Khazars are NOT Semites. Who Are The Khazars?

The Rise of The Khazars
Since the only Semites left in the world today are the Arabic people of Palestine and some people of Northern Africa, the question to ask is, WHO then, are these, whom we call JEWS?
To understand the truth about the Jews, who claim ancestral ties to the land of Palestine, we must take a little history lesson.
- A war like tribe (consisting of the tribes of Hun, Uigur, and Magyar) descendants of Asiatic Mongols and Tatars originate in the heart of Asia
- The tribe was so belligerent and hostile that they were eventually run out of Asia and scattered amongst the 25 peaceful and agricultural nations of Eastern Europe
- This mix of warlike Asiatic nomads who ravaged Europe in the 4th–5th centuries known as Khazars belonged to a grouping of Turks who wrote in a runic script that originated in Mongolia
- Given their very vile and vulgar nature, the Asiatic nomads, “terrifying people of Gog and Magog” pillaged and decimated everything in their way
- It was in these invaded 25 peaceful agricultural nations occupying approximately 1,000,000 square miles in Eastern Europe in the Caucasus Mountains (now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine and other names) that the Asiatic nomads decided to set up their 800,000 square mile kingdom between the Black and Caspian seas.
- The origin of the word CAUC-ASIAN takes its root here. Contrary to popular belief, Caucasians and Whites are NOT the same people. Caucasians as the name signifies are the Asians that settled in the Caucasus Mountains whereas the “White” man, refers to the pure, White European bloodlines that were not intermixed with the Asiatics (whom later became known as Khazars, then Yids (Yiddish), then Ashkenazis/Sephardis and today they’re all just called “Jews”, which is wrong and refers to those who practice Judaism, nothing to do with the race of these Asiatic nomad rascals and deceivers).
- They called their new kingdom, Khazaria. The Khazars by then were a mixture of Huns, Mongols, Turks and Magyars
- To expand their kingdom and power, the Khazars kidnapped, tortured, raped and forced European women to have their Asiatic children thereby over a period of a few centuries transitioning into the European White mans skin.
- The kingdom quickly became the biggest country in all of Europe forming a kingdom of 10-20 million people.
- The Khazars became so strong and powerful that when other monarchs wanted to go to war, the Khazarian King would lend them his soldiers
- They quickly became known as a demented race of thieves, rapists, murderers, and highwaymen, who would prey on travellers, steal from them, murder them, and then assume their identity
- The Khazars were idolaters and phallic worshippers who worshipped many false gods. It was their religion the way it was the religion of many other Pagans or Barbarians (this form of worship continued until the 8th century)
“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Bessarabia and Rumania.” – The Jewish Encyclopedia
“The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.”
Arthur Koestler (Jewish Hungarian historian, one time Communist and radical Zionist [Jabotinsky party member]) (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17)
“These Eastern European Jews are neither Israelites nor “Semites,” but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and people of Hun descent!”
Arthur Koestler (The Thirteenth Tribe)
“…evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe.”
Arthur Koestler (The Thirteenth Tribe p. 180)
“The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar Kingdom are certainly incontestable historical facts. These incontestable historic facts also establish beyond any question of doubt the origin and history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe. The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar kingdom and their relationship to the origin and early history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe was one of history’s best kept secrets until wide publicity was given in recent years to my research on this subject.”
Benjamin H Freedman (Jewish defector)
“When they have money they become tyrants. And when they become defeated, they become ruthless. They’re only barbarians. They’re the descendants of Asiatic Mongols and they will do anything to accomplish their purpose.”
Benjamin H Freedman (Jewish defector)
“Jewish settlements in Ukraine can be traced back to the 8th century. During the period of the Khazar kingdom, Jews lived on the banks of the River Dnieper and in the east and south of Ukraine and the Crimea.”
“Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine. . . . it is now revealed, Israel will withdraw its settlers from communities beyond the settlement blocs—and relocate them at least temporarily to Ukraine. Ukraine made this arrangement on the basis of historic ties and in exchange for desperately needed military assistance against Russia. This surprising turn of events had an even more surprising origin: genetics, a field in which Israeli scholars have long excelled.”
“It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the 11th century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews. . . . In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool. . . . Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars. An aide . . . explained, “We first thought that admitting we are re- ally Khazars was one way to get around Abbas’s insistence that no Jew can remain in a Palestinian state. Maybe we were grasping at straws. But when he refused to accept that, it forced us to think about more creative solutions. The Ukrainian invitation for the Jews to return was a godsend.” Speaking on deep background, a well-placed source in intelligence circles said: “We’re not talking about all the Ashkenazi Jews going back to Ukraine. Obviously that is not practical. The press as usual exaggerates and sensationalizes; this is why we need military censorship.
All Jews who wish to return would be welcomed back with- out condition as citizens, the more so if they take part in the promised infusion of massive Israeli military assistance, including troops, equipment, and construction of new bases. If the initial transfer works, other West Bank settlers would be encouraged to relocate to Ukraine, as well.
After Ukraine, bolstered by this support, reestablishes control over all its territory, the current Autonomous Republic of Crimea would once again become an autonomous Jewish domain. The small-scale successor to the medieval empire of Khazaria (as the peninsula, too, was once known) would be called, in Yiddish, Chazerai. . . . “We’d like to think of it as sort of a homeland-away- from-home,” added the anonymous intelligence source. “Or the original one,” he said with a wink.
After all, Herzl wrote about the Old-New Land, didn’t he? In retrospect, we should have seen this coming, said a venerable State Department Arabist, ticking off the signs on his fingers: a little-noticed report that Russia was cracking down on Israeli smuggling of Khazar artifacts, the decisions of both Spain and Portugal to give citizenship to descendants of their expelled Jews, as well as evidence that former IDF soldiers were already leading militias in support of the Ukrainian government. And now, also maybe the possibility that the missing Malaysian jet (N.B. MH370) was diverted to Central Asia.” (The Times of Israel, March 18, 2014)
“I have compiled the historical evidence which indicates that the bulk of Eastern Jewry—and hence of world Jewry—is of Khazar-Turkish, rather than Semitic, origin. In the last chapter I have tried to show that the evidence from anthropology concurs with history in refuting the popular belief in a Jewish race descended from the biblical tribe.”
Arthur Koestler, (The Thirteenth Tribe, 1976)
“As early as the 8th century, explorations on the Baltic brought them [Norsemen] to the Balt and Finnish populations on its eastern shores, where they must have heard of the two flourishing empires established on the Volga by the Khazars and the Bulgars. The Khazars at that time carried on a brisk trade with the Arabs of Baghdad, a city that was then at the height of its prosperity and highly appreciated the products from the north, especially furs which were plentiful and slaves. The Arabs paid well for these commodities and the Khazars rose to be the most influential intermediaries between the interior of future Russia, the Slavonic tribes living there and the Arabs. The Volga was a unique artery of communication. The Jewish elements always numerous on the shores of the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov must have played an important part of those commercial exchanges, since we know that their activities in Khazaria were brisk enough to convert the Khagan of the Khazars and a great portion of native population to their own faith.”
(The Making of Central and Eastern Europe, Francis Dvornik, The Polish Research Centre Ltd., London, 1949, pp. 61-62 in Chapter II “The Emperor Otto I, Poland, Bohemia and Russia”)
“That the Khazars converted to Judaism en masse around A.D. 740 is beyond argument. Where do their descendants, the present-day Ashkenazi Jews, suppose this multitude moved to if not to Russia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, and eventually Germany—“an Asiatic horde on the Mark Brandenburg sands” (Walther Rathenau, Hear O Israel!, 1897, Impressionen, Leipzig, 1902)—as the ancestors of the Eastern European Jews referred to above? Not only Koestler and Sand agree about this ancestry, but also Dr. Eran Elhaik, an Israeli molecular geneticist (Johns Hopkins Medical University’s McKusick- Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine), Dr. Dan Graur, geneticist (University of Houston) and Dr. Ariella Oppenheim (Tel Aviv University) have come to the same conclusions. This ancestry explains “the ballooning of the European Jewish population to 8 million at the beginning of the 20th century from its tiny base in the Middle Ages, Elhaik says.”
“When one is pressed for a logical explanation for the comparatively rapid annexation of the entire material world by Jews, based on the—at least initially—ludicrous claim that all belongs to them, the rise of a single gang is readily explainable. First comes the invention of a god that gives them all, followed by the perverse, relentless belief in this pseudo-religious ideology, over generations and centuries preached and drummed home by Talmudic laws and rabbis, and inculcated in Jewish minions trapped in their ghettos, while a few favored families connive to advance this ambition on their backs. Then comes the strain (not coincidentally engaged in precious metal trading) that discovers how to trap the world through debt, until eventually all material property really becomes theirs. The fact that this family of coin-dealers only assumed their Jewish identity through the 8th century Khazar conversion to Ashkenazi Jews, while inescapably retaining their Asiatic and Mongoloid traits, does not prevent them from claiming Jewish heritage. The superstition thus engenders its own fulfillment. It does not matter where the Jews originated. Whatever their origins, we are daily confronted by the grave consequences of our lack of resolve in resisting their permanent disruptive force. Jews have been accustomed to dictating their agenda to American presidents at least since Woodrow Wilson. “The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the larger centers has owned the Government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson,”
(a letter written by FDR to Colonel House, November 21, 1933. Or “Fifty men have run America, and that’s a high figure,” Joseph Kennedy, father of JFK, in the July 26, 1936 issue of The New York Times)
“The Jewish people is and remains in Europe an Asiatic people alien to our part of the world”
Johann Gottfried Herder, “Behkerung der Juden”, Adrastea 4 (1802), p. 145.
“Cowardly and degraded Asiatics”. ~ Baron d’Holbach, referring to the Jews, as is quoted in Leon Poliakov, “De l’antisionisme à l’antisémitisme”, Paris: Calmann-Levy, 1969, p. 164.
“The Jew is the enemy of the human race. This race must be sent back to Asia or exterminated”.
Pierre Joseph Proudhon, “Selected Writings of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon”, ed. Stewart Edwards, trans. Elizabeth Fraser (New York: Anchor Books, 1969), p. 228.
“In almost all parts of Europe the laws and the entire constitution of the state seek to prevent as much as possible any increase in the number of those unfortunate Asiatic refugees, the Jews. Should these hardworking and good citizens be less useful to the state because they come from Asia, because they differ from others in their beards, circumcision and the particular way of worshiping the supreme being they have inherited from their oldest ancestors?”
Christian Wilhelm Dohm, “On the Civic Improvement of the Jews”, 1781.
- As a consequence of the rebellion of the Judaics of the Roman province of Judea, against the Roman Empire, Judea was essentially dissolved, renamed and merged with Roman Syria to form Syria Palaestina.
- Both Syria and Palestine belong to the Syrians and Palestinians as they are the native Semites of the land who were originally the Judeans but were re-named to Syrians and Palestinians after the Roman Empire dissolved Judea.
- According to Cassius Dio, 580,000 Judeans were killed in the overall operations, and 50 fortified towns and 985 villages were razed to the ground, with many more Judeans dying of famine and disease. The communities of Judea were devastated to an extent which some scholars describe as a genocide.
- Judea was the ancient Hebrew name for the mountainous southern part of Canaan.
- By 324 A.D., Constantine (a British Giant) had conquered the entire Roman Empire
- In 324 A.D. he decided to build a new capital, Constantinople (the New Rome) in the East in a Greek city called Byzantium, and leave Old Rome to the Papal dynasty.
- Naturally, Old Rome was not about to give pride of place to this new upstart so the rivalry and competition began almost immediately.
- Eastern Emperors often ruled Rome from this new upstart city
- If you’d like to know what was happening in Rome during this period and want to learn about the true history of Christianity, please see the link below
- Since Christianity is a whole topic in and of itself I’ll leave it for a separate post to not deviate from the current topic.
- Beginning about 400 A.D. and lasting until 1453, Old Rome sent one conqueror after another to destroy Constantinople.
- KHAZARS where among the many to-be conquerors, ruled by Attila the Hun in 448 A.D.
- Given that the Eastern Emperors were masters of the Roman art of divide and conquer, they often played one enemy against another
- The Khazars just finished a raiding expedition in Azerbaijan
- In 627 A.D. the Old Rome employed the Khazarian King, Ziebil and 40,000 of his best men to conquer Constantinople,
- However, Emperor Heraclius one of the Eastern Emperors, intercepted Ziebil and bought him off with gifts and promised Ziebil his daughters Epiphania hand in marriage
- Unable to refuse the offer, Ziebil agreed and offered to give Heraclius 40,000 of his best men
- Unfortunately for Ziebil and fortunately for Epiphania, he died by the end of the year in the battle with the Persians
- The Khazars were a pagan nation when they invaded eastern Europe
- Their religion was a mixture of phallic worship and other forms of idolatrous worship practiced in Asia by pagan nations
- The vile forms of sexual excess indulged in by the Khazars as their form of religious worship produced a degree of moral degeneracy the Khazar’s King was forced to put and end to by the surrounding nations.
- King Bulan, ruler of the Khazar Kingdom at the time, was told by the Russian King to chose one of the three “Abrahamic” religions
- After a historic session with representatives of the three monotheistic religions King Bulan decided against Christianity and Islam
- Upon careful review he selected as the future state religion what was then known as ”Talmudism”, and now known and practiced as “Judaism”
- There were a number of reasons he chose Judaism but here are a few:
- “the oppressed people” (derived from the literal interpretation of the Torah) would be a way to silence anyone who opposes or challenges the Khazarian mob rule
- “Gods chosen people”(again, from the literal interpretation of the Torah) meant superiority over other “inferior races” of the world (gentiles and goyim)
- “inherent rights” to a “promised land”
- in accordance with the Talmud, the “divine right” to rule over all gentiles and goyim who were born for one reason only – “serve the jews or die”
- the encouragement and condoning of slave trade (which was very big business for the Khazars) by the Talmudic teachings
- King Bulan and his 4000 feudal nobles were thus promptly converted to Babylonian Talmudism (Judaism) by rabbis whom he imported from Babylonia for the event
- The rabbis however were not Judeans (Hebrews of Judea) but instead, impostors who were brought in to supplant the Judeans after the final destruction of Judea by the Romans in 135 A.D.
- The Khazar King invited large numbers of these rabbis to assist with the conversion of the entire Khazar kingdom
- After the conversion of King Bulan none but a so-called or self-styled ‘Jew’ could occupy the Khazar throne
- The ideologies of the Talmud became the axis of political, cultural, economic and social attitudes and activities throughout the Khazar kingdom
- The converted Khazars thus became the first population of the so-called or self-styled ‘JEWS’ in eastern Europe.
- The conversion of King Bulan and the Khazar nation in the 8th century accomplished for “Talmudism” (now Judaism), what the conversion of Constantine and the Western European nations accomplished for Christianity.
- Without the conversion of the Khazar population it is doubtful if “Talmudism” (the civil and religious code of the Pharisees), or “Judaism” as it is known today, could have survived.
- Despite this mass conversion by the king and his subjects there remained groups of oligarchs who continued practicing ancient Babylonian black magic, also known as secret Satanism.
- This secret Satanism involved occult ceremonies featuring religious sex orgies, black magic and child sacrifice after “bleeding them out” and drinking their blood
“About the ninth century, it appears as if all the Khazars were ‘Jews’ and that they had been converted to Judaism only a short time before” – “Chazar/Khazar” –
Jewish Encyclopedia
“Khazar, an ancient Turkic speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to their demise in the mid 11th century A.D… In the 8th Century it’s political and religious head… as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism…(The Khazars are believed to be the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews).”
Encyclopedia Americana 1985
“In the year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic-speaking people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews.”
The American Peoples Encyclopedia
The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 6:
“Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major commercial empire covering the south-eastern section of modern European Russia…but the most striking characteristic of the Khazars was the adoption of Judaism by the Kagan and the greater part of the ruling class in about 740…The fact itself, however, is undisputed and unparalleled in the history of Central Eurasia. A few scholars have ascertained that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many of the Jews of Eastern Europe and Russia.“
Graham Pick
“Jews who had been banished from Constantinople by the Byzantine ruler, Leo III, found a home amongst these heretofore pagan Khazars and, in competition with Mohammedan and Christian missionaries, won them over to the Judaic faith. Bulan, the ruler of Khazaria, became converted to Judaism around 740 A.D. His nobles and, somewhat later, his people followed suit. Some details of these events are contained in letters exchanged between Khagan Joseph of Khazaria and R. Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova, doctor and quasi foreign minister to Sultan Abd al-Rahman, the Caliph of Spain. This correspondence (around 936-950) was first published in 1577 to prove that the Jews still had a country of their own — namely, the Kingdom of Khazaria. Judah Halevi knew of the letters even in 1140. Their authenticity has since been established beyond doubt.” –
DR. ALFRED LILIENTHAL (What Price Israel?)
Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following:
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
The Jews of the world today are Khazars (Turko-Mongols and Asiatic nomad tribes of Hun, Uigur, and Magyar) and do NOT have, never had and never will have ancestral ties to the land of Palestine whatsoever. This is a cruel hoax and a blatant lie that the deceived masses have been thoroughly brainwashed with to justify the theft, brutality, rape, murder and perpetual genocide that the Khazars (Jews) are committing today in Palestine against the real and only Semites of the world, through the ILLEGALLY created and existing State of Israel (also known as the Zionist Federation), the Palestinian Arabs who rightfully belong on that land and whom are the TRUE holders of ancestral ties to the land.
Keep this fact in mind, from here on out, remember that the term JEW or JEWISH, does NOT, never HAS, and never WILL mean, Judean, Semite, or Hebrew.
When the term Jew or Jewish is used it is referring to Judaism the religion but the race of almost all of world Jewry today is Khazar. Khazars who converted to Judaism in 740 A.D.
- Directly north of the Khazar Kingdom at the height of its power a small Slavic state was organized
- This small state was organized by a small group of Varangians from the Scandinavian peninsula on the opposite shore of the Baltic Sea
- The native population of this newly formed state consisted of nomad Slavs who had made their home in this area from earliest recorded history
- This newly-born state was the embryo which developed into the great Russian Empire
- In 863–869, Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius translated parts of the Bible into Old Church Slavonic language for the first time
- Thus, Christianity was introduced into Kievan Rus (now the states of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia) by Greek missionaries from Byzantium in the ninth century
- In the year 986 A.D., the ruler of Russia, Vladimir III, became a convert to the Christian faith in order to marry a Catholic Slavonic princess of a neighboring sovereign state.
- The pagan Khazars however, would not join the Orthodox Church or cease fighting vainly against Constantinople, so the emerging Russian Orthodox state set out to put end to their madness.
- During the 10th, 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries, the rapidly expanding Russian nation gradually conquered the Khazar kingdom, its neighbor directly to the south.
- A crushing blow was dealt to the Khazar Empire by Svyatoslav, Grand Duke of Kiev (ruled 962-972).
- Khazaria was occupied by the Russians, and Itil, its great capital, fell to Sweatoslav of Kiev in 969.
- The Byzantines, in a joint expedition with the Russians, conquered the Crimean portion of Khazaria in 1016.
- The conquest of the Khazar Kingdom by the Russians supplies history with the explanation for the presence after the 13th century of the large number of Jews in Russia
- The Khazars vowed eternal revenge on the Russian empire and successfully got it in beginning of the 20th century with numerous revolutions in Russia and the murder of the Russian royal family of the Tsar.
- After their Empire collapsed, the Khazars further spread throughout the capital cities of Europe and soon became the most reviled people in history.
- After the fall of the Khazar Kingdom, many of the Jews fled West and settled in Western Germany and Rhineland.
- After being conquered by the Russian Empire, the Khazars, now known as Jews, were no longer calling themselves Khazars but have instead renamed themselves to “Yiddish”
- For at least six centuries after the conquests, the dispersed Khazars would refer to their nationality as “Yiddish” instead of Russian, Polish, Galician, Lithuanian, Rumanian, Hungarian or the nation of which they were citizens.
- Yiddish is still used as a reference to nationality and also as a reference to the common language of the Jews, to this day, though to a lesser extent.
- Before it became known as the Yiddish language, the mother-tongue of the Khazars added many words to its limited originally Asiatic-Mongol vocabulary, as necessity required.
- The Khazars adapted words to their requirements from the German, the Slavonic and the Baltic languages.
- The Khazars adopted a great number of words from the German language but contrary to popular belief, the Yiddish language is not a German dialect.
- The Khazars had their own language they spoke for the 1000 years that they existed in eastern Europe before they acquired culture from the Germans.
- Yiddish is the modern name for the ancient mother-tongue of the Khazars with added German, Slavonic, and Baltic.
- Yiddish must not be confused with Hebrew either, just because they both use the same characters as their alphabets.
- There is not one word of Yiddish in ancient Hebrew nor is there one word of ancient Hebrew in Yiddish (just like Swedish and Spanish which both use the same Latin characters for their alphabets, but are entirely different languages)
- The Yiddish languages are the cultural common denominator for all Jews in or from eastern Europe. It is an “international” language to them.
“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the eighth century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Bessarabia and Rumania.”
The Jewish Encyclopedia
- In the many wars with her neighbors in Europe after the 13th century, Russia was required to cede to her victors large areas which were previously parts of the Khazar Kingdom.
- In this manner Poland, Lithuania, Galicia, Hungary, Rumania, and Austria were acquired from Russia, territory previously part of the Khazar Kingdom
- Together with this territory these nations acquired a segment of the population of Jews, descendants of the Khazars who previously occupied the territory
- It was at this point, that the Jews under control of the now countries of Poland, Hungary, Austria and Rhineland, became known as Ashkenazi/Ashkenazim Jews
- They still maintained their nationality and language as Yiddish but the Jews of these countries became known as Ashkenazi (making up over 92% of all the Jews of the world today) vs the Sephardic (Spanish rite) Jews.
- Their common language, their common culture, their common religion, and their common racial characteristics classify them all beyond any question of doubt with the Khazars who invaded eastern Europe in the 1st century B.C. who were converted to “Talmudism” in the 8th century
“The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is MEDIA…Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim… About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia
“The Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel…In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.”
Encyclopedia Americana
- Whilst some Khazars fled West, others fled South into what now became the Ottoman Empire (historically known in Western Europe as the Turkish Empire or simply Turkey)
- The Ottoman empire was officially established in 1299 by the Oghuz Turkish tribal leader, Osman I
- Led by Osman I, the Ottoman empire now conquered and ended the weakened (from all the raids and conquests sent by Old Rome) Byzantine Empire with the 1453 conquest of Constantinople
- After their expulsion from Spain in 1492, many Sephardic Jews moved to the Ottoman empire where they were welcome as useful economic agents
- By this time, the Ottoman Empire though led by Turks became a very multinational and multilingual empire
- The empire now included Southeast Europe, parts of Central Europe, Western Asia, parts of Eastern Europe the Caucasus and North Africa,
- The Khazars that were now scattered within the Ottoman Empire joined forces with the Sephardic ‘Jews’ of the north from the Byzantine Empire (these were the same ‘Jews’ that King Bulan recruited from Babylonia for the conversion of the Khazars to Talmudism (which they practiced as “BabylonianTalmudism” now called Judaism) in 740 A.D.
- These Sephardic ‘Jews’ however, were not Judeans (Hebrews of Judea) but instead, foreigners that were brought in to replace the real Judeans after the final destruction of Judea by the Romans in 135 A.D.
- In addition to their practice of the Talmud these ‘Jews’ also practiced Medieval Kabbalah and the Zohar as it was initially understood (sometimes called “Classical/Zoharic” Kabbalah)
- Isaac Luria (1534-72) was the son of an Ashkenazic father and a Sephardic mother who became a prominent Rabbi and Jewish mystic.
- Isaac Luria studied rabbinic and Kabbalistic texts and became known for formulating the Kabbalistic system that came to be known as “the Lurianic Kabbalah.”
- The Kabbalah amongst other things teaches that “‘Jews’ are the superior beings that were destined to rule the world”
- The Jesuit Society (Jesuit Order) was founded by Ignatius de Loyola who was a Sephardic Jew from Spain.
- In 1540 Pope Paul III granted Loyola permission for a new religious order which was the Society of Jesus, and thus the Jesuit Order was born.
- The assigned tasks of the Jesuit Order were as follows:
- stop the protestant reformation that was started by Reverend Martin Luther, German theologian, priest, and protestant reformer
- destroy every vestige of the protestant reformation
- restore the supremacy and dominance of the Pope throughout the world
- Sabbatai Zevi was a Sephardic ordained Rabbi who was born in 1626, though of Romaniote origin and a Kabbalist, was very active throughout the Ottoman Empire
- In 1666 Zevi declared himself the long-awaited Jewish Messiah. He was the founder of the Sabbatean movement
- By proclaiming redemption was available through acts of sin, he amassed a following of over one million passionate believers, about half the world’s known ‘Jewish’ population during the 17th century.
- Sabbatai’s adherents planned to abolish many ritualistic observances, because, according to the Talmud, holy obligations would no longer apply in the Messianic time
- Sabbateans encouraged and practiced sexual promiscuity, adultery, incest and religious orgies
- After Sabbati Zevi’s death in 1676, his Kabbalist successor Jacob Frank (born in 1726), expanded upon and continued his occult philosophy
- The Khazars – (Ashkenazi Jews) were furious that the Khazar Kingdom was decimated and set out to, in accordance with the Talmud, deliver eternal revenge upon the surrounding nations
- Their main objectives became the powerful leading forces which were the royal families of England, France, Germany, and Russia
- Given that the Khazars still had a lot of power and influence amongst each other, they vowed eternal revenge and began plotting the overtake of the most powerful surrounding nations through the use of ancient Babylonian black/money-magic (making money from nothing and using the power of pernicious usury to accumulate interest)
- To take over England, they employed Oliver Cromwell to murder King Charles 1 after which the English Civil War broke out
- The war raged for nearly a decade from August 1642 – September 1651, resulting in regicide of the Royal Family and hundreds of the genuine English nobility
- The Khazar puppets replaced the Royal Family and the City of London was thus set up as the banking capital of Europe marking the beginning of the British Empire
- On July 27, 1694 the very first privately owned central bank of the world, the Bank of England was established and thus began the ‘Jewish’ reign over England
- Jacob Frank was an 18th-century Polish-Jewish religious leader who claimed to be the reincarnation of the self-proclaimed messiah Sabbatai Zevi
- He, like Zevi, would perform “strange acts” such as ritual sacrifice and the promoting of orgies and sexual immorality
- Jacob Frank would eventually enter into an alliance formed by Adam Weishaupt and Mayer Amschel Rothschild called the Order of the Illuminati (keep this relationship in mind for later)
- Dr. Eran Elhaik, a post-doctoral Israeli geneticist from Johns Hopkins University in “The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses,” published in December in the online journal Genome Biology and Evolution, says he has successfully proved that Ashkenazi Jews’ roots lie in the Caucasus — a region at the border of Europe and Asia that lies between the Black and Caspian seas — NOT in the Middle East.
- “Liars and frauds” – Eran Elhaik describes a group of widely respected geneticists, including Harry Ostrer, professor of pathology and genetics at Yeshiva University’s
- Shlomo Sand, an Israeli Emeritus Professor of History at Tel Aviv University and the author of the New York Time’s bestseller, “The Invention of the Jewish People” as well as 6 other books on the topic, published an article that accompanied Elhaik’s journal paper, in which he said Elhaiks study vindicated his long-held ideas. ”It’s so obvious for me,” Sand told the journal. “Some people, historians and even scientists, turn a blind eye to the truth. Once, to say Jews were a race was anti-Semitic, now to say they’re not a race is anti-Semitic.”
- Dr. Dan Graur, a Jewish world-renowned geneticist who was part of the University of Tel Aviv faculty for 22 years and is currently a Professor of Genetics and Biology at the University of Houston, smiled at the distress and complaints of the Zionists who deny being Khazars.
- Dr. Elhaik is “an honest man” and his genetic discoveries are right on target, says Graur.
- Graur has won the prestigious Humboldt Award given to the most prominent scientist in biology in the world.
- Dr. Ariella Oppenheim a genetic researcher of the University of Tel Aviv, in 2001, produced results similar to those of Dr. Elhaik.
- Oppenheim’s study also found that the origins of the Jews in Khazaria, are of Turkmen (Turkmenistan) descent.
- DNA OF KHAZARS- “In 10 years there will be no Israel.”
- ‘Jews a Race’ Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack by DNA Expert
Jewish Almanac
Under the heading of “A brief History of the Terms for Jew” in the 1980 Jewish Almanac is the following:
“Strictly speaking it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a ‘Jew’ or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.”
(1980 Jewish Almanac, p. 3).
The Jewish Encyclopedia:
“Khazars, a non-Semitic, Asiatic, Mongolian tribal nation who emigrated into Eastern Europe about the first century, who were converted as an entire nation to Judaism in the seventh century by the expanding Russian nation which absorbed the entire Khazar population, and who account for the presence in Eastern Europe of the great numbers of Yiddish-speaking Jews in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, Galatia, Bessarabia and Rumania.”
The Jewish Encyclopedia 3rd Edition (1925) records:
“CHAZARS [Khazars]: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia. The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of South Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians (855). Jews have lived on the shores of the Black and Caspian seas since the first centuries of the common era [after the death of the Messiah]. Historical evidence points to the region of the Ural as the home of the Chazars. Among the classical writers of the Middle Ages they were known as the ‘Chozars,’ ‘Khazirs,’ ‘Akatzirs,’ and ‘Akatirs,’ and in the Russian chronicles as ‘Khwalisses’ and ‘Ugry Byelyye.’…”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:
“The primary meaning of Ashkenaz and Ashkenazim in Hebrew is Germany and Germans. This may be due to the fact that the home of the ancient ancestors of the Germans is Media, which is the Biblical Ashkenaz…Khazars were sometimes referred to as Ashkenazim… About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”
Encyclopaedia Americana:
“Ashkenazim, the Ashkenazim are the Jews whose ancestors lived in German lands…it was among Ashkenazi Jews that the idea of political Zionism emerged, leading ultimately to the establishment of the state of Israel… In the late 1960s, Ashkenazi Jews numbered some 11 million, about 84 percent of the world Jewish population.”
Encyclopedia Americana (1985):
“Khazar, an ancient Turkic speaking people who ruled a large and powerful state in the steppes North of the Caucasus Mountains from the 7th century to their demise in the mid 11th century A.D… In the 8th Century it’s political and religious head… as well as the greater part of the Khazar nobility, abandoned paganism and converted to Judaism…(The Khazars are believed to be the ancestors of most Russian and Eastern European Jews).”
The American Peoples Encyclopedia:
“In the year 740 A.D. the Khazars were officially converted to Judaism. A century later they were crushed by the incoming Slavic-speaking people and were scattered over central Europe where they were known as Jews. It is from this grouping that most German, Polish and Hungarian Jews are descended, and they likewise make up a considerable part of that population now found in America. The term Ashkenazim is applied to this round-headed, dark-complexioned division.”
The New Encyclopedia Britannica, Volume 6 page 836 relates:
“Khazar, member of a confederation of Turkic-speaking tribes that in the late 6th century A.D. established a major commercial empire covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia…but the most striking characteristic of the Khazars was the apparent adoption of Judaism by the Khagan and the greater part of the ruling class in about 740…The fact itself, however, is undisputed and unparalleled in the history of Central Eurasia. A few scholars have asserted that the Judaized Khazars were the remote ancestors of many of the Jews of Eastern Europe and Russia.”
Encyclopedia Britannica (15th edition):
“Khazars, confederation of Turkic and Iranian tribes that established a major commercial empire in the second half of the 6th century, covering the southeastern section of modern European Russia… In the middle of the 8th century the ruling classes adopted Judaism as their religion.”
The Encyclopedia Judaica (1972):
“Khazars, a national group of general Turkic type, independent and sovereign in Eastern Europe between the seventh and tenth centuries C.E. During part of this time the leading Khazars professed Judaism… In spite of the negligible information of an archaeological nature, the presence of Jewish groups and the impact of Jewish ideas in Eastern Europe are considerable during the Middle Ages. Groups have been mentioned as migrating to Central Europe from the East often have been referred to as Khazars, thus making it impossible to overlook the possibility that they originated from within the former Khazar Empire.”
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia:
“Khazars, a medieval people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, whose ruling class adopted Judaism during the 8th century. The Khazars seem to have emerged during the 6th century, from the vast nomadic Hun (Turki) empire which stretched from the steppes of Eastern Europe and the Volga basin to the Chinese frontier. Although it is often claimed that allusions to the Khazars are found as early as 200 C.E., actually they are not mentioned until 627…Most Jewish Historians date the conversion of the Khazar King to Judaism during the first half of this century {A.D.}…”
“About 92 percent of all Jews or approximately 14,500,000 are Ashkenazim.”
Academic American Encyclopedia, Deluxe Library Edition, Volume 12, page 66 states:
“The Khazars, a Turkic people, created a commercial and political empire that dominated substantial parts of South Russia during much of the 7th through 10th centuries. during the 8th century the Khazar aristocracy and the Kagan (King) were converted to Judaism.”
Jewish Encyclopedia 1973:
“Majority of Eastern European Jews are Khazar and Japhetic in origin, not Semitic.” (A. N. Poliak, Professor, Medieval Jewish History, Tel Aviv University)
“The Jewish Encyclopaedia proudly refers to Khazaria as having had a ‘well constituted and tolerant government, a flourishing trade and a well disciplined army.’
Collier’s Encyclopedia, Volume 14, page 65 states:
“Khazars [kaza’rz], a semi-nomadic tribe of Turkish or Tatar origin who first appeared north of the Caucasus in the early part of the third century…In the eighth century Khaghan Bulan decided in favor of the Jews and accepted Judaism for himself and for his people…”
New Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume VIII, page 173 relates:
“The Khazars were an ethnic group, belonging to the Turkish peoples, who, toward the end of the 2d century of the Christian Era, had settled in the region between the Caucasus and the lower Volga and Don Rivers…At the beginning of the 8th century, dynastic ties bound the Khazars more closely to Constantinople, which led to a limited spread of Christianity among them. They also became acquainted with Judaism from the numerous Jews who lived in the Crimea and along the Bosphorus. When the Byzantine Emperor, Leo the Isaurian, persecuted the Jews in A.D. 723, many Jews found refuge in the Khazar kingdom, and their influence was so great that, around the middle of the 8th century, the King of the Khazars and many of the Khazar nobility accepted the Jewish faith.”
The Cadillac Modern Encyclopedia, page 822, states:
“Khazars (khah’-zahrz), a S Russian people of Turkic origin, who at the height of their power (during the 8th-10th cent., A.D.) controlled an empire which included Crimea, and extended along the lower Volga, as far E as the Caspian Sea. The Khazar Royal Family and Aristocracy converted to Judaism during the reign of King Bulan (768-809 A.D.) and Judaism was thereafter regarded as the state religion…”
The Master Bible’s “Archaeological Supplement”, p. 1398-G:
“The Zionists are not Jews according to race. Rather, they are the descendants of a hoard of pagans who pressed into Russia in the first century of our era and in due time became proselytes to Judaism. In 692 A.D., they formed the Khazar kingdom. In 955 A.D., Russia conquered them. They are neither Jew by race, nor are they genuinely Jewish in religion. They pass as Jews and pretend that they are the descendants of Israel and therefore, have a right to Palestine as their national homeland, but they are false in their claims and irreligious in their living.”
ARTHUR KOESTLER, Jewish Hungarian historian, one time Communist and radical Zionist(Jabotinsky party member), and author of “The Thirteenth Tribe”
- “The story of the Khazar Empire, as it slowly emerges from the past, begins to look like the most cruel hoax which history has ever perpetrated.” (The Thirteenth Tribe, p. 17)
- “These Eastern European “Jews” are neither Israelites nor “Semites,” but are instead Khazars, Mongols, and people of Hun descent!” (The Thirteenth Tribe)
- “The term “anti-Semitism” should become void of meaning, it is based on a misapprehension shared by both killers and their victims.” (The Thirteenth Tribe)
TEXE MARRS, American writer, researcher and author of “DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline”
- “The undeniable evidence of this has become clear with the advent of DNA research. In 2001, Dr. Ariella Oppenheim and her team at Tel Aviv University released their study which found that the “Jews” were mainly Khazars, from Khazaria, a Caucasus country which is now called Kazakhstan, Georgia, and other names. The Khazarians converted from pagan religions to Talmudic Judaism after the 8th century, but of course, racially they remain Khazars.”
- “We have DNA evidence that says, the Jews are converts. They’re pagans who converted to Judaism, their bloodlines do not go back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”
- “The ‘Jews’ of America, Europe, and Israel are descendants not of Father Abraham but of King Bulan and the people of ancient Khazaria. Khazaria was an amalgam of Turkic clans who once lived in the Caucasus (Southern Russia). These Turkic peoples were pagans who converted to Judaism in the eighth century. As converts, they called themselves ‘Jews,’ but none of their blood comes from Israel. Later, the ‘Jews’ (Khazars) emigrated, settling in Russia, Hungary, Poland, Germany, and elsewhere in Europe. As ‘Jews,’ the Khazars then left the European nations in 1948 and settled the fledgling, new nation of Israel. The people of Israel are not the seed, nor the ancestors, of Abraham. They call themselves ‘Jews,’ but in fact, DNA science shows them to be Khazars. They say they are ‘Jews,’ but they are not.” (DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline, p. 40-41)
BENJAMIN H. FREEDMAN, Jewish born American businessman and Jewish defector and author of Zionism: The Hidden Tyranny
- “The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar Kingdom are certainly incontestable historical facts. These incontestable historic facts also establish beyond any question of doubt the origin and history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe. The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar kingdom and their relationship to the origin and early history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe was one of history’s best kept secrets until wide publicity was given in recent years to my research on this subject.”
- “When they have money they become tyrants. And when they become defeated, they become ruthless. They’re only barbarians. They’re the descendants of Asiatic Mongols and they will do anything to accomplish their purpose.”
- “CHAZARS: A people of Turkish origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginnings of the history of the Jews of Russia…driven on by the nomadic tribes of the steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge…In the second half of the sixth century the Chazars moved westward…The kingdom of the Chazars was firmly established in most of south Russia long before the foundation of the Russian monarchy by the Varangians…At this time the kingdom of the Chazars stood at the height of its power and was constantly at war…At the end of the eighth century…the chagan (king) of the Chazars and his grandees, together with a large number of his heathen people, embraced the Jewish religion” (Facts are Facts)
DR. ALFRED LILIENTHAL, Jewish historian, journalist, lecturer, and graduate of Cornell University and Columbia Law School wrote in his book “What Price Israel?”:
- “Perhaps the most significant mass conversion to the Judaic faith occurred in Europe, in the 8th century A.D., and that story of the Khazars (Turko-Finnish people) is quite pertinent to the establishment of the modern State of Israel. This partly nomadic people, probably related to the Volga Bulgars, first appeared in Trans-Caucasia in the second century. They settled in what is now Southern Russia, between the Volga and the Don, and then spread to the shores of the Black, Caspian and Azov seas. The Kingdom of Khazaria, ruled by a khagan or khakan fell to Attila the Hun in 448, and to the Muslims in 737. In between, the Khazars ruled over part of the Bulgarians, conquered the Crimea, and stretched their kingdom over the Caucasus farther to the northwest to include Kiev, and eastwards to Derbend. Annual tributes were levied on the Russian Slavonians of Kiev.”
- “Jews who had been banished from Constantinople by the Byzantine ruler, Leo III, found a home amongst these heretofore pagan Khazars and, in competition with Mohammedan and Christian missionaries, won them over to the Judaic faith. Bulan, the ruler of Khazaria, became converted to Judaism around 740 A.D. His nobles and, somewhat later, his people followed suit. Some details of these events are contained in letters exchanged between Khagan Joseph of Khazaria and R. Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova, doctor and quasi foreign minister to Sultan Abd al-Rahman, the Caliph of Spain. This correspondence (around 936-950) was first published in 1577 to prove that the Jews still had a country of their own — namely, the Kingdom of Khazaria. Judah Halevi knew of the letters even in 1140. Their authenticity has since been established beyond doubt.”
- “Khazar traders brought not only silks and carpets of Persia and the Near East but also their Judaic faith to the banks of the Vistula and the Volga. But the Kingdom of Khazaria was invaded by the Russians, and Itil, its great capital, fell to Sweatoslav of Kiev in 969.”
- “The Byzantines had become afraid and envious of the Khazars and, in a joint expedition with the Russians, conquered the Crimean portion of Khazaria in 1016. (Crimea was known as ‘Chazaria’ until the 13th century). The Khazarian Jews were scattered throughout what is now Russia and Eastern Europe. Some were taken North where they joined the established Jewish community of Kiev.”
- “The Cagh Chafut, or ‘mountain Jews,’ in the Caucasus and the Hebraile Jews of Georgia are their descendants. These ‘Ashkenazim Jews’ (as Jews of Eastern Europe are called), whose numbers were swelled by Jews who fled from Germany at the time of the Crusades and during the Black Death, have little or no trace of Semitic blood.”
- “That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact. Jewish historians and religious textbooks acknowledge the fact, though the propagandists of Jewish nationalism belittle it as pro-Arab propaganda. Somewhat ironically, Volume IV of the Jewish Encyclopaedia — because this publication spells Khazars with a ‘C’ instead of a ‘K’ — is titled ‘Chazars to Dreyfus’: and it was the Dreyfus trial, as interpreted by Theodor Herzl, that made the modern Jewish Khazars of Russia forget their descent from converts to Judaism and accept anti-Semitism as proof of their Palestinian origin.
- “For all that anthropologists know, Hitler’s ancestry might go back to one of the ten Lost Tribes of Israel; while Weizmann may be a descendant of the Khazars, the converts to Judaism who were in no anthropological respect related to Palestine. The home to which Weizmann, Silver and so many other Ashkenazim Zionists have yearned to return has most likely never been theirs. ‘Here’s a paradox, a paradox, a most ingenious paradox’: in anthropological fact, many Christians may have much more Hebrew-Israelite blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors.”
HENRY FORD, founder of the Ford Motor Company
- Shortly after World War I, assembled a staff of experts in Detroit to conduct research on the European Jews who had been entering America in large numbers since the 1880’s.
- Provided the staff with several million dollars for this research and in 1923 published the results in a four-volume work titled “THE INTERNATIONAL JEW.”
- Concluded that very few of these people who called themselves “Jews” were descendants of the Bible Israelites.
- Proved that these Jews, using all sorts of crimes while under the cloak of being the “Chosen People of the Bible,” were rapidly taking economic and political control of America.
- Claimed, in the religious field the Jews had quietly gained control of most protestant seminaries and CHRISTIAN BOOK – PUBLISHING HOUSES and had been able to remove almost all criticism of Jews from Christian literature.
- In summing up his findings, Henry Ford stated, “The Jews are not the Chosen People, though practically the entire Church has succumbed to the propaganda which declares them to be so.”
- “The International Jew,” caused a furor for a few years but soon disappeared from colleges, universities, and public libraries and became unobtainable at any price.
- Churches continued to teach “The Jews are God’s chosen people, Israel” and the (by then) Jewish-dominated news media began to refer to Jews always as Israelites.
- Anyone opposing the increasing Jewish control of the nations was immediately branded “anti-Semitic;”
- Jewish dominated Seminaries began teaching new ministers to quote Genesis 12:1-3 and sternly warn their flocks that anyone speaking unfavorably of the Jews would be “cursed by God.”
- Jewish control of American society, politics, and religions continued to increase.
COL. JOHN BEATY, retired U.S. Military Intelligence Officer
- Published a scholarly 265-page book “IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA”
- Gave overwhelming evidence this strange race of Eastern European “Jews” were actually Khazar and Mongol Asiatics and had no racial ancestry in Israel at all.
- “As time passed, it came about that these Khazar people of mixed non-Russian stock, who hated the Russians and lived under Babylonian Talmudic law, became known in the western world, from their place of residence and their legal-religious code, as Russian Jews.” (The Iron Curtain Over America, p. 20)
- Proved that by 1951 these Jews had a stranglehold on American politics, on Banking and Credit, all sources of news, the entertainment industry, America’s education system, and that they were the predominant race as judges, lawyers, doctors, and in organized crime.
- The Jewish news media refused to review the book, Jewish book dealers refused to handle it, Christian book stores ignored it, and only a few thousand copies were distributed.
- Most Americans never heard of IRON CURTAIN OVER AMERICA.
- Latest and perhaps the most succinct book on this subject, is ISRAEL’S 5 TRILLION DOLLAR SECRET by Col. Curtis B. Dall
- Proves again, from reliable sources, that the Jews are NOT Israelites.
- Calls their masquerade as “Israel” the greatest “hoax” of the last centuries! It should be read by every non-Jew.
D. M. DUNLOP Professor of History at Columbia University in New York. Best known for his influential histories of Arab civilization and the Khazar Khaganate. Dunlop was the “most esteemed scholar of the Khazar monarchy.” He had command of the many languages needed to study the Khazars, information about whom is found in Arabic, Byzantine, Hebrew and Chinese literature
- It is a question whether the Khazars were at this time under West Turk supremacy. The chronicler Theophanes (died circa A.D. 818) who tells the story introduces them as ‘the Turks from the east whom they call Khazars.’
H. G. WELLS, English writer
- “The main part of Jewry never was in Judea and had never come out of Judea.” (Outline of History, by H. G. Wells, p. 494)
TED R. WEILAND, author
- “By their own testimony, the vast majority of today’s Jews are not racial Israelites or even Judahites. History reveals that most of today’s Jews are Khazars and Edomites because of forced conversion in the seventh and second centuries BC, and voluntary conversion in the seventh century AD.” (The Mystery of the Gentiles p. 25)
COL. CURTIS B. DALL, American stockbroker, author
- “The claim of the Eastern European, Yiddish-speaking Jews, of pagan-Khazar origin, to an historic or ethnic association either with Palestine or the Jews [Judahites] who lived there, is one of the world’s greatest frauds.” (Israelis’ Five Trillion Dollar Secret, p. 9)
MICHAEL A. HOFFMAN II, American author, revisionist
- “But for a minuscule remnant, contemporary ‘Jews’ are mostly mamzerim, of mixed race…the overwhelming majority of ‘Jews’ in America are actually descendants of converts from the Khazar tribe of Eastern Europe” (Judaism’s Strange Gods, p. 110)
A. H. SAYCE & R. PETERSON, authors
- “As to the fate of the talented Israelites, who first conquered and then lost the ‘Holy Land,’ it is generally accepted that the skulls of ancient Semites [Israelites] were…dolichocephalic, but that the skulls of a majority of present-day Jews are more commonly mesocephalic or even brachycephalic…due, doubtless to intermixture with Khazars or other brachycephalic indigenees of the Caucasus and adjacent lands, statistics have shown that in Central Europe an overwhelming proportion of Central and East European Jews at the turn of the [19th] century had broad, round heads.” (Race in Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament, p. 143)
Haaretz Newspaper, “The Jewish People’s Ultimate Treasure Hunt,” by Ofer Aderat, pp. 1-15:
- “…the Khazars converted to Judaism in the eighth century and their descendants are the ‘European’ or ‘Ashkenazi’ Jews who live today in Israel and the Diaspora…The commonly accepted narrative consider the Jews to be descended from the residents of the Kingdom of Judah who were exiled and returned to their native land — the modern-day State of Israel — only after thousands of years of exile. In contrast, this new study (Elhaik, ‘The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and Khazarian Hypotheses,’ Genome Biology and Evolution, December 2012) supports the theory that the Jews are descendants of different peoples who converted to Judaism…The dominant element in the genetic makeup is Khazar.”
The Times of Israel, Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars by Jim Wald:
- “It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.”
The Guardian:
“The Khazar conversion is no revelation. It was the basis for a 1976 book by Arthur Koestler, The Thirteenth Tribe, which was reviled, then ignored, by mainstream Zionism. But the Jewish Khazars were recognized by early Zionist historians, albeit as a numerically insignificant curiosity. They were only dropped from the story in the 1960s. After the 1967 Six Day War, to be precise. Sand notes that the disappearance of converts from Israeli history books coincides with increased occupation of Arab land. This is not a conspiracy theory.”
Most major newspapers and magazines reviewed the Arthur Koestler book “The Thirteenth Tribe” during 1976:
- “…a fascinatingly controversial book…Koestler marshals his arguments with great skill…he is certainly very persuasive…” Philip Toynbee, The Observer
- “…an intriguing book which asks to be read…clearly written and well-presented…a brilliant focus on facts which too few know.” Robin Lane Fox, The Financial Times
- “…one of his most interesting books – interesting in its own right as a narrative of a proud and forgotten race, but also…for its possible curative effects among those still influenced by genetico-racial notions of Jewishness.” John Cumming, The Tablet
- “…an explosive book…by a masterly ‘populariser’ of scientific ideas…” Keith Brace, Birmingham Post
- “…Mr. Koestler’s excellent book…Is as readable as it is thought-provoking. Nothing could be more stimulating than the skill, elegance and erudition with which he marshals his facts and develops his theories…” Fitzroy Maclean, New York Times Book Review
- “…You do not have to be Jewish to be interested…Are today’s Western Jews really ethnic, Semitic, Biblical Jews, or are most of them descendants of converted Khazars?…This compact, interesting book…examines tragic-ironic implications in [this question] for modern history…It should fascinate.” –Edmund Fuller, Wall Street Journal
- “…Koestler marshals the evidence in a clear and convincing way. He tells a good story, pulling together materials from medieval Muslims and Jewish travelers, scholarly controversy and the mysterious lore of the Khazars.” –Raymond Sokolov,Newsweek
- “…Robert Kirsch of the Los Angeles Times stated in his lengthy review that ‘Arthur Koestler publicizes with his customary skills a daring hypothesis: that THE KHAZAR JEWS MIGRATED TO POLAND AND BECAME THE FOREBEARS OF EASTERN EUROPEAN JEWRY…’ GENETICALLY THEY ARE MORE RELATED TO THE HUN, UIGUR, AND MAGYAR TRIBES THAN TO THE SEED OF ABRAHAM, ISAAC, AND JACOB…” (emphasis added)
- The Thirteenth Tribe. The Khazar Empire and Its Heritage by Arthur, Koestler, 1976
- Zionism: Hidden Tyranny – A True Story by Benjamin H Freedman, 1997
- Facts are Facts by Benjamin H Freedman, 1954
- Iron Curtain over America by John Beaty, 1951
- The International Jew(4 volume set) by Henry Ford, 1920-22
- The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand, 2008
- On the Nation and the “Jewish People” by Shlomo Sand, 2010
- The History of the Jewish Khazars by D.M. Dunlop, 1967
- Byzantium: The Early Centuries by John Julius Norwich, 1988
- The Jews of Khazaria. by Kevin Alan. Brook, 1999
- DNA Science and the Jewish Bloodline by Texe Marrs, 2013
- The Synagogue of Satan: The Secret History of Jewish World Domination by Andrew Carrington Hitchcock, 2007
- Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel by Jack Bernstein 1985
- What Price Israel? by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal, 1969
- Outline of History by H. G. Wells, 1920
- The Mystery of the Gentiles by Ted R. Weiland, 2005
- Israelis’ Five Trillion Dollar Secret by Col. Curtis B. Dall, 1977
- Judaism’s Strange Gods by Michael A. Hoffman II, 2000
- Race in Ancient Egypt and the Old Testament, by A. H. Sayce and R. Peterson, 2011
A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin H. Freedman
The Amazing Warnings Of Benjamin Freedman
Benjamin H. Freedman 1961 Final Warning to America (UNEDITED)
Zionism: The Hidden Tyranny by Benjamin H. Freedman
Facts are Facts: The Truth About the Khazars by Benjamin H. Freedman Are Facts.pdf
The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler Thirteenth Tribe
Khazaria: The Myth of anti-Semitism
The International Jew by Henry Ford:
Jews Are Not A Race (They’re Khazars)
Research Proves Jews are not Israelites
The Khazarian Conspiracy: Fake Jews of the Synagogue of Satan!
Turkic Khazar conversion to Judaism
The Missing Link of Jewish European Ancestry: Contrasting the Rhineland and the Khazarian Hypotheses
The Jews Are Not A Race! by Dr. Alfred Lilienthal
DNA OF KHAZARS- “In 10 years there will be no Israel.”
Leaked report: Israel acknowledges Jews in fact Khazars; Secret plan for reverse migration to Ukraine
‘Jews a Race’ Genetic Theory Comes Under Fierce Attack by DNA Expert