Attorney Marilyn York owns a Men’s Rights Family Law Firm in Reno Nevada, established in 2001. She and her ten female employees focus on representing men for two reasons: 1. As her talk explains, fathers are crucial in the upbringing and development of their children; and 2. Fathers are the disadvantaged parent in family court and society and while the laws are improving, the statistics are not.
There are currently more than 17,000,000 children growing up in America without their fathers and every year this number is growing. According to the Center for Disease Control, children from fatherless homes account for 90% of homeless and runaway children; 71% of high school dropouts and 63% of youth suicides. Listen to this talk to find out how you can help America’s 17,000,000 fatherless children avoid these fates! Marilyn D. York is a Men’s Rights Divorce Attorney, licensed in California since 1998 and Nevada since 1999, where she is a Certified Family Law Specialist. Since 2001, Marilyn has owned her law firm in Reno, Nevada, where she and her 9 female employees specifically represent men in divorce and family law battles. Marilyn chose her career because of her passion for children and relationships but most of all, Marilyn is driven to help underdogs. While the laws are improving for men, not all laws are yet gender equal and the interpretation and enforcement of those that are, have a long way to go. Despite her focus on representing men, Marilyn has a deep compassion for women in need as well. It isn’t lost on Marilyn that women remain disadvantaged outside Family Court. She serves that need as Board President for a local housing program for homeless young women, Nevada Youth Empowerment.

Fatherless girls reach puberty earlier in age.
Fatherless boys reach puberty later in age.
Because NATURE has interpreted the situation of fatherlessness IN TERMS OF SURVIVAL. A fatherless female needs a secondary, alternative source of protection, as soon as possible, which she gets by finding a mate, hence the early maturing. A fatherless male needs a secondary, alternative source of *maturity-education*, which he gets from males in the community at large, hence the need for more time for maturation. Fatherlessness is a societal DISASTER.In the US, a total of 24.7 million children (33%) do not have their biological fathers in their lives. Biological dads are absent in 57.6% of black children’s lives, 31.2% of Hispanic children’s lives, and 20.7% of white children’s lives. According to 72.2% of the population, fatherlessness is the major family problem confronting America. Children from absent father households account for 63% of teenage suicides. Fatherless families were found to account for 85% of all children with behavioral disorders. In other parts of the world, the numbers are even more horrific!