to ‘silence’ him (Volkov.) But that is entirely another story for another time.
Churchill in fact, emanated from a long line of traitors. He was a descendant of the 7th Duke of Marlborough. The first duke, John Churchill, rose to fame during the reign of Queen Anne and played a primary role in the overthrow of her father, James II, when William of Orange arrived in Britain. He was allegedly paid £6000 pounds per year, an almost unimaginably large sum in those days, by his Jewish paymaster, Solomon of Medina, whist other Jewish bankers paid William of Orange 2 million Dutch guilders. It was indeed William, upon becoming King William III with the backing of his Jewish sponsors, that with John Churchill and others, helped found the Bank of England in 1694, under Jewish ownership. Indeed the same families still to this day, still own it and in the process have now transformed the British people into tax and national debt slaves.
During World War II Alice Friedman was quite a ‘big fish’ in London’s Jewish underground. The first wife of Russian spy Kim Philby, she was linked via the Jewish millionaires Phil Share and Abram Games to Herbert Morrison, the British Home Office minister, Winston Churchill and Churchill’s mentor, Lord Victor Rothschild, who was himself a very senior MI5 agent.
Rothschild was what was referred-to as a ‘black bag man.’ This was because any operation on British soil first had to be approved by the Home Office while the Foreign Office had to give its approval for operations abroad. Failing official approval meant it then had to be secretly funded. Which meant that Rothschild, being in charge of secret funds for covert ops – the so-called black bag – knew the details of each and every operation.
Still, Friedman with a security file of over 70 pages was married to top British intelligence officer and double agent, Kim Philby, and yet no one suspected anything? With hindsight this obviously seems outrageous, not to mention totally unbelievable, but at the time the press devoted virtually no attention to it. Meanwhile there was a very serious military threat from Russia, in contrast to Germany whose much-vilified leader, Adolf Hitler did not want a war with Britain at any cost – and Churchill knew it all along!
In the Britain of the late thirties, there was a national leaning toward the hard left and Russia had much influence in industry, the mines and factories and through banker Lord Rothschild’s influence, in the universities, and BBC, and mainstream newspapers. The Nazi/Soviet pact resulted in Russia and Germany splitting Poland in half, yet Churchill decided to take Britain to war with Germany and made Russia an ally. This made no sense whatsoever to the intelligence services. Of course, the general assumption and indeed perception of ‘how the world really works,’ is that politicians always do what is right and proper for their country and its peoples, but this is far from being the case. However any deviancy from this principle will always result in puzzlement and often a simple dismissal of these decisions as being ‘crazy’ or an act of sheer stupidity. Rarely are the true motives actually sought.
Anthony Blunt, the procurer of young men and children, went on public record as saying that the RAF was guilty of the gravest cowardice in meekly accepting Churchill’s direct orders to attack undefended German dormitory towns crowded with innocent women and children. He may have been a deluded communist sympathiser, fanatical globalist and traitor to his country, but I suppose at least he had a conscience of some sorts.
The Free French leader, General de Gaulle always refused to fly during his exile in England, because as he himself said “anyone Churchill dislikes has accidents” and Churchill was so well-known for this trait that at the beginning of the war, before they entered the fray, FDR told him, “if anything happens to any American ships, our first thoughts will be of you British.”
In April, 1943, German forces uncovered the mass graves of several thousand Polish army officers in Katyn forest, Poland. It is now well-known and accepted that the Katyn forest massacre was perpetrated by the Soviets, but in a propaganda exercise, the blame was slickly shifted to the German SS – the real truth was only revealed and accepted around 40 years after the end of the war. General Sikorski the exiled Polish President, continually pressured Churchill to announce the real truth about the Katyn forest murders, and written assurances that Poland would be free after the war and it was this that led to him being killed.
Churchill’s secretary Patrick Kinna told Zionist newspaper publisher Robert Maxwell that he was actually present when Churchill under pressure from Stalin and Rothschild ordered Sikorski to be murdered. Bear in mind that Lord Rothschild paid Churchill’s secretary to keep tabs on him, 24/7. He also paid his huge alcohol, gambling, fetishist and prostitution bills. These payments plus the threat of exposure and as a result, ruin, were precisely what kept Churchill ‘in line.’
The 1980s film about General Sikorski, by Bogdan Perubo, suggested that Churchill knew far more about what happened than he admitted to, and several freedom of information requests have not shed much new light, unfortunately. We do know however that Sikorski’s aircraft took-off from its base in Gibraltar and almost immediately plunged into the sea. General Sikorski and almost everyone on the flight was killed. ‘But, why?’ – I hear you ask…
The bodies of around 4,400 men, whose hands had been bound and who had been shot from behind, were found buried there, many more were slaughtered elsewhere. The deceased were mostly Polish officers. The Nazis realised that the Soviet Union was responsible for the massacre and attempted to use this knowledge to their advantage. The Germans hoped the revelation would alienate the USSR from its allies, Great Britain, the United States – and Poland.
The Katyn Forest Massacre
The Katyn Forest Massacre
When the news broke about the German discovery, the Polish government-in-exile asked the International Red Cross to conduct an independent investigation. (Red Cross findings later indicated that the Soviets were responsible for the massacre.) The Soviets, who denied culpability and blamed the killings on German SS forces that had overrun the region in 1941, broke diplomatic relations with the Polish government and the 19th April 1943, edition of Pravda, the official newspaper of the Communist Party’s Central Committee, accused the Polish government of striking a treacherous blow against the USSR. The Soviets also organised their own investigation of the tragedy and determined that the fault lay with Germany but Katyn residents knew differently.
“The stench was bad. When we came the Germans were removing a layer of earth about a metre thick. And then there were coats, bodies and coats, lying there in a row. And they were feeling these bodies, checking the pockets, removing flasks, removing watches, and the Germans set up a museum further out. The Germans wanted witnesses. They wanted us to act as witnesses for history.”
Dmitry Khudykh, Katyn resident
Neither the British nor the American governments wanted to know too much about the graves. If their ally, Joseph Stalin, had ordered the murders, they preferred to keep that as quiet as possible but when a British diplomat in London wrote a report suggesting that the Soviet Union had been responsible for the massacre, Churchill addressed the issue in a confidential note, stating: “there is no use prowling morbidly round the three year old graves of Smolensk.”
In late 1943, as the Red Army began to recapture territory in eastern Poland, the Soviet secret police (the NKVD,) cordoned off the Katyn forest near Smolensk to create one of the most elaborate cover-ups of the war. After exhuming the bodies from the graves that the Germans had previously uncovered, the NKVD had documents forged to suggest that the Germans had committed the crime. They planted the false documents on the newly exhumed bodies and attempted to persuade local people who had witnessed the Soviet crimes to change their stories, under heavy duress and threats.
One of Churchill’s first acts upon becoming Britain’s ‘un-elected’ Prime Minister was to suspend all intelligence surveillance on Soviet suspects. This lead to the massive infiltration of MI5 / MI6 by the Russians throughout the 1940s. Britain’s head of MI6/SIS in the Iberian Peninsula, was none other than the notorious British-Soviet spy, Kim Philby.
Churchill, and his wealthy London Zionist banker backers, had been strongly advocating war with Germany for the previous 5 years. His warmongering had made him almost an outcast in British politics, but with the Zionist press of Britain totally misrepresenting the facts surrounding the German-Polish conflict, Churchill was portrayed as some ‘wise prophet’ figure.
Hitler’s passionate pleas for peace were repeatedly ignored as approximately 600,000 British and French troops massed in northern France. The massive, planned attack against Germany was to be launched through the countries of Belgium and The Netherlands (Holland,) whose governments were under intense Allied pressure to allow safe passage for the planned Allied invasion of Germany. .
Again, Hitler’s hand was forced… On the same day that Churchill came to power, and as an act of national self-defence, Germany struck first at the Allies before they could bring the war to German soil and institute a 2nd Versailles Treaty.
In a stunning advance westward, the German Blitzkrieg ‘lightning war’ quickly overwhelmed the smaller nations and pushed the Allied armies into a full retreat towards the beaches of northern France where the famous Dunkirk evacuation eventually took place. This was presented as a great ‘victory’ to the British people despite it being a disastrous defeat. There is no doubt that had Hitler had the appetite for destroying Britain and its Empire, as is widely but erroneously believed, he could have easily destroyed or captured the entire British army at this time. That he did not even attempt to do this, is proof of his naïve belief that it was still not too late to negotiate for peace. And so Britain survived to fight another day.
In July 1940 with British ground troops having been evacuated from the European mainland, Churchill and his London/New York banking masters could only continue the fight over air and sea and so, in an attempt to provoke a similar response from Hitler in order that he and FDR could point to the “German bombing of civilians,” the British Royal Air Force was ordered to bomb German civilian areas, totally against the Geneva Convention.
In a July, 1940 memo to the Minister of UK Air Craft production, the despicable Churchill wrote: “When I look around to see how we can win the war I see that there is only one sure path. We have no Continental army which can defeat the German military power.. …there is one thing that will bring him (Hitler) down, and that is an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers from this country upon the Nazi homeland. We must be able to overwhelm them by this means, without which I do not see a way through.”
Initially, the RAF bombed German civilian areas a total of seven times, including Berlin neighbourhoods. But Hitler refused on principle, to retaliate. He believed firmly that was ‘inhuman’ and unacceptable behaviour, even during ‘total war’ and German bombers were under strict orders to limit their attacks to military/industrial targets only.
In July, 1940 the German Luftwaffe began its mass bomber attacks on British radar stations, aircraft factories and fighter airfields and during the next three months the Royal Air Force lost 792 planes and over 500 pilots were killed. This period eventually became known as the ‘Battle of Britain.’
Finally, on 4th September 1940, Hitler was forced to openly declare that any more British bombings of civilian areas will be met with a reciprocal response and right on cue, absolutely predictably, when the Luftwaffe dropped its first bombs on British civilian areas, the Zio-globalist world press declared “Germany Bombs Civilians.”
To reiterate – the Blitz on London in 1940 was simply a response to the initiation of city bombing by Britain some months earlier and many, even mainstream historians now accept this rudimentary fact, which is also central to Britain’s role in the guilt for World War II. But of course this never receives the oxygen of publicity it richly deserves – for obvious reasons. The Zio-globalists must continue to forcefully present the evils of Nazism and Hitler as justification for their own very existence.
As a direct result of these blatant lies and propaganda, the world nowadays simply regards the Blitz as proof of Hitler’s wickedness and does not acknowledge the cause-and-effect connection. Winston Churchill and the War Department instigated a situation that they calculated correctly would lead London into the blitz, without the courtesy of informing anyone that Britain had deliberately started the process several months earlier. This had the desired effect of stirring-up public opinion in favour of total war at any cost, without the traditional restraints of civilised ‘laws’ or conventions which had hitherto prevented the deliberate targeting of civilians.
In 1936, RAF ‘Bomber Command’ was formed, instigating the construction of long-range bombers. Its purpose was candidly described by J.M. Spaight of the Air Ministry. “The whole raison d’etre of Bomber Command was to bomb Germany, should she ever become our enemy.” How revealing! So plainly, those who fervently wished for war had started planning for it at least three years prior to its outbreak. Germany and France had nothing at all resembling these bomber-planes and indeed. in 1919, the highly punitive Treaty of Versailles had forbidden war-shattered Germany from ever developing an ‘active defence,’ which as well as directly banning all but a very limited military force also alluded even to such peripheral materiel such as searchlights, flak guns etc., essential for effective self-defence.
Even after the tit-for-tat civilian bombing had begun escalating out of control, Hitler repeatedly sought to secure a truce on the issue, proposing that bombing should be restricted by ‘confining the action of war to the battle zones.’ Churchill predictably ignored his entreaties and simply pressed-on with his terror bombing, utterly relentlessly. By the war’s end, Germany was literally ruined with more than 80% of every town in the country totally shattered. The cost in human terms was literally incalculable, not simply in terms of deaths and physical injuries, but also on the psyches of the remaining people.
We are always told how ‘terrible’ the London blitz was for its helpless citizens, as indeed it surely must have been. But what most do not realise is that it lasted a mere six months or so. By early 1941, it was over, apart from very sporadic attacks throughout the rest of the year and by the end of 1941, there were no more air raids on Britain. Contrast this with Germany. It was subjected to at least 20 times the ferocity of the attacks on Britain, from May 1940 until the very end of the war – a total of 5 years!
“Whatever the length to which others may go, H.M. Government will never resort to deliberate attacks on women and children, and other civilians, for the purpose of mere terrorism. City bombing is absolutely contrary to international law.” PM Neville Chamberlain in the House of Commons, 15th April 1940
But by the 10th May 1940, Chamberlain was history. Replaced by the warmonger Churchill who immediately placed what had hitherto been the ‘phony war,’ into ‘overdrive.’ The bombing of German civilian targets commenced immediately the following evening and the raid on the night of 11th May 1940, although in itself relatively trivial, was an epoch-marking event since it was the first deliberate breach of the fundamental rule of civilised warfare; that hostilities must only be waged against enemy combatant forces.
The War Cabinet minutes of 12th May 1940, noted under ‘Bombing Policy,’ that the Prime Minister was “no longer bound by our previously-held scruples as to initiating unrestricted air warfare.”
Britain, now standing alone against the Nazis, who were funded armed, supported and fueled by Standard Oil (Exxon-Mobil), General Motors, Texaco, DuPont, Alcoa, Ford, IT&T, IBM and several large American banking conglomerates, appealed to President Franklin D. Roosevelt for armaments. In return, the rabid warmonger and traitor Churchill, sold Britain’s soul as well as its heritage by offering the USA the secrets to some of the most important scientific developments of the twentieth century including radar, sonar, antibiotics, the jet engine and much of the original ground-breaking research on atomic power and the atomic bomb.
Finally, after almost five years of the ongoing bloodbath known as WWII, the combined allied armies of the evil Zio-globalist’s New World Order, commanded by Churchill, were ready to commence the invasion of the European mainland at 6am on the 6th June (the sixth month) 1944. (6,6,6, and also 1 + 9 + 4 + 4 = 18) Coincidence?
Almost 10,000 men died storming the heavily fortified beaches of Normandy but they did manage after a day of heavy fighting and extensive losses on both sides, to establish a beachhead from which they were able to commence the long, bloody march towards Germany.
Despite the incessant propaganda promoting the ‘necessity’ of ‘D Day,’ I feel it is very pertinent to ask the question as to why it was necessary at all. The Allied forces were already making extensive, sustained progress northwards through Italy, what Churchill referred to as the ‘soft underbelly of Europe’ and so why the need to establish a beachhead in Normandy at all – at the cost of many thousands of lives, both military and civilian?
The reason I believe is that the D-Day landings were intended to prolong the war and provide the marauding Soviet hordes with more time to subjugate and conquer Eastern Europe and reach Berlin before the British and American forces. It was this action that subsequently allowed for the ‘cold war’ to be instigated, as part of the ongoing, planned NWO agenda.
Under the German occupation, life in France was relatively peaceful for the French citizens. An uneasy, yet fairly amicable relationship had evolved between the occupiers and occupied and life continued as it had before the war for the most part. The conduct of the Germans was largely impeccable and many relationships between the young, well-mannered German soldiers and civilian French girls had begun. But unfortunately, this situation changed dramatically with the invasion and the peaceful co-existence was suddenly shattered.
In order to support the invasion and to force a German retreat from the coastal areas, the Allies unleashed a ferocious series of aerial bombardments destroying many towns and villages in their entirety and killing at least 60,000 French civilians, injuring 150,000 and leaving over one million homeless. In fact twice as many French civilians were killed by Allied bombs in the weeks prior to 6th June, than British civilians had been during the entire duration of the war!
“If the British soldiers on the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could have looked forward to the end of the century and see what England has become, they would not have bothered to advance another 40 yards up the beach.” David Irving, British historian
And what became of Sir Bernard Spilsbury, Churchills ally and confidante? Shortly after the end of the war, he died an utterly broken man. Life had been unkind to him – some may so deservedly so. Two of his four children died before him and in 1947, when his conscience could take no more, and no doubt with his complicity in the murders of Jennie Churchill and George Smith-Cumming preying heavily on his mind, he committed suicide by gassing himself.
So there we have it. Not only was Churchill a murderer of individuals to fuel his revenge or sadistic ambitions, he also had no compunctions whatsoever when it came to the traitorous mass ‘murder’ of hundreds of thousands of members of the armed forces, recklessly placed in unnecessary grave danger or indeed millions of civilian women and children whose lives were cruelly and sadistically extinguished by his greed and self-promotion.
We are perpetually subjected to lies and propaganda not just regarding our everyday lives, but more particularly regarding the truth of historical events. Churchill was a ‘monster’ of epic proportions, a sick psychopath whose only concern was his own well-being.
To this end, his despicable actions knew no limits whatsoever.
John: Thanks for your comment Jason. The information is from a single source and that is the revelations of MI5 whistle-blower Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes. However try finding him on a mainstream search engine! I think many search engines are now heavily censored unfortunately.
John: The original link I used several years ago has now disappeared down the Orwellian memory hole I’m afraid. Have you noticed that search engines are being censored to a ridiculous extent now? However I did find this on my friend Henry Makow’s website… https://www.henrymakow.com/churchill_was_a_judas.html
Fabrice: The following piece by Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes about Tony Blair is mind-blowing as well, here it is:
Fabrice: Thank you very much for this interesting article! Here is a useful and intriguing integration: “Dubbi storici: ma Churchill era segretamente omosessuale?” “Historical doubts: was Churchill secretly homosexual?”
PS: The article is in English language, written by Michael Bloch for “The Daily Mail”, 26 May 2015.
Fabrice: Here is another intriguing piece by Anthony Thomas Trevor-Stokes about Winston Churchill: “Churchill : Hidden Truth In Ely Cathedral”
This article originally appeared circa 2009. The author, T Stokes, was deeply informed of many hidden aspects of the power structure and the manipulation of public perceptions through organised deceit. When Cicero wrote of the “Traitor within”, he surely had characters such as Churchill in mind.
Jeffrey Stafford: English historians appear to think that they cannot glorify Britain’s past enough without depreciating the virtues of Napoleon, Hitler, Washington, and many others. Seventy years ago, for instance, British citizens obtained from their newspapers and books a destructive bias against Germany. For over five centuries English historians have been especially cruel when chronicling happenings in history that have affected our religion and politics. Drake and his pirates are pictured as gallant heroes for no better reason than plundering and destroying peaceful Spanish convoys carrying gold from South America. It was the German Field Marshall Blucher who destroyed Napoleon at Waterloo, but British historians bestowed all the credit on Wellington. If English histories were recast, most of England’s heroes and heroines would lose their halo’s.
Jack: Wow, some awesome information in this site! We truly live in satan’s re-built babylon. I am a real native Brit and you are quite right that had Mosely been Prime Minister there would have been no World War Two.
Also Britain started bombing civilians and Hitler was forced to follow. Great stuff and Jesus, Yeshua bless!