MGTOW is a web-originated social movement of men that believe the deck is stacked against males. Males are the overwhelming victims of suicides, violent deaths, and homelessness. Men are liable to pay half of their money upon divorce, pay alimony, and may never see their children.
MGTOW is the male response to feminism. It is certainly partly a response to the growing power and autocracy of the feminist left, which these males believe has sabotaged the Western man when it comes to marriage and raising children. Both Feminist and MGTOW groups both appear to share hatred as a core principle. They both focus on gender issues. Both encourage abandonment of family, self-interest, and “going solo”. This is the opposite conditions of what is needed for a civilizational revival, or national survival. They have abandon their brotherhood and their ancestors by turning inward.
MGTOW correctly identifies some problems in society, but responds in a wrong way. Some of these MGTOW act like monks and have sworn off women entirely. Cultural Marxism and feminism have enabled women to the detriment of men when it comes to marriage and child-rearing. Many of these women do not hesitate to use their newly-gained power to the fullest. The MGTOW forums are littered with tales about: men dealing with divorce, separation from children, garnished wages, tax difficulties, and a general loss of rights and prestige in our society. Many men have had their lives ruined due to the whims of unstable wives.
The MGTOW has swallowed “the red pill”. This was coined after that scene in the ‘Matrix’ ‘where the protagonist is offered a blue pill that erases his memories from reality, or the red pill that makes him permanently aware of the truth.
However, their ‘Manifesto’ as of 2006 has these items listed:
- The goal is to instill masculinity in men, femininity in women, and work toward limited government!
- By instilling masculinity in men, we make men self-reliant, proud, and independent.
- By instilling femininity in women, we make them nurturing, supporting, and responsible.
- By working for a limited government, we are working for freedom and justice.
We have three main strategies:
1. Instilling masculinity in Men by:
- Demanding respect for men.
- Serving as good male role models.
- Living independent lives.
- Fighting chivalry.
2. Instilling femininity in Women:
We will hold women equally accountable to men and ignore and shun those who refuse to take any responsibility for their own circumstances. Thus we induce women to take a complementary position with men instead of a competitive position as is now the case.
Feminine qualities we want from Women:
- Being a Nurturer.
- Being Supportive.
- Being Responsible.
- Being Respectful.
- Being Honest.
3. Limited government:
In order to be independent of society, and live within it, while at the same time work for limiting governmental influence upon our daily lives, men will:
- Go Their Own Way.
- Support other men.
- Legally reduce any taxpaying.
- Truthfully act out any duties in accordance with their conscience.
- Use any of their rights to the benefit of other men as well as themselves.
It is those three strategies – Instilling masculinity in Men, instilling femininity in Women, and a limited government — that come together and become one.
All of which sound quite noble.
We want peace: