Startling revelations have emerged in the George Floyd case, with sworn testimonies shedding light on the considerable pressure exerted on prosecutors to press charges. Testimony further discloses that the county’s medical examiner stated no medical evidence of asphyxia or strangulation in relation to Floyd’s death.
Extensive released sworn testimonies from Hennepin County attorneys and employees involved in the case exposed the significant pressure faced by prosecutors to charge Derek Chauvin and the three other former Minneapolis police officers in George Floyd’s death. Several individuals within the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office, including a prosecutor for the case, withdrew, citing violations of professional and ethical rules due to the pressure to charge the other three officers.
These details were revealed as part of a sex discrimination complaint filed by former Hennepin County prosecutor Amy Sweasy against County Attorney Mike Freeman. In her 2022 complaint, Sweasy alleges disagreements over charging decisions that she believed breached professional and ethical rules. She withdrew from the case and claimed that three male assistant attorneys also disagreed with Freeman and refused to work on the case.
Sweasy asserts that, following the disagreement, she faced discrimination and retaliation, including ostracism, hostile treatment, removal of job duties, and denial of appropriate assignments.
The attorney representing former Minneapolis police officers Tou Thao and J. Alexander Kueng connected Sweasy’s statement to the George Floyd case, alleging that County Attorney Mike Freeman harassed and retaliated against her after her disagreement regarding charging decisions involving Thao, Lane, and Kueng.
Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd and here’s the proof.— aka (@akafacehots) October 20, 2023
In a deposition on June 6th, Lofton discussed the immense pressure prosecutors faced, characterized as an “extreme premium pressure,” to charge Derek Chauvin and the other involved officers due to the city being in chaos.
During Sweasy’s deposition, she recounted a conversation she had with the Hennepin County Medical Examiner, Dr. Andrew Baker, the day after Floyd’s death. Sweasy stated that, according to the transcript, Baker revealed that the autopsy conducted on Floyd showed no injuries to the vital structures of his neck, and there were no medical indications of asphyxia or strangulation.
Court documents in the prosecution of Derek Chauvin show the public’s extreme pressure on prosecutors over George Floyd’s death, even when evidence didn’t show damage to his neck. Far-left extremists promised bloodshed and terror attacks if Chauvin wasn’t convicted.…— Andy Ngô (@MrAndyNgo) October 18, 2023

Tony Timpa’s case is often mentioned when discussing the George Floyd incident due to the similarities between the two cases. Both involved large men who had taken drugs, were unarmed, and were pinned to the ground in a prone position. However, there are significant differences between the two stories.
In August 2016, 32-year-old Tony Timpa died while in the custody of Dallas police officers. Like Floyd, Timpa was pinned face down to the ground, but for over 14 minutes, with an officer’s knee in the center of his back rather than near his neck.
Timpa, a white man, was experiencing a mental health breakdown and had called 911 for assistance. His cause of death was attributed to “excited delirium syndrome” related to cocaine detected in his system and the physiological stress resulting from physical restraint, according to the Dallas County Medical Examiner.
Mentally ill Tony Timpa called Dallas PD for help. Police officer kneeled on his back for 14 minutes and laughed. His breathing or feel for a pulse wasn’t checked because P.O’s assumed he was sleeping. Tony died and the cop got Promoted in 2022. ** “Hope I didn’t kill him” – said…— IG: RahiemShabazz (@rahiemshabazz) February 18, 2023
A pathologist hired by Timpa’s family claimed that he died from asphyxia, similar to the findings of a private pathologist hired by George Floyd’s family. Despite both men being subjected to the same police tactics, the outcomes were starkly different. Timpa’s death did not generate widespread national outcry, calls for reform, or a settlement for his family. Initially, the three officers involved in Timpa’s case were charged with misdemeanor deadly conduct, but the charges were later dismissed by the district attorney.
The primary difference in public reaction to these cases lies in race, with Floyd being black and Timpa being white.
When Timpa called 911, he was in a state of mental distress and seeking help. Sadly, he encountered excessive force from the Dallas police officers and suffered a slow death. Similar to Floyd, Timpa was pinned face down for an extended duration of over 14 minutes.
Disturbingly, one of the officers involved in the incident, Dustin Dillard, was promoted and now holds the rank of Sr. Cpl., responsible for training rookie officers.
On the evening of May 25, 2020, George Floyd was arrested in Minneapolis, Minnesota after a store clerk called the police to report suspected forgery. As the police arrived, Floyd reportedly swallowed a speedball, a combination of drugs including fentanyl and methamphetamine.
After resisting arrest for approximately 15 minutes, Floyd was eventually taken to the ground by police, where he subsequently died. An autopsy conducted on Floyd revealed he had fentanyl and methamphetamine in his system, as well as arteriosclerotic and hypertensive heart disease, hypertension, and sickle cell trait. Additionally, Floyd purportedly told officers that he had contracted COVID-19 and was still positive for the virus at the time of his arrest.
Dr. Andrew Baker, who conducted the official autopsy, stated that police restraint “in his opinion” was the primary cause of Mr. Floyd’s death, but he also noted drug use and heart disease as contributory factors.
It was determined the dose of fentanyl Floyd ingested was more than lethal. At the time of the arrest, the Minneapolis Police Department’s training materials included a protocol called the “Maximal Restraint Technique,” which involved officers placing a knee on a handcuffed subject’s neck. This exact restraint was used on Floyd.
In a side-by-side comparison between the Minneapolis police handbook and the picture of the officers retraining George Floyd, the images match up almost exactly.

Derek Chauvin was sentenced to a total of 40 years in prison for the death of George Floyd. Chauvin could serve a minimum of 10 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole. According to the New York Times, the judge noted that the sentence should “reflect the gravity of the offense,” and that Chauvin should “never again be allowed to pose a threat to public safety.” Therefore, it is likely that Chauvin will serve the full 40 years in prison, unless he is granted parole early.
There was zero strangulation.
We’ve been told that George Floyd was choked to death and the state attempted to claim that his carotid artery was interfered with which caused his death. They based a lot of this on a witness who claimed to be an MMA fighter. This witness for some reason did not have to prove he was an expert in any field but the judge permitted his testimony. When later it was proven by the prosecution’s own witnesses that the carotid artery was never touched at any point, the state changed direction claiming that the pressure on his back caused him to asphyxiate.
Despite being an “expert witness” in the Chauvin trial, Donald Wynn Williams was reportedly seen at a Black Lives Matter protest breaking the back window of a police car, and later walking alongside a Black Panthers group notorious for intimidating nearby businesses.

Williams, who was called to the stand as an ‘expert witness’ to explain different types of choke holds, was arrested in September of last year for allegedly choking out his girlfriend.
Williams, 35, pleaded not guilty to domestic assault after being accused of strangling and striking his ex-girlfriend during an incident outside the Minnesota State Fair in 2022.
Court records show prosecuting attorneys dropped the charges in late August this year after an agreement that saw Williams plead guilty to a domestic abuse no-contact order violation involving the same victim.
Ignorance of the law is no defense, However Derek Chauvin is absolutely innocent. I despise police so this isn’t coming from a bootlicker. The man was in a lose lose situation and my heart goes out to him. After hearing what the jurors have said, this has to be a mistrial.
Screw the law, it’s clear that George could breath and it’s clear that there is no evidence that he killed him. I dislike the police, but Derick isn’t a bad cop right here.
Mob mentality won today.
That’s the way justice works in America. Fair? No.
The media is always twisting facts and pushing the “all cops are racist” agenda. It’s bullshit because you see cities like Portland that defunded the police and you see how much more crime is happening. The media doesn’t want to talk about that. We all must stand up against this bullshit.
How can you just assume that “He went out to kill someone”. You have to plan for it to be first degree. He didnt plan it.
George Floyd died from an overdose. Ask any EMT who has worked in a large city. If someone presents initially saying: ‘I can’t breathe’, what is the probable problem. Either they have asthma and need their inhaler or an opioid overdose. If it is the later, then they need medical care quick. George could not breathe because he ate his drug stash when he saw the cops. His diaphragm relaxed so much he could not breathe.
In the case, Floyd just seemed to look for trouble! At first, Floyd should be aware that his money was fake. The store employee found him, and he pretended to be drunk to deny his behavior. Then the employee reported him as “awfully drunk,” and notice that he is in his vehicle at that time. Then the cops came, asked him to get out of his vehicle, and we can notice that he was strong. And from the video, we can see he actually struggled not to be arrested, and did not show any symptoms of being drunk. When the police tried to put him to the police vehicle, he suddenly fell and said he had claustrophobia, which is ridiculous! If he ever had claustrophobia, why would he had a vehicle and be in there for that long? He just wanted to unguilt himself and blackmail the presented cops! Thus the cops needed to take some action to control him, and we can only say the action was too much that it cause death, but remember that 1 Floyd was strong 2 he was considered drunk 3 Chauvin has worked with Floyd before and know him well.
I had to pause to comment why you’re wrong about him intentionally murdering him and, even being wrong about involuntary manslaughter. You would have an argument if it were not for the fact that Minnesota law made it legal, at the time, time place a knee on the neck of a suspect. They amended the law after the fact, but officers not only legally allowed to do this, but were trained on the proper way to do it. Chauvin followed the law and properly applied the neck restraint. If you watch the full bodycam Mr. Floyd complained about breathing issues before the cops ever laid a hand on him. He is going to walk free because he is innocent. It’s a tough video to watch, but it’s an unfortunate situation for all involved. I believe Mr. Floyd would have died regardless. He swallowed his stash and killed himself. He did this before and OD’d, but they were able to save his life. It didn’t work this time.
Gorge flyod died of a Fentynal overdose.
M Dowling
Derek Chauvin nearly died, and no one has information on his condition except he is in an undisclosed hospital and he is stable. His pleas to the Supreme Court were rejected.
Why is Derek Chauvin in the general population? And will he still be kept in the general population when he recovers? He almost died, and if they put him back in with the general population, they would kill him next time. No one is fighting for him, even after the evidence shows he is innocent.
The precinct claims they don’t know who knifed him. How is that possible? There are videos all over these prisons.
Derek Chauvin should be released immediately. He is not guilty. The mob forced his imprisonment. No one wanted to see the city burned down, and he was sacrificed for that. The other three offices are innocent; one is serving 57 months in jail, and the other two were in for three and three and a half.
We have no justice system and are letting the mob rule.
Derek Chauvin’s mother, Carolyn Pawlenty, 75, is angry at authorities for not informing her before the story made the headlines. She told Alpha News, “How the hell do these news agencies know, and his own mother doesn’t even know? And that [prison] has an emergency contact number [for me].”
A video documentary based on Liz Collins’ book, “They’re Lying: The Media, The Left, and The Death of George Floyd,” has reached over a million people, but it’s not enough. We have four police officers sitting in prison who don’t belong there.
They were sentenced according to the demands of the mob. There was no fair trial and no jury of his peers. They even had a Black Lives Matter activist on the jury. The venue wasn’t changed, and the officials allowed the mob to continue rioting and threatening people throughout the trial.
Derek Chauvin was recently moved to a medium-security federal prison in Tucson, Arizona, from a maximum-security prison in a Minneapolis suburb in August. Derek felt safer there since people weren’t imprisoned there for long periods. He reasoned that they wouldn’t want to kill him and end up with a longer sentence in a maximum security prison.
His attorney had asked that he not be put in the general population, but he got nowhere.
As a result, Chauvin’s a dead man walking when he should be free.
The Evidence
The documentary’s most compelling evidence is the knee-hold restraint that Chauvin used. It is legal and was at the time of Floyd’s arrest and death. It was in Chauvin’s manual, and all the officers were trained in its use. It was protocol. The witnesses who said otherwise on the stand lied. This evidence was blocked from the jury by the judge.
The initial autopsy report said Floyd died from a drug overdose combined with his maladies. There were no signs of asphyxiation.
Politicians became involved and condemned the officers. Minneapolis police officers were ordered not to stop the riots caused by Floyd’s death.
Medical technicians took 25 minutes to get to the scene because of miscommunications.
Dr. Baker Caved
The original testimony of Hennepin County Medical Examiner (CME) Andrew Baker initially found no “injury” to Floyd’s neck that would cause “asphyxia or strangulation,” according to a former female prosecutor.
This was revealed during another case of sexual discrimination filed by prosecutor Amy Sweasy, a top prosecutor, against Country Attorney Mike Freeman.
According to her testimony County Medical Examiner (CME) Andrew Baker asked Sweasy, “What happens when the actual evidence doesn’t match up with the public narrative that everyone’s already decided on?” Baker allegedly said to Sweasy, “This is the kind of case that ends careers.”
Baker then changed his initial autopsy report and said Floyd was choked to death to support the public narrative.
The framing of the officers was so unfair that several prosecutors left the prosecutor’s office rather than falsely prosecute the case.
The police were defunded, many officers left, and crime is on the rise. The mob won, and they’ll keep doing it.
The trial cost millions of dollars, and the so-called victims, the family of George Floyd, were paid off to the tune of $27 million. The payoff was announced during the trial to make Chauvin look guiltier.
They made martyrs out of four officers. They were sacrifices to the mob on behalf of a career criminal, someone the Left idolized.