The women-are-wonderful effect is the phenomenon found in psychological and sociological research which suggests that people associate more positive attributes with women compared with men. This bias reflects an emotional bias toward women as a general case. The phrase was coined by Alice Eagly and Antonio Mladinic in 1994 after finding that both male and female participants tend to assign positive traits to women, with female participants showing a far more pronounced bias. Positive traits were assigned to men by participants of both genders, but to a far lesser degree. [Wikipedia] [1]
Women themselves find women even more wonderful than do men; in fact, the tendency to give members of one’s own sex more positive evaluations, i.e. in-group preference, is 4.5 times higher in women.[4] I find it strange when I occasionally compliment a girl and she says something like “Yes I am.” She magnifies the adulation.
Women are often worse
Women are frequently regarded as more empathetic, less violent, more nurturing, loyal and nice etc., science has found women to be actually worse than men in many regards. For example:
- Women more often initiate and perpetrate intimate partner violence (though, being physically weaker, they inflict less harm).[5]
- Women are less cooperative with their own sex.[6]
- Women in high-status positions are less generous.[7]
- Women report more same-sex conflicts and take longer for conflict resolution.[8]
- Women more often than men slut-shame other women.[9]
- Women have a stronger anti-female bias in peer review.[10]
- Interrupt other women more than do men.[11]
- Females more likely to socially exclude others, a difference already emerging during childhood.[12]
- Female gossip has been a concern throughout history.[13]
- Queens were more likely to wage war than kings.[14]
- Women are thought to be less loyal to their own group,[15] as evidenced by French women adoring German soldiers.[16]
- At least some women also love criminals and fantasize about being raped.
- Women lose their love a lot sooner in terms of interest in sex, pointing to a less intense, more extractive/utilitarian and fleeting love style.[17]
- Women yield nearly the same rate of affairs as men, with the gap closing in recent times.[18]
- An affair for women more often means actually falling in love with the new partner and leaving their previous one.[19]
- Some suggest there is a biochemical natural four-year sexual cycle for the human female, at the end of which it is their natural tendency to “liberate” themselves from her mate.[20] This is in line with divorce statistics where women are the initiator 75% of the time (though that may also be explained by divorce laws being stacked against men).[20] Overall, this points to a female sexuality that appears to be stuck in a more r-selected past despite being more coy and choosy during the initiation of a relationship.
- Women also have a slightly lower IQ and worse spatial abilities (though very similar general intelligence, g, and slightly better verbal abilities).[21]
- Women are less emotionally stable and more childish.[22]
- Women are much more likely engage in mass hysteria.[23]
- Women are physically weaker (implying they are worse hunters and fighters).[24]
- Women hare an (unwarrantedly) higher in-group preference bias.[4]
- Women have historically always been dependent on men.[25]
- Women are likely also overall more sneaky as evidenced e.g. by more often lying in certain regards, more often having a pathological urge to steal (kleptomania) and feigning orgasms (see female sneakiness).

In the news: a gang of young Toronto Canada girls commit murder. “Three of the girls are 13 years old, three are 14 and two are 16, according to police.” News stories such as this one about 8 teenage girls who, as a group, stabbed to death a 59-year-old homeless man would cast doubt on the myth of female moral superiority. Except, such stories are not as popular, not as reported, and nowhere near as widely known as are the stories of men behaving badly. The ManBad/WomanGood moral polarity remains a deeply held, prejudicial assumption, and it’s backed up by media bias.
Our gender assumptions are based largely on the facts and truths we know vs. the facts and truths we do not know (i.e., the OTHER half of gender reality). To balance out the gender belief system, I see no alternative but to present those facts and truths that go on the OTHER end of the balance beam, the truths that cause us to squirm in our seats, the truths that are missing.
Everyone has heard the story of “Jack the Ripper.” Male evil has been made famous. Whatever Jack’s exact body count may have been, it was dwarfed by the 31 victims confessed to by contemporaneous prolific poisoner Jane Toppan. Ms Toppan loved to get into bed with and orgasm to the paroxysms of agony her victims suffered. But who will be so unchivalrous as to tell her story? And what of the stories of countless other women who have used poison as their murder weapon of choice? In Victorian times, the poisoning of husbands (often for the insurance money) became so widespread that during debates for the Arsenic Act of 1851 “it was proposed that in order to lower the occurrence of poisoning crime, a complete ban on selling poisons to women should be included in the bill.” Author Judith Knelman “argues that the husband poisonings of the late 1840’s were primarily responsible for the amendment to the bill.” What filmmaker will tell THAT story?
Women’s cloak of “innocence” is so powerful, it is entirely possible that women have murdered men more than the reverse but we don’t know that because women so often get away with it.
I take no interest in painting women in a negative light. Feminism has forced my hand. Feminism (in league with chivalry) has painted a ManBad/WomanGood moral polarity that is one-sided, false, and poisonous. Woman’s dark side equals Man’s, but you’d never know it because her dark side is culturally sympathized with, hidden, ignored, disbelieved, obscured, forgotten, skipped over, excused, denied, reframed, and minimized until an iron-clad illusion is created, leading virtually all to believe that Woman’s dark side is only a tiny fraction of Man’s. Well, consider this: when Woman abuses her greater power to elicit empathy, claiming sole ownership of “powerless victim,” she draws all the empathy leaving Man bereft of empathy. What worse thing can one faction of humanity do to another than to cut them off from understanding and compassion?
There’s a whole world of female shadow, but that story is seldom told and few know anything about it. Our gender assumptions are based on the facts and truths we know vs. the facts and truths we do NOT know.
– Tim Goldich
According to author Suzanne Venker, “the so-called rise of women has not threatened men. It has pissed them off… Men want to love women, not compete with them. They want to provide for and protect their families — it’s in their DNA. But modern women won’t let them.”
When Venker asks men why they don’t want to get married, men say the same thing over and over:
“Women aren’t women anymore.”
[20] (Langley 2005)