Important Update Notice on 24 July 2018: I have updated my Abyssinian Hypothesis after discovering the that single-hump camel (The dromedary) was unknown in Arabia, Aram, Assyria, and Kemet before 950 BC, while in abundance in the land of Punt.
This led to make the following major changes:
1- The proposed origin of Israelite from being Arabic-speaking Arab Yemenis to Ge’ez-speaking African Puntite;
2- Rename the Abyssinian Hypothesis to the Ge’ez Puntite Hypothesis;
3- The Turkic Mongolian colonizers and rulers of Neo-Babylonia invited elders from the House of Israel to Babylonia in around 580 BC in what is called the Babylonian Exile to help the create Judaism and colonize Aramaic land in 530 BC;
4- The Hebrew Language and the Hebrew Israelite are products of admixture between Ge’ez Israelite, Turkic Mongolian Persians, and colonized Aramaic. They existed only after 530 C; and
5- The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel are those Israelite who left the land of Punt and decided to collaborate with Turkic Mongolians to invent Judaism and colonize Aramaic lands; and turned into Hebrew Israelite.
Therefore, the Israelite Exodus of 1446 BC was only within Punt, from one region to another. The Jews are not Israelite at all; and the name Judah was just used deceptively to relate the Jews to the Israelite. The Israelite were scattered all over the world and they no longer exist as a nation or a tribe.
For more details on the Ge’ez Puntite Hypothesis read the following three articles:
1- How Persians Cooked a Cult and Called it Judaism Part 1
2- The Turkic Mongolian-African Israelite Joint-ventures
3- Jesus Pointing to “The Lost Sheep of the house of Israel” and “the Gentiles”
[End of notice]

A nomadic group called Shasu “east/Asia nomad” entered and settled in eastern Nile Delta before 1650 BC. They came peacefully and gradually prospered and increased; then raided and colonized many parts of Egypt. This Shasu created the Hyksos (Egyptian Hekw Shasu, “foreign east rulers”; Greek: Hykussos) were people of mixed origins from Asia and Canaan. The Hyksos led to the end of Egypt’s Thirteenth Dynasty (1803–1649 BC) and initiated Egypt’s Second Dark Intermediate Period (1674–1549 BC).
Egyptian texts list different tribes of nomadic groups wandering the deserts of Arabia collectively called “Shasu”. One of these groups, is identified as “Shasu Yhw(h)” This group of nomads are indeed the Jews and their deity YHWH. “Shasu of YHWH” means “nomad JEW”. After 1406 BC Canaan was first settled then colonized by Yemeni Arab Semite “Hebrew Israelite”. Egyptians called them “Abiru or Habiru” and their only God for thousands of years was EL.
“EL” is the name of the God of Moses and for the Hebrew Israelite since their Exodus. It is also written in plural “Elohim” as a form of high respect and reverence. It was the same name used by Abraham and Enoch. The Israelite also used to call God as Eloah, Ilah, and Allah. The patriarch Jacob was given the name Isra-EL 400 years before Moses and 1500 years before Jews took over Canaan. Nomad Jews, “Shasu of YHWH”, were pagans of an Asiatic cult, most probably Tengrism. The Israelite and the Jews are indeed two totally different nations with two different gods.
Ahmose I (reign 1549 -1524 BC) liberated Egypt from the Hyksos. He was ten years old when he assumed the throne. Both his father and his brother died fighting the Hyksos. His mother, the powerful Queen Ahhotep, acted as his co-regent for the early part of his reign and retained a great deal of influence with the king. He relied heavily on sister-wife (Queen Ahmose Nefertari) and his grandmother (Queen Tetisheri) for support and honoured their names. He introduced new tools of warfare most notably the composite bow and the horse-drawn chariot and bronze tools. Inside his pyramid the pharaoh appears in a series of battle scenes which include some of the earliest depictions of horses in Egyptian art.
The early years of his reign were fairly quiet, and the Hyksos may even have made some gains. However, he resumed hostilities about half way through his twenty-five year reign launching attacks on Hyksos strongholds including Memphis and Avaris and retaking Heliopolis. He laid siege to the Hyksos fortress at Sharuhen for six years, at last forcing them to retreat. The king then led his army to Nubia (Kush) imposing his control as far as the Second Cataract and installed a Viceroy in Buhen to manage the area.
While Ahmose I was in Nubia, Hyksos sympathizers led by Teti-en tried to seize the throne. However, his mother (Queen Ahhotep) quashed the rebellion and maintained power until the return of her son. For her bravery, the Pharaoh awarded her “the gold flies”. The king then returned to Canaan, pushing as far as the Euphrates, to make it clear who was in charge. On returning home, he seemed content to allow local governors to get on with their jobs, rather than imposing central authority.
Ahmose I married his sister, Ahmose Nefertari (the daughter of Ahhotep I and Seqenenre Taa II), their son was Amenhotep I. As well as honouring his mother, the king respected his powerful sister-wife. She held the title, “Second Prophet of Amun”, an exceptional rank for a woman, and he gave her the title “God’s Wife of Amun”. This begun the convention of naming the chief wife of the pharaoh by this title.
The Turkic Mongolian Jews of Shasu kept on plundering from India up to Rome and they caused the Late Bronze Age Great Collapse in 1177 BC and the Sea People crises. Finally, they turned against their Hebrew Israelite allies and displaced them in 530 BC. Finally the Jews and their deity YHWH won over the Hebrew Israelite and replaced their God EL.
Moses was from Yemeni Arab Israelite parents, born and grew up in Abyssinia (ancient Ethiopia), married and had two sons from a Nubian, and died in Yemen. These are certain.
The Jews (Turkic Mongolians) appeared hundreds of years before the Israelite moved to Canaan in 1406 BC. The Campaigns of Ahmose (the great) in north Egypt was against the Jews; and to the south in Kerma (ancient Nubia) was against the Israelite. These happened 90 years before the Exodus and 150 years before going to Canaan and becoming Hebrew.
The old puzzle has been solved perfectly.

Tarig Anter October 6, 2017
Moses was from Yemeni Arab Israelite parents, born and grew up in Abyssinia (ancient Ethiopia), married and had two sons from a Nubian, and died in Yemen. These are certain.
The Jews (Turkic Mongolians) appeared hundreds of years before the Israelite moved to Canaan in 1406 BC. The Campaigns of Ahmose (the great) in north Egypt was against the Jews; and to the south in Kerma (ancient Nubia) was against the Israelite. These happened 90 years before the Exodus and 150 years before going to Canaan and becoming Hebrew.
The old puzzle has been solved perfectly.
Tarig Anter November 27, 2017
The fake and corrupt history that was forged by stupid authors and resulted in a totally naive and unfounded claims. The tales of the Hebrew Bible are deliberate forgeries to give legitimacy to nomadic savages from Turkic Mongolia in the Middle East and cover their criminal political association under religious and ethnic pretenses. These lies cannot survive anymore and cannot be modified or edited as dishonest modern academics tried to do by inventing alternative deceptive hypothesis (including Arthur Koestler and the like) and twisting the sciences of genealogy and archaeology. First the world must admit unequivocally the the Hebrew Bible is full of nonsense and lies; and the Jews are not Semite or Israelite. The Issue of Khazars and Ashkenazim is irrelevant very late development (only after 650 AD) but the most important issue is the invention of Jews and Judaism in Babylonia in 530 BC and their replacement and consequent destruction of the 12 tribes of Israel. The lost tribes are in fact 12 not 10 but the Turkic Mongolian Jews stole the identities of Judah (not Judean) and Benjamin. The 3400-years-old bunch of lies that were made first by ignorant Arab Yemeni Israelite and then cocked again after 900 years (in 530 BC by savage and sick Persian Turkic Mongolian Jews) are coming to a definite end and this will change the religions, history, and politics of the whole world very soon and certainly. JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITE and both of them have no rights or legitimacy in Canaan. JEWS and JUDAISM are not a nation or a religion they are just a criminal political association of mixed groups of Turkic Mongolians and a large variety of slaves extracted from various Asian and European brutalized nations. There is not a single common gene, physical feature, or faith that unites these people together.
larryzb November 28, 2017
Yes, we need to get truth in religious thinking instead of damned tribalism. Religion has been a mixed blessing.
Tarig Anter January 30, 2019
The Punt Lands Hypothesis is very strong indeed, and will prove to be correct, and shall change world’s history and religious believes totally and very soon.