
As a good feminist…

by Jade Gonzalez

“I’m going to campaign, lobby, and reform legislation in government and law to ensure fathers have fewer rights during divorce and child custody. To ensure that women benefit financially and psychologically from separation and divorce, yet men suffer horribly to the extent that they’ll be the demographic most likely to be pushed to suicide.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure fathers are alienated from their children, to ensure fathers are demonised for wanting to be parents for their children, to ensure fathers are denied justice and their human rights to parent their children, to ensure that fathers encounter extreme biases, inequities, inequalities, and injustices when they try to be parents for their children.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure fathers have virtually no paternity rights. To ensure that paternity fraud is not recognised in our society despite it being extremely damaging to men and children.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure fathers lose custody of the children in at least 85% of divorces in family court. To ensure fathers are greatly disadvantaged in child contact arrangements after partner separation. I’m going to do this despite the official studies and empirical statistics that show that children fare much better with fathers in their lives. Where those children are more likely to get better grades in school, less likely to commit crimes, less likely to experiment with drugs, less likely to suffer mental illness, and are less likely to commit suicide.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that one-third of all fathers in the West lose custody of their children, to ensure that fathers are forced to pay for having their children alienated from them. And if they’re too poor to pay child maintenance after they’ve been fleeced during the divorce, I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that their car licences get revoked, their passports confiscated, and to deny them the ability to work and make money so that they eventually get convicted and jailed in Debtors’ Prison.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that the authorities will ensure fathers will be alienated from their children, to ensure at least 97% mothers are given full residency / custody of the children irrespective of whether they’re the better parent or not, and to ensure that 50/50 access / shared parenting is rarely granted in family court.

I’m going to utilise government-funded feminist organisations like White Ribbon, Women’s Aid, and the National Organization for Women to help us lobby government and law to oppose and campaign against shared parenting and contradict our ‘supposed’ goal of gender equality.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that our feminist-inspired legislation continues to use the family courts to discriminate outrageously against fathers for a hefty profit. In a society where over 50% of marriages end in divorce, mostly initiated by women, this will prove to be very profitable… In a society where over 97% of mothers will get full residency / custody of the children during separation or divorce, irrespective of whether they’re the better parent or not, more and more fathers will undoubtedly suffer and kill themselves. Hurray!

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that our feminist-inspired legislation continues to use the family courts to discriminate outrageously against fathers and promote that fathers are optional in raising children. Then I’m going to blame all our social issues on the lack of fathers in our kids’ lives.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to spread false narratives, lies, and propaganda that say that men are generally ‘toxic’ and that only women suffer from domestic abuse, and always at the hands of men.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to ensure society only cares about the female victims of domestic abuse, and ensure very few people believe or care about male victims of domestic abuse.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to blatantly lie about the statistics while actively rejecting a substantial and longstanding body of evidence that shows that women commit domestic abuse at similar or higher rates than men. In a society where on average 47% of domestic abuse is perpetrated by women against men (especially coercive control).

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to whitewash the statistics that show, with the inclusion of psychological abuse, up to 70% of domestic abuse is perpetrated against men. I’m going to whitewash the fact that almost 24% of all relationships had some violence, and half (49.7%) of those were reciprocally violent. I’m going to whitewash the fact that in non-reciprocally violent relationships, women are the perpetrators in more than 70% of cases.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to ensure that in the family law arena, false allegations of domestic violence will be freely used as a tool to discredit and destroy men.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that in family court, false allegations can easily be used as a silver bullet and the best way to destroy the father and always win the game during child custody disputes.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to ensure false allegations are easily used as a tactic against fathers in the family courts.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to concoct incorrect and biased reports, models, and frameworks to discredit men, especially fathers… For instance, the Norgrove Report and the Duluth Model.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that these reports, models, and frameworks are routinely used by the police, prosecution services, and courts to ensure men (especially fathers) are arrested, jailed, convicted without legal due process in secret and Kafkaesque courts, fined, and issued with restraining orders because of false allegations against them, to secure legal aid, the home, all the assets, and to deny them proper contact with their children, even if it’s their ex’s that abused them.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that the police, CPS, and the courts help us to perpetrate abuse against men by proxy.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that there are no DV shelters or services for men suffering from domestic abuse… To ensure that male victims of domestic abuse are more likely to end up falsely criminalised, isolated, penniless, homeless, and a suicide statistic.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to whitewash the statistics that show that 1 in 4 men are victims of domestic violence. Where 1 in 6 boys have been molested by the age of 18. For instance, I’m going to whitewash the fact that official US statistics by the CDC in 2011 showed that 5,452,000 men were victims of domestic violence.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that there’s a complete lack of recognition of, or assistance for, male victims of partner abuse.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure that domestic abuse services only cater for women.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure there are very few domestic abuse services and shelters for men. To ensure that there’s less than 1% of domestic abuse shelter spaces available for men.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to portray men as predominantly perpetrators of domestic abuse and never the victims. This will ensure that male victims will be turned away from and mocked by doctors, crisis centres, and the police when they attempt to get support for domestic abuse.

I’m going to use my platform, victimhood, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to condemn, deny support, and use death threats to prevent efforts to create shelters for abused men, raise awareness of male issues through media outlets, and to honour a day that raises awareness of men’s mental health.

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to ensure society predominantly blames domestic abuse on men. To portray men as predominantly perpetrators of domestic abuse and never the victims. For instance, I’m going to whitewash the fact that women in lesbian relationships are far more likely to abuse their partner than men in heterosexual relationships. I’m going to whitewash the fact that statistically mothers (especially single mothers) are far more likely to abuse and murder their children than fathers are.

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to cover up the extent of female-perpetrated domestic abuse against males. For instance, I’m going to whitewash the fact that during separation and divorce, it is most often men who lose the children, the home, and their sense of self-worth and/or self-esteem along with being ordered to pay alimony and child support… I’m going to cover up the fact that the above issues include emotional and psychological life-altering stressors that depress many men and drive many to suicide because they now have lost everything they have worked for. I’m going to cover up the fact that at its basis, this is financial, emotional, and psychological abuse – it is domestic abuse.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to whitewash the fact that men who experience separation/divorce, domestic abuse, and parental alienation are 20 times more likely to be made homeless. I’m going to whitewash the fact that statistics show that 85% of the homeless are male, where 97% of rough sleepers are male.

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to whitewash the fact that men who experience separation/divorce, domestic abuse, and parental alienation are 1500% more likely to kill themselves. For instance, I’m going to whitewash the fact the World Health Organisation regards male suicide as a silent epidemic and that it’s feminism that silences and whitewashes this issue the most, and blames the suicide epidemic on a false premise called ‘toxic masculinity.’

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to promote that feminist pseudo-psychological terms such as ‘toxic masculinity’ is the prime reason for the male suicide epidemic. I’m going to whitewash the fact that 4 out of 5 suicides are male, that the majority of whom suffered from the same injustices as the ones I’ve mentioned above.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that official research, studies, and national statistics for most countries in the West show that family breakdown exacerbated by experiences in our corrupt and feminist-inspired Kafkaesque family law system have been identified as the largest trigger factor for suicide… I’m going to whitewash the fact that fathers dealing with these injustices are the demographic that are most likely to commit suicide.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that suicide is the commonest cause of death in males under 45. In a society where 80% of all suicides are male. Male suicide rates are on average 3.8 times that of females. Averaged over the last five years, the male suicide rate in the West was between 3.3 and 4.3 times that of females… Four out of five suicides in the West are males!

I’m going to whitewash the fact that the cases of male suicide have soared over the past decade, pushing the international rate across the West to its highest in four years. Much of the increase reflects more deaths by suicide among men, who account for three quarters of suicides.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that since the 1980s, after the introduction of many feminist-inspired reforms in family court, the male suicide rates have risen with age, peaking among people aged 45–49, which statisticians have said was likely to be linked to isolation after a relationship breakdown, child custody, domestic abuse, debt, and unemployment after separation or divorce.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that women like Ruth Sutherland (chief executive of the Samaritans) admit that they have known for many years that suicide is a gender and inequality issue, with white middle-aged men in disadvantaged communities most at risk. Yet, society still doesn’t care enough to implement a comprehensive, cross-departmental government work plan that prioritises how to reach the two-thirds of people who die by suicide.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to lower the bar on what is regarded as sexual assault by males on females, while lobbying government and law to make the penalties more severe. I’m going to use my platform to ensure that women have the power to destroy a man for minor offences, or on issues of perception, or by raising false allegations… I’m going to whitewash the fact that men have more than triple the chances of being falsely accused (and imprisoned) of a crime they didn’t commit (especially domestic abuse and rape).

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist-inspired and government-funded organisations to ensure the sexual assault of males (of all ages) by females remains largely unrecognised by society and the criminal justice system alike. I’m going to constantly disseminate shame, false narratives, and propaganda to ensure men and boys are accountable for the majority of violence and sexual crimes, and that all men and boys should be ashamed of themselves and apologise for those crimes, despite the fact that the vast majority of those men and boys will never commit those crimes.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that men convicted and jailed for false accusations of rape have skyrocketed in the last few years. Many of these false accusations have resulted in suicide. And not just for the falsely accused, but false accusations can be so damaging that there are many incidences of members of the falsely accused’s family also committing suicide.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure the inequitable treatment of men in the criminal justice system. I’m going to ensure that court bias against men continues to be at least 6 times higher than racial bias. For instance, three out of every four men in prison would not be there if they were treated like women. In a society where, for the same crime, men are 165% more likely to be convicted than women are. In a society where men get 63% longer sentences than women for the same crime.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that men and boys are far more likely to be the victims of violence than women and girls – despite the constant exhortations that we should, ‘only end violence against women. In a society where 89% of men will be the victim of at least one seriously violent crime in their lifetime. In a society where 77% of homicide victims are men. In a society where men are over twice as victimised by strangers as women are. In a society where when you account for men in prison, more men are raped in the West than women.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that sexual assault on males (including rape) – where females perpetrate sexual assault on males is much more common than believed. For instance, I’m not going to mention that in 2015 in the US, official statistics show that 62,916 males reported that they were victims of rape. In 2011, statistics show the number of male rape victims was equal to those of female victims. In 2010, statistics show that millions of men had been forced to penetrate someone at some point in their lifetime.

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, and propaganda to make society think that the sexual victimisation of men pales in comparison to women. Therefore, I’m going to whitewash the fact that according to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), each year more men experience being ‘made to penetrate’ than women who experience rape.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that we live in a society where women are far less likely to be convicted for perpetuating violent or sex crimes. Therefore, the numbers of female perpetrators of these types of crimes are likely to be a lot higher than the conviction rates show.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that the disparity between the percentage of female-perpetrators of violent crimes in self-report studies compared with conviction rates really only shows that female-perpetrators of violence are far less likely than men to be convicted, not that they don’t exist or are exceedingly rare.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that part of the reason female-perpetrators are so rarely convicted is because of this damaging notion that female-perpetrators are so rare. This leads to people (including the police, judges, jurors) not taking reports of female violence seriously, not investigating such claims, and if ever they are investigated there’s an extremely high burden of proof, much higher than when a man is accused, because people think, ‘this isn’t something women do, there must be something else going on.’

I’m going to whitewash the fact that the bigger problem than male violence against women is society’s overall unwillingness to recognise the prevalence of female-perpetrated violence, sex crimes, and the lives that it can destroy. At least when men are violent, often something is done about it (hence the conviction rates). When women commit violence, their victims usually get no justice and no social support in a society that severely marginalises their existence.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to whitewash the fact that 85% of the homeless are male, where 97% of rough sleepers are male! As a feminist, I don’t care that the men living with those conditions have few to no places to go… I know that as a homeless man, statistically your life is likely to be shortened by 40 years, and it was probably my pro-feminist lobbying in government and law that put you where you are.

I have a complete lack of regard for male health and increased mortality rate… I don’t care that men generally have a far shorter life expectancy than women. I’m quite happy that men are far more likely to die at a younger age than women are. I’m happy that male fatality rates are vastly higher than women’s across the board. For instance, I’m happy that men are 97% of combat fatalities.

I’m glad that there’s substantially less research funding and treatment for men-only diseases compared with women-only diseases. For instance, I’m glad that cancers that predominantly affect women receive 15 times more funding than cancers that predominantly affect men. As a feminist, I promote gynocentrism and female supremacy and am happy by the fact that breast cancer alone receives more funding and attention than any other disease, even HIV and AIDS.

I’ve lobbied government and law to ensure female genital mutilation is illegal and universally reviled. But I regard male genital mutilation as perfectly acceptable and without disbenefit to the man or boy. Despite the fact that over half a million boys have been killed or maimed in the last eight years by botched non-therapeutic circumcisions. In fact, one of my favourite nightly routines involves applying face cream made from male baby foreskin, which is marketed and sold all over the West – specifically for women’s pleasure!

As a feminist, I regard female suffering as newsworthy, but male suffering as not. For example, look at Boko Haram – yes, girls were kidnapped and many have been released. But I don’t need to know that their main activity is killing young boys – murdering all the males in the villages that they ransack. I don’t care that the media ignores the male gendercide.

I will always portray men and boys as lazy and never pulling their weight with regard to domestic and childcare chores, despite studies showing that totalling all work, men and women work about the same number of hours.

As a good feminist, I will always highlight a female gender wage gap. However, I will never acknowledge the fact that it is women who spend most of the money, whoever earns it.

As a good feminist, I will always highlight a female gender wage gap. However, I will never admit that the earnings gap across countries in the West can be explained entirely by the fact that, while having the same choice sets in the workplace, women and men make different choices.

As a good feminist, I will always highlight a female gender wage gap. However, I always forget to mention that the equal pay act was implemented in the U.K. in 1970… I know it has prohibited any less favourable treatment between men and women in terms of pay and conditions of employment for almost 50 years. But I need something to feel enraged about – to make me feel like a victim… Yes, yes, I know the Act has now been mostly superseded by Part 5, chapter 3, of the Equality Act 2010. Yes, I know the act was based on the USA equal pay act brought by John F. Kennedy in 1963. But who needs facts?

I’m going to whitewash the fact that for full-time workers under 40 years old, the gender pay-rate gap is negligible.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that for full-time workers, taking all ages into account, the gender pay-rate gap after income tax is roughly zero.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that for part-time workers, the gender pay-rate gap is in favour of women (about 5%).

I’m going to whitewash the fact that in the US, men work roughly 610 million hours per week compared to women’s 390 million hours. Yes, I know the numbers are similar in the U.K. and most countries in the West… Yes, I know that men also work for more continuous years over life – that men work more and are home less. But I’m still going to call men overprivileged and toxic.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that feminism focuses on a gender pay gap that doesn’t exist, but ignores the workplace death gap that certainly does exist. I’m going to whitewash the fact that official data throughout the West shows that men suffer almost all of the workplace fatalities that take place in a given year.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that men are 96% of workplace fatalities, and are far more likely to suffer injuries at work or to get work-related diseases than women.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that men are suffering the majority of horrific accidents, acute fatigue and often an early death… Also, what is less widely discussed is that men are far more likely to suffer a variety of ailments, demoralisation, atomisation, insecurity, and suicidal ideation associated with their work, that are normally ignored by doctors.

As a feminist and a female supremacist, I only seek ‘equality’ with men in desirable occupations (consultants, professors, doctors, MPs, etc.), not in the jobs that 99% of men do – you know, the nasty, dirty, dangerous jobs that lead to the above fatalities.”

As a good feminist…

“I’m going to whitewash the fact that feminism has created a severe educational disadvantage for boys from the age of 5 to university… I’m going to whitewash the fact that we severely discriminate against boys in school and university. As a feminist, it’s my duty to ensure our schools indoctrinate and not educate boys. Yes, I know that our current education system is dramatically failing boys, where they are doing far worse than girls in school and university – isn’t it wonderful! In a society where the majority of our educators are female and feminists… Boys have very few male role models at school or at home (due to the biases we created against fathers in family court that continually alienate them from their children). In a gynocentric and feminist-controlled society that constantly marginalises them and calls them ‘overprivileged’ and ‘toxic’.

I’m going to whitewash the fact that boys are suspended and expelled four times more than girls. I’m going to whitewash the fact that boys now represent two thirds of the special education population, when this was never the case in the past. Boys now receive two-thirds of the Ds and Fs in school. Over 70 percent of high school dropouts are now male.

Thankfully, our feminist-inspired teaching practices are working, where women outpace men in obtaining associate’s degrees, bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, and PhDs. This development is cheered as a victory while all those males literally disappear from college campuses!

Thankfully, our feminist-inspired teaching practices are working, where there’s a lack of action and under-representation of men in certain professions, contrasting with a huge focus on assisting women into areas where they are ‘supposedly’ underrepresented. For example, STEM. Despite women now dominating in STEM.

Thankfully, our feminist-inspired teaching practices are working, where there are literally thousands of government programs (gender quotas and affirmative action) to benefit us women and girls. There are very few (if any) for men and boys. For instance, universities everywhere routinely offer women affirmative action – women-only STEM summer schools, women-only scholarships, women-only faculty awards, and other (illegal) entitlements.

Thankfully, our feminist-inspired teaching practices are working, where male-only organizations (like the Boy Scouts) have systematically been obliged to accept females, whilst the reverse is not true.

I’m going to lobby government and law to ensure men can lose their jobs, have their entire careers, and even their lives destroyed if we deem anything they say as ‘misogyny’. Yet, I’m going to whitewash the fact that our society is blatantly gynocentric, where us women are allowed to be as misandristic and abusive as we want, and can say anything negative about men and boys with little or no repercussions.

I’m going to cover up information, use false narratives, lies, propaganda, and the help of various feminist inspired and government funded organizations to ensure our society becomes overtly gynocentric and female supremacist. Where the media and politicians must go out of their way to highlight ‘the plight of females’ and ‘women’s and girls’ issues’, while whitewashing and ridiculing male’s issues and problems.

I don’t care that feminism uses false narratives, lies, propaganda to highlight male privilege and female inequality and is oblivious to the 99.9 per cent of men and boys who aren’t rich and famous, and who enjoy no discernible privilege as they struggle to negotiate the exigencies of everyday life.

I don’t care that feminism misrepresents history, depicting us women as victims of a false abstraction called ‘The Patriarchy’. Depicting us as suffering from gendered oppression, rather than the oppression of many of both sexes, by the few of both sexes.

Sure, I know both sexes had to fight for the vote, both sexes had to fight to be educated, etc. But as a feminist, we seek supremacy and extra privileges, not equality. I know that equality with men and boys actually means a loss of privilege for us women and girls, not a gain of power.”


  1. **Education Disadvantage and Gender Differences:**. [Source](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2019/11/191104144131.htm?fbclid=IwAR306KlxHN08vZ2ZK-dXP2pvxfJtcMeRVEMM-qbsLBwpXviJRjY1rceTaZA)
  2. **Feminism and Family:**. [Source](https://mallorymillett.com/?p=37&fbclid=IwAR0NxYs0C3kZFl8CamTmNIroLELkPEsNfKKg04FlNNsjwC490H2GTP8fh-I)
  3. **The Planned Destruction of the Family:**. [Source](https://honest-ribbon.org/mega-featured/the-planned-destruction-of-the-family/?fbclid=IwAR2qDOyxsRnfqvXuQcT0bVfNHgcdlZf9GOXbJSyVeYXNSXPRQjHoU7DrBkw)
  4. **Feminism and Dismantling the Family:**. [Source](https://medium.com/@NikitaCcoulombe/why-feminism-wants-to-dismantle-the-family-long-4695d45bcf88)
  5. **5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish Besides Private Property:**. [Source](https://fee.org/articles/5-things-marx-wanted-to-abolish-besides-private-property/)
  6. **How Socialism Has Destroyed the Family Structure:**. [Source](https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/armstrongeconomics101/how-socialism-has-destroyed-the-family-structure/)
  7. **Fathers 4 Justice Fact Sheet:**. [Source](https://www.fathers-4-justice.org/about-f4j/fact-sheet/)
  8. **Signs of Parental Alienation Syndrome:**. [Source](https://www.liveabout.com/signs-of-parental-alienation-syndrome-1103082)
  9. **Video: The Truth About Domestic Violence:**. [Source](https://youtu.be/RlSwsE22nX0)
  10. **Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence and Adult Outcomes:**. [Source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3904543/)
  11. **The Importance of Fathers in Child Development:**. [Source](https://www.childwelfare.gov/pubPDFs/fatherhood.pdf)
  12. **Are Children Raised with Absent Fathers Worse Off?:**. [Source](https://www.brookings.edu/opinions/are-children-raised-with-absent-fathers-worse-off/)
  13. **Effects of Parents on Crime Rates:**. [Source](http://marripedia.org/effects_of_parents_on_crime_rates)
  14. **A Father’s Impact on Child Development:**. [Source](https://www.all4kids.org/news/blog/a-fathers-impact-on-child-development/)
  15. **Science-Backed Benefits of Fatherhood:**. [Source](https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/science-benefits-of-fatherhood-dads-father-effect/)
  16. **Single Mother Home Statistics:**. [Source](https://www.fixfamilycourts.com/single-mother-home-statistics)
  17. **Gender Symmetry in Partner Violence:**. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/228350210_Gender_symmetry_in_partner_violence_The_evidence_the_denial_and_the_implications_for_primary_prevention_and_treatment)
  18. **False Allegations in Family Court Results:**. [Source](https://www.upfederation.org/blog/our-blog-1/false-allegations-in-family-court-results-2?fbclid=IwAR30Wv0X4eOTmD5utuz2omTGazCM4J4nWrtT6l9lNsnn3S6AqO-zhYpLfDQ)
  19. **Impact of Coercive Control on UK Men:**. [Source](https://www.uclan.ac.uk/news/new-research-highlights-impact-of-coercive-control-on-uk-men)
  20. **The Partner Violence Myth:**. [Source](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/B9780128012505000070)
  21. **Restraining Order Abuse in Divorce and Custody Disputes:**. [Source](https://shrink4men.com/2017/11/13/basic-facts-and-statistics-about-restraining-order-abuse-in-divorce-and-custody-disputes/)
  22. **Allegations and Substantiations of Abuse in Custody-Disputing Families:**. [Source](https://www.academia.edu/24475821/Allegations_and_Substantiations_of_Abuse_in_Custody-Disputing_FAMILIES1)
  23. **False Abuse Claims in Family Court:**. [Source](https://www.smh.com.au/national/false-abuse-claims-are-the-new-court-weapon-retiring-judge-says-20130705-2phao.html)
  24. **Divorce and the Silver Bullet:**. [Source](https://quillette.com/2019/04/16/divorce-and-the-silver-bullet/?fbclid=IwAR3AqXQpIBiR0l3gNIyB7OWDaYpe__dRbt7TLJ4l28Ym6h5fLVKKzV8f9xQ)
  25. **Examining Assaults by Women on Their Spouses or Male Partners: An Updated Annotated Bibliography:**. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261543769_References_Examining_Assaults_by_Women_on_Their_Spouses_or_Male_Partners_An_Updated_Annotated_Bibliography?fbclid=IwAR0jIuQXhDQyWWzS1-DV4qzCJ0eaFjSwhz3yuhNvag9KP3_Qh7rzMMEbjpU)
  26. **Extensive Research: Women Initiate Domestic Violence More Than Men – Men Underreport It:**. [Source](https://aliesq.medium.com/extensive-research-women-initiate-domestic-violence-more-than-men-men-under-report-it-3bbaa4fbec9d)
  27. **Perpetrator Programmes for Partner Violence: Are They Based on Ideology or Evidence?:**. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/252321550_Perpetrator_programmes_for_partner_violence_Are_they_based_on_ideology_or_evidence)
  28. **Prevalence of Women’s Violent and Nonviolent Offending Behavior: A Comparison of Self-Reports, Victims’ Reports, and Third-Party Reports:**. [Source](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/224871184_Prevalence_of_Women%27s_Violent_and_Nonviolent_Offending_Behavior_A_Comparison_of_Self-Reports_Victims%27_Reports_and_Third-Party_Reports)
  29. **How Male Victims of Domestic Abuse Often End Up Getting Arrested Themselves:**. [Source](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/crime/12061547/How-male-victims-of-domestic-abuse-often-end-up-getting-arrested-themselves.html)
  30. **Suicide & The Family Courts:**. [Source](https://www.malepsychology.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Suicide-the-Family-Courts.pdf)
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