It’s all very ironic. Zionists make so much noise about Iran(and North Korea) having the Bomb. They...
Author - Andrea Ostrov Letania
The Changeling Syndrome that threatens the West with the Idea...
Steve King said the West cannot preserve its cultural legacy with somebody else’s babies or...
Jewish Power is the Intersectionality among the Deep...
The term ‘deep’ is problematic because it implies that the Power is an institution-or-two whose...
‘Minority Rights’ means Different things to Minority Elites and...
There are different meanings to ‘minority rights’.We must ask, what kind of minority are we talking...
From White Pride to White Guilt.
From White Pride to White Guilt. White Americans as a Conquered People under Jewish Globo-Elites...
Universalization of White Guilt
Universalization of White Guilt ‘Adapted’ from Andrea Ostrov 2020-06-17 Black thugs and...
Guilt, Christianity and the worship of Holy Holocaust, Magic...
Extract: It’s like Jewish women want to see white women have babies with black men because they...
Just Say it is Race-ist and True. Associate Race-ism with Truth.
Even after so much ink has been spilled over how Political Correctness robs us of reason, liberty...
Without Race-ism, Your Nation, Race, and Culture will NOT...
2020-04-08 We’ve been told by the Jewish-controlled and cuck-managed media and academia that the...
Even if you ignore the reality of race, it will not ignore you.
to the immense number of lynchings Simply not true. Far fewer blacks were lynched than people were...