New World Order


Written by Anonymous


There exists a group of people within this world who have a New World Order One World Government Agenda. They are godless communists whose families have long aspired to conquer all Nations and rule over all peoples throughout the world. They intend to use nanotechnologies in conjunction with vaccines to achieve their objective of total world domination. Their nanotechnology-laden vaccinations and “booster shot” upgrades will enable them to tag, track, monitor, make ill, and terminate the existence of whomever they desire. This is their solution to future Race and population control. See who they are.

We are of the position that these godless communists have infiltrated and hijacked the United States of America, its monetary system, education system, media and Government.

We are of the position that these godless communists are strategically using Hollywood, television shows, TV commercials, cartoons, video games, music videos, etc., which they own and control, to push an immoral and godless liberal progressive agenda into the lives of all Americans in order to purposefully demoralize, deteriorate and destroy our Nation from within. It is the stated intention and goal of these godless communists to breakdown families, break down all the unique beautiful Races of humanity that God created and amalgamate all people into one mass of demoralized and weak brown slaves that they refer to as Goyim. 

We are of the position that these godless communists have used their money and wealth to create an industrial war complex. They bribe, buy off and pay our elected Government Officials to do their bidding for them. They are using the U.S. Military to conquer all other Nations in order to establish their desired New World Order One World Government.

We are of the position that these godless communists intend to use technologies and vaccines in conjunction with one another in order to control all aspects of every person. They have implemented nanotechnologies into vaccines whereby they can tag, track, monitor, and assign social scores to every person. They can also send out various frequencies to these nanotechnologies that can be used to make people sick or even kill them. It is their solution to future Race and population control.

We believe in and accept the reality that we have been endowed by The Creator God Almighty with Inalienable Rights of Individual Sovereignty, Free Will, Self-determination, Liberty and Responsible Freedom. No being other than The Creator God Almighty can take our Rights away from us. We are willing to fight… and die, if need be… defending and protecting our Rights and the Rights of our Offspring and Heirs.

We believe in and accept the reality that the 1776 Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States of America, Bill of Rights, Federal Civil Rights, and U.S. Code are legitimate, valid, immutable, legal and lawful documents that were not written to give us our Rights, but were established and written to protect our Rights. We are willing to fight… and die, if need be… defending and protecting these documents that protect our Rights and the Rights of our Offspring and Heirs.

We are of the position that Conservatives, Christians, and Patriots have far too little representation within the current Government of the United States of America.

We are of the position that our elected Government officials have been compromised and are being bribed, bought off and paid for by foreign Governments, corporations and individuals.

We are of the position that our Rights and the Laws that protect them have been, and are being, grossly trampled upon and violated by the majority, if not all, of our elected Government Officials within all branches of the Government: Legislative, Executive and Judicial.

We are of the position that we have elected Government Officials who are Traitors within Government that have not been held accountable for their CRIMES against We The People of the USA and humanity in general.

We are of the position that, per the Declaration of Independence: “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

We are of the position that our current Government has become destructive of these ends. It has become destructive of our Rights, Safety, and Happiness. It has become destructive of our Nation.

We are of the position that the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America exists primarily for the purpose of defending ourselves from and defeating Tyrants in Government. Hunting and/or defending our homes from dangerous intruders is an important secondary purpose.

We are of the position that Conservatives, Christians, and Patriots MUST communicate, unite, organize, and establish ACTION PLANS that will enable us to legally, lawfully, and peacefully take back our One Nation Under God.

We are of the position that our One Nation Under God can be restored peacefully by way of asserting our positions heretofore mentioned, as well as our ACTION PLANS, which have yet to be revealed, into Government.

We are of the position that an armed revolution is a possible necessity, but it is our last intent, last resort, and final option.

We The People Stand United.


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