Renowned author and social critic Douglas Murray argues that our modern fixation on group-identity...
Author - Anonymous
Should women be banned from the armed forces?
Yes! And I say this as someone who served in an army that boasts about its female soldiers. Beni...
Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
The anti-capitalist principles of Karl Marx are alive and thriving in the United States...
Antonio Gramsci and Cultural Marxism
The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci developed the key concept of cultural hegemony during his...
The Theory of Cultural Marxism
by Ollie Musgrove 2017-02-04 Cultural Marxism, or just Marxism, is a method of taking control over...
How The Ashkenazi Jews Conquered The West
And Became The Hidden Hand Or The Deep State. By Biblicism Institute (If you do not know the...
The Ashkenazim
By Biblicism Institute The chosen Hebrews, not converted Jews, were the ones God...
The Zionist-Created Scofield ‘Bible’
The Source Of The Problem In The Mideast. Why Judeo-Christians Support War By C. E. Carlson The...
Turned America’s Evangelicals into Zionists: The Scofield...
The book that turned America’s Evangelicals Zionist: The Scofield Bible Maidhc Ó...
Scofield Reference Bible Deception
A major deception promoted by the judeo-christian zionists like Hagee is found in the Scofield...