Khazar Jews persecuted and killed a number of Hebrew Jews and then accused the Europeans and Germans of persecution and mass murder.

The Jews are actually two completely different groups. The stories of the persecution of Hebrew Jews in Europe were carried out by Turkic Mongol Khazar Jews and not by Europeans or Germans. The persecution and expulsion of the Jews were created by the Khazar Jews
All of Europe was and still is under the rule and authorities of the Turkic-Mongolian Khazars since 1000 AD, known as the West and the White. Even the invasion and occupation of the Americas was carried out by the Turkic-Mongolian Khazars in Europe, who claim to be Europeans 500 years before Columbus of Khazaria.
The history of the Hebrew Jews begins in 1523 BC when Kemet (so called Egypt) expelled the Hyksos bands. The Hyksos, and before them the Akkadians, were Turkic-Mongolian nomads on horses with nomadic Amorite followers. The expelled Hyksos split into four gangs: the Amorites, Mitanni, Kassites, and Mukarribs. The Amorites became called the Hebrews.
The four Hyksos gangs were active and raided and colonized Ugarit (the entire Mediterranean coast), Ebla (they called it Syria), Sumer (they called it Iraq), and Arabia (south of the line connecting the middle of Kuwait and the port of Aqaba).
Ugarit was colonized by Turkic-Mongolians and Amorite Hebrews, leading to the establishment of the colony of Phoenicia in 1450 BC with the help of Thutmose III. The Turkic-Mongolian Hyksos, along with the Hebrews in Phoenicia, launched piracy and established the colony of Carthage. From Carthage, the Phoenician Hyksos jumped to Italy via Sicily, Sardinia, and Corsica, and the Romans appeared in 753 BC.
The Romans were first composed entirely of Turkic-Mongolian Persians with an attached minority of Hebrew Amorites. The Persian Romans brought Turkic-Mongols Khazars fighters to reinforce their forces for the conquest of Italy and the rest of Europe.
In the year 605 BC, in the Battle of Carchemish, Hyksos bands defeated the alliance of the armies of Kemet and Sumerian Ashur and occupied Babylon. The Persian Turkic-Mongols, along with the Kassites in Babylon, invented a group they called the Hebrew Jews from the Amorite nomads, and the terms Levant, Syria, Semites, and Canaanites appeared for the first time, and the claim of the existence of Israel and Jerusalem appeared for the first time.
The Persians invented Judaism and the Hebrew Torah to provide religious arguments for the occupation of southern Ugarit and the establishment of the colony of Judah to serve their plan to occupy the region. The Persian Turkic Mongols transported and settled the group of nomadic Hebrew Amorite Jews whom they had created in the colony of Judah and promoted that God was angry with the people of Ugarit.
The Turkic Mongol Persians, along with the Amorite Hebrew Jews, controlled Mecca and Yemen in the Arabian Peninsula and had forces stationed in Yathrib. They fought the Arabs and the teachings of Muhammad. The Hebrew Jews defeated the Arabs and established the authority of the Quraish and the Umayyad regime.
To create the Abbasids, the Turkic-Mongolian Persians called on the Turkic-Mongolian Khazars and recruited soldiers to help overthrow the Hebrew-Jewish Umayyads by force. They invented the Khazar Jews. Islam, Christianity and Judaism were invented to serve the colonial Turkic Mongols.
Competition, disputes and conflicts between the Persians and Khazars, both Turkic-Mongols, were constant throughout Roman history. It ended with the Khazar-Turkic-Mongols pushing the Turkic-Mongol Persians east to form the Byzantines. The Turkic Mongol Khazars in Europe remained powerful and monopolistic. The Western Turkic-Mongolian Khazar Romans persecuted the Eastern Turkic-Mongolian Persian group, and their subjects, the Hebrew Amorite Jews of the Levant, in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Abbasid and Ottoman Empire, and in Europe. Anti-Semitism appeared
Europe fell completely and was controlled by the Khazars. The Turkic-Mongolian Khazarian Catholic Church monopolized the money and banned the Europeans. The Amorite Hebrew Jews were persecuted by the Turkic Mongol Khazar Jews. The Roman Khazars waged wars against the peoples of Europe and against the Byzantine Persian Turkic Mongols and their subjects the Amorite Hebrew Jews and Turkic Persian Abbasids. These campaigns are called the Crusades.
2600 years of International Deceptions